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Show 35 Receive Red Cross Youth Volunteer Awards TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, September 10, 1965 Red Cross Youth Volunteers Thirty five high school uge and were capped during a were presented Red Cress hpins the Elementary School Mult.- 19 special ceremony Aug. purpose Room. Red Cross Youth Volunteer Mrs. William W. Chairman, that each of said Stone, Jr., the young people worked more than 30 hours In the Red this Cn.ss programs summer. .. A TOTAL of 47 volunteers working in the program have already accumulated ever 1200 hours of volunteer t ire. Present at the ceremony Ted Kirkmeyer, were Mrs. Red Cross Volunteer Field Director for the Salt Lake City area and Mr. Joe Laurent, Cress Military Liasison Red for northern Utah. The program has been a success only because efthe amount of time put in by the young people and their leaders. WORKING with Mrs. Stone as adult sponsors are: Mrs. Kenneth Beardun and Private First Class Lance Crawford, swimming; Mrs. Jchn Rothsels tennis; Mrs. Edith Dozois, day c.n-po- st . - Padelford of SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS Sergeant First the CBRWOC and Specialist 4 William Fegen, 65th Military Police Platoon, display their sweepstakes winning entries in the Tooele County Fair. Specialist Fegen won the woodworking sweepstakes award taking firsts with each of his six entries. Sgt. Padelford wen the Painting Division with his two entries each cf which took a first place. Specialist Fegan and Sgt. Padelford and numerous other Dugway res:dent hobbyists ard artists row have their wonts displayed at the utan state Fair in Salt Lake City. U.S. Army Photo Class- - Ward EDITORS NOTE: This new column in the Test Run will e tc help keep our DA Civilian from Employees and their supervisors being informed of what is be printed time-to-tim- going long-servi- m pay-peri- Government The plan would provide pay for Federal career-sev-ran- Rose. bockmobile; Series E United States Bnd now sold carry an automatic 10 ing ex- year tens'cn option beyond their original maturity date. .All - level civilian employees and wculd not cover such groups as top executives. Persons serving under appointments with a time limitation, or alien emNo employee ployees abroad. would receive severance pay if his separation resulted from his rr isccnduct, delinquency, or inefficiency. No severance pay made to employees would be eligible for immediate annuity under the Civil Service Retire ment Act. When economy and efficienor recy dictate elimination of Federal activities, duction Commission said, displacthe ed employee! should be given . humanitarian consideration. HAWK To Get Track Mobility WASHINGTON (ANF) The Army has awarded a $1.6 million contract to the Raytheon Company for research and development on a version of the HAWK air defense guided missile system for use in the forward battle area. Mounted on an XM548 d vehicle, the supersonic HAWK will have greater mobility and flexibility while requiring fewer vehicles than units currently deployed. A ' new HAWK platoon will consist of three launchers carrying fully-tracke- ed " Htrna A fashion fling in shaker 1 Om today! S 882-3ft)- FOR SALE Wurlitzer Spinet pianos from $495. Parkers Music 56 CRI N. Main. NEW FOR SALE BY OWNER -- 3 bedroom, split level with wall to wall carpet, double hung beauty pleat drapes, bath V4, fireplace, finished family room with bar, water soft ner, beautiful yard and many i extras. N. 545 Parkway. HOUSE FOR SALE Utah Ave. Phone 10 - 117 No juicers. and fruit tomato VICTORIO Ex- g. cellent for apple sauce. Louie DeRose, 502 S. 4th East in 28 Springville, Utah. LEATHER BELTS, black, tan, and brown. Call 882-126- 9. 8824930. 7 NOTICE FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY UNTIL JUNE 1 Lawn mowers precision sharpened. All makes. Small engine repair. Saws, scissors, knoves sharpened. Cal Farrington, 287 MarVista Lane, Full time.. SEWING MACHINE FOUR PAIR Custom made drapea. Baby stroller. Phone 884-062- 6. ing. Gillespies Sewing Machine Center. 261 So.- - 1st West. CRI Tooele. Ph. 882-066- 1. SOFTENER approximately sq. ft. 375 Melba Drive. 2400 882-259- 3. ll 28 FOR SALE - brick home, two bedroom, room, large living BPOE ELKS No. 1S7S meetnice dining room, den, carCOAL FURNACE and stoker. ings Second and Fourth Tires basement finish pets, e veilings. Phone $25. drapes, S N. at Mala. fl days p.a. ed. Good location. Owner has FURNISHED APARTMENTS moved. Will sell very reason LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE two and three rooms. New ably. Will show. Call FOR SALE - Normandy clari. NO. 2M1 kitchens, and appliances, in20 net. Good condition. Phone MEETINGS WED. S p.m. autoelectric ranges, cluding SSI E. UTAH AVE. matic gas heat, air condition- NEWLY remodeled 2 bedroom W. K. Phillips, Secrete ed. Large recreation area. home, full basement, patio, Phone 882-1Rates start at $75 per month lovely yard, fruit trees, wawith all utilities furnished. ter. 430 Brook Ave. Rent by day, week, month or ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE 28 NO. 11, FAAM year. Linen service available. MEETS 1st and Sid TUES. Western Motel. Apartment NEW MOON Mobile Home for OF EACH MONTH 7:88 p.m. 515 North Main, Tooele. Ph. sale. 8x40 ft. Excellent condiAT THE FRATERNAL HALL CRI tion and parked in a beauti. CRI ful lot. Call 28 CENTER OF TOWN office or store buildings, . 3200 square LB. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY feet and 3500 square feet. BEING TRANSFERRED IM1500 MEDIATELY Over sq. CRI Contact Bus England. FOR LEASE - Beer tavern in ft. living space, all one level Grantsville with apartment APTS FOR RENT - Single ocplus detached garage. GARDENS attached. Ideal for ambitious three bedroom, liv$60 monthly. Kit- cupancy, after 6 couple. Call ing room, 1 baths, plus a chenettes, furnished, utilities W. p.m. Make offer. included. LAS Apts. 385 East. large family room. Carpeted, iS2-OS- 0 built-infireplace, sprinkler Vine. Call anytime. 2 system. 250 Griffith Street, after 5:30 p.m. CH-2- 2 CHILD CARE Phone P4h3 ELECTROLUX Vacuum and FOR RENT - clean, modem I WILL TEND children in my polisher!. Does the job easi2 room house, suitable for a FOUR LEVEL, new home, fenced yard and er, better, faster. Let me landscaped, couple. References required. show you. 'Parts Repairs. sprinkler, fence, patic, storm new playroom. By the day CRI Phone Charles M. Palmer. 35 E. windows, rumpus room, base$2.25 includes balanced meal, 1 $18,600. Ph. ment, built-in- . 25 cents per hour while you Main, Grantsville. EXCITING CONTEMPORARY 7 bowl, or shop. New Spacious 9 FOR a job well done feeling 2 Bedroom Apts. QUALITY HOME - three bedclean carpets with Blue Lustre Carpets, drapes, range, ref. rooms, 2 baths, full basement Rent electric shampooer $1. BABY SITTER wanted to come Some Air Cond. built-insprinkler system, Gordon Furniture Co. 60 So. in home. Call 8824923. Furnish or Unfurnished double car garage, 2 fireC--6 MAin. 260 North First East places, carpeting, drapes. 375 RELIABLE GIRL wants work after 4 oclock. CRI Melba Dr., Ph. FOR SALE - sweet corn and (full or part time). Call 1 FURNISHEDHOUSE for new potatoes. Bring own School teachers container. Floyd Walters, in Pio473 Furnished house at 1 Erda. REWARD neer Ave. available for rent school teachers for to two STOKER and blower. Good REWARD for return of keyto June 1966. school year 191 condition. 2 $125 per month with all utiliring containing keys. ties included. Utilities indud Bring to Tooele Bulletin ofalforo FOR SALE - Frig-dairrefrig0 fice, please. telephone w!ll average ing 2 after 5 erator. Call about $25 per month. Tele- OLDER HOME - Extra large WANT WORK p.m. after 7 p.m. phone liviiig room, three bedrooms. for appointment o Sept. 30 be furCan bought partly Crested Polish BEAUTIFUL URGENT - lady needs ironing. nished if desired. Lot 66x173, chickei.s, $5 a pair. EASTER NICE APT at 243 No. Daily. 75 cents hour. Free TWO two shares water, 8 fruit PULLETS, lay blue eggs, Main St., Tooele. Call after pick up and delivery. trees. Direct VA or contract. GAME CHICK$1.50 each; 5 p.m. 8R65-2ENS $5 a trio; MIXED PUL75 cento each. 180 Hale LETS home' small BEDROOM TWO FOR RENT Let our Insurance Agency Grantsville. Ph. 5 in Grantsville. Call handle ymir Insura nee needs. or TWO ROOM modern apt. for rent. Furnished. Private bath 1 8MM CAMERA Projector, light-ba-r, Phone 882-1FOR RENT - three room furutilities-paid- . Suitable bro 0 etc. Evenings: nished house. Utilities paid. 464 So. Mam. 0 358 N. 1st East. HAY FOR SALE on the field. FOR SALE at reduced price FOR RENT - nice three room Evan Coon, Erda. brick home with a ROOM furnished apt. THREE furnished apt. double garage and huge stor0 age area. All on one level. NICE THREE ROOM APT. for TOMATOES ready 94 ft. frontage with lawn CANNING APT. for rent. -re.it at Grantsville. Ph. 884--. FURNISHED at Bevans. 575 So. Coleman. $45 sprinklers, fireplace and two month. 15 So. 1st West, 3362. ' 0 full baths. Phene 0 Bring containers. rear. Phone C-furroom RENT three FQR GET New A grade honey. Joe IDEAL bacm.;r apartment for nished LAND apartment. Washing Beck and beat price raise Two man. or woman big facilities. Mrs. Mayer. 160 expected shortage do to late rooms. bathroom, Closets, So. 2nd West. 28 WANT BUILDING LOTS in spring frost telephone. No children. Quiet Tooele. Phone 2nd West. So. 364 and clean. - Remington elecFOR RENT - three room apt. ' 17 --FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Curry. Furnished. tric shaver. Used 1 week, ph PRI FOR SALE - 20 acres in Erda, BOARDER WANTED - room with water rights thereon, na two FOR RENT men large suitable for one or two tural gas available. Bids ac- VEHl CLES unfurnished apartment will or couple. Mrs. Mayer, 160 . finance. V. L. cepted, furGrantsville. Heat, water, Turner. Ph. South 2nd West. 51 FORD 34 ton pickup. -ennished. Private bath and 10 Extras. Good condition. $425. afCall trance. $50. PETS ter 5 p.m. BUILDING LOTS 2 kittens need homes FREE -- 1964 TO FINANCE nvssio.i FURNISHED APT. CcPle or ' THREE 0 building lots for V-large Belvedere. 138 Ave. Utah Plymouth aingle lady. saIe m Coleman. Call turfour dr. sedan, stick, 0 LOST quoise. Accept good older mcdel trade in. 263 E. Mali, FURNISHED APT. S!ngle or TWO 75x173 ft. lota for sale. LOST - miniature white poodle call Grantsville. double. Call after 5 p.m. the nsme to answers Bai.k finance. will each. $1500 0 with trimmed Dutch 0 after Call "Pepe. p.m. call turquoise collar. Please MUST SACRIFICE - for misReward. or 0 sion - 1955 Mrrcury. Black -WANTED TWO OR three bedroom house auto. Need place to keep five mall pets. Johnny Frederick V&'ton pickup. V-reasonable older 1956 GMC WANTED Ext. 2648 or overloads. Phone Grantsville contract. box, on long home 10 4 0 after 5 p.m. area preferred. U 884-66- : 882-235- 5. 8. T0MAT0S 10 5. Three-year-ol- 882-27- d, AIS0P 384 Vint s, 882-02- ll in Pfaff Sewing Machines. Hemstitch- WHITE SEWING CENTER TOOELE MERC CO. OP-ti- jj REPAIR-A- makes. Dealers or 882-077- 2 I & 5 Here! MISCELLANEOUS llONTHLY RATES art for consecutive huertions only, with no changes. Except with business Arms and individuals who maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR hi a classified ad dawld be reported immediately. The paper is responsible for one Incorrect insertion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the TEST RUN, a' newspaper distributed to 2,888 Dugway Proving Ground residents and workers, twice monthly, without addition! charge. DEADLINE lor classified ads b II a.m., day of t LEONARD HANSEN 49 S 1st East Don't-Wan- ts 882-094- FROM 882 2274 $110.9$ to Z $419. dRi COPES RADIO TV SERVICE Radio - TV - Hi Fi - Stereo Fm - Am Two Way CS Call Open 882-436- 2. until 9 CRI p.m. FARMERS Insurance forall insurance needs. Fire - car -home, etc. Call Don Madsen, CRI 882-321- 7. WATKINS HAS IT? Pest Control Chart.- You name the;in-se- we name the kill. Parley Savage, 382 S. 1st W.! CRI ct ELECTR I C IRON REPAIRING All makes. Steam irons dean ed and repaired. Elmera. 30- o West Vine. P-t- DRAPERIES Ready Made for All fabrics, custom built. modern designs. Gordons Fur CRI niture. 60 S. Main. 882-025- 882-315- - APPLIANCE REPAIRING; j Washer- - Dryers- - Refrigerators. 24 HOUR SERVICE APPLIANCE DOCTOR 882-45- 882-008- 882-487- 5. s, 882-259- 3. '65 IPentiass Cadillacs & GHvlC Trucks udfM of value MM toa value ef our a Insurance! I - 882-45- Buy Now and Save -- . TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES S cents per ward Regular (light type) 16 cents par vrord Business Firms (heavy type) 99 cents per blue up to one Inch (monthly rates) $1J0 per Inch ever one inch (monthly rates) $1.59 per inch Display Ada SPECIAL More than 478 million Individual U.S. Savings Bonds are being held by Americans - today. They represent holdings of approximately 848.9 billion dollars. Of the individual Bends outstanding, about 448 million are in the $25 to $200 denominations, indicating the appeal of the Bond program to the t small saver. . lef ore Fall Arrives Sell on in the Federal Civil Service. Compiling the column is Mr. Ted James who is the Dugway Civilian Personnel Officer. Commission Civil Service submitted to Congress has draft legislation that provides severance pay to certain Federal employees separated from their jobs through no fault of the;r own. Tht treasure, promised by the President in his pay message to Congress, was recommended to him by the Special Panel cn Federal Salaries. The need for severance pay has recently been emphasized the plight of many by employees who are losing their jobs in shutdowns of For establishments. military many of them, no similar jobs are available which would use their special skills. The new proposal would separated involuntarily give severance pay on employees 19481. of one weeks pay basis the A plaque recognising doeach year of service for nor and original recipient through the first ten years, will be displayed with the two weeks pay for each additional year of service, and anmedal. other 10 per cent of this total each year by which the September 13, 1814: The for SeStar Spangled Banner was employees age exceeds 40. exceed not could verance pay Francis Scr.ttKey written by one salary. Pay rents following the bombardment of would years but lump-sube not British Fort by McHenry at made would be regular troops. The British attack on intervals. Thus, an emBaltimore was unsuccessful. ployee who is later reemployed by another Federal agency his be refit period exbefore pires would not be faced with back to the money paying Betty Mrs. Hodge Hartley, Mrs. George Cab-re- y, Thriftshcp; Mrs. Michael Masoian and Mrs. Victor Lid-ne- r, arts and crafts; and Mrs. Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., music program. Mrs. Stone said that the Youth Volunteer Program is "the idea of providing service to the community. The volunteers work hard and enjoy it and have been able to make valuable use of their sum irer Iei::ure hours. The program was of direct benefit 0. the Post in that it enhanced many of the special summer programs." Mrs. Richard Carriere has Stone as Red replaced Mrs. Cross Y.nith Volunteer Chairman. Her duties began Sept. 1. nursery; most of us enjoyment, but for which few qualify for employment the performing arts. After sipping some punch, the College Career Day was girls had a chance to talk inheld in Dugway for the first formally with the guest speaktime on Friday, August 20. High ers. Then all settled back to school girls who will enter their hear Gloria Gordon tell abcut sophemore, junior and senior library science, Dorothy Hilt years' were invited by the Dug- tell about the life of an air way College Women's Club to lines stewardess, Lynn Theuer attend a luncheon at the Offitell about the varied opportunicers Open Mess. ties in recreation, Mrs. Henry The luncheon was designed to Whitaker tell about the many help acquaint them with anum types of work available through ber cf careers and professions Civil Service for people with colof particular interest to wo- lege degrees in Liberal Arts, men. Eleven guest speakers and Mrs. Helen Collins tell of briefly discussed the opportunithe many kinds of work open ties, requirements, preparation, to a weman with a degree in salaries, disadvantages and I journalism. Then the girls had satisfactions in each of their another chance to discuss cafields of work. reers informally. Mrs. John Hayes, mistress uf The Dugway College Wo nrns tellceremonies, spoke first Club will make College Caing of the problems of wo ran reer Day an annual evc-nt-. The with advanced degrees. Mrs. committee that planned it this Chester Brown described the year included Mrs. Chester field cf medical technology, Brown and Mrs. Morris Levin, Mrs. Morris Levin discussed and Mrs. Henry primary education, and Mrs. Whitaker, Mrs. John Hayes, Kenneth Bearden discussed sec- Mrs. Charles DeWitt and Mrs. ondary education. Mrs. William George Cabrey. Harmon then introduced to the girls an area cf work that gives Move Summer Medal Of Honor Shrine Planned VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (ANF) A nationwide search for Medals of Honor is underway. The Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge is currently developing a shrine honoring the more than 8,000 recipients of the Medal of Honor. Set in rustic woodland surroundings, the memorial will include a Medal of Honor Grove and an adjoining archives building housing complete records of the deeds of brave men since the Medal's inception in 1861. Also included will be displays on the Medals historical background. Eight different designs of the Medal have been used, and the foundation is having difficulty locating certain ones for display. Persons possessing a Medal of Honor have been urged to contact the foundation and place the Medal on loan for display. Further information may be obtained General Bruce C. from Clarke, Vice Chairman, Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge, Valley Forge, Pa. I Career Day Hosts High School Girls 882-164- 4. Heines Realty 882-174- 5. noth turn 10-1- All work guaranteed. 17 VINE APPLIANCE' Repair. All brands withers, "dry era, etc. Teisters, Irons, Mixers, etc. F ree pickup - DeMon., Fit livery. WEST 882-232- 3. Sat 9-- 24 6 P-3- 882-250- 8. e P-1- 882-261- HUNTERS: Accident, Sickness Hospital I n surance, $5,000 to - one day or more. $50,000 Puffer Insurance Agency. Of fice Phone Home Phone RI 882-121- 6. 882-455- 6. 882-10- P-t- 7 882-358- 8. 6. 884-507- 4. 884-065- 8. SAGE KENNELS mall breed dogs. 75boarding cents a day. p3o VIOLIN TEACHER from Denver School of Music. Beginner, intermediate and 'advanced students. Excellent 884-505- 5. references. 882-150-0, P-1- 882-187- 8. 882-45- 56 P-1- 882-414- 5. ; ; 28 882-144- 9. QONGINO D8I0THY 882-286- 2. P-1- MICE mn STFDIO P-1- 882-000- P-1- 882-363- 7. Call 882-401- 14 882-064- . pt 882-033- 0. 8. 882-234- p-- bed-roo- Terrific topping for everything! Betty Rose whips up a laminated shaker knit shortie, spotlighted with suede cloth binding and buttons and so absolutely beautiful it's sure to be your most cherished possession! In go with everything Natural, Camel or Grey. Sizes -- -- 6. twe $35.95 9. TERRIFIC DISCOUNTS I Best Deals in the State 884-39- 882-048- P-1- 882-055- 8 P-1- 882-227- 1. TOCXHK . d1TTK 44 Emit lu North Phone T 6 1. day and and 6:00. Friday between 882-043- 2 8. wottoTent 884-338- 8. P-7- 299-277- 8. 884-500- 3. 882-006- P-1- 5 0 VEHICLES FOR SALE i; 1956 CHEV Ptokup. 204 East 2nd North. 1964" "c H eST Tm PAL A 2 drj'ht , excellent cond. New transmis-882-0621. 1. 882-19- 7 882-106- 884-338- 882-033- 3. P-1- NEW CLASSES forming: Tuesday: 3:40 p.m. age Sat. 11:30 a.m. age 4tt te6 12:15 a.m. age 7 to 9 4:00 p.m. Jr.. High f 5:00 p.m. High School girls 6:00 p.m. High School boys Register Wednesday, Thurs- . P-1- 0 FOR SALE - 1957 Buick, Excellent 'copd. New transmission. Very clean. 9. , M Av . |