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Show - N - - N - s ' j k 4 - i - I- -- - N . j -N V aoaDDDaoa o Asserted! S 3 ' t V- C3v7Ddq G 'A 'r. Micro-mes- h Print and plain yardage - latest fashion designs. Drip-dr- y finishes. First quality. knit. Reinforced heel and toe. First quality. Values To 49V Regular 69e yds. Girls' Cotton -- IPcainiflDes A- A'i knit, elastic brief tremendous at leg saving. Cotton O ti "Encore" Rugged, slim-cu- t, low-ridin- Six Western pockets, 2 g Transistor Blue Jeans-- 2 front rivet back pockets, belt loops. Also, Bull Denim jeans in Wheat color. Heavy-dut- y front-fl- y zipper and snap-fastenin- Radio g waist. Six $TK( transistors, com- plete with battery Swive I based strap for easy carrying. and-earphone- 5TQ PAIR fiofeOeOs Regular 39c dODDOdn) uG( 0 Hoys1 Son Assorted metal lunch boxes with vacuum bottle. . Designs for the young to make Sizes from infants' "grub" time a pleasure. ft Cotton knit, 6" comfort crew top, nylon reinforced heel and toe. All white or white with multi-colo- r stripe tops! All "Sizes S&RBIMSE 178 VARIETY Regslcr 39 -- v round- toed shoe to ladies' tapered toe-t- he perfect sport and casual shoe, always a favorite. Regular $1 .99 pr. XNNVNN M. fiMm St, Ye!, X. X X V GJIfoEi |