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Show 1 . r t TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, January 28, 1966 r- - 4 U 1965 Incentive Program ;Sets Three Records EFFECTIVE LIGHTING by Ogden Kraut Both Proper lighting is a major factor in good photography. moods for effective be .creating natural and artificial lighting can and attractiveness in a picture. By proper use of lighting, the of his photographer can eliminate or emphasize certain portions to wishes he which on will the focus This attention phases subject. record. control By the use of artificial lighting, a photographer can his illumination. Hollywood uses controlled lighting to give weird and sinister effects by placing the main light source far below the face level of the subject. This type of lighting produces a distorted and unnatural appearance. By careful and proper control of the lighting, s glamour effect is produced. Early morning and late used evening provide an unusual natural lighting which can be for different and interesting pictures. very effectively imSelecting the kind of artificial light can also be of great for obtained of can Various be intensity, high lights types portance. cerspeed, color balance, and other special effects. Some lights and tain kinds of films can record in areas not visible to the human eye. Both black and white, and color films, have emulsions designed for special types of light sources. Every light has a different "color composition: The eye, like film, is not equally sensitive to all colors. The eye has greatest sensitivity to the yellow-gree- n pore color tion of the spectrum, and is less sensitive to the area. Various photographic films also record colors differently. Color sensitivity varies with each type and kind of film. Hence, not only the position of the light, but also the kind of light can be a very important part of photography. With a little practice, and experimentation, every camera enthusiast can create dramatic and unusual pictures. With special attention upon lighting, many pictures can be taken. Cood lighting has been called the basis for good photography. KhL.? announced record-hie- h results in the lhnson, Incentive Awards Program for fiscal year 1985 that the most suggestions adopted, top dollar savings, and greatest awards to employees. . . . The President said that 133,449 Federal employee suggestions were adopted during the year, resulting in Government savings of more than $95 million. This was the largest number of suggestions ever adopted in a single year and the greatest dollar savings as well. Awards to employees for adopted suggestions also set a record s Treasury Department David H. Carver, Clarence Philpot and Rez O. Vowell for developing a short cut method for computing certain tax items which reduces man-hocosts by $153,102 annually. $1,850 award shared by Howard E. Lewis and William E. Brown of the Post Office Department for developing a special device that $3.9 milium. cuts the cost of cleaning carrier THE PRESIDENT also an- cases in Post Offices throughout nounced that an additional 67,099 the country by $500,000 annually. employees received superior per$1,400 award to three aerospace formance awards for work achieve- technologists at NASAs Marshall ments which returned more than Space Flight Center, Huntsville, $150 million in measurable bene- Alabama Emmet L. Martz, John fits to the Government. These em- L. Burch, and William L. ployees shared $8.7 million in suggesting an improved awards, with the average award design in certain bearings in the amounting to $145. guidance system of the Saturn These were the highlights of a space vehicle. Their design rereport to the President from Civil duced bearing costs by $133,438 Service Commission Chairman and also improved performance John W. Macy, Jr., on the Fed- system. eral Incentive Awards Program. A $1,000 AWARD to Helen F. In acknowledging the report. OBrien, an administrative assisPresident Johnson stated: tant in Interior Department's SolThis unparalleled record of icitors Office, Billings, Montana, cost consciousness and alertness to for creative efforts in organizing improvement on the part of our a consolidated law library for all career civil servants deserves the Federal attorneys in Billings. Her heartiest plaudits of the American plan produced initial savings of The function! and activities of the twelve National Health Agencies and four International Service Agencies were described people. Each individual, each su- $26,700 in book, space, and mainto the joint fund drive keymen by Elmer J. Smith, Manager of the Veterans Administration Regional Office and Federal pervisor, each manager who cort tenance costs and also speeds up Area Chairman for the State of Utah International Service told tributed to this record has my the preparation of legal decisions. Waters T. Col. of 13. Lt. Staff Chief on Janies Jan. Agencies the keymen that the Dugway command strongly supports this campaign and urged them to make a sincere effort to engratitude. Agency achievements also were The largest award for an em- courage each Dugway employee to participate. The goal is 100 participation and designation of specific agencies by doEach of the four larnoteworthy. nors is encouraged. Undesignated gifts will be divided divided ployee suggestion totalled $3,080, equally by the International Service Agencies, but will be of the Departgest components bv the National Health Agencies in the same ratio as returns from donors who do designate to individual agencies. The to Eugene L. Simpson, a supply ment of Defense Army, Navy, officer at the Sierra Army Depot, joint fund drive runs concurrently from Jan. 17 to Feb. 28. Air Fence, and Defense Supply Herlong, California, for devising a showed increases in both method for modifying certain types Agency the number of adopted suggestions of obsolete cartridge cases to meet and their dollar benefits. new ammunition requirements, Air Force adopted more than The program to pay military thereby saving $2 million in new 23,000 suggestions with measurpersonnel cadi awards for money-savin- g procurement costs. able benefits of $39.7 million. suggestions will soon be in THE LARGEST award for su- These savings are the highest ever full swing at Dugway Proving job performance was a $10,-00- 0 achieved perior by a Federal agency. Ground. v ji. . scientific award to a four-ma- n ARMY LED all Defense agenthe authorizes Though program team at the Naval Research Labin the number of adopted sugpayments up to 825,000,' most oratory. William A. Zisman.Hay-war- d cies with a total of 24,448 and will be much smaller. Suggestions gestions R. Raker, Paul R. Leach and increased its measurable benefits don't have to be of such magni- Curtis R. Singleterry were' recog- from $19 million to $22.1 million tude as to eliminate the nationnized for discovering and develop- -' in 1965. al debt. Any idea, design or profog chemical cleaning procedures Navy doubled the dollar benewhich will save the govern- which have made it possible to gram ment money will be considered. recover millions of dollars worth fit return from its more than 17,-0suggestions, reporting $18.5 Awards will be in proportion to gf electronic and electrical equip- - million in the savings. savings merit damaged by sea water, fuel Defense Supply Agency increasAward will be made only for oil, and smoke. ed the number of adopted sugges- suggestions that show real savings. Other top awards included: a tions by 20 per cent and its dollar An individual service man or wo-$2,080 award to Harlow H. sudden submit a man cant just 'wMfcraod Rodney A. Bell, of thi if.??1 rose 64 per cent to $1.4 rtorm and expect a check in ... Treasury. Departments record Office, Agricultural 15 February 1946- - Hie ENIAC L rive c k'wi3 d ' the next mail. Suggestions' must Numerical Integrator (Electrical be well thought out and, in many and Computer), the worlds first tested before .cases, researched or electronic automatic computer, i and NASA exceeded the million submission. farm acreage allotments that elimi- was dedicated at the Moore from in dollar mark savings adoptwoFor those service men and e . measurements with nates , School of Electrical Engineering men .willing to put in the extra resultant Master Sergeant Kenneth E. Finfrock displays his Certificate of Retirement and Departsayings of $1 million. in. OFFICE Depmtment r time, effort and thought, the sug,A $2,000 award to Donald ment of the Army Certificate of Achievement as his wife and Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, The computer was award program can be a Dddd of the Air Force .Systems was the leader among all agencies temal Revenue Service gestion extended the Generals K. Harold General Certificate The look on. Johnson, the Ordnance Department for signed by Jr., of number the in adopted suggesgreat thing The total savings will Command, Los Angeles,' Califouse at Aberdeen Proving Ground, personal thanks for the outstanding service given by Sgt. Finfrock to this country. Sgt The total of with tions a 40,680. valuable the be to services equally rnia for his contribution which cut measurable return from these Finfrock was assigned in March 1963 as mess sergeant at the U.S. Army Hospital and Maryland (now an installation of sugand to the American public. edits of certain guidance systems worked there until his retirement Jan. 1. the U. S. Army Materiel Com(U.S. Army Photo) 37 per cent over increased gestions for Titan missiles by $3.4 million. mand). Its advent started a new 1964 and $6 million the largest A $1,905 AWARD to three multi-billio- n dollar industry. the savings among ternal Revenue Service agents, agencies. ur i i ! i ... . i i 4 i 'I - : ' i'i . red-blu- Kim-mons-f- or ; I . , SUGGESTIONS MSgt. Finfrock Receives DA Certificate; Retires , f n . 4. 00 , Qsute fi , , ' "r" on-sit- . Pennt . non-defen- No More Headaches! NcWooe TAX ORGANIZER BOOK Makes it Simple and Easy to Keep Tax Records! Is income tax time a nightmare for you? Then, you'll appreciate the Tax organizer, offered by The Transcript Bulletin. It's the simple answer to keeping the complete records you need to prepare your income tax statement. TRANSCRIPT-BULLETI- N TAX ORGANIZER P, 1 1. I? There's space to record every deductible expenditure for each month of the year - and handy envelopes to keep receipts and conceited checks. e At 90 of your work is behind you. tax-tim- The Tax Organizer is complete! There's space for investment transactions, to show income other than salary and to record information for a partial I dependent. There's even a year's supply of cash . receipt forms to make certain that you don't forget a cash expenditure that's deductible. For Only Each out the coupon and .mail it with one dollar i for your copy of the Tax Organizer. Add 25 for postage and handling. This special offer will be made for a time only. r Bex d M i e 390, Please forward copies ef the Tax Orgainzor. I enclose in payment at 1.00 each pies ' 25 for postape and handling. Tresle, Utah S if ip NAME fl (phase print plainly) Fill limited a U U TRANSCRIPT-BULLETI- N $1 00 I . STREET CITY.. ....STATE ZIP CODE ! |