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Show r TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, January 28, 1966 1 t n jpinfon ftrpp . i 1 o Keep A Smile For Your Future 1 XK ' The Second Best Secret Agent in the Whole Wide World from the Joseph E. Levine film of the same name, is Charlie Vine, played by Tom Adams, and shown here with silencer-equippe- d pistol ready to take on an escaping helicopter singlehandedly. 1I f ' ' i Values ; ! - . ! -- - - 1 i i i M I ' I i ' ' . I vri - ' by Captain T. H. Heid "Keep a smile for your future, is the slogan for the 18th National Childrens Dental Health Week, sponsored 6 February through 12 February, by the American Dental Association. Thousands of communities and schools throughout the nation will observe the occasion with special programs on dental health. The dental officers at Dugway believe that teeth are de--' signed to last a lifetime and stress to parents the importance of beginning good dental health hahits early in their childs life. Begin by allowing the very young child to do his own toothbnisfa-in- g but follow this at least once a. day by brushing thoroughly for him to lie certain his teeth and gums are clean and healthy and to be sure he is aware what a really clean mouth feels like. The proper age for the childs first visit to the dentist is between the ages of two and three, when all deciduous (baby) teeth have erupted. The sooner any developing dental problems are discovered and corrected the less need there will be for major treatment as the child grows older. This is especially important in preventing the early loss of deciduous teeth which is a frequent " cause of orthodontic problems. The ADA offers these guidelines for your childs first dental appointment: 1. Make an appointment and keep it. 2. Dont offer a bribe to die child. 3. Be prepared to let the child go into the treatment room 1 h, j. I i i . - i rt, - . . I.9f 9 , t fe 8 .Jj COMPARE THESE COLOR TV VALDES CHOOSE FROM 3 SCREEN SIZES camera, for example, is one of the most common. Some of the most famous acts of international intrigue were carried off with ca- alone.- meras. During World War II, for 4. Let the dentist do the talking. example, a spy named Ulysses To assure the best possible dental health for your child: Diello, known by the code name, TEACH him to eat healthful, protective foods; HELP him to Cicero, was valet to a British ambassador and had the opportunity : start the brushing habit early; PROVIDE his teeth with the to photograph secret papers of benefits of fluorides; REMEMBER that early and regular dental, , ' some of die Allies' top secrets, care saves teeth and money. Following this program your child can Keep a Smile for including plans of the European his Future. invasion. THE IRONY of Ciceros acts was that when he sold the photographed plans to the Nazis they feated it was a British trap and in the end didnt trust him. Todays spy cameras are hidby Chaplain (Lt CoL) Glenn D. Leuby den in all kinds of ingenious ways. For many yean America has been known as The Land of In another spy story, FBI agents This image of our United States was not die result were among the first to use them-- in ' Opportunity. of idle dreams or wild imaginations. It grew, rather, out of the auto pandng lights to detect life of thousands who sought these dunes in order to have international espionage. Every .roomstory to expand their souls in the environment of freedom and to conceivable type of camera from exercise their skills without unnecessary interference from others. DANISH-8TYLE- D the little pocket model to the The heart of man still longs for this climate of freedom, movie camera has been used by where man can raise his family, worship his God, pursue his trade, agents to catch the enemy in inand exercise his rights. criminating acts. A practical ap- Some would have us believe today that opportunity is a This new slim-style- d cabinet compleplication of this is the increasing word associated with the past and die good ole days. ' ments the vivid color realism of RCA use of cameras by banks throughOf all the dangers that confront us as a nation, there is no out the country. Hidden from Victor New Vista Color TV. Glare-proo- f greater menace to our present happiness or future hopes than for view, theyve caught many bank us to succumb to this defeatist philosophy of nostalgia for the past RCA Color Tube is rectangular-shrobbers in the act, and led to and morbid outlook for die future. ows their arrest the picture the way the We have reason to be concerned about keeping alive; the While early spies peered : will to camera sees venture, die sense of committment and dedication to duty, through keyholes and listened at the zest to tackle die difficult For what good is freedom to a peo-- . doors, todays heroes rely on such pie who lack these? devices as two-wa- y mirrors, reI have read that a national magazine held a survey among cording machines, cameras and some college students. When asked what they thought the future SPACE-SAVE- R COLOR TV! miniature, held for diem and what their goals were, some replied by saying "bugging systems super- sensitive microphones end - that they had no goals and sqw no great tasks to accomplish be- tape recorder!. A combination of cause their fathers and grandfathers had conquered the wilderness device featured in the World War and the mysteries of science, leaving them with no worlds to H spy drama, The House on 92nd conquer. Street showed how these techOur continued growth as a nation and as individuals hinges were used crack to a key upon our ability to recognize the opportunities that are waiting niques Nazi spy ring intent 011 obtaining for someone to accept secrets. our In language, which may have become all too common to us, we dare not lose sight of todays frontier. At the same time we OCCASIONALLY, espionage must not .expect die opportunities of today and tomorrow to be calls for more than super-dupmechanical marvels. Throughout any less costly in personal sacrifice and devotion to God and counhistory, situations have arisen try than were die opportunities of other days. where painstaking research and ! IwwS.SMtJ ISO a. In. ptatun deception have proved the deciding factors in winning the spy game. One of the most remarkable real-lif- e cas- -s was the basis for book and movie, the The Man Who Never Was. TV It centered around a carefully conceived plot by the British government to mislead the german High Command regarding the exact location of an impending COLONIAL CHARM attack. To carry out their plan, the British planted the body of a supposed courier in the ocean, complete with fake letters, photographs of loved ones, and other false personal effects. Prim to the discovery of the body, considerable effort was spent in establishing the life and personality of the ThaBCLMAVE "courier. When the body was SarteaCEMO 21 Ma (Manama-Tha ASHMTON found and die Germans validated defor foil the detail, they every TV RCA VICTOR ception. This kind of cunning, along with todays fantastic tools TV RCA VICTOR RCA Solid Copper Circuit of. the trade, is basic equipment Tinted RCA of any RCA Solid Copper Circuits picture spy. How-tube Tinted RCA ever, die modem day . agent, is picture 2200volt New Vista chare is tube also noted for another important Vista New New Vista VHF, Solid State chassis e Tunes ail 82 channels 2200olt trait his sense .of humor. James UHF tuners New Vista VHF, Solid State a New Vista VHF and UHF Bond, Napolean Solo and Charlie UHF tuner Onoeet VHF fine tuning Tunara Vine all have the ability to smile One-sVHF fine tuning . 7 oval duooone speaker Transformer-powere- d e Big calmly and make some clever e Big 6" oval 22,500-vol- t speaker cnatsla comment even in the most frighten (design avoraga) . OUR PMCC OUR PRICE 5 ing situation. sTIntad Pan-O-Ppicture tuba But then, they probably know the ending. . Tools of the Trade 5 ' y - New York,. N.Y. (ED) Once, the spy wore and dagger lurked steathily in castle corridors to leam royal secrets and sped back to his superiors astride a galloping hone. Today the stakes are higher and the modem agent, while still has all die equipment accomplishing the same feats of derring-do- , a science and electronics oriented society can muster. Miniature cameras, pistols the size of your thumb and every is called Solo he relies on a manner of electronic bugging a computerized internasidekick, device are as common to the estional crime-fightiorganization pionage agent as a hammer is and his ability to use everything to a carpenter. These days its at his disposal to overcome his hard to separate the fictional diabolical antagonists each go-- a of the trade from those 'tods round. that have actually been developThese days spies come in many ed and used in intelligence work different guises. But whether they on both sides of the Iron Curtain. to be tennis players, dipfo and trench- -' pretend or what have you, mats, playboys, coated todays spy is an organitheir goal is the same to prezation man unlike the spies of serve law and order in the world. yesteryear who operated alone. TYPICAL OF the new look But no matter how scientific in spies is Charles Vine, the ultraspying gets, its still the resource- modern, cool- against- - any odds, fulness of the individual espionage super-spplayed by Tom Adams agent that makes the difference in the new E. Levine tonJoseph between success and failure. gue- in- - cheek film Second Best In every James Bond thriller Secret Agent in the Whole. Wide and during every week on tele- World. Vine comes equipped vision we see the modem day with a specially designed submachine which be carries spy live up to bis billing. And harnessed gun under his coat, a casual while The Man From U.N.C.L.E. attitude toward danger, and a bevy of beautiful females everpresent by his side. With all of thil going for him, hes a sure winner. Remember, when youre second best., you.try harder. ...... .The. plot of this, movie is enough to keep all of us ordinary mortals spinning. Two Swedish scientists have developed a formula which can not only negate the laws of gravity but actually, reverse diem. Since the power; which controls the' formula can control the universe, several na- -' LEONARD tions are naturally vying with HANSEN each for it. Its Vines jab to save S 1st East the day for Great Britain, and he 182-30uses a battery of standard and unconventional devices to stem the tide of evil. Over the years, secret agents have come to rely on a wide variety of tools of the trade. The well-equipp- A Faith To Live By - - - y, I li 05 Live a Effle better RCA VICTOR Ahvffottt $1.00 26" DOWN COLOR TV Hi-U- - Vf1 mm se. te it . .1 er 479M.,. P - best-selli- Decorator Styled RCA Victor RW r Consoles to Enhance Any Room Setting d. 4a - ' 0 m 4 ) AfaHM A&iLW - Pan-O-P- ty Pan-O-P- ty - . 0 21 with CASH to pay your bills Start living better this year with money cares left behind... with old bills swept away. A loan from us can pay your bills in full -l- eave you with only one low, manage monthly payment. ..and with extra cash, in your pocket See us today . . . live a little better tomorrow. easy-t- o . -- 4' . - H-j- . nfervi m? rrf ,- - . Hi and Lob . a 19 SPORTABOUT TV NEW Value-price- eMI-chann- VHF 21" C0NS0LETTES Contemporary styling plus New Vista por- - UNFraosptioa ' a wWft ePowsrGrid tanar te. V1 4 v , $174 eTiatad RCA Paa-riy pom mo 0- lid CoooerC New 21 $139 Powerful Ida COUSIN chassis w'hmtMwaamsJ - ParnO-P-hr 2000vott picture New Vista Tha FI NOALE Sartaa CO-2i (Man Wai AIL 1 mtmm 882-158- 8 4 Tha BSAOSliaV . THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN ELECTRONICS ofToomb tt 2IM 2121 a New Vista VHF, Solid State UHF tuners 171 M. In. Steam Jl eonso-- . space-savin- g d, a. latte features baautiful red FINANCE COMPANY Phone: te duo-con- 198 hft f et ty LOANS HP TO 2500 13 South Main Street 198 ... Sartaa S (avaraM 212 aq. In. atohiraas) 21' Cuba 178" fmPokb HDD r la ErcrdStfes vai rearer A; . 4. ' 4 J |