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Show Dugway Teachers Mr. Roy Richie has been teaching Physical Education and Driv- JAG TAX TIPS 65th MP Platoon (SVC) en Education at Dugway High Six new men reported in to the 65th MP. Platoon (Svc) this month. They were welcomed warmly because discharges and overseas assignments severely depleted Ae MP ranks during the last six months. Consequently, the Military Police have been workdrifts. Hopefully, additional replacements will pering work tour. mit the return to a normal The new men, Aeir homes and last duty stations are: Sgt Sherman E. Jennings, Port Huron, Michigan, 61st MP Co, Trois Fontaines, France; Sp4 William J. McBride, Terra Haute, Indiana, 385A MP Bn, Stuttgard, Cermany; Pvt. Dennis A. Power, Oxt, ford,' Massachusetts, Fort Gordon, Georgia; Pvt. Robert L Cudahy, California, Fort Gordon, Georgia; Pvt. Anthony J. DApofito, Youngstown, Ohio, Fort Benning, Georgia; and Pvt. KenneA D. Lindway, Cleveland, Ohio, Fort Benning, Georgia. Departures in January include Sgt. Jimmie D. Shindler, Sp4 William G. Fegan, and PFC Roscoe M. Kidwell. Sp4 Fegan received Ae Dugway Proving Ground Certificate' of Achievement on Jan. 10 for outstanding work as a Military Policeman, his efforts id Ae Craft Shop, and his contributions to the Dugway community. In December, Sgt. Darrell Coffman was notified of his ceptance in the Armys criminal investigation program. This meant a change in MOS and title to Specialist 5. Specialist Coffman is now awaiting orders to the Cl school, and is trying to obtain experience by working in Ae Investigation Section. SSgt. Isaac Atencio has replaced PSGT. Arthur Dunn as Platoon Sergeant of the 65th MP Platoon. Sgt. Dunn will soon depart for an overseas assignment wiA the 558A MP Co. in it Germany. PFCs Delbert Wilbanks and Arthur Cantner deserve credit far Aeir part in assisting the combined Medical Detachment-Militar- y Police aAletic teams win Ae DPG Commanders Trophy. for four years. He also coaches basketball, track, and tennis and is assistant coach for the Dugway football team. MR. RICHIE and his wife, Barbara are both natives of Utah. Mr. Richie received his degree from Utah State University at Logan in 1962. During his senior year, Mr. Richie taught swimming and tennis at Utah State; at the same time he taught at Logan High School and coached the Junior Vanity basketball team. MR. AND Mrs. Richie have three children, Denise, 7, Annette 5, and Scott, 3. Mr,. Richie enjoys all sports. He is a member of the Post basketball team, and president of the Mens Bowling League. School This is the eecond in a eeriei of ANF articles preby Firit Lt. Paid M. Little, Chief, Personal Tax Branch, Legal Assistance Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General pared ' The President iesued an executive order designating Vietnam (and adjacent waters within defined limits) as a ."combat sone," effective 1 January 1964. The designation of Vietnam as a combat zone triggers several tax relief provisions covering members of tbe Armed Forces who are serving or have served on or after 1 January 1964 in Vietnam. Under the Internal Revenue Code, there is excluded frony income tax all compenaation received while a member of the Armed Forces for any month, any part of which was served in Vietnam. Exclusion also applies if anywhere as a result of wounds, diseases, or injury hopi-talis- ed incurred while serving in Vietnam.' - 12-ho-ur ur Ele-wau- For enlisted personnel and warrant officers, W1 through W4, the monthly exclusion' is unlimited; however, commissioned officers are limited to an exclusion of $200 per month. Beginning 1 January 1966, no withholding of taxes from the wages of any member of the .Armed Forces is required during a month in which any part of his service is in Vietnam. If Federal income taxes were withheld after 81 December 1964 for any month during which such a serviceman served in Vietnam, theee taxes will be . refunded. This withholding provision may cause financial hardship to commissioned officers who. have served or will serve in Vietnam after 81 December 1964 if they fail to provide for. the eventual payment of taxes on .income in excess of 200 per month. Commissioned officers can provide for withholdings on income over $200 per month. by Lt. F. E. Hughes HI On December 15th, the weather detachment changed designations and parent organizations. From Detachment 15, 16A Weather Squadron (an Army support unit); we became Detachment 19, 6th Weather Wing (a. research and development support unit). The commander of our new wing is Colonel Clifford A. Spohn. The detachment is up for 'an award for driving safety; over 110,000 miles of accident-fre- e driving in government vehicles. Most members of the detachment will be receiving individual awards also. TSgt John G. Wondzell was promoted to MSgt (E7) December bt. SSgts James C. Swann and KenneA L. Jenkins have departed Dugway PCS; Sergeant Swann for Chief Observer-Schooat Chanute AFB, Illinois, and Sergeant Jenkins bound for d VietNam. We are quite now, but several new troops are expected to .arrive PCS next monA. A weather note about souA-eas- t Asia, for Aose who have friends and relatives qver there. In Ae China Sea, especially in the Tonkin Gulf, a period of drizzle or light rain with low clouds and bad .visibility frequently occurs during February or March. It is caHpfl crachin, and may last for several days, ; . ( : MpSt of you know that February 2nd is Ground-Ho- g Day; and that six weeks more winter weather will follow if Ae. groundis frightened by his shadow that day. Less hog (or 'ground-chuck- ) n is that February 2nd is also Candlemas. Heavy winds winds or occuring in February can be called Candlemas-Ev- q Candlemas-CracThis weaAer- legend is much older than that So if you hear about Ground-Ho- g one about Ae ground-hoDay once too often you can come back with a remark about Candlemas. Mr. Donald S. Halladay has been on the teaching staff kt the Dugway High School for five yean. He teaches high school English. MR. HALLADAY and his wife Ann, are natives of Crants ville, Utah and are now residents at Tern. They have one son Kevin, These special procedures should also he followed by personnel filing their. 1964 tax return for the first time. The Internal Revenue Service Instructions for Form 1040 for 1966 will contain a full explanation of the combat pay exclusion. 10. He received his RA in 1958 from the University of Utah. Before coming to Dugway, he taught English two years at Tooele Jr. High, and Freshman English at BYU while working on his Masters degree there in 196064. Additional tax relief provisions triggered by the designation of Vietnam as a combat zone will be discussed next week. Your questions can be answered by your local legal assistance officer. (ANF) . 'Off-Limits- HALLADAY enjoys hunting and fishing in his leisure. He also plays the guitar and sings. He has sung for the annual Old Folks Social at Grantsville. This past summer Mr. Halladay applied for and was chosen to attend an N.D. k A. Institute at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Mr. Halladay was the ord for long distance satellite was established by the U. & Army Satellite Comiminica-tfon- s pro- ject management activity of the Army Materia). Command, in a telephone test between Fort Monmouth, New. Jersey and Asmara, Ethiopia, which employed two SYNCOM satellites in die same circuit. Spanning three continents and two oceans for a surface distance of more than 17,000 miles, the experimental call was relayed from an Army ground station in Asmara via SYNCOM II, over the Indian Ocean, to Saigon, where two stations were One received Ae call from SYNCOM II and the other paaed it via SYNCOM III over the Pacific to the SATCOM station at Camp Roberts, California. From there the circuit continued by land line to Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. l well-know- k. - g. only English teacher selected from 1870 - The weafi service" was established asP 9 February Ae State of Utah. 1 Ar r ...? part of Ae Army Signal Servicfef AMC today carries on Ais neering tradition through Its J' , ZStKA." Another reminder was issued by Hill AFB officials today that the Wendover Weapons Range to unauthorizcomplex is ed persons. The Air Force ranges are located west of Great Salt Lake and north and south of Highway 40 between Cedar Mountain and Wendover. OFFICIALS said Aat the area contains explosive items resultant from activity of the 2705th Airmunitions Wing based at Hill as well as other Department of Defense activities. Aerial bombing, gunnery, rocketry and other haz- ardour activities also are practiced on the range, particularly during the summer months. All access roads have been posted with No Trespassing" ts short-hande- MR. 13 January 1965 - A new rec- a Wendover Range 9 Still Air Force Weather Detachment Military personnel who served in Vietnam between 1 January 1964 and 81 December 1964 probably had income taxes withheld but, since they are entitled to the combat pay exclusion, they may file an amended return to recover any overpayment they may have made. Special procedures are required in connection with the amended return. Affected personnel should consult their local legal assistance officer for details. Agency, PROMOTED Congratulations are in order for William C. Miles (C) who was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel Jan. 13 in a surprise ceremony in Lt. Col. Charles W. Andersons ' office in the CBR Weapons Orientation Course. Under the pretense of being "chewed . out for a long overdue dub bill, Lt Col. Miles was surprised by the staff and faculty of the Course and told of his promotion. Mrs. Miles, in on the gag, had to feign an earache to keep the family car to get to the ceremony. (U.S . Army Photo) . Cantner, Billy Dunn, William Huber, and Sam Wingfield were recently promoted to Specialist Four. , (SATCOM) TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, January 28, 1966 DPG Company News Join the. L I , tarings phn t The new signs. The air space above the ranges also is unauthorized to private and commercial aircraft flying below 60,000 feet. THOSE HAVING official business on Ae ranges should first contact the range control officer 1 at Hill AFB, Ogden ex1 Ext. 2161, change, or Salt Lake exchange, for clearance before entering the hazardous area. The range complex is under Hill AFBs jurisdiction. Smoooooth. Thats the word for the new look in Hush Pupglove leather. But thats pies casual shoes. Mellow-sothe only real difference. Like the Hush Puppies shoes you're used to, the new smooth styles sport a steel shank for support and soft crepe soles that make you feel ft 328-461- like you're walking on air. Now you can have both kinds of Hush Puppies . p-- - 3 ie . Need change of scene? Get it I A Traveloan from Household Finance will pay for the whole packager transportation, lodging, food, entertainment, clothes, sports equipment, even a cash reserve. Repay HFC when you return. Over 150,000 servicemen a year borrow with confidence from Household Finance. May we serve you? 112-367- basement, fenced. Moke offer. 112 McMichoel Ave 884-3S9- 1 OB School. His leisure time is taken up in grading papers; however he does enjoy playing golf.' 882-335- 7. A IF REAL BUY VA LOAN dealers earn 50 weekly part time. 100 and up Ml lime. Write Raw-leig- h, Dept. UT A 71) Denver, Colo. ' YOU HAVE A DIRECT two bedroom, Rving lot 66x240. Very dean. Aluminum $30 or mam a SALT LARI OTY Of - double breu bed. 882-115- MOBILE HOMES .. TRAILER far sale. $1200. Ph 884-396- 3. UTAH wagons, AR Ready Made or Custom Built. fabrics, modern designs. Gardens. .USED PHONOGRAPHS Tooele Mere. 882-227- 4 24.95, up. Main. CM . me HAVE YOUR insurance rates Check our law rate. Pederswi FOR SALE - Home built camper. $150 COPES See at 46 Wert Apple St., Grants- - . p.29 yjg, N. 1st Eari. Brook - SALE VEHICLES FOR SERVICE. umwi i qkmvi irmnp Math Worthington reason-aht- e 882-161- M teK SALE four er, approx. ?82P256 ' SO. nk5 "E? ass 3 tan hay, $315. CaR W a 447 SEE P25'29 ' : A"- KJT - THE 1966 World podta and CMdmft. Book'lncyefe. 882-364- 1. 14 and P--0. TAD WORKER - 1965 deRMr.-Ca- 5 old - ' - IRONING DONE. Pick up and 882-1- 1 All po- ' 882-439- 3 SALE PRJX loaded. Mdke offer. e ! CM WOMEN WANT WORK GUANO Tw-- 812-436- ' bed In- . PHOTOGRAPHY , - electric stove, $40; One worn once. working dress, size 7-$50. CaR 882-469- FOR TV RADIO epf '' surance Agency, 9 split-lev- at 626 N. 60 1 Furniture. Chov Inpalq, 27 r, K ww, p.s., p.hL., NO TRADE. Sava. Ray Pruett, Ph. 882-257- VEHICLES 9-- FOR SALE - 195S Ford. A (tool at 898 See rrt 504 S. 380 W. Taaafe. FOR 812-203- 5-- leaving for Okinawa. Must Pontiac. Bert eh for takas. Cal 882-387- 2 TEAD Park. SALE seR 1957 " ' : M9 1 STM 160 South Mqin St. PHONE: bedroom WURLITZER CM 1 1958 FORD station either for a payment of 15.22. These cars are avuitabln at RAMUS MOTOR, S3 N. Main. Ph 29.5S; twa 1 SEWlWTMAtHINE REFAIR - AH ewhee. Dealers in Pfaff, Necchi' and Etna. iviuuiRiiq nofmmcninQ. wi leipies Sowing Machine Cantor. 261 So. la West. Tooele. Phone I82-OM- 1 CM Spinet Pianos from $495. Parkers Music Co. 56 North NEW CHRYSLER New Yorker. wer, air candManad. Payment 89.42; 1963 DODGE Pokxa, 500 convertible. Many extras. Payment 61.38; standard FORD 1961 Fakfeno, trans. Payment 29.55; 1960 CHEV 1964 HOUSE HNAMCI CORPORATON SALE - three home. Call 112-405- Russel Kennedy DRAPERIES 6 884-552- C29-- HOUSEHOLD 882-455- FOR Beauty operator at Carols Salon of Beauty in GrantmriRo. Ph WANTED - CM FOR Pul May 30 . SAGE KB4NELS dags. 75 cents day. Heated. 184-5055.-"'Me Feb. 25 PAY CASH FOR 0 Far- 882-40- pa ' WANTED 1 882-401- time. FENOBI GUITARS Amps 6 Supplies. Salt Ldw prices. or 220 S. Main, cal 882-333- 6 882-101Mob. 14 INCOME TAX Fed. and State, S5-U- p HU BLOCK CO. America's largest tax service. after 6 by appt. only. Weekdays 9-191 N. Main Ph. sdoors, knives darpaned. Cal ' Lana. rington, 287 Marvisto IB 63 PWJ8 884-501- - Phene 882-139- 4 Evenings: 882-356- 6 882-206- PICK UP AND DELIVERY UNTIL JUNE 1 Lawn mowers, precisian Aarpenod. All nudes. Small engine repair. Soars; LIVESTOCK PS. siring. 1961 EXPANDO, from ream, three room, 10x58. $4,000. 884-341- 4. day an local Food Route. Man or womai, part or Ml lima. Experience net required. Write Earl Stetson, P.O. lex 4014, Oakland, CaKf, 94623. MAKE FREE - Amps 1 Supplies. Salt lake prices. 220 5. Main or caR 182-333- 6 CM or 182-108WILL CM - 882-414- 5. BECTMC IRON ICPAIMNG Al s Steam irons dsanod and rap Omar's, 38 West. Vine. P4a 9 GUITARS FENDER - Ave. Fenced, landscaped. carpeted, air conditioned, inter com, bu ins, or contact m 166 E. Cal 882-118- 6 P--to Feb. 11 re. AT ONCE Man or woman to supply familiei with Rawteigh products in Tooele and Tooele County. Many or . offers FOR SALE - spirt level WANTED Expert rug and uphobtory WaS washing. Guaranteed, able. Free estimates. CaR 812-439- 3 - Haines Realty 191 North Main SERVICES PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE .FOR SALE Pbtatoos. Phone 882-343Feb. 4 NEW MOON TRAILER House. 8 ft x 40 ft. BeautiM interior. $1995. Cal 882 te 4145. Jtxs. 28 NEW SPINET Piano $395. Phone ..CM . P-- . Ilf I FOR SALE - twin size stroller. Sun shade bom. $20; Phone .82-008- 6. y, viTl w 882-006- Get an HFC Traveloan 12 MI5CELLANEOUS 2 f- SY WOLVI Classified Ads 1.50 par inch - Display Adi has been teaching at the Dugway MONTHLY RATES ora for consacutiva iraartions only, with no Except with High School since 1964. This is business firms and individuals who maintain open accounts withchanges. the Transcript and Mr. Geerlings second year as fall ulletin, aR classified advertisements am CASH R4 ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a damifiad ad diauld be reported immediately: The paper is responsible time teacher after being a substitute teacher one year. He for ona incorrect insertion only. AU. CLASSIFIEDS vrill be indwfed in the TEST RUN a newspaper distributed to teaches Social Studies and Art in 2,000 Dugway Proving Ground tandems and workers, twice monthly, without adJr. High School. ditional charge. DEADLINE for classified ads is 11 a.m. day of publication. MR. GEERLINGS was born and raised in Michigan; although PUR RENT he received boA his Bachelor and SPECIAL NOTICE FURNISHED APARTMENTS two and three Masters degrees of Science at ,BPOE ELKS NO. 1671 MEETINGS 2nd and rooms. New kitchens, and appliances, the University of Utah. He obtain4th TUESDAYS at I pun. at 61 NORTH including electric ranges, automatic C ed his MS in 1947. MAIN. gas boat, air conditioned. Large Mr. Geerlings taught one year recreation area. Rates mart at '75 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE in the Granite School District, per month with al utilities furnished. NO. 2031 Rem by doy. week, month or yaor. and one year in the Salt Lake MEETINGS WED. I Lawn service IVestem ovoRcblo, School District. W. K. PhKps, Secretary Motel, 515 North Main, Apartment Phone MB. GEERLINGS retired as CM Tooele. Ph. a Major from the Army in 1963 ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE at Dugway Proving Ground wiA NO. 11, MAM MEETS 1st and 3rd TUESDAYS ( over 20 years service. OF EACH MONTH, 7:30 p.m. His Army career includes ser-vAT THE FRATERNAL HALL APT. Private bath, suit-UNFURNISHED in Ae Pacific during World able for one or two middle aged. War II, Ae Korean War, and a NOTICE - The office of James R. lur- - J ton. Chiropractor, wriR be closed tour in Germany was completed apt. Monday aid Tuesday, Jan. 31 and before arriving at Dugway. Feb. 1st. His family includes his wife Elinora, and two sons, Craig, 15, : . and Mark, 13. Mrs. Geerlings is WANTED the secretary to Mr. Lindsay, WIU BUY aid mdtatars and batteries. Emeet Vafa, 44 North 1st Wort. principal at Dugway Elementary ONLY tees ice mfoocarmimM See Cam REAL ESTATE -- 1 r-- 328-42- 81 I i I PilppiOtf f ( HOUSE FQR SALE by owner. Laidscap- ed, 3 bedrooms. Mi basement. Mi FOR SALE - electric stove, $70; One warn once. woddkig dross, size 7-garage. Cal gftor 5:30 SS2-2A4Ml --to Feb. 11 $50. Call 682-469- 50 cants par issue "up to one inch (monthly rota) '1.00 par inch - over ona inch monthly rota) ;. - or ipf-iulle- fin Mr. Geerlings has been a resident at Dugway since 1958, and A h CASUALS Prices from just February 1956 - Army Ballistic Missifo Agency was ; estab-fishe- d , Ala-at Redstone-Arsenalbama. This agency was Ae of AMCs Army Missile Command. 1 n IlBHill I the entire line today. People TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 cants per word - Itaautnr fliahf tvoal 10 cents par word - Surinam Firms (caps) !. sidewalk-softene- rs are here I 777-216- d. Get away from it all . T ,i |