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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, August 27, 1965 It Happened Stand For Freedom ... at Dugway. by PFC Carl Eric ion After having leaped out of bed a good hour before the trumpet which awakena the sleeping - having done my con verted Canadian exercises -having also completed a few pages in the Kinsey report sud denly I noticed that it was still raining. PUZZLED I recalled the geographic placement of Dugway. Thought of words read, arid area, salty aoil, silicone sand, low humidity and little rain, penneatedthe mind, As I dusted, swept and buffed the rain continued. . Yes, today would be quite the day it a memorable day rained when it rained the day before. LITTLE BIG LEAGUE The Dugway Little League waned last week but gave evidence of endless life. The Cubs had won the first half of play and apparently had won the second half maka ing playoff unnecessary. went However, something wrong in the last week of play and the Pirates tied the Cubs for first place. The Cubs then forfeited the for the second playoff game half (at least we think they did). And as this paper of note presses, the Cub players say they won the league and the Pirates seem to think the deciding games will be played during world series time. The war in Viet Nam even a few weeks ago still seemed distant to most of us even in the military. There were a few headlines and somberw timings about escalation but most people were not stirred from their indifference. THEN SUDDENLY Viet Nam was not a game nor was it merely, a small concern for the military, the budget or the world. Undeclared aa jt may be, the United States is engaged in a war of far reaching scope and meaning. Now there are many with brothers, fathers, sons and husbands to which the words Viet Nam have new painful meaning. THE UNITED STATES has committed itself beyond recall to the defense of the freedom and autonomy of the Republic of South Viet Nam. President Lyndon B. Johnson has said that the cost will be high, the fight long, and success may not be an immediate conaequence but we are there to stay. - COMMISSIONED 1935 July "While "Doe not to aonmteUonrdoflknwlia htefcof Staff, Chief of SUIT of the Chief of Nani aa an etiliated member. ten. Chief cf BUS of the Air Fora, or Commawtant Amg artlee aervioo opply Marine Corpc, imleony ter thte rrede fa (0,140.20 rafsrdiesa of eumuteUn yean of rrvM- - computed under aeeUon 206 of Uite ItUe. "COMMISSIONED at Aberdeen Proving Ibis laboradie U. S. Armed Forces first venture into organized research, formally basic research fai ballistics, and in related fields of physics, mathematics, and chemistry, engineering. Its present staff in eludes many technicians as well as professionals, many of them scientists of worldwide reraui. Tooele County Fair Board FAIR ROYALTY chairman watches as Tooele County Fair Queen Linda Anderson, assisted by Stephanie LaRue and Sandy Dwyer cut opening day ribbon. HA VI BEEN CREDITED WITH OVER n-- HOODS WALGREEN . I SUE 1HIRSDAY, FUMY A or White Paste 1 al 110120 or. on aw 20 s 0--1 B am w WARRANT OFFICERS Saw with State Farm's "ENLISTED MEMBERS Y4w of mrvte acmputed Fsj pud late ow Ovwa a Ow 4 OwO (Ml TO 047.10 HT.M 17170 low insurance unte metteu rates ter DM careful drivers See me. OwO HE DURRANT ... 041110 E--7. 194. 10 US 10 E-- 4. S1T.SS -. ff.M E-- L. E--l E--l (ASS (muter 4 012. SO 27100 aw io MXM MM MU 107.00 MU MU MM HIM HIM 241.40 17140 SUM 204. SS 101 TO MOO OHM M10 SS4 South Fririmu Drive IIWM MU MM 107.00 MM S44.M 107.00 MM MU Tootle, Utoh Phono MU U2-4M- 7 STATE FARM arts MUTUAL' Forces Buildup To Take Year Washington (AFPS) - Addition of 340,000 personnel to the active forces will be completed in about a year, officials have revealed. Some 300,000 will be added by July 1966 and 40,000 by October 1066. This does not mean all these will be required in the Republic ofViet-Nait was pointed out. 0 Current plana call for a reman force in Viet-Napresenting a hole that must be filled elsewhere. The inWashington (AFPS) - The creased strength allows for per Ariny has indefinitely suspend- sonnel in transit between ased its enlisted grade insignia signments, training, and mainrevision, commonly called the taining strengths for worldwide stripes change over, sched- commitments. uled for Sept. 1. Secretary of Defense Robert Announcing the suspension, S. McNamara recently said the officials said ft has become personnel ratio over the Viet evident that more searching Cong is three- - to- - one. He analysis is required to deteras other U.S. officials do, mine what changes, if any, will this ratio is inadequate. be required. i A specific ratio has not been was The proposed change given, but estimates run as announced last February after high as 10-which officials a review of selected think excessive, considering officer positions and mobility and better greater the relationship between these equipment of forces. positions. It was designed to U.S. forces in Increasing give added prestige to the ser- RVN from 75,000 to 125,000 will vant major and to correct a create a more favorable ratio situation where two people in balance, officials believe, sayseparate pay grades wear the ing the Joint Chiefs of Staff same number of stripes. agreed against calling up reA more thorough examina- serves during the recent buildtion is now required, an officiup. al said, because of conversion Spokesmen point to reserves to a new combat logistics (true as a perishable commodity,! ture this year, and to the re- meaning they are called up for) organized infantry division. a year, and if not needed for As announced last spring, a several months, their full powreath would have been add- tential is not used. the sergeant majors1 ed to The objective in RVN, as chevrons and E3 lance stated, is to convince would previously been have stripes the Viet Cong and the North created. Many government they caned officers would have lost a Viet-Nadomination over achieve not stripe. the RVN. Iho BASIS! 6LEAH 125,-00- m be-liv- 1, US-RV- N SATURDAY BOTOIENOUimagwr Boaiaif JUMBO ERASER. 4" School Scissors IT BOX DRUG under arct Ion 20S O- -t Cancelled TEMPERA COLORS overt Fean' MEMBER 4 YEARS' ACTIVE SERVICE AS AN ENLISTED Yarn of servioi computed Stripe Change Mens ft Mbs BILLFOLDS hove been credited with A military educator, logistical planner and author of numerbooks and ous management articles, Brigadier General deColonel Jack E. Babsignee, cock, has been named Director of Personnel and Training for the U.S. Army Materiel Command, Washington, D.C., it was announced. A Regular Army officer since 1938, Colonel Babcock, graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, was a member of its faculty for 4 years. He received a bachelor of science degree in pharmacy studies from and the . University of Washington, where he was an honor ROTC graduate, and a master's and doctor of philosophy degrees from Georgetown University. Over 0 Division, now called the Ballistic Research Laboratoriea, was est- ablished OFFICERS WHO "Par The Research Ground, Maryland. tory complex was OFFICERS Years of wrks computed uudarwctlen 201 - 1 ON AMC Colonel P and A Head 0 FILLER I PAPER 500 ar 200 IhSorlihg oo mas oh too mam. comb mf low to OfJ CHEVROLET You're WE SATURDAY FORD 35c R- usienmnyi MASMEU 1965 SAVALAS -- 6 1959 Chevrolet 8 $795 $1395 Chevrolet 8 $2995 Impala Super Sport 250 hp powerglide radio- - heater- - many extras Showroom Condition. 1964 Oldsmobile 8 $2895 engine - powerglide Excellent condition 348 1963 Corvalr 6 $1295 Super 88 - 4-- d ht Rocket Engine- - Hydramatic Model 727 epe 6 cyl eng - 3 spd trans. A perfect 2nd car 1960 FORD 8 1959 BU1CK 8 $595 Less than 10,000 act. miles A Real Cherry Dyn 88 - 4-- d ht Rocket engine- - Hy dr am atic Radio- - heater- - whitewalls New Mileage-Lik- e Imlala - 4 dht 4-- 1995 Oldsmobile 8 $3195 Low II Sedan Nova 120 hp trans. Well equipped Economy minded In excellent condition. WALLACR FBAMNSE BORLEACTELY 1963 Chevy Country Squire Wagon V8 engine Fordomatic Very well equipped PANAVISION'TECHNICOLQ- JAMES 8 Never Forget a Customer" $1045 AMU -- 75c Students 75c in Klantes Chevrolet Company 1961 CMMtmi ever you buy cor--por- al SKOAL MATINS n $595 LeSabre Fairlane 500 4ds Fordomatic - Air Lite Blue color V8 - Dynaflow V8 - Good school Priced to sell car these prices THESE CARS At ARE STEALS See Them! Buy! Save! Mantes Chevrolet Company S3 SI-11- 46 |