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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, March 11, 1966 Hospital Addition Dedicated Editorial t Renovated Post Hospital Ribbon Cut March 4 ..AIDING Post personnel of Dugway Proving Ground and special observe the official opening of guests were on hand March 4 to U.S. Army Hospital. renovated and DPGs newly remodeled ' ' ribbon-cuttin- g honors .The , were performed by Colonel JoDxiXCtS XrO . seph J. Fraser, Jr., DPG Commander and the visitors were given a MxSSfl&X V special tour of the new outpatient clinic, laboratory, eye lane, and . the dental clinic. The $500,000 remodeling and vxn through my typxwritxr renovation work which included ig an modxl, it works quitx some $55,000 in new equipment wx Xxcxpt for onx of thx kxyft. has increased the level and ef- - j j,vx many timxs that fidency of patient care which it workx(J pxrfxctly. DPGs Hospital affords to both Thxrx arx 43 kxys that and civilians stationed wxn xnuugh, but just onx here. kxy nut working makxs thx dif- AS A RESULT of the re-- fmi;cx modeling over 8,600 square feet . Soinxtimxs it sxxins to nix of floor space was added to the a Zxro Dxfxcts Program is old facility. soinxthing likx my typxwritxr-- The Post Hospital treats ap- - not an thx kxy pxoplx arx proximately 1300 patients per WOrking prupxrly. You may say month; The Dental Section hand- - l0 yoursxlf, I ain only onx pxr-le- s about 450. son, I wont makx or break a Hosting the visitors for the jjm Dzfzctx Program. r mukx a diffxr-tenaBut it open house were Lieu- Colonel Vem E. Morgan, X1)CX bxcausx a Zxro Dxfxcts hospital commander, Major Vic- - program, to hx xffxctivx, nxxds tor H. Lidner, chief of profession- - x (.yopxration of xvxry pxrson al services, and Captain John T. rxlalxd to thal program. Hading, hospital executive offi-go thx nxxt timx you think cer. you arx cmly onx pxrson and COLONEL MORCAN stated nxxd-thDUGWAYS NEWLY RENOVATED ARMY HOSPITAL stands completed at Dugway Proving Ground. The new wing your xffbrts arx not AW! at the right provided over 8f00 square feet of working area for hospital personnel. The final price tag on the renothe newly renovated facility rxroxmbxr my typx writxr; is capable of providing adequate vation and remodeling was approximately 1500,000 of which some $55,000 in new equipment was purchased. wy t0 yoursxlf, Im a kxy (US ARMY PHOTO) outpatient and inpatient care to pxrson in our Zxrp Dxfxcts all personnel and their depend- program and nxxdxd vxry much. ents stationed at Dugway and can q News) 1 provide for any emergency on a short term basis. ' d The 3 March 1959 - The Army's hospital is now considered one of the best of its j(1,0 h launched from Cape d in the Army with the com- - naVeral piow Cape Kennedy) Dugway s percentages of participation in the payroll de(detion of the renovation and the the first made in I.S.A - sutel-neEducation, home loan guaranty and the extension of hosBond purchases increased in January duction for Savings plan addition. benefits of the die items provided in Veter are a portion lite of the Sun placed in orbit. . pital to 68.8 per cent. ans Readjustment Benefits Act of I960; signed last week by Savings Bond officer, Lieutenant Colonel A. Neumann President Johnson. stated that notable January increases were achieved by the ScienMr. Elmer J. Smith, manager The new law raises the maxiof the Veterans Administration mum possible loan from $15,000 tific Directors Office, U.S. Army Hospital, Hq and Hq Co., Commercial Traffic, Communications Division, Housing Division, Regional Office in Salt Lake to $17,000 in the direct --loan pro- Consolidated Equipment Division, Directors Office, Personnel City, said the act provides a gram. and Administration, Test Division and the Met Team. of benefits Veterans with unused or unexpermanent program rhtes as of 31 were: Participation January by Mrs. H. F. Collins cer, is the principle advisor for to veterans who have served iri pired WW II or Korean Conflict discussion of needs with the U.S.. Armed Forces since entitlement may have previous COMMAND BLOCK That the future belongs to the individual.training of Office commander of 100.0 die Upon agreement Jan. 31, 1955, or will serve. entitlement canceled to become those who prepare for it, is the a Office need, the individual 4 Million Included Scientific 100.0 Directors training law. under new die eligible firm belief of Reading W. Black, Office of the Chief of Staff 50.0 signs a listing form which is sent Approximately four million Veterans who served after Jr., Employee Development Offi- to the activity training coordinaStaff Judge Advocates Office 00.0 "Cold War to Viet Nam veter-hav- e Jan. 31, 1955, under the new law cer (EDOjt'i Training is every- tor for directorate 100.0 become eligible for are eligible for admission to VA ans approval. A Chaplains Office bodys business, he said. consolidated listing of the train100.0 Information Office benefits similar to those granted hospitals on the same basis as To make sure that Dugway World War II and Korean Con- wartime veterans. Conditions are ing needs of the activity is subGround civilians know mitted to the EDO. The EDO Proving MISSION PLANNING flict veterans. 80.0 OFFICE that veterans with the' available means for submits the list to the InstallaProvision has been made in disabilities have priority die EDO conducts tion the new Cl Bill for 600,000 ad- for admission and veterans with MANAGEMENT SCIENCE k DATA SYSTEMS OFFICE. 88.4 Training Committee for rean annual survey of training view and recommendations. A ditional veterans who will return d disabilities needs. The survey final list, based upon the review to civilian life each year to par- seeking treatment for other ailends April 1 to permit submis- and the in reflecting costs, is submitted beds admitted as be ments are program. ticipate sion of a budget estimate by April to the AH benefits except the educa- available. Commanding Officer for 15. The results of the survey The total of these costs tional went approval. d without Veterans program form die basis of the budget and into effect immediately upon plus a contingency fund for.un-fotesee- n disabilities may be adfor the overall training program the signing of the bill. The edu- mitted if hospitalization is necestraining needs and cerfor which the EDO is responsible. tain beother cational assistance program unexpenses con1 if are financially they sary, THE TRAINING program stitute the trainingestimate. comes effective June 1.able' to defray the cost of hospibudget is designed primarily to increase TO CHANCE8 Benefits from die new law in- talization and if beds are availtraining the efficiency of an employee on needs occur and must educational clude frequently assistance, able. the job, Mr. Black said. If the be taken care of home and farm loans, medical by individual Jab Placement training is a job requirement, the conferences with the supervisor, care, job counseling, job placeThe new law provides for job installation pays all of the exists. coordinator, . and the ment, federal employment pre- counseling and placement under If the training is merely desirable, training of EDO. said Mr. Black. Proceburial ference and issuance die auspices of the Veterans Embut job related, the installation dures for flags. training needs occurring ployment Service of the U.S. Demay pay up to 50 per cent of after the survey, or for Note Provisions of and for Civil changes Labor, partment the costs. All other to training needs, are prescrilicd Under education provisions, Service preference in federal instruction is the responveterans with more than 180 employment. by local regulations. sibility of the individual. EDO Black came to Dugway after of on or active A United States flag will be duty days I believe that it is the job in Feb. 1, 1955, are eligible for one provided at the funeral of veterJune, 1965, from Fort of the EDO to help anyone who Arizona. He is a graduate month of college, vocational or ans who served after Jan. 31, is interested in of Memphis State University, similar education for each month 1955, and may be retained by and I will do all I can to assist or fraction of a month of active the next of kin. Memphis, Tennessee, and holds a anyone to obtain needed and Masters Degree in Educational duty. Students enrolled in full. Eligible veterans may write, wanted training. Administration .and Supervision time courses with no dependents telephone or visit die nearest PERSONNEL 8c ADMINISTRATION DIRECTORATE It is also my job, the EDO from the same institution. receive $100 a month, with one VA Regional Office. Veterans into insure that the continued, 50.0 Office of the Directordependent $125, and with more terested in educational benefits proposed training is legal," that 90.0 Administration Division than one dependent $150. Pro- cannot start courses under the ' is, that it meets the requirements 47.1 Civilian Personnel Division portional rotes will be available new law until after June 1, 1966. t of Civilian Personnel Regulation 66.7 . Division for at VA offices, college paid Manpower T-and to obtain such training . 00.0 courses. Income-o- f the part-tim- e Military Personnel Division from die sources available to me. 80.0 veteran will not be considered. Safety Division The program includes training 80.0 ) Security Division Application blanks will be for supervisory and management 85.7 Welfare and Morale Division and educational centers in April, LiilCCK personnel as well as for subordiThirty six . months is the maxi763 OPERATIONS DIVISION TEST nate employees. reminder A to personnel post mum period allowed, but this MR. BLACK vehicles privately-owne- d all pointed out that educareduced be time can by 55.6 of die Director that while Office the initial 1966 have to a responsibilhave will inspectional assistance previously refor 803 Division for inspecity Biological Deadline belongs to sticker. tion VA. from the ceived 76.0 Division Chemical the the individual, POVs After 15. ate is responsibility tions May Need 180 Days 64.0 for promoting job related trainMeteorological Division Veterans with more than 180 inspected, the owners are re- Division 723 Technical Systems Provost tyfar-fo- r ing rests with the supervisor. the to notify days of active duty are eligible quid 793 Die supervisor must assist in Test Division 2553. office at ext. bals guaranteed home or form the employees dedetermining loans or VA direct home loans ficiencies and must provide at CBR where such loans are authorizleast some of the time required ed. On loans, veterans have 10 943 to implement the necessary trainfirst weather reports sent MET TEAM The years from discharge date, plus Mr. ing. At the same time, one year additional for each by telegraph were received and secby Black analyzed Joseph Henry, if there is no stressed, three months of service, with a 783 InstiMJ. PLATOON . individual desire for improvement, maximum after date iff retary to the Smithsonian tution, in 1849, according to no amount of training will serve discharge. 683 OVERALL POST PERCENTAGE loans have 5 World Book Encyclopedia. any useful purpose. Mr. Black The EDO, who works directly and one-ha- lf cent interest per 483 TEST CENTER DESERET under Offi Personnel Civilian the rate. 1 THOSE With III HEED nXcial WHERE HELP Milling 0j IS func-milita- MOST EFFECTIVE (y t , When the. late President Kennedy created the Peace by Executive Order, March 1, 1961, the idea of providing lips aid on the gnus roots level was new to many Americans, so for those in the armed forces. For many years men and sen in uniform stationed overseas have been giving this !dnd of assistance. y The military man's efforts to aid those in other ..lands has had ' many names e, Civil Affairs, but only one purpose. This purpose is Community Relations simply to aid those in need where help will be the most effective in the home and community. Today, in many daces, including Vietnam, this program mas become a very real part of official policy. But for every official project there are dozens being carried out quietly by and small groups of, service personnel. They are dethese to voting projects their own time and labors. These programs, the official and individual, the large and .very small, are all part of the American tradition of selflessness and Americas struggle for a better future, not just for ourselves, but all die people of die world. (AFPS) - one-hou- off-dut- - People-to-Peopl- at 'Cold War GI Bill Signed by DPG Savings Bond LBJ Will Benefit 4 Million Percentages Move Up The Poet is writing a sonnet Of soft blue skies, green lace neat. Cay flowers for an Easter bonnet; - . c. The gossipy brook begifu to run. Fat robins, nesting, coo and bill; Early and late the scribe works, and long, b Earth is the paper; the writing is plain. fj . . This is the time of the year for a song W - service-connect- To sing in splashing April rain. F a woodwind and pipes upon it merry air for the weathers sonnet. So spring brings , . . A J Helen Fletcher service-connecte- . service-connecte- fASA I Reenlistment Option For Personnel - SFC Wallace D. Clift Among the options available to personnel desiring to re genlist, there is one that is called The Cadillac of Options, jtthe assignment to the United States Army Security Agency (more commonly known as ASA.) THE ASA PLAYS a distinctive and important role in our national defense. It is a field operating agency of the Depart-(!smeof die Army, and has the mission of providing electronic communications security in support of field armies and the national defense effort of the United States. To fulfill its mission, ASA units are stationed throughout the world and are equipped with the latest developments in electronic equipment The ASA maintains its own military schooling system in addition to utilizing the facilities of other Department of Defense and US Army Service Schools. Young men reenlisting for ASA will be afforded the opportunity for training in languages, electronics, communications, and other technical and administrative areas. You may select training in one of the following areas: Communications Monitor, Morse Interceptor, Teletype Interceptor, Intercept Equipment Repair, Interpreter, Traffic Analyst, Communications Security Analyst, Voice Interceptor, Crypt analytic Specialist, and many others. The ASA has numerous units in the Continental United States - north, south, east, and west. Overseas units are stationed in Europe, the pacific, fir east, middle east, and Caribbean. An assignment with ASA will provide you with the opportunity to see many countries you would otherwise probably never have the opportunity to visit. QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ARE guaranteed, in writing, prior to their reenlistment of the school of their choice or the area of their choice, if they can meet the exacting requirements for an assignment to this elite organization. To be eligible for reenlistment for the United States Army Security Agency, you must: a. Be a US citizen, and if married your wife must also be a US citizen. b. Be a high school graduate or the equivalent c. Be of excellent character and discretion, and of unquestionable loyalty to the United States. - d. Possess personal traits or habits of character unquestionable from a security standpoint. e. Possess an Aptitude Area GT score of 100 or higher. For further information on this "The Cadillac of Options contact SFC Wallace D. Clift, post career counselor, room 1600, . Post Headquarters, or call ext. 2884. nt , ed - Collins , n by It Is YOUR Future, Prepare For It Now - Frqm die white covered breast of the hill, a, Cu-kin- - Baby crocuses wink at the sun I' 25-be- w With March for a critic, keen, but sweet,' ' The weather nt Hua-chuc- P - . . 4, Utah Vehicle . -- - oflfcty self-traini- . 76 20-ye- a, |