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Show RITZ End s Saturday Night (ta Lewis SEVEN TIMES NUTTIER ROLY JELJEIS RITZ . . Sun, Mon., Tues. Only A lusty, boldly provocative production with vivid arrays of castles, wenches and derring-do- . saaBUF3ON0flD0LE tMLSQfJ nmbmt ukmT MOTOR VU . . Fri., Sot., Sun. J&eK LEMMON IRLEYMmLBTN ..huymidbi On August 26 the Womens Club of the OfWOMENS CLUB COFFEE ficers Open Mess held a farewell coffc-- for Mrs. William W. Stone, Jr. (R) wife of the Post Commander. Shown with Mrs. Stone are from left iO right, Mrs. Michael Stone, Miss Molly Stone, Mrs. William W. Stone, Jr., U.S. Army Photo and Miss Rebecca Stone. The NCO Wives Auxiliary provided a farewell tea to FAREWELL TEA W. Mrs. William Stone, Jr., August 27. Mrs. Stone (R) chats with members of the auxiliary during the tea. Mrs. Stone left Sept. 1 to make her heme in New Jersey, where hc--r husband, Col. Stone, will be working with U.S. Army Photo the Munitions Command at Picatmny Arsenal. TBMB e D'-ve- bDODRE FANAVISION1 umtno 4 Mmn 35! Writ K3 E-- j i ' 'i ri yirfS a I' Wvl 'V f M ' ft PC3 'DKHl ; SEMSK! ISBAVUSV Color Cost lor o Night-tim- Viewing: 95 G,I2 ON CBS, 30 Furniture & NBC, 50 W ABC a. fl 0 ;V: l ; - 41 '1V Q3ffirae j ITW ? Hi 699 Th. 95 W.T. WHITBY M.rkXIlwlMOMll Th. 25 tub. (ovarall dlaiJ 295 iq. In. plctur. Th. WAYNE XI lirlM 1 21 tub. (mr.ll dl.m.Ur) 265 . In. plctur. Mark XI twtwl 21 tub. (oraraN dianwlar) 265 iq. In. plctur. 21" TUBE COLOR TV VALUE 21" TUBE CONSOLETTE BUY HARPER 25" TUBE rr- - t m nMtuts ; DDrowim 7T J V: S'iffc-- A DELUXE LOWBOY The FARRELL Mnrti XI SrlM 00637 21 tub (overall dlamttar) MS aq. In. picture 21" TUBE SWIVEL CONSOLETTE m 11. (PAD Fra Psrklsi 26 South Main Street, Tooele, Utah " V 349 Mirk Appliance i . nr Mew tfstd 3 Ad mmaD. (Dim DoffiD |