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Show THE MOBXIXO EXAMINEE, m wealthy rsuMWTT detective ;2SSSSS A By BANK I -- UP ik lot man who 01. b'Z, "w ki!L urtK HOW ONE OF THE CLERKS pantry. complete Haw lor only HAOt; urg ul beach, sear I j2sSat g3l?S-t 10 BENEDICT WAS CAPTURED. I Uey-ul- J down. bMaac. GIMIEL OF PHILA-DELFHI- New York, April If. The speedy Mre. re our arrest of W. C. Douglass, aselsUnt of any b: !. loan clerk for the Trust Company of and the balance 1 America -- on the charge that he had no taxen. ani bfr?. lnterMt I stolen bonds valued at $!(0,000 from vert: u, tha government the company, reveals a new method jTnroperty that will j liHtfsCi kssiM prop-- In detective work. Douglaae disappear-I- , Jdenoe tbs toll onichase some-- 1 I ad from hie offlee. Saturday, and an ln- ctf. V Jou which will veatlgatloa abused that bonds valued disc a M Best three I et $50,000 were also missing. Onklelgh the riBg doable la vsiue prop-- 1 Thorne, president of the company, no-at I snouin tilled a private detective agency and jtfrt, you I the -within off.. police, but. nod satisfied with this. ppm houses, I men of 'Xi Rla Grsnde depot; I he organised the twenty-eigh-t Si twc. ... brand new, will pay his office staff Into an amateur detector oU.i mt cent Interest per tlve force end had them guard every Besides the clerks kept watch ? T",w-r7- s. two together. nA 11 1 over tho Grand Central station for six take a small hours, vau some time I will time on the I Burly yesterday morning A. M. Oa- jra 1 If you ere Interested, call trand and W. Black, two of the amateur detectives, stationed at the Grand will talk it over, we have ever Central station, stumbled on the missbeat year the is ing clerk's trail. They were watching the purchase of reel to near, the sub-waelation when they Jtis becoming 1 fashionable sold nineteen asw lire. Douglaae, wife of the missewa home. ZLTtf of theUrt that I advertised ing clerk, appear. She took a cab and Immediately proceeding the two clerks fallowing In another Sb" Hat only contains a carriage, she led them to the Hotel MifVur bargains. Call and see me I Portland where Douglass arrest was sell you accomplished shortly afterward. Zd vs will talk it over; will ---- 1 hror If you house, S ,Wor money New York, April XI. Benedict Glomerbal, tke wealthy Philadelphia chant who cut his throat and wrists with broken glass la I hotel In Hoboken, after he hsd been arrested on serious la this city, died la BL Marys hospital, Hoboken, shortly before S o'clock this morning. His wife wee si hie bedside, also his two brothers who cam here at one on receiving word of his trouble from Milwaukee and the other Him from Philadelphia. personal physician, summoned from Philadelphia, was at his bedside also. The arrest of Benedict Glmbel, n man of wealth, member f a prominent end prosperous firm,' married, and of hitherto spot less reputation, caused greet surprise. Thursday afternoon he was taken from n cab In this city while In company with Ivor Clark, a 1 Ay ear old boy, by two detectives who acted on l, the complaint of Clarks parents. according to the detectlvee, resorted to an attempt at bribery and offered the detectives $2,006 If they would release him. The detectives apparently consented and demanding cash, were driven with Glmbel to his I banker's office here and given $2,000. They then informed Glmbel that tha ed PPey i 61 1 eat Sir y rSper ItlHg FOR BALE ROOMB. Large room for railroad 2th. MASONIC MISCELLANEOUS. ; Queaa Esther Chapter No. 4, O E. Regular meetings held et Masonic Hall ea Washington avenue, between Tweaty-fiftat reel end Twenty-sixtthe first aad third Fridays cd each month. Sojourning mem here oordtok 1? Invited to attend. ANNA LEWIS, W. M. LILT V. HALS TED, Secretary. FDR SALE Second-hanAutomobile, guod condition. Enquire Ogden 4 Auto Co. d 22-2- 1ST 24th. h FOR SALE Bedroom large wardrobe. Apply FOR RENT A large furaiahed ing room, 2610 Adame Ave. sleep- and suite Adams. 2339 FOR SALE Good aa new beet cultivator, cheap, also au orchard cultl- iotar at half price. W. B. WcdelL CHANGED HANDS Wood masses block. Furnished or unfurnished rooms, reasonable prices 901 24th. for light houseWANTED A woman te do two or FDR RENT-Roo- ms keeping. Peery Annex, 249$ Weh- inrt days' housework each weeg. street. Apply 731 Tweuty-tourt- ya fOR RENT Newly furnished Meets every Saturday afternoon at 2:16 la Pythian haU, Utah National Bank building. Sojourning sisters cordially Invited to attend. MRS. EVELYN GLASMANM, IL E. C. MISS LOUISE RITTER. 1L of B. A C FOR SALE Good driving hone, cheap. 2726 Wash. tod. Phone IIS. FDR BALD Horae. Apply Ogdea Pharmacol company, 341 24th. with balk, also light housekaepiag SHHfrooBA, SSI 24ad. for general houseApply morning or evening, 4 29-Twewjfteunh street. work. 724 FDR room FOR RENT -- Cleaa furaiahed with bath, tkunaghlf renovated; alee light heuaeheeplag room. The CUoaiab 111 I4U St-- kru 8. I GIRL for general housework, 2104 4 30--tl Wash. CUt, M laager. WANTED TVe ladles or genUemea to use subecripiuia tor art uaga-slne-; OARD AND ROOM. good proposition to live parF. Jbroorn C. huiel at for ties. call HOARD aaj room; aloe, cleaa rooms. Elelabacn. traveling agent, 12: SO to 2104 Wash. , - 44-t- f or an 2 or slier 7 p. an, Sunday. p. BOARD AND ROOM-4- 44 Silk street. WANTED Dining room girl at the uk. FOR RENT, UNFURNIBHED ROOMS Virginia. W ANTED Chambermaid. Heed FOR RENT Two office or eleoptag room ever Clarks aTraea. Ho- tel. WANTED Girl to go to Idaho to take WANTED UNFURNIBHED ROOMS. care of two children and assist la housework. Good wag us to right WANTED Three unfurnished rooms on grounl Amt suitable for light party, hire. U. C. Wood, 2(2$ Jefferson avenue. housekeeping. Address F. 8.. care Standard. WANTED Two girls to take course FOR RENY-GTO- RE. la nursing. Ogden Genual Hospital. FOR RENT Store mem and basement of Emmalt Block. SSI 24th 8L For information cell at taw office of Joseph Ches. WANTED Girl foi general housework; family of two; 2(4$ Adas Ave. WANTED Good rehab! girl for housework, 27(2 Wash. FOR SALE gaa-or- BALE-$1- per sotting, .04 Ulan! Red. Rhode Pouher comer 22nd and Wash. ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Wasateh Division No. 134, G LC meets second aad fourth Fridays at 3:36 p. m. la K. of P. haU, ooraar Washington avenue aad 14th saneL brothers are cordially Invited to attend. GEO. ALLEN, C. C. D. to DOTLE, S. and T. S. C. Bros , FOR SALE Furniture for 10 room a; gool. Apply 2221 Lincoln. ( Mu FOR SALE. Model B. P. fruit Farm for City Property. Boarding House, near shape. 4 stories. Boiler Farms Blacksmith shop. II L T. Alrord by r. O. Phone $2 ani 131 iai-t- f Good FOR SALE eeeond-haa- atovea. d Cheap. 467 K, 1 17-l- ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Horses. Inquire of J. Toponce, Harrtovllle, P. O. Box No. FOR SALE Union, Nat 173. Order of Ogdon meets every Tuesday Washington, oclock in A. Ol U. W. evsnmg at Visiting comrades to riled to attend. WILLIAM DOYIJB, President. WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. Hl lat 173. FOR BALE Second head National caah register. Groat Bargain. P. O. box Ilf, Salt LBke City. Utah. tf WANTED MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. TO BUY, Utah Camp Ns. 2224, Modern Woodr men of America, meets every Tuesday Igbt at Eegto HaU, I p. m. YtolUag members tail tad. WANTED Te buy delivery borne, 1100 lba. (tall with horse Wednesday, 12 orlork- - 247 1 20th street. weight ebout WANTED Good range. -- 471 a ELKS, R P. O. Elks Ogden ldge No. 712. Lodge and club rooms, amal Boor. 2416 Washington avenue. Regular meetings every Tuesday erasing. A. T. HE8TMARK. Exalted Rotor. J. H. KNAUSS, Secretary. h-- P M. A. GOULD. V. C. J. H. SHAFER, Clerk. 2lrd at. wk REAL ESTATE. h PYTHIAN BISTERS. h WANTED Girt 1 FU RNIBHSD FDR RENT Ikirntahed room. room SI Opera House Uk. FEMALB HELP WANTED, When Areaatad by Detectives for a Serious Crime He Attempted te Bribe Them. 114 3, 1907. THREE housekeeping rooms, A IS DEAD. Entire Bank Force Organised Into an Amateur Detective Force With Success. man. this TCnL K FO RENT rHEE3U on ADVERTISEMENTS PAGE COST ONE CENT FEB WORD FOR BACH INSERTION. LESS NO FIRST INSERTION THAN U CENTS. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PAID IN BUM EXCEPTING ADVANCE. NESS HOUSES RUNNING OPEN BOOK ACCOUNTS WITH US. THROAT .uiM bargain $t $1,300; APRIL TUESDAY, FOR RENT CUT HIS good Trg Qooi UTAH. OGDEN, . DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS. . WANTED. Lseotsh Counoil, No. I, D of P SECOND-HANgoods and apkolster-- meets the first end third Wednesday cry would be placed against him and A WISE will when MAN, a home, boy Ink City property for aloe fruit afternoon at 2:36. Eagle HalL Due took him to the district attorneys ofSITUATION the rent he is paying, will pay for WANTED, FEMALE. jutkome. farm. L T. Alvord, by P. O. Phone rau be paid to Sueto Aldoa, C. ofW flee, where, It la alleged, Glmbel, who homo. You know these opporthe MWi. 111 26th SL V tailing member InII aid III. keenly felt hla. predicament, offered WANTED Position ae todys nuns. tunities wont last vary long. Bay vited. Krotol Assistant District Attorney any now, while you can buy on easy Apply $43 23rd. Bell phono 414-Z- . 2274 Wash. Are. MARTHA A. MORRIS, Pooahoeta Bell phones 77L . amount of money to gnla hie release. DOUGLASS SHORTAGE. terms and low lntaraat. ALICE COLUXB. K. cf R. PROFESSIONAL Later Glmbel waa released la heavy N. H. IVES, Kay Block. ball end started oetenslbfy for hla MALE HELP WANTED, OOP FELLWWG, New Tack. April If. The eiiortafe home la Philadelphia. He never reachATTORNEY-AT-LAW. In the accounts of W. O. Douglass, ed there. Instead he went Co tha Pal- WANTED Person to travel ooi-1 FOR SALE Lota on Washington Avo. and Ogdea Lodge Ne. i, ladapoadeut Orassistant loan clerk of the Trust Com- ace hotel In Hoboken and there, with A. tact In home territory; weekly salHORN. Cement walk, curb aad gutter paid. der of Odd Fellowa. Meeta la L G pany of Norik Amorloa, who was ar- Jagged glass obtained from 'a water Ofltase over Baden's O. P. hall avary ary of $1U7S per year and expenses. Sewer, for only $14.00 per foot, front. Attorn Tuesday evening. rested yesterday on a charge of steal- pitcher which he broke, he cut hla Drag Btoru. I seek th butfnaas of Vial ting brothers cordially invited to Address Joseph Easy term. N. H. IVES. Kay Btaok. Alexander, 121 Sow is the time to plant Institufrom the bonds in $50,000 all partlaa; am attorney against all he present ing throat In many places and gashed hla 4 21! wk Plymouth Place. Chicago, 111. d tion, may raach a quarter of a million left wrist. He was discovered several Oar (tore is the place to buy eorporatlona aad awnopoUeai J. W. BAILEY, Noble Grand. 4;2S-l- t conaaid to Is hero to traaaeot aay aad all kinds dollars Douglass houre afterward, almost dead from HENRY KISSER Secretory. FOR SALE Fla form of 20 acres, seeds. of jour the the lose M blood. of legal bualaase. fessed to Thorns, president room house, 4 sows, I horses, lead WANTED First class collector; also I arTrust company at the time of hie At 8L Marys hospital, to which QUEEN CITY, REBEKAH LODGE, In fruit, lucerne, barley, oau, ete., two solicitors and man to Uk I was in the big fire, ai T. HULAXISKL Attorasp-et-Lnw- . No. 4, I. P. hall Meet set-en-d rest, that be had made away with was removed Friday light, It, he O. A. White $41 26th E. cash. of office place $2,100 local for wall a chargo , ro-and' all $60,000 In bonds and today It waa Reome 21 ud SI. First National fourth Friday evening! at tad waa thought for a time that hla Ufo SL jun all remember, tabllahed must bond. furnish house; Bank building. General Practice.. Odd Fellows hall. Twenty-deart- h burned. ported that be had made a written might be saved, but Sunday ha began to P. O; Apply In own nj old atock was atreet Visiting members Invited. confession to Mr. Thorne In which suddenly to fell and lute PINE LOT iq Bench n street Box 991, Ogdau. night IDA BAKER, Noble Grand. HAIR GOODS AND COSTUMES. he admitted that the total value of hope waa abandoned, car line Oar new stock has arrived $ 110 GERTRUDE BOONS, Bseratary. bonds token by him would reach $250,-00who two THREE and tat Olmbcl'e brothers, th uflfa 16 os MATTRESS street near ones. makers at Largo ud is the beat ever brought HAIR SWITCHES for sale at reduced The bonds are said to have been have shown confidence and devotion Balt Lake Matties A Mfg. Oo., Salt ($0 Washington Ave tamed over to n Wall Street broker to the hgeband and brother, went to to Ogden. prices. Hair efealaa a specialty. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Lake City, Utah. Fine residence tat. East front who is believed to have acted for bis bedside late Friday night and Masquerade aostumee to rent fori on Week. Aru., I960 block,.,. Fraternal Order of Bagtoa, Ogden end theaters. All mail orders SEEDS TIIAT ARE BURE Douglass In good faith. It was report-a- d have remained near him ever since. MEN and boys wanted to lean plumb Let on 2ltb I2sl6( BL...... No. 11$, F. O. E meeta ovary Aerie, Is of arrest B. tha also that Douglass In a statement the family notified the frame house, large tat TO GROW tog, plastering, bricklaying, eleetrie-Monday evening In Eagles hull, neat I expected to bo followed by the arrest public that Benedlot Glmbel bad bean al trades; free catalogue; posutasa Broom modern house on beach 1 JOB of Reed hoist at 1:46. Vtaltiag Broth-e- r of another man who registered for ill for dome weeks as the result of aeosred; tilUofi fifty dollars. Coyne brick, close to........ 1,000 Eaglaa are larlted te kttond the Portland la Hotel INSURANCE. at the I Douglass Trade Schools, New York and Baa overwork and that this had undoubtedmodern brick 2J00 meettaH. Aerie West Forty seventh street as W. R. Fraactoon, , $ yt Ul I 7 room frame, close In dethroned hla reason. T. C. MORRIS, W. Proatoant 2J00 ly N at was Boston." W. It Hour, PIERCE, PUblte, Notary Gray end wife, r D. T. TRACY, Secretary. mental strain under which That improved farm, close Briate; Fire, LUe aad AeaMent this hotel that' Douglass waa arrested Glmbel tha SITUATION! VANTEPfc MALE. PR. H. B. FORBES. Asito Pkyelatos becanee of the arrost labored te 1,440 city 467 14th SC was with stopping IS LARGE OR SMALL terday where he r waa one of the Important contribution farm, 7 acne fruit, kin wife. The arrest wee made upon of FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD hie POSITION WANTED by experienced from recover to failure hla good water, well located.... 1,000 QUANTITIES. JUNK. the epedfle charge of stealing Rock man or hardware Dr. of to fine bookkeeper. Jurist, the opinions improvewound, farm, Mud railroad bonds valued at $50,-0- tha famous physician who cam from O. T 131 34th St . Ogdea Lodgs, No. IT1, T. P. R ments, water and I acres fruit IJ00 THE INDEPENDENT JUNK CO. , , eeeoad and fourth Tuesday at Eemember, we carry a full moots buys him. It attend to brick residence Philadelphia large all Mala of Junk. Bell phene I2IZ. to A. O. U. W. balL VtoUtog AGENTS WANTED. etlmu-tont- a p. fiw of that famous Pratts of use oenetant on the lot Unooln 4JQ0 only by tad. phono I421D. Green A Jacobeordlallr Invited. bora alive was Urt over the 300 all that the city. kept patient cheap Poultry Food for animals son, 1141 Faolfle. D. H. WOMEN ADAMS, Free! font ' AND MEN 1 I are doctor making said. to W SJ00 acres unimproved land Sunday, the IDA BBCKEB, Scentaiy. ud poultry. a to our $29 selling day to embroidery evident 'desire Mr. Glmbcla die, her County. IF YOU have aay kind of Jsak, phoaa E. F. M1SCH, Troaanr goods; no capital of experience reeven after the arrival of the member Small farm et 10 aero and largo to Ogdea Juak House; wo will sell Why-ns- t Write tor enyou? quired. ud hla family who did their beat to farm of 109 acrK FOR RENT. for it BeU pheie, SUE; lab 7IL OGDEN LODGE NO. 1, BL OF a amplea aid exclusive agency. U. KELLY dk HERRICK courage him, operated again at tha efPAID IN W. & Embroidery Works, Omaha, Neb. forts of the doctors who ware trying rODOB NO 1, IX Of OGDEN to save hie life. Mrs. Glmbel bad to A. ef P. HaU the Brat ud meeta LAOS 2oth Phones, CURTAINS, 2244 Wash Ays. rooms at tha hospital where she could RESIDENCE with pastry third Wednesday aftomoou ad A notice and WE PAY ageu. ladies or gea tie atom, month et 2:22 p. m. be called at a moment JoEersoa avenue, dose WANTED Lace curtains to launder. oa aad closet from 14 cents to I1J4 an hour to SUSIE SIMS, fi Of H. was constantly at hto bodalde. $1 J(0. In, 1214. BeU 242 22th. Introduce and advertise oar remephoae blbla JEANETTE WlLL, I In rail Members of the family had a strong resldsaea a elegant dies. city or country. Careba Med. U JENNIE PROVT, road district, $1J00. hope that If Mr. Glmbel recovered the LACE CURTAINS a BPoctaKv. Phone All-1- 2 Ce, till Washington ave. A wltk bath, lot $0uU2; also chargee against him could b KlbM. lmo WOODMEN OF THE WONLEL Week of com the plea of Insanity. They good barn, within one-hal-f MONET TO LOAN. UNITED btates supreme court had by aa to to Mr. send (Umbel street $1 Jto. ear, planned WANTED Lees eurtalua to laundry HAS SO DECIDED, Weber Camp Nn 74. meet to K, brick with hath and asylum If they were aocoeaaful la RAILWAY, STREET CAR MEN, On Bananas at 117 20th BL lad. Phone 262IA. of P. haU In Utah National Bank court. ooanectleu, $1,000, bfl-lCLERKS, BOOKKEEPERS, tad all Aleelower ovuulag ai building erory Thursday one broom frame, all located ea It became evident before midnight Weoimon oerdtaly others employed, find our affine re estaek. Vtatting dislive. Glmbel could not OxyContract Exempting the Cempany that Mr. beach, la flretdaaa resident Sable for sums of $16 to $144. OSTEOPATHY. tovtted to attend. ' Frem Payment le Net Effective trict, $1,400 each. gen waa administered to him an day If paid baton due. Permeate T. C. MORRIS, C. C. now State Law. A As Again broom aad to bath, ad sickness. Mo yesterday and lots Into the night He CORA IVES. O GORDON O. I YES, pond charge E. AUTK, Cloik. Ptaot National with hot aad cold water eouoatlea did not respond. While the pfeyntotaas lUeatiou. Tke Cite Loaa Co for luatsa froai paroat Bask Building. 1a railroad district, $1,100. could hold out little hope. It waa deMo. tel. First Natl. Bank Bldg. 1 of blood to lnfoalon rice alfalfa land sores to of 1$ termine! good try bleak, sulto $d. Trealmaat fey KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. Washington, April 22. In deciding the patient. It to eald that MONET to salaried people without la, $1400. a. m. te I Fine Red appetotmoaL Hon re the case of Amanda 8. Whitfield of strengthen ' revive CHAUNCEY PARRY, not er did endorsement Glmbel eudfflently ; payments lad. 1012. security p. m. Bell phoae Ogdsa Lodge No. 2, Knlgbto ol Xanaaa City, Mo., va. Tha Aetna Llto teat to the either Cor. 23rd and Wash. Phoae MB-or to experiment. Burly however, suit, weekly monthly: Fytklaa, moots at Castle HaU, Utah Insurance company iff Hartford, the this business eonfidenttoL Call aid get PHYSICIANS AND SORGKONS. morning ho boeamo uncoaedoue Natloaal Bank bnlldlng. ovovy Mom supreme court of the United States and expired. 410-1D. Dl 1 Soterms. Drake, my qnoM. day ovoatog. AU ' X. of P.a oonatrued tha Missouri state 1 cle bldg. FOR SALE Corner lot. Twentymo DR. A. FERNLUND, to moot with us. Staple (Q GROCERIES favorably law presiding that the euictde of an ond atreet end Madsen aveaua, lal W. J. UNDERWOOD O. Surgeon. Phlladel hla, April 22. In conn ac- MONEY TO LOAN, oa Insured person shall not constitute n farms aad ally 12 to 4 2. m. 141 24th beusa, pantry aad ' rode, elght-roomOflool E. R. OEIOER.IL of f. Benedict Gim .r valid defense In minting payment tion with the death of statement real estate. HUNTER A KENNEDY, collar. Add reee Mrs. A. D. Smith, IbC N. MEAD.lL ef R. nod s the following bcl today, the company, upon the policy against Room I, First National Bank Julld-toffrooms SB and 26, Weodmasse Blk. Ind. ohoaa I0L The opinion waa dsllvered by Jus-- mad by Glmbel Brothers Incorporbll-t-f The Best on the Market WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. ated: tlce Harlan and reversed the decision WORK. SANITARY U Brothers a "Glmbel corporation of the circuit court of appeals for the MONEY TO LOAN J. J. BRUMMITT FOR BALE Two Mm. 45 feet each, Begs Uly Circle. No. IH. managed by th seven brothers, deon and near th owner of Madiera DONE or nil kludn BeU Eighth circuit which decision was la ceased aooood rod fonrtk Fridayalghto ownory I62& end the phene being youngest favor of the company. The policy InWANTED, MISCELLANEOUS. and 2td street Iiquire A. D. Smith, at 7:14. to K. of P haU. VlalUag Nale. McCarty, 1711 Grant. of the stock. Hto volved was for $6,000 upon tha life ing e small minority 161 24th atreet oighbora cordially Invltod. ne more effect upon CARL C. RASMUSSEN writes firs In117 of James Whitfield, husband of tha demise will kave DAISY CAIHMORE. Gw N CLEANING For HOUSE of carpet business than the death Say one surance. riret NatL Bank Bldg. FOR SALE One of Che boat farms In avenue. Trser plaintiff, and was taken out about the aoav-eagwindow and denning cleaning, of a railroad' Room 42. KATE HETMAN, Ctorfc. 222 2 Weber county, or trade for city eighteen months before the death by director work, 121 30th. BeU phoae suicide. Thera was a clause exemptllrd StrooL property. Inquire 272 2lri atreet, 146L John Kammeyor, of WANTED Folk, veal, and chick sue BEWABD or Bell phene 412Z. ing the company from the payment $10 Co at RusaslUamea lSSIIth St non than $500 In the event of eulolde Woman of Woodcraft, Of den Ctad 2259 Washington Ave, SCAVENGER WORK. at and this claim the lower eourt award111, meeta avevy Tuesday TO TRADE. K. of P. haU. YMttoC ed. The court of appeals took the po- For the street aad eonvlction of asy 7:26 oclock, ALL KINDS ef ocavesger tavttod. LOST White hull dog. answer to sition that an expaaelve construction party or parties stealing the Ogden or the Morning Examiner. Prompt attoxtion. John Van Swe- Neighbors ONE good threwqurter Jersey milch name of Compy. Return to Mr Dose cm be paM at tiro ofltaoaf Bd of the law would render the statute Standard lOT SL Bell 747T. 2441 lad den, LAMAR 3827 emulator. a for good NELSON, boros, common cow. buggy law allowing Auth. tea afteracm violative of tha Meadu. car of ladles department Jefferson. Booth. Flrut National Bank Bldg. 1221 Union Depot. Reward,. freedom hi contracts. The court, there-- 1 Garden TAILORS MRS. AMCB COLLINS, ft. N fore, held that the etato law could BIG CANNING HOUSE DESTROYED Ptagr-- a Arc. not property be construed as prohibitLOST Chatolaln pin, initials L. H., Ctothee eleeaed and proaaed Il a e which 22. eas MARIE OR1TES, Ctark. 2TH Morn Burin risks Tha Intermsuntslu Maine, to entire claualfy Lnbec, April between ing the right mautb, 1(7 l(tb St SeU 4km INK A va, ReAve. for comon too Sea In the Coast Grant the of done 30th BL, Canning providing and plant had been turn to 126 90to. Reward. payment of only $540, In case of the pany, leased to the American Can com VETERINARY SURfflON. waa own burned hands. hla New at York, pany today. death of the Insured by LADIBS OF THE MACCAEEBS. small caused a was the opposite The fire gold D. P. MILUEEN, gradnat veterteary by at ssplosioa LOST In Ogden Canyon, The supreme court took In the gaa bouse.- Ko one waa Injured. hone shoe locket, set wltk ruble view. surgeon. Calls answersd sight or llvor Hive No. 1. The lose to estimated at $204,000. Onr splendid and diamonds; reward. Batura to , day. Offiae, Ogdon food aad Sole fourth Tuesdays at 1:20 p. m at stock aide 2111 Wash. A vc Horrucka Bros. store. Stohlo. Both K. of C. hall. No. 174 Wash, ovwuo. Who Whitfield Was.' Jo select Just what you 441 1 ylnfqnx stators cordially Invltod. night phra 4IIK. Come and see us. LEGAL. Kansas City, Mo, April 22. James LOST Either, takes by mistake or BESSIE S BIBRING, L twelve sportfor waa years Whitfield ' LUCY NELSON. R. X. Rambler Bicycle, from the a stolen, Psdslty with an. OF ASSESSMENT NOTICE Kansas 1. the Star, NO, City ing editor of hall of the Colonial rooming hem. FRATERNAL which position, together with that of Black trams, rod head, left handle COUNTY SULTRY SUPPLIER, MINING WEBER AND KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. model. llOt president of the Western Baseball! tip cracked. No. U,10l, Principal place OF COLUMBUS Milling Company. KNIGHTS b3-tf league, he held at the time of his Notify Standard office. of buslneu, Ogden, Utah. death, April 2nd. IMS. Whitfield, deOgden Tent, Ke. 24. 'meets (he secto hereby glvfn that at a shot Notice financial matters, over Ogden Oeasctl No. 777. Meets ev- ond and fourth SL 23rd Utahaa Friday ovaatag, pendent aid Between LOST of tbo directors held on Frievening it L of C at 2 o'clock eharp, la L O. O. F. ban. himself, Hla widow and one ion lira meeting ea Wash. Avo aa en- ery Wedaeedar store, Drug 1907. an assessMarch. of 22d 471 at Wash. Ave Me. oclock I day, baH, Get acquainted with the Ogden In Kansas City. YtolUag Kalghta cordially lavRed to graved geld watch taoertbed with VlalUag members welcome. ment of one min par share wee levied Steam Laundry are D. T. today. Return 8. Delay! to F. from Initials rn the capital stock of th oorpora dangerous. Many epportunlUea that J. H. Do VINK, O. IL , J. W. HALSEY, Commander. to IH 23rd. OLD BASEBALL PLAYER DEAD. w. J. MORAN. Pirn. 807. tlon, payable Immediately to X O would prove virtually "gold nuggets" SF. F. BOND, Recorder Keener. Utah. Ogden, secretary, Maw, HY AND GRAIN, to people have slipped by owing to PERSONAL. New Tort, April 21. Matt Hick, ROYAL ARCANUM. Any etock upon which this assessDon't lot this OF AMERICAN BROTHERHOOD e baseball player, who played ment may remain unpaid on Tuesday, delay or hesitation. No. 1464, with entrust your Hemeatoed to soma chuoe laundering to Teamen, Ogdea and will WANTED Mutuals ho Parties York snaps Now 1107, buy SO, old Fraternal delinquent reliable. with the Teetod, eound, April ud n laundry postraalng unequaled faciliand third Mday firet meeta C. Rasmussen Carl every and estate. Red nt In reel isle for men at public Stocking!, Cincinnati Insures advertised Bonafletory Order.. the auction, out your work prompt btblra rcaecnable night at 7:80 to K. CL hall, No. 247 rate for oae, two, or three waa credited wltk being the first mu end unless payment to made before, ties for turning lonany Wash ve. by and satisfactorily slip ly on dead was found the eo!J Accumulated emei thousand deHart. Tuesday, Slit day will bo to catch off th bat, Berta today favoring us with Vlettlng archer cordially invited CURTAINS DONE UF. geuey fond ueariy three millton dolIn a room In Naegele hotel in Ho-- I (.f May. 1207. at 13 o clock noon, to ger. bundles. meet with us. to your lars. Mountain waa who Rocky Investigate. pay the delinquent aaecaement. iiy token yesterday. HlcVa, Frank R. Wtant, Foreman, 2112 Curtains done op. Bell Phoae 676T Council, No. 237, meets ereca-- l and I the manager of the Billiard room at I gather with the coats of adverttalag m ii YIELD Lincoln. fourth Fridays at A. O. U. W. hall. by gas, I and oxpeaaa of big RESULTS. I th hotel, waa asphyxiated Mabel Turner, correspondent, 2114 F. W. Stone, Regent; J. W. Woth,'-spoon-. A. G. MAW, Secretory, -- j which had probably been turned Slofflt avo. BIO RESULTS G B. Roberta, Secy. YIELD ' YlfLD Utah Collector; waa 60 ADS old. WANT SL He Ogden, years 497 tKh 17L Taones eiq RESULTS, accidentally. I the tin fumtah you tf 1 . j.J. BRUMMITT Garden Seeds a Pre-pare- lt hand-writin- ..... g aa 0. a Hay or Grain 10-ac- a, 10-ac- A4-dre- 10-ac- . . JOBE I a CASE T. ASTILL aa 2. Lemons! Dates l s Figs Lawis-IKay-a- 1-- Apples ll'IL X tf Fancy , Prompt Deliverj L A. OLSEN a ft u tf 1-- tor. Mg.. and Flower ool-tag- tf ' - ul a B, Heller tSon f old-tim- 1 rat Ogden Sleam Laundry |