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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, September 10, 1965 t U; AV V V -- A i Jlir t TmiV l irr ,i tf.v.:sW CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT -- First Lieutenant Rr.bc-r-t Murphy C) accepts a Dugway Proving Ground Certificate of Achieve ment and the congratulations of Post Commander Colonel William W. Stone, Jr., during a special ceremony in Col. Stones office. Lt. Murphy's wife, Kathleen, was present for the award, ceremony. 40 .00.00 To the money manager, the housewife. Family money goes further after Dad joins the credit union. As a credit union member. Dad is a credit union owner. He can borrow at low interest rates The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: to consolidate debts, buy appliances, fix the car. or take a vacation. When eligible, without extra charge, your loan is paid in full in case of.death. . Making family money stretch is easy at your credit union where families work, loan and save together. .Dugway Federal Credit Union Phone: 2151 ooro .0.0. 0 j LEAGUE WINNER Lieutenant Ronald Mitchell, chief of Welfare and Morale divis:on presents the first place trophy for the post softball league to team manager Lieutenant Robert Kruas and Specialist 5 Harold McGee who was chosen outsta .ding player. U.S. Army Photo Is Perfection Real Med. Det. Wins, Hs is Second If a word could displace time and space, or maybe a . idea have the reality of being, the:: a concept or thought might be much mere correctly communicated and understood. As each person perceives individually :n common experience and produces as an individual, work and production reflect the society of people. Teamwork leading toward perfection is necessary. It is importa ;t for time and space, production and work to be a cause of a common collect-vreality. So in this space and time, perfection may become a psychological reality in work. Post Team W'th the hotest pitcher in the league Specialist 5 McGee, blazing the ball across the plate the Medical Detachment with some help from the MPs finished with a 13 and 1 record to e first place in the softball league. Clinching second place with a win Tuesday night over the Civilian team, High School No. 1 finished with a 12 and 3 record behind the strong nitchir win ' of High School Coach Kenneth Bearden. If the Air Force team de- feats High School No. 2 in a make-u- p game, yet to be play- ed, they wU move into thiid place with an 11 and 3 record ahead of the Civilian team which now has an 11 and 4 With post football scheduled to start soon there may be con- - Aiding games fcr some of the before the final companies make-u- p games are played. SOFTBALL STANDING League Standings: Det. CUSTOM MANUFACTURED Civilians Be your own contractor or let us build on High School 1 your lot Air Force - Met Co. Test Support 1 See our many plans- - J Use your own plan Hq. Aviation ' Gordon's Furniture For dor's Auto Center Gian Installed - Front End Alignment - Also Inspection Phone AND REGULATORS APPLIANCES MOHAWK CARPETS SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG UNO AND TILE BEwniT g 882-83- vine APPLIANCE DOCTOR Servicing All Makes Gas and Electric Appliances - Commercial Refrigeration N S. MAIN TOOELE 882-457- 41 Tooele Supply Co. Parts For All Cars am nohow uu m ons you oni Huh SL Phono m tM H bUMrt eee TIRES AND TIRE REPAIR GOOD DEALS RED JONES TIRE SHOP OPEN NOW! 21 West 1st North 725 North Main Air Conditioned 882-32- Wilson Residential and Commercial Construction -or Ours - Call Ike at 882-340- 1 Note to Young Marrieds - Choke Building lots Available BUY NOW - BUILD LATER Build on Your Lot CRAMER MATTRESS CO. You rather hear the beatles play Than learn about the world today. 112-03- . Tubes STREET, SALT LAKE CITY Spalding Daily Sdwdolos from Tooele to Tooele Army Depot And Tooele Smelter Dial McGreggor COAL , FOR FjNE Open Weekdays 4 p.m.-- 6 p.m. 270 21 Open Saturday 9 V. Maple a.m.-- 6 Qenebq & Jeweler 002-440- APPLIANCES CaO 882 8188 Sale and Service Expert Installation 18 N Main 812-22- 79 Whito Brother's Oil Co. Licensed Electrical Contractor Small or Large Jobs CAR BOB MC PHIE 184 South RE-STYLIN- G - Leave Name and Address fernai Wholesale Distributors 481 NORTH Phonci 884-343- Q2323) (J33lGnXDO fc c. pum r?9wfotA Kcbttf Sendee - HI FI - TV Gfc333D0it3p s He wants to go home to see a loved one But he cant because his works just begun The college crowd thinks he's a fool But that what makes him so hard and cruel You don't appreciate what he will do. Like giving up his life for you. He sacrifices much yet he asks nothing in return. Just so you can stay in school and learn. He believes in freedom and the American way why he is not home today No parties and dance for this young man Not unless I get home again. Thats misery. Pedersen Insurance Real 18 North Mala The days are hot, the nights are too What wonders a cold can of beer could do He dreams of cold beer and a thick, juicy steak When someone shouts "we got s hill to tske." Some will be heroes because they are brave Others will get a wreath on their grave Those that come home will be different, youll see Because theye seen blood and 24 .HOUR CAl 4 CUSTOM WORK GUARANTEED night fight. SERVICE Retail Service MAIN RADIO - STEREO anas awtsii PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FUENDLY EFFICIENT SERVICE ELECIftICAL CONTRACTING Hes tired and sick but he continues to CUSTOM MADE ORECOVERING U RESTYLING U REPAIRINIG OSLIP COVERS U DRAPERIES & Heating GAS and ELECTRIC Hes about my age so why should he care About a war someone else should share You lucky guy you laugh and anear Because youve never really known fear - The morale is low the tension is high Some of the men will break down and cry. He works all day and standi guard all 1 ZIONS UPHOLSTERY Bryan's Plunibing This guy who lives in filth and slime How can he do it all the time? You call him vile names and make fun of his cause Yet he is always first to win your wars. This young man faces death each day But he's always got something funny to say No mal again a Twing of sorrow Oh what the hell theres always tomorrow. WYLER WATCHES UPHOLSTERING - 466-418- . 33 Award Diamonds p.m. you 5 or 322-185- 3 OVH 40 YEAlt IWHKNCf 812-12- . IB Cast Vink OOKL. UTAH DUNN Roofing & Sales 882-34- und 88 GIFTS Watchmaker Call COAL . . TfccuiyettA NEED 882-13- But stop and think a mo ment or two Ask yourself does this concern you? Its great to be alive and free But what about the guy across the sea. Hes giving up his life for me. So that I can live under liberty He's far away fighting a war Instead of fighting at my door. 53 Charter Service Anywhere Custom - Made Mattresses - Any Size or lOnd Special Pikes on Single Mattress and Bex Spring Sets $38.90 up - lot us give a bid AU WOW OIMIANTKD, Phono about Viet Nam across the sea Ita far away and doesn't cuncern me 04 Tooele Coif Course Class Lessons $1.75 per hour Golf Eaulmnent Construction Company . Who cares TRANSPORTATION Dial 12 Then you see a far off land Where men arc dying In the sand. A frown appears across your face Your tired of hearing about that place. Tooele Workman's Bus Co. (fytfdfotdett & RICHARDS Tires Open Alleys Every Night m vm Tooele Bowl .47 East Second North 12 . You ait at home and watch TV Your sipping a refreshing cold Ice Tea The news comes on and then you hear The all Star game is drawing near. Vulcanlihaf Excellent Stock ajl Passenger, TrucR - 882-059- 5 11 con-recor- d. (Author Unknown) Pull Unconditional Guarantee Satisfaction Center Rentals 4 3 3 7 8 9 8-- 5-- WHO IS HE leedfoe BNatvy FINE CARPETS PARTICIPATING SPORTS Phene Salt Lake 882-38- 35 Tin Bepahring Shrubs- L .1 Hq. AntJ-rreoz- o, SEE US FIRST W 13 11 12 10 Dugway Post Softball defeated Fort Douglas 4 and 2 on Saturday, Aug. 14. Staff Sergeant James Swann was the winning pitcher in the first game an d Specialist 5 Harold McGee in the second game. Sp 5 Bob Kennedy was the batting star fer Dugway with 9 hits, 3 singles and 2 doubles, and 4 runs batted in. Private Firct Class Jerry Wicks iir'1-- H hits .12 singles and 1 2 run tiled in -nd Fir,t Lieutenant Francis Huse double and triple with 2 run hatted in. In the first game Dugway got three runs in the first inning when PFC Bob Atwood singles and Wicks doubled. PFC Fred Wetzel then doubled and Kennedy singled. In the third inning Wicks walked, House doubled and Kennedy singled. Dugways big inning in the second game came in the top cf the 7th when PFC Carlo Johnson doubled, Wicks singled Kennedy doubled, and House ht a triple. The Team GILLESPIE'S EXCEL SERVICE 88 North Trees 2115 882-279- 3 .... High School 2 CBR Test Support 2 Distributors lor Hamblo Oil Bofinfng Products Tiros, Batterios, Lubrication kPpan S am to IB pm daily Sunday GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES 2 Batteries Tools Glass Anto Accessories Shop Equipment 17S North Main Tooele, Utah 882-15- We Specialize in 24 Hour Strvice - All Work Guarantood PHONE Phone pmonb dgrahgdflom. Wnr Vink Satisfaction Center NCO ESTATE 'IBB PI 398 North Main Med. Tooele Realhi KELVINATOR And Balance GENERATORS HAPPY HOMES Agent for AUTO REPAIR . PARTS Wins Twice Estate Phono You'll recognize him as he walks There's a saddened look in his eye Yet he walks so proud and kicks so mean Hes called the worlds greatest fighting machine No wonder hes proud Hes, a "United States Marine." 812-35- 72 9 |