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Show ..1 Major Expansion Set For Copter School FORT (ANF) Ala. RUCKER, The Army planz to boost the number of pilot trained each year from the present 1,800 to 2,400 and to increase the number of men undergoing maintenance training by more than 6,000. in training The step-u- p stems from the need for more aviation personnel to increase the mobility of the Army. The lions share of the pilot training buildup will come in the Rotary Wing Aviator Program where helalicopter classes will be the doubled from presmost ent level of 96 per class to 176. Tbs larger classes will begin reporting to the Army Primary Helicopter School at Fort Wolters, Tex, in September. The training at Fprt Wolters will be from 12 to 16 weeks. Tactical training conducted at Fort Rucker will be cut from 20 to 16 weeks, thus the overall time required for flight training will remain at 32 weeks. The Rotary Wing qualification courses, for- crosstraining of fixed wing aviators, will be moved to Fort Rucker from Fort Wolters between January and April 1966. The training of fixed wing pilots will remain approximately the same as previously programmed for FY. 66. . Army Officer Only Serviceman To Get White House Fellowship Command Headquarters here, competed with 8100 other applicants for the Fellowships, created to give young people with top leadership potential the opportunity to work directly with a either the Cabinet member, or one of Army Awards Contrast For Helicopters ST. LOUIS, MO. (ANF) More than 700 new UH-- 1 lation 611-8- 6. infor- Detailed application mation for officers wishing to apply for pilot training is contained in AR 611-11- 0. IROQUOIS helicopters will take to the air as Bell Helicopter Company, Fort Worth, Tex, begins delivery next year of the craft specified in a new $50 million letter contract awarded by the Army Aviation Materiel Command here. More than 250 UH-1- B models will be delivered starting in June 1966 and modmore than 460 UH-1- D els will roll off the production line starting in October. The contract covers the airframes only, with engines and avionics to be provided by the government through separate contracts with the manufacturers. The IROQUOIS was the first helicopter designed specifically to meet Army requirements. The B model can lift nine persons and the D has a capacity of eleven. Both models can lift two tons of external cargo. four presidential assistants. It is anticipated that the experience will aid each Fellow in attaining a deeper knowledge of top level government which will be of use as he advances in his profession. Only Military Winner Major Lee was the only military service winner. He is a graduate of the U. S. Military Academy, has studied at Springfield (Mass.) College and the University of Maryland, and has a masters degree in business administration from Syracuse University. Major Lee is now enrolled for study in a PhD program at American University here. An extremely versatile individual, Major Lees accomplishments range from athletic and academic honors to painting. off-du- ty Buy U.S. Savings Bonds SAVINUS PLAN FOS AU AMERICANS Glass totalled Front i , GENERATORS M MOHAWK CARPETS APPLIANCES SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG UNO AND TUB KELVINATOR REBUILT AND REGULATORS 8884171 N East Vine All Strvidng S. MAIN TOOELE Satisfaction Center APPLIANCE DOCTOR Makes Gas and Electric ' 398 North Main Appliances - Commercial Refrigeration 24 Hour Service PHONE AN 882-15- 41 WeSpepidlize in 882-457- 2 Tooele Supply Co. Parts For All Cars SEE US FIRST Satisfaction Center PARTICIPATING SPORTS Shrubs Rentals OPEN NOWS, 21 West let North 882-059- Ope 1 53 AUeys Every Night Air Conditioned , SKI .47 Dial East Second North 882-320- 4' Class Lessons $1.75 per hour Cell Equipment Wilson McGreggor Spalding Construction Company - Residentid and Commercial Construction Build on Yew Let w Ows - Call Ike nt 1 Note to Young Marriods - Choice Building Lets Available -- -- COAL 882-340- . BUY NOW BUILD LATER . HEATINGEfAIRICONDITIONING BOCIE1IEQ& HTTiTt QvZORSSSdlH) W iflftiqmfft Daily Schedules from Toede to Tooele Army Depot Aed Toode Smelter Dial Open Weekdays 4 p.m.-- 6 FOR FjNE GIFTS' eaa-44- 270 Maple Open Saturday 9 a.m.4 p.m. p.m. 2? I clffrtfipflflrnft its massive Award Diamonds CTiimBprilff4l3tUTB tlmfaQBfl EB1& USZifJ FTRfmnrjU. CONTRACTING Licensed Eloctricd Contractor Small or Large Jotis CALL DOB A1C PHIE Bryan's Plumbing Heating GAS and ELECTUC APPLIANCES Call Sales and Service Expert Installation 18 N Main 112-22- UPHOLSTERY Break-The-l- ce 79 v; i an UN me With This Army Machine Leave Name and Address item Aw PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Whito Brother's Oil CALL 4N NORTH MAIN ftain, Senvtce 884-343- Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory here puts its ice chipper into action. The chipper is a rapidly spinning auger attached to the front of a tractor or front-loade- r. It uses standard chipping teeth or bits common to all mining machines, carefully positioned along the spiral auger. a Pedersen Insurance Real 4 IS North Main HANOVER, N.H. (ANF) Rock-har- d hummocks of Arctic and Antarctic ice may meet their match when the U. S. Q33B33O0 CD 03230 0 181-14- RADIO - STEREO - HI FI - TV Phone Q3312D Retail Service Wholesale Distributors toil Co CUSTOM WORK GUARANTEED T G CUSTOM MADfe aRECOVERING a RESTYLING REPAIRINIG OSLIP COVERS a DRAPERIES . FRIENDLY EFFICIENT SERVICE Diar CollectI35577505 RE-STYLIN- PLUMBING - & ftTi (fotffifr.ir.ft HflTMJIeflB Multi-functi- on X targets at long ranges, track them with pinpoint accuracy, observe and sort targets into various behavior patterns ami guide interceptor missiles to within killing distance, all at the ai ZION'S After a year of Project Office is confident that Array Radar (MAR) will solve REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. (ANF) testing, the Armys NIKE one of the thorniest problems in missile defense. It is believed that MAR will detect and identify TOOKLU. UTAH Roofing & Sales 21 WYLER WATCHES to Cast Vink DUNN 882-34- MAR Gets Good Marks After Year Of Testing 33 Watchmaker & Jeweler Call COAL. 882-12- Ttlaxyett Qcnetru . NEED and 882-138- 8 UPHOLSTERING - (E3H5DQHB T Tooele Workman's Bui Co. Charter Service Anywhere Tooele Golf Course i&UnteK & II t Mg Tooele Bowl 5 7, 35 RED JONES TIRE SHOP Ml GOOD DEALS Trees Offered Slots In Intelligence REALAi La-Sa- FINE CARPETS Batteries Glass Toole Ante Accessories Shop Equipment 17S North Main Tooele. Utah - Phone GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Work Guaranteed Enlisted Men Tooele Realty Gordon's Furniture For Also Inspection End Alignment And Balance Speed runs were attempted on the Bonneville Thursday Speedway at Wendover as the weather plagued Bonneville Na tional Speed trials finally got underway after four days of waiting for the track to dry. BURKE LaSAGE, secretary . Some 253 teachers will be on .of the 17th Annual Bonneville National! told the Tooele Coun hand in Tooeld County Schools to greet students Monday as ty Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting Wednesday that schpol gets underway. Over 6,500 students are ex- -' it was the worst spell ofweath er they had experienced since pec ted to crowd Tooele County the Bonneville National Speed Schools as school opens. Trials have been held. A number of improvements He told the Chamber of Com r have been made in school facilities during the summer and merce that his group was a volunteer organization that opthe usual summer maintenance erated on a budget of about program has readied the school for another nine $10,000 a year to permit anybuildings one who wants to race on the months of schools. For some Tooele District stuSalt Flats to do so for a fee dents, vacation has been short of about $28 for the week because they hive taken ad- 'which includes insurance, suvantage of classes offered durtrials, pervised timing and ing the summer at Tooele High ambulance service. Tooele Junior High School, Its a family affair, he ob. School and grade schools in served. Tooele and Grantsville. RAIN AND wind caused the The summer kindergarten 3,000 participants and their was conducted in . families some recreation probprogram lems while they wait for the County Schools outside of Tooele and Grantsville. track to dry, the Chamber of .vVtov.' Commerce luncheon was told. A Tooele volleyball tournament was trict held their annual Teach- - organized and Wendover merSCHOOL TIME - Students wait in front of the Tooele donated prizes to the gers' Institute Thursday for all chants Ninth Grade School for registration before school opens. teachers of the District. group. The New teacher orientation was Bonneville National held at Tooele Junior High Speed Trials on the Salt Flats School at 8 a.m. with a dis- - ere the year round hobby of cussion of orientation problems ks directors who spend the off by Lloyd Callister and Carl season getting the complex Evans. equipment needed back in re- A general for the following years session for all pair, teachers and administrators speed record attempts, was held at the Harris Elemen Drivers and cars come from over the nation to race tary School with the keynote address given by Dr. Arthur against time on the Salt Flats Wiscombe, deputy superintend- - during the Bonneville Nationals THERE ARE 135 competition ent of Salt Lake City Schools. of Tooele cars and 20 motorcycles now Superintendent registered to try their vehidee County Schools Curtis Van SERVICES fen gave a welcoming address1 on speed runs on the Salt. The group tires to be self to the teachers. and owns and mainAgent for i HAPPY HOMES sustaining ' CUSTOM MAN UFACTURED tains miles of communication Be your own contractor or let us build on your lot. wire and equipment, a public address system, portable genCo. a timing stand and erators, Use your own plan See our many plans other equipment needed to run the event in safety. Such items IBS phonk as fences and signs for spec862-870- 3 tators are also Wmt Vink part of their nan nohow im ne cm tou ow WASHINGTON (ANF) equipment. A big problem thia year is The U.S. Army Intelligence salt water that has covered Corps needs enlisted volunthe access road to the Salt teers, grades E-- S through E-Speedway to a depth of over to fill vacancies as miliGILLESPIE'S EXCEL SERVICE a foot even though a large tary intelligence specialists, Phone 112-31Merih Main SL of the track has dried portion area intelligence specialists, Chamber of ComDistributers ier Humble Oil A Refining Products out, the and military intelligence comerce was told. Lubrication Tires. Batteries. And-Treti- e. ordinators. A BIG problem with the Cali foraia based group is getting Individuals accepted for tPpea S am to IB pm dally A Sunday information on track condiintelligence work will attend tions and what can be done HwMrifoiiHirt UrilH Ml a courts of instruction at about problems that crop up the Intelligence Corps Cenbefore the event, Mr. just leadFort ter, Holabird, Md, TIRES AND TIRE REPAIR stated. ing to the award of an apSome one group is needed propriate MOS. that the Bonneville National World-Wid- e group can maintain contact with to better the situation, he Intelligence Corps personfurther observed. nel are stationed almost evBeing working people with Unconditional Guarantee unite are erywhere Army jobs, they cannot afford to located throughout the world. The Repairing take the week off before the In most cases, enlisted stuspeed trials to take care of Vulcanising dents are assigned to areas all the details necessary to Excellent Stock a)l of their preference. make the track and facilities what they should be for the Passenger, Army Regulation 614-4- 0 annual speed trials, he said. outlines the requirement Tires Tabes MR. LaSAGE was accoipp-anie- d for applicants. Interested 725 North Main Phene II2-B3by Emil Gazette, treasurshould personnel notify theii er of the Bonneville Nationals commanding officer who will and his wife and Mrs. Jim TRANSPORTATION arrange for an interview by in Lindsay charge of timing a representative of the Intelrecords for the event. ligence Corps. They were introduced by Ted Gillette " ! FURNITURE APPLIANCES Clar 8 Auto Center . . A QUICK REFERENCE OF LOCAL BUSINESSES AND AUTO REPAIR - PARTS Bonneville Starts Tests County Schools Begin Monday U. S. Army major WASHINGTON (ANF) A President Johnson selected 15 Americans the by is among House White Fellowships. to receive the first Maj. Ronald B. Lee, assigned to the Army Materiel Vice-Preside- of enlisted will mechanics organisational 60 approximately by jump in 11.400 some from percent the past fiscal year to more, than 18,000. The majority of the increase will be in the initial entry courses and UH-- 1 helicopter maintenance courses. Enlisted men interested in applying for helicopter pilot training can find detailed information in Army Regu- The training TEST RUN, Dugwey Proving Ground, Friday, August 27, 1965 Estate 182-35-72 I same time. Designed to serve as the ' ' eyes and ears of the NIKE X system, MAR is the sys- -' terns single, biggest and most complicated piece of hardware. The test unit was built at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., last June. Unlike conventional radars, MAR has almost no moving parts. Steering of its Iwam is done electronically. More revolutionary, it can perform many separate functions at the same time. It will detect and identify targets at long ranges, track them accurately, sort them into various behavior at-- ', terns, and then guide interceptor missiles from the NIKE X system into killing distance all simulUne-ousl- ... y. Experience gained in the White Sands test program will be put to use in the tactical MAK which is planned for the NIKE X systems Kwajalein Test Site in the Pacific. ' I |