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Show This is Brown's Annual Anniversary Sale, giving to our customers many outstanding values plus outstanding super values on all clearance items. Th;s is our way of saying "Thanks'' to our many customers for their patronage and loyal support. Our aim is to please you always. J. BROWNS 12th Anniversary Salt! WEVIU 1500 Pair SOCKS MEN'S - LADIES SALE! . LADIES pr 12th Anniversary MEN S 1 ref.59" 29: rcg.79" 39 Mel BOY'S Group SWEATERS 2 and 12th Anniversary Salel A M. Beautiful Selection LADIES HOUSES FYKETTE DONNKENNEY JANTZEN GIRLS Reg. 3.98 - 6.95 ALL WOOLS Group 27th 9 12th ANNIVERSARY SALEH W U! CHILDREN JAN. CLOSE WEDNESDAY TO MARK DOWN MERCHANDISE 12th ANNIVERSARY Values to 69c SALE STARTS THURSDAY, 992"-3- " FINAL CLEAN UP! JantMn - Century - Feather Knit ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED 12th Anniversary Salel Ladies Seamless' NYLONS POPULAR SHADES ENTIRE SUIT STOCK REDUCED JANTZEN - CAMPUS L Brown 400 Needle FIRST REDUCED Quality 99c Micro AAeih ft FARAH'S WASH'N-WEA- PR or 12th ANNIVERSARY SALE! :i2th ANNIVERSARY Flat Knit SALE! R MENS 12th Anniversary Sole! DISCONTINUED MENS SIZES Ref. 4.994. by Jantxtn - Cantury - Dozmlmmy STYLES BROKEN SIZES Reg. NOT STAY PRESS WESTERN SHIRTS All SKI PARKAS Beautiful Selection Oi Colon and Sty lee 5n 6" COMFORTABLE STRETCH LADIES 1 10M Reg. CO-ORDINA- -3 16.95 TES BOYS WASH'N WEAR PANTS r. 288 Reg. 4" . 5 5 088 - 6M 1 12th Anniversary Salel 7 ' HOODS HIDE-AWA- Y 12th ANNIVERSARY 2th Anniversary Sale! SALE1 JUSTAMVBI OKI'S ' SKI PARKAS MEN'S AssWted Styles eed Colors 4 Sixes SWEAT SHIRTS 7-- 12.91 14 ' Zipper fronts Turtle Necks Collars - wzip white black Navy I Reg. 2.98 ALL New Spring Styles aud - 3.98 1 44 VALUES TO Sixes Sm - Med EA. U. S. a4 3 Made LADIES Leg New Spring Colon Stretch Denim EA. Not Imports COAT PRICES SLASHED CAPRI PANTS 12th Anniversary Sale! BOYS 377 PR. SPORT COATS and SUITS PVW 12th Annhrarsary Salel ' LITTLE GIRLS DRESSES Reg. 19.95 to 29.95 Reg. Price 3.98 to 7.95 SALE PRICE .3 2 ill 1 Sixes 1 to 14 12th Aeaivonary Salel BOY S SHOES 8Yi to 3 Valuee to 5.98 2" 12th Arnihrenary Salel MENS to Valuee to 7.95 6 4 MEN'S SHOES CLOSE OUT STYLES ft SIZES I GIRL'S SHOES I REG 3.98 5.98 800 Valuee to 16.93: BOYS Sport Coats . COATS '3 ft 't PLEASE P5 ALL SALES FINAL 2th Anniversary Salel GIRLS Brohoa Sixes ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED 2 CLEANUP Week ft Parfcei fl to 3 1 COATS ONE GROUP Voliioe to 35.00 LADIES SHOES OXFORDS - SUEDES - FLATS GOOD STURDY SCHOOL SHOES Values to 16.95 g-(S00- I PAIR SINGLE PAIR 2.88 Valuee 3.98 - 4.98 - 5.98 12th Anniversary Salel LADIES HEELS 2 BELOW MANUFACTURED COST GROUP TWO 4 Values to 12.95 N REFUNDS NO EXCHANGES! 7 |