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Show V Perfect ExtraiSet! Modern Glow Ponel Light! Portable Stereo with Sing Along Mike! Fits Pockette or Purse! The GOUATH RGH12 Serial . 1 A'VOthwlWwSo,, MdWfe Color Tho DEBONAIR Sorloo " IB tuDo (ooifW dlog AG-42- 125 aq. In. picture &t6' SportaboutTV Clock Radio . TV performance Dependable plus comped design for Powerful 18,000-vo- lt S porta bout chassis. Stay-svolume control. Built-i- n VHFUHF antennal room-to-roo- m port-abilit- y. et 295 WITH rcaVictor RCA VICTOR RCA VICTOR Pockette Radio Deluxe AM model with soft-glopanel light Wakes you to music or with buzzer alarm. Drowse Alarm calls you again after extra 40 winks. Sleep Switch turn off ratio Lowest-price- d RCA Victor Deluxe model with four speakers in portable. power pulls in stations with amazing clarity. Operates on battery. Comes with carrying case, battery and earphone. w after RCA VICTOR SSS Portable Stereo Eight-transist- or Tilt-do- 9-v- olt joTrtahep at fliitt. t, Stu-dioma- tic 14411 STAND Biiii swing-ou- detachable endosurei changer, magnetic tone arm lock. Powerful Solid State amplifier, sing along mike. mmmmi 501 NYLON APPLIANCES 0 BUY EM BOTH vc Installed With Rubber Pad w e ...V ONLY A.""1" t OHO YD. ......rf-- v' RECLINERS ... $69,sup Breakfast Sets 5 Gl3CEES7 0EEEH2? C0P 33225 Models IUA WK; IMC-- G WM WWRf'i 7 ' 'AA $79,sup PIECE STYLE TWO END TABLES, COCKTAIL TABLE, ROCKER AND MATCHING DAVENOS ALL FIVE PIECES Chest Seperate FOUR 69 w DRAWER, Bunk Bed V i s I Model 0 SWl 229 INCLUDES HEAD BOARD HOLLYWOOD FRAME, BOX SPRINGS AND MATTRESS YOUR CHOICE MxMtMTMN FURNITURE Twin Size Bed r up PIECE Breakfast Sets WESTERN fa . . . $4995 EMB-14- S ..... $39fs 3 ONLY $7,. FROM COMPLETE, AT THIS LOW PRICE 0pufttUuc cutd Frco Pcrhica rfjtydfaMtce in Qccr cf Stcro |