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Show Softball Bow Hunt Parents Warned Requires Of Backyard Special Permit Standing The entire Tooele ' era, reports Tooele Fish and Game. Conservationist Roy Gar rard. A special hunting permit is required of all bow hunters and no guns of any kind will be permitted in the possession of . last year after Ver-huls- bow hunters during the hunt TIME TARTAN TRIO Popular trio to perform at the North Tooele Stake Youth Spectacular Friday, August 27. The annual event, sponsored by the Youth Missionary Committee will begin at 3 p.m. and all youth of the county are invited to attend. righttime for To DPG Team Places 6th Sponsor rV Series a half-ho"Hank, comedy Tooele received 1.71 Inches starring Dick Kallman in the of rain during the past week title role as an unregistered reports Burdett Bevan, Tooele college student, will be present basis id on a weather observer. the Bell System over NBC by of Saturday TV on Fridays, p.m. The an inch fell and on Sunday a half inch of rain fell, he states. first telecast will be SeptemFrom Wednesday to Sunday ber 17, in black and white; the rain foil each of the five days. rest will be in color. The series will relate the were - Aug. Temperatures Dearborn, U, high 70 and low 57 with 38 adventures of Hank n (the oppo- hundredths of an inch of mois- a student "drop-isite of drop-out- ) at Western ture; Aug. II, high 72 and low who adopts State University,M with of an inch various aliases to pursue a of rain; Aug. 20, high 82 and higher education while being low 56 with an of lursued by the universitys 'rich; Aug. 21, high 69 and low 52 with of an registrar. inch of rain; Aug. 22, high 74 and low 52 with a half inch of rain; Aug. 23, high 75 and low Men, like pencils, need two 54; Aug. 24, high 79 and low flings somebody 1) to sharp-540 Aug. 25, high 84 and low 'em up, and 2) to push 69. ur The gofl team representing Dugway in the Sixth Army Golf placed Championships sixth in a field of 11 teams in a tournament which ended last Sunday at Fort Lewis, Wash. The best individual score for Dugway was shot by Second Lieutenant Roy Sugawa a 315. Private First Class William Gilbert shot a 329; SFC Roland Behr, 350; and First Lieutenant Robert McVicker, 354. Lt. Sugawa placed 14 in a field of 44 in individual scori- ip - - ng. Fort Ord won the tourney with a 1206, 19 strokes ahead of second place Fort Lewis 1225. Dugway had 1 School Starts Soon Chock Ads For Snnart IBuys scholarly styles. Designed for restless feet in class, for running feet at recess. These make the honor roll for wear, fit, style, and durability. . TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED) RATES I cents pei 19 cents per word 59 centMer issue up to one inch (monthly rates) tl.90 per Inch ever one Inch (monthly rates) $1.56 per Inch Display Ads I VANCE. AN ERROR in a dassifiod ad dnuld be reported d lately. The paper Is responsible tor one incorrect Imme-Inser- RORY CALHOUN stars as a renegade gun fighter In the new A. C. Lyles production Young In DECLINE lor classified ads Is 11 a.m., day of Fury," a Paramount release Technicolor and Technlscope, tkm. which opens Sunday at the Rite the As rugged Theatre. Calhoun has one of the SPECIAL NOTICE most exciting roles of Ms colorPOE ELKS No. 1673 ful career.tags Second and Fourth Tuesdays at 8 p.m. 61 N. Mata. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE two and three rooms. New. NO. 2681 When she thinks by the inch kitcheni, and appliances, in- -, MEETINGS, WED. P.M. eluding electric ranges, autoand talks by the yard, die 881 E. UTAH AVE. matic gaa heat, air conditionneeds to be moved by the foot. W. K. Phillips, Secretary ed. Large recreation area. . CRI Phone Rate start at $75 per month ' with all utilitiea furnished. Rent by day, week, month or OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS year. Linen service available. Western Apartment Motel. .. 515 North Main, Tboele I CAREER Insurance Sale OpPhone 8824062 portunity. High Commission with up-- to-- date Spedlal Savings and Protection Contracts CENTER OF TOWN office or store Good buildings, 3200 square required. reputation Call collect - Salt Lake City, feet and 3500 square feet. Con CRI or write F A Mathie, tact Bus England. 436 South Main, Salt Lake Utah, for confidential MTS FOR RENT Single ocCity, o Genius information. You Need Not be Sept. 3 cupancy $80 monthly. Kitchenettes, furnished, utilities in.AVON CALLING To Recognize These as cluded. LAS Apia. 365 East 7 Vine. Call . are sincerely anytime. earning good money, have a after 5:30 p.m'. CH-2Excellent Budget Buys -few hours daily, learn now how you can quality to be , RENT - clean, modern 2 Keep em on Time This the Avon Representative ini mm house, suitable for a I . your own neighborhood. Call couple. References required School Year With August1 Ph. r, a iTp gig - J36eBe(1tleee.la (t Wurlitzer Spinet pianos from $495. Parkers Music, 56, n. Main. CRI NEW room with bar, wafer soft er 8823S1, ner, beautiful yard and many extras. 545 N. Parkway. 10 F0R SALE Like new. HOUSE FOR SALE 117 Utah ' or 882- -' Ave. Phone 882-677- 2 LARGE house. - UNTIL JUNE - sofa and $75. 884-391- 9. 12 year Moved sharpndee. Cal 287 MarViata Land. o Fun time. May 39 chair. complete. F.ipancmaPh EWING MACHINE REPAIR-- . All makes. Dealers in Pfaff, Sewing Medlines. Hemstitch- -, ing. Gillespies Sewing Mach-ine Center. 291 So. 1st West Tobele. Mf. CRI. THREE bedroom home, finiih-- i ed basement. 227 East First - old -- 6th. I Call 882-43- a C-t- Buy-Sout- .PYngep after h. FROM 199 S 4 DEPENDABLE USED CAR M a 355-514- 7. BETTER P-T- R 882-315- 2. COPES RADIO TV SERVICE camper. Shop, $800. 720 N. 882-035- 882-321- Best-mounta- in -3 322-187- . P-t- Itaim (fealty . 191 NOCTH UAIN I Teacher transferred, needs' sell 3 bedroom home in excellent condition, recreation room, 2 car garage, covered patio, beautifullly land scaped yard with fruit trees. exterior features, Special newly painted, plenty of closet and storage apace, laundry room, book shelves, carpet and drapes.' H.R. to 882-139- 1 1910 PLYMOUTH $595 Sedan mi mm TO iifiiftit otonuiB' UlMgOUaOi 4 1RAPERIES Ready Made or ' custom built All fabrics. Modern Gordons ' designs. FUrniture. 88 S. Main. CRI 0. ia.n MUKRfl 882-144- 0. s. 882-008- 3. pt .V St" Grnt' 9:30-11:3- 882-117- 9. $395 ROOM APT. 1032. d Sedan i iMiptfe (BO af i 1 IF I M&tis YOU getic fflnrlTTn QqBDOqpB o QCZIIIDOCBlIIlBP QMfcCP Helping Western Families Use Bettor are adventurous, enei affectionate and and tart 882-13- -7 FURNISHED APT. tractive. 3 room, at 892-01- Itk brlckhom. NT being converted into duplex, one unit complete. 1200 sq. ft. home with attached double garage. Other unit one or 2 bedroom with attached single garage, located' at 480 So. 380 West, within two blocks of I WILL TEND children in my or FOR SALE - pre fab farm and new home, fenced yard and high and jr. high schools, commercial Ph. buildings also and playroom. By the day West 40Elementary. mountain homes. Ph. S. Coleman St. CRI $2.25, includes balanced meal Weatern Buildings Co., 30 So. 25c per hour while you bowl 8th West, Salt Lake City, 9 7R RENT - three bedroom, cr shop. o Utah. unfurnished duplex apartment Aug. 77 electric range, gas furnace, WANTED - reliable woman to ATTENTION FOR SALE - a care for children and keep Phone. frame 2 bedroom home at Grantsville house afternoon No objections to small child.l FURNISHED APT. Couple or 305 West Main St., Grants7 ville, Utah. FHA will loan Call single lady. $7,950. A $250 down payment buy this home. Phone nice three room CHILD CARE my home. Phone FOR RENT Provo fornished apt. 310 South 360 West. o Aug. 30 FOR SALE - 3 bedroom brick home and one acre of land 'WANTED - reliaole baby sitter BOARD AND ROOM - 48 P--No In Lakepoint. BY7-5292nd Call West. my home, week days. after 6 p.m. during THREE ROOM furnished apt. weekends. . week. Anytime must sell Close in. Call after GOING OVERSEAS bedroom brick, three 5. 2 fireplaces, $1500 - baby sitter my .WANTED worth of improvement free. - two 5. 4 FOR sale RENT or after Call , . home. room with carpet and drapes 755 Stansbury Ave., Call enthuiiasm for life, please after 5 p.m. call Three children, age 12, 8 and 2 are anxioua to have you care for them in their home starting 13 Sept. 1965. TO 882-22- p-- 10,000 882-000- 322-18- With the Purchois flf Any New er Used Car at V 882-487- 5. P-t- 882-035- DBffliiririms BQnito)i?s $1 N; Mata, Tseeii Phsas: Tssik 162-26- -- ifiloney Problems: Try pur tion GW WARRANTY ON EVERY CAR P-2- 882-022- 1. 682-206- 2. 882-009- 7. Bill-Consolida- 3 LAND WANTED APPLIANCE REPAIRING: - Dryers- - Refrigerators BUILDING LOTS in Tooele, ph WasherM HOUR SERVICE 17 APPLIANCE DOCTOR 882-033- 882-48- LAND FOR SALE ' All work guaranteed. SALE - large lot now in alfalfa. Available wife Settle- ment Canyon water. SAGE FOR - p- - . KENNELS small breed dogs. 75 boarding cents a Ph.-88- 2 0004. FREE PUPPIES. A VINE APPLIANCE Rb-- t pair. All brands washers, dry i era, etc. Tsasters, Inna, Mix-- i era, etc. Free pickup 3. Men. Fri. livery. WEST ANIMALS 882-074- 1. .n.! 882-232- B nd yerJin T F0R SALE ;; MARE 883-103- 3. Jort Bus Sat co't:p; 24; LOST LOST OR STRAYED - qualiK hair pups, $10. Contact Please call CRI England. 9--8. Turtle. CRI 882-131- 7. LOST - small white cat Call SALE - brick home, two WANT xo buy" 7 bedroom, large living room, nice dining room, den, car- - WANTED saddle tone Copper VEHICLES SfeSS1 kJlatfon OwmSS ReisonM2f, B FORD Station Wagon, V-- 6 moved will sell very reason- " standard transmission. Make Will show. Call ably. WANTED Offer. o Sept. 20 i FIELD REPRESENTATIVE po TR 3 ,,5.Gal11' t sition: Tooele area. Metro- - . FR, ,1ALE Life. Good income poiitan and fringe benefits, with V-FORD deluxe. New Contact Mr. Wheat,. Must sell this week $75 paint. AM6-44Salt Lake City. 7 P-t- EAR $ 882-194- 3. 882-325- f.: in operation. Mon., Wed. and 0 a.m. $2.50 per Fri. week. Classes start Aug. 27. POUR Call Lois McArthur. mHHMP MERC $ FOR in Nur 1958 ,TS 3 LIKE work for fifth wheel single axle truck. Call WOULD 891-44- 44 A real buy! aflpm C-- 883-45- 882-352- 0. wi electric shampooer, Gordon Furniture Co., 80 S. Main 882-30- Roadster-Economic-al mm CLEAN rugs, like new, so easy to do with Blue Lustre. Rent 884-082- 882-176- 9. mi J , to sell EXCITING CONTEMPORARY wanted New Spacious life, auto and fire insurance 2 bedroom apts. in Tooele County and to sercarpets, drapes, range, ref. vice established business. See some air cond. John Young at the Villa Mo- - ' furnish or unfurnished 475 North tel. Phone 290 North First East Let eur Insurance Agency Main in Tooele on Sept. I afCRI handle your Insurance needs. ter 9 a.m. 4 Phene FURNISHED APT. All Evenings: ties paid. or CHILD CARE THREE ROOM unfurnished apt FOR SALE - 3 bedroom brick NURSERY SCHOOL - Mon., for couple only. 24 N. First home, attached garage, chain 11:30 Wed., and Fri. 9:30 to link fence. Trade equity for West 1.50 per week. Classes good pickup or car. 445 So. Aim. 30. To enroll your jFOR RENT 7 partly furnished 425 West can Pat Anderson, three room house. 379 North 1st West. ONE BEDROOM house for sale Call AND&RSONS 3NE AND TWO bedroom, furof Outlined program learning. LEVEL, landscaped, ph FOUR Enroll now. Classes start on nished apt. Utilities paid,CRI sprinkler, fence, patio, storm Aug. 30. 9:30 ;Xo 11:30 a.m windows, rumpus roogi. base- and Fri. $2.5f FOR Mon., Wed. - Apt for couple RENT $18,600. Ph. ment, built-inper week. 3 years and up; or bachelor. Call 3 SALESMAN fromBARRUS .ndKiqaa1 $795 4 Pd-Se- 882-999- 8, FIAT CRI Red Jones Tire. FARMERS Insurance for all inMain. surance needs. Fire - car -C-home, etc, Call Don Madsen 7. CRI FOR SALE - pre fab farm and FING PONG TABLE for sale, A-- I See at condition. commercial buildings, also; VA1XINS HAS IT? Pest ccZ? w 1 Building Center. homes. Ph. tnJI Chart You name the biWestern Buildings Co., 30 S. sect - we name the kill. Par8th West, Salt Lake City, fOR SALE - three piece sec382 S. 1st W. CRI ' o Utah. Aug. 27 tional, rediner, patio table, j ley Savage, I chaise lounges, lawn two ELECTRIC IRON REPAIRING ' chair. 445 Sn 425 W. AB makes. Steam iiona ctoaw-Q- d end repaired. Elmers. M CARPET, 12Jti2 wool, three West Vine. P toJutyM., color tweed, also mat. $50. lot enclosed by block wall, sprinkling system. 307 Cald4 well Drive. 65-2- 2. 1960 $486 3 four . FOR SALE BY OWNER bedroom brick home, large1 2, for 4 to $166.96 p.m. 882-022- 882-99- 1! c 92-22-74 and new. fe- - 1 882-18- 82 322-35- m r-- WHITE SEWING CENTER TOOELE MERC CO. 'Gvts 3 g. 2. 1. ss jg- " Far-ringto- n, P-t- door opens from front - key ideal for storage of valuable, papers or food. $1. Call Jr.1 firane your lot. old shar- Snu,U gine ives - painted AVAILABLE steel lockers 14x18x30 inches, to 1 Pened- - AH "35. 7 NOW 2930. $3500 FREE PICK UP. AND DELIVERY 7 --- ly tion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be Included In the TEST RUN, a newspaper distributed to 2,999 Dugway Proving Ground icaidents and wethers, twice monthly, without additional gun-fighte- euiflirn iseasi ' ' , FOR SALE BY OWNER - 3- bedroom, split level with wall; to wall carpet, double hung MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions gnty, with no changes. Except with business firms and Individuals who maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements an CASH IN AD-- . mm ic' . score of u 1316. m along. a whole roomful of such We have children eating cultivated or wild plants growing right in their backyards. This comes from an article in the current issue of Pageant magazine. "The lives of these boys and girls were because enough endangered people do not know that many of the plants around us are t, poisonous," says Henry L. of chief control poison the U.S. Public Health Service, in the same article. Nature itself often aids in the deception, by combining poisonous and edible parts in the same plant. Such apparently harmless foods as rhubarb, tomatoes and potatoes have dangerous chemicals in their leaves and vines. Even adults fall victim to the innocent beauty of plantL they have grown at home, area except for a few poeted areas will be open to bow hunt SCHO0L 13,000 Telephone Co. Over Inch Of Rain Poison Danger An estimated were poisoned County TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, August 27, 1965 P-t- 7. 1 882-27- 882-35- 882-052- 882-469- 7. 882-065- 5. j,P P-2- 882-469- 7. 882-471- FOR SALE - 1964 Thunderbiiri wanted. Exnot necessary, perience health benefits, guraantee, vacation. Full time. BonneCRI ville Motors, Tooele. .CAR SALESMAN APPLICATIONS will be received for laboratory apprentices Should be high school gradu-- j . P-2- air conditioning, 8,000 actual excellent condition. miles, Take over payments. 5 FOR ; SALE - 852-371- 6. 80 Pontiac! 995. Good condition. ' ates with chemistry PLYMOUTH - 2 door, 1656 sta-- . ground. Apply Personnel Of-- : tion wagon. $125. Good con- -' rice, International Smelting A rfition. Refining Company. icompi CHILD CARE i : T - responsible lady or older girl to care for small children while mother works. INSTRUCTION home. Ph. Prefer my for interview. Refernew classes formCRI DANCING ences please. ing. Register Sat., Aug. 26, between 2 and 4 p.m. at the BABY SITTER to tend 2 boVi in my home. 4 days a week. Dorothy Searle Dance Studio 47 West 1st North, Tooele,, Prefer older woman. CRI Utah. Phone WANTED 882-46- 882-12- 882-142- 7. V |