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Show FULL ASSOCIATED IPRHSS DISPATCHES UTAH WEATHER FORECAST tSertIse in the -- rtA.Ml.NER it CHARGES. IT IS sft2?5rasss iSUS"8KrHte 1;"'."N-T- IT THE OGDEN lug and exettement, I think there 1 every ground for hope that the plan adopted of taking a census and holding a preliminary election, and thee a general election six months later, will result in the selection of a president and a congress who will be able to maintain themselves and give a stable rule to the island. "The delay In taking a census and holding a preliminary election are taken by the people of the Island aot aa aa Indication that the American government wishes to remain permanently, but on the contrary, 'as aa earnest of Its desire to secure a stable government before it leaves, so that there shall be no excuse for a neoond later ventlon, with all the consequences that might be likely to flow from such an intervention. Cuba will have the largest sugar crop lu her history, and ihe tobacco crop la one of the best she baa ever had. Thera bee been a long drought and that, taken with the disturbance of the Insurrection, has interferred somewhat with the sugar planting, but all am quite hopeful that this defect will soon be repaired. "We left Havana at midnight of Wednesday, April .10, and reached We Porto Rico on Sunday, April 1. epent four days la tha island and had there to consider, at the Instance of Bishop Jones of Porto Rico, some questions which are still pending, of property between the government nnd th church and also some military questions aa to the abandonment of certain posts In the Interior and the abandonment of the civil government of some property In Ban Juan now naed aa a hospital for the army. I UTAH. CITY, TUESDAY APRIL 23, 1907 MORNING, to lta eecreUry-treakureGifford, ahow cause why ft writ of mandamus should not bs . Issued compelling the Tells Months Trip, K. THAWS pro-iptuf- T - Jerome Says He Will not Consent 1 utITuel Grand Jury Returned Additional Indictments. Federal Been Ordered Deported. . . CUy-..unde- r i 000-mll- hue-han- ' d uj !r -. k5!!!!" fir uSl' jC r, 'W 55JT ,,- jftar ... . fo"n both the Island Is ,b' fo rtUI a political feel London. April 22. The admiralty hag issued orders forbidding any naval band play selections frem Sullivans "Mikado during the coming visit to England of Prince tiadueru a cousin of the emperor of Fu-shlr- Newark, N. J., April 22. Arguments the rule signed several weeks ago by Supreme Court Justice Port, on Ihe application of Thomas M. Hodgens of Montana, directing the United Cop. per company of Montane and Stanley on ASPHALT . on November 21, tout, between tho North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der Groms aiui the British Koval Mall lino steamer Orinoco of Cherbourg is that the acicdeut waa "duo to excusable errors oc both sides." Actual Trial Will Probably Begin Next Monday. San Francisco, April 22. The Brat four of tbs 12 Jurors who will try Abe Ruef on the charge of extorting largo sums of mroey from th Freueh restaurant of gaa Francisco, under the alleged threats as political boss to deprive them of their liquor licenses, were secured today eaj sworn la. The eight others composing the probation try panel were peremptorily challenged, three by the prosecution and five by ths defense. As only two names remained on the special venire list of 60, tomorrow will likely see the Issuing at n second special venire, necessitating an adjournment of one or two days, it Is hoped to complete tha Jury by the end of the week and to begin the actual trial of Ruef by the taking of tastlpiony not later than next Monday. A new line of questioning was developed today by the defense In the of talesmen, both those who bad been passed into the box ns qualified and others who had not yet hew subjected to the qualification tests. Ruefs counsel desired to know whether the Jurors who attended the earthquake anniversary benefit at the Falrmount hotel on the night of April II hod absorbed any Mat ngalnat tbelr client from the speeches at Dte-trlAttorney Lsngdon and Aaalstant District Attorney' Heaey, In which Ruef anj other alleged grafters were vigorously denounced. On the technical ground that liang-d- n and Heney did not discuss this particular rase (nf extortion), but merely denounced Ruef and bla associe ates generally, aa grafters, the for cause laid by the defense against the Jurorebanqnetera were not allowed by Judge Dunne and they retained their seats. Todays proceedings were frequently enlivened byi Mushes between opposing counsel. Henry Ach has so tar recovered from bis attach of ptomaine poisoning that he resumed his place at the counsel table, though .leaving the active conduct of thn ease to Shortridga and Murphy, District Lsngdon aeslxted Special Prosecutor Johnaon In the examination at Jurors on behalf of the state, and Assistant District Attorney Heney made hla first reappearance la many days; he entered th court room late In the Afternoon nnd hat fa hand, rone Again and Again to enter spirited objections to Murphy's questions nnd on gags the was increased to fire Just before in verbal combat. The number of Jurors In the box woe Increased to five Just before adjournment by the tentative acceptance of Juror Davis. The British admiralty court on December IS, decided that the KaUer Wilhelm der Gross waa alune blain-abl- e fur tho collision between that vessel and tho Orinoco. Tho suit for damages was brought by ths owners of the Orinoco. According to tho repuris submitted to tho captain of the Port of Cherbourg by tho commander of tha Katsor veeel was Wllbalin, the Gorman rounding ths head of tho dyke at Crohbourg when her captain perceived the Orinoco and "gave two blasts of his whistle as a signal for tho Orinoco to keep to a larboard. Tha Orinoco,' the report ended, did nut respond. nnd the signal waa repeated from ths Kaiser Wilhelm, hut still tho Orinoco did not change her room and almost Immediately afterward run Into the German eteamsr'a starboard bow. T E IDLE ct rhal-lenge- ad-latt- RAILROAD PROPERTY COST $27, ON A MILE By Englands Scheme of Reducing Military Expenses The "cry ef the unemployed" waa raised In London again tonight when several, thousand workmen who had been discharged from Woolwich arsenal as an outcome of War Secretary Haldane's scheme of reducing military expenses,, marched with baada and banners from Wool-wicto tho bouse of eommons to impress their grievances upon tho government. Tho complaints at the man ore far reaching, representing not only loan at employment, but the wiping out of thrtr savings Invested la little properties located is the historical and heretofore prosperous town of k men bad been employed lu the arsenal at Woolwich for not leas than 10 yeara. A number of printers and other tradesmen, laborers and clflsena joined ths procession, which was further augmented by a strung body of workers from the ermy clothing factory at Pimlico. The entire eight mils of march was thickly lined with spectators. The procession, which was perfectly orderly, was halted at Bt Ororges circle, a mile from the house of parlto-menand from boro e deputation of picked men proceeded to the house of commons to lay their grievances be. fore Premier The premier received the deputation In a private room. War Secretary Haldane nnd Baron Tweedmouth, Aral lord of tho admiralty being present The premier made a sympathetic reply and assured the men of tho government's anxiety that thsse Inevitable discharges should entail aa lltUa hardship as possible. Secretary Haldane then explained the neceMlty of the reduction In military expenditure and tbe need of bringing things down from tho Inflated position which obtained during the late war. Ho said there must be even further reductions, bbt promised that every scrap of work possible would bs given to Woolwich. Lord Tweedmouth the promised to do whatever was possible in behalf of th navy department, and the deputation withdrew. t, Minnesota Investigating Committee Makse a Report on tho Valuation of Roads In That State. Oampbell-Bannennan- St. Paul, April 22. Railroad properin Minnesota to valued at 621,000,-00- 0 by the Sundberg Investigating committee, which returned Re report to the state senate today. This la The approximately 127,000 a mile. property to capitalised to the extent of about $400,00000, or ISO, 000 a mile on an average. Tbs net earrings according to ths committees findings averaged over 65,000 a mile last year, or 16 per cent on the committee's valuation. The report aaya that to arrive at the cost of producing and equipping the different fines in their present condition ths committee considered the original cost of construction ; the coat of Improvements, betterments and equipment added since; the coat and character of the lines recently built; the expense of operating and tbe earnings under tha existing rates; valued of storks and bonds, the geography of the llne and tbe judgment displayed In lta location. Referring to the Chicago Greatwest-ern- , the report save: This road was built by A. B. Stick-newho raised the fends by acquiring. organising, reorganising nnd Har-r- i mantling corporations of Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois." The capital stock and fended debt of the road Is 6148.668 per mile and the committee figure It valued at of that, or 628,000 a about one-fiftmile. In its tost report the company certifies that tho lino and equipment cast 888,011 per mile. Referring to tho fact that in 1891 there waa reported for "purpose of constructed road" 6I313,1B2. the committee aaya: "It was then 816 miles long. Fifteen yearn later this elastic item had been tretched to 650.594.344. but the whole line had shrunk sixty miles in length. It had. been watered too much." ty y, h Investigated. 22. Washington, April in Interest- the asphalt trait, was filed today commerce comwith the Interstate mission. The tills of tbe case Is ths American Asphalt aaooctatlou against tbs Uintah Railway company. The complainant to a corporation under the ing complaint, directed agalnet law of Mlasosii and to engaged In the wining nnd shipment of gUsonite from of gilsonitte i'tah nnd the coaverakm asphaltum. The defendant operate a railroad line between the towns of Dragon. Utah, and Mack. Colo, 64 miles. The Gilson Asphaltum company, controlled by tba Barber Asphalt Having ctqnpaay, according to the petit loo. operates QHaonlto mines la competition with the complainant near Drag an. It to alleged that the railroad company, the GHeon company and the Barber Asphalt Paving company are all corporations subsidiary to tho general Asphalt company, com. nioaly known aa th Asphalt trust, and . are controlled and managed by the trust. The complainant says It la charged 60 cents per hundred pounds by tbe railroad oompsnv for the transportation of gtlaonHe from Dragon to Mack, or at ths cuts of 6160 a car, although tbs railroad company transporta lire lock between the sanis point at the rate of 625 n ear end commodities generally at like low rates. It to claimed that the tariffs filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission by Ihe railroad company are no! observed and that the complainant to subject to excessive charges, discrimination and d Injustice. The complainant to each for the to pay twenty-fivcents loading of cure nnd eeventy-flv-o per team for hauling Its product ever a highway eontrollad by the defendant, thus necessarily Increasing the price ef Its prodect abowt twenty cento ton.- - The complainant doss not know what ths railroad chargee the Gilson company, hat soys It would, make no difference what tha' charge might be as, being controlled by ths Asphalt trust, It simply would be taking money out f one pocket nnd patting It In another. It is alleged also, that the railroad furnished free transportation to the officials of the complainants , competitor companies. The commission to requested to adjust the charges made for the carrying of freight on n Jual and reasonable basis, to give the complaint repara-tordamages In the sum of flO.OOO and to Issue ordera to prevent a continual) c of the discrimination against the complainant. emn-pclle- London, April 28. Woolwich. Some of tho discharged Company Operating in Utah Will Be e CHICAGO IS NOW OPEN. Chicago. April 22. Boxing la to be resumed In Chicago again, under certain restrictions, after being under the ban for over two years. Announcement watt made tonight by the Chicago Athletic association that th wretallng bouts scheduled for April 27 had been cancelled and that boxing bout would be substituted. When elected. Mayor Busk said be was In flavor of boxing If It could be carried cm under certain restrictions. One of the chief objections he had was the rendering of decisions by the referee, thus making It possible to The wager money on the results. contests at thq Chicago Athletic club Saturday night will be without deris- - y. INDUSTRIES ion. STRIKE AT STEEL PLANT. IN CRITICAL TION. FOIL , Russian . 8L Petersburg, Industry to fiteing placed. In n critical situation owing to tha continuance of the strike of sailors belonging to the Naptha flotilla on ths Caspian een. The efforts of Boron Taube, chief of the Gendarmerie corps, who has been de-tailed to deal Independently with the strike have rot been successful. Only ten of several hundred tank steamers are In operation and both sides are determined to continue the strike. The All residua known as Maaout, the principle fuel used by the factories In Central Russia, the stock of arhlch (ordinarily replenished during the f spring floods, when the Volga branches , are navigable, for big steamers Into the remote interior of Russia I. are now exhausted. Navigation will open In n few days, but owing to the strike the ' reservoirs below Astrakhan which supply tbs river steamers are empty anil the shippers ere unable to take advantage of the short period of high water. A veritable panic bss been preclpiatod upon tha Kazan bourse by Ihe announcement made by the representatives of the Ml companies that no nmsont to available, even for steamer feel. leading Industrial magnates have telegraphed to the lower house cf parliament asking that body to Intervene. The president of the Moscow baarew In nn Interview today expressed the ' opinion that n continuance of the strike would force manufacturers to suspend which would throw hundreds of thousands of men cut of work. April 22. -- JAPANESE CRUISERS COMING. . Irwin, Pa., April 22. About 800 men employed at the La Rimer cake ovens of the United States Steel corporation truck today for a ten per cent Increase In wages. Two hundiwd ovens were ready to be drawn, but thry OUSTING BREWERY COMPANIES. were left burning by the men. Tbe strikers, who were ordered off the Kansas Supreme Court Allows Attor- company's property, Immediately sno Flea. rounded the plant. Special police are ney General's SERVIANS DEFEAT BULGARIANS. guarding the ovens tonight. The to 22. Tho sucal officials aay men will be brought Topeka. Kss April Salonika, European Turkey, April 22. a band cf Servian defeated a preme court late this afternoon al- from tha Connellavllle region to opelowed the plea of Attorney General rate the plant. In which event trouble band of Bulgarians at Isver, near to the ouster is feared, as the strikers, e majority and beheading Jackson for receiver-shiyesterday, killing the dtvwety of whom ere foreigners, are lu ea ugly cases against Turkish The injunction ten of their oppoesnt. companies In Kansan The court aftl mood. troops did not Interfere Us-ku- THE AFTER eolliakm - . erVS WED-NESDA- Bremen, April 22. The verdict of tbs German admiralty court of the Change of Venue. Italian Gimtnal Has he-th- VERDICT ON COLLISION. to gov-fou- nt follow-hlTHaeada- y. u lit Hoboken, were begun before Justice FOrt today. con-snam- re-'nh- not same tha receivers, but mill do day or two. Attorney General Jaeksou stated that he dtd not know Just how much property thi recMr-hl- p included, hut menttooed sight or ton saloon fixtures In Leaven sort h and aouie In Atchison. There to a possibility of tho brewers being given thair property If they withdraw from Kansas and agree to stay out. FIVE JURORS defendants to produce ail the books at the company la its head office la II ALFANO for-hop- kM AND PRICE FIVE CENTS r, Testimony waa taken before the commissioner. Attorneys for Mr. Hodgena argued that their client waa a large stockholder In the company; that he had boon unable to obtain Information aa to the company's affairs from its officers and that (he United Copper company was engaged in the speculative buying of stocks and In making call loans, A line of busineae foreign to tha purposes fur which the company was organised. He claimed the right to examine the books, as he believes that the cowpan profits did Var Secretary not Justify the payment of the dividends which have been granted. About the Attorneys for thq company claim that the corporath is in the best of financial condition j that since May, 1902, It has paid 6.911,000 la dividend; that It owns stork and other Binghamton, N. Y., April IS. Attor- property to the value of many million 22 Secretary of TtfUutoa. neys Detphlu M. Delmas and W. H. more than its capital stork; that Its b! arrlvtf tift pry of counsel for Harry K. net earnings for 1906 amounted to McPlk., 'lkri! tb5 vyblar nirjr f are In the city guests at Dr. Thaw, and that all ha dividends had absence n tonight Charles G. Wagner, superintendent of base paid out off, the legitimate earnskjoiIi, on a trip that lucludZdji the state hospital, who waa a promi- ings of the company. , puma, Cuba and Porta Hloo. The nent witness tor the defease in the The arguments will be continued. n4 lira. Taft were lmme--Thaw trial. It la believed that Mr. FornHrlten to their residence. Dolmas' coming Is a preliminary step TEAMER MONGOLIA ABHORE. ' Qgnnor of Porto Rico Beekman to bringing Thaw here for a second were and lira. Winthrop Mhrof trial. Moji, Japan, April SI. The Pacific ..gnn of the secretary on the nturn The attorneys had a conference with Mail steamer Mongolia, which went Included da The ether In the party Justice George F. laris While here. ashore la Hayatomo strait, near here lymMUtlre Burton of Ohio and Deihis morning, wee assisted into deep Atnaid of Missouri and Senator KiltJerome Says Thaw Will Be .Tried In water at high tide this evening end of South Dakota. New York City. v proceeded, on her way. She apparentThe party arrived shortly after 11 New York, April SI. Clifford W. ly ausUlued no eetioua damage. gave .dock. Later Secretary Taft (Continued on Page Four) Hart ridge of counsel for Harry K. at i outemeat In which he aayu he Thaw, said today that so far as he tU natten in Cuba In what, under kaew no movement was contemplated iwdMBiUncef, muat be considered looking toward luddlng the second t wt latlafactory condition;" thnt Thaw trial at Blnghamptoa. He exthat :3K h every ground pressed (he opinion that Thaws sec:i, iu adopted for a census, election and then a general ond trial, like the first, would be held in New York City. Mr. Hartridge inpMun six month! later will result In d !u wteettoa of a president and terpreted the visit to Blnghamptoa of who will hie able to maintain Attorneys Delmas and MePIka aa a social call upon Superintendent WagmomItm and give stable rule to the ner of the state hospital there. dud tad that the delay in taking a District Attorney Jerome said tonew h taken by the Cuban aa an mat deelre of the American night he had no Intention either of to secure a stable government asking for or eoueenrtng to a change into it leaves "so there shall be no of venue for the next trial of Harry K. Thaw.. iwnw fee a second intervention," He 4m that hext Friday he will go to "There is no reason why the care 'Muitl to attend a Tale dub meet--ashould not be tried in New York," he tin Him address the Dayton, O., said. "I shall certainly aot ask for T. E C. A. and on a change of venue, and will Just as Monday night will non Do Panama canal before the certainly light an application for a f "hriuttl Business Men's club, change if the defense makes one." to Washington by the Assistant District Attorney Garvaa, directing the Thaw ease, temporarily Mr Tift aaya Dint In Panama , the 1 said ha believed there was no foua-datlo-n i wiiwi reported to him that tha for the suggestion that Thaw Imktfasi for the sites of the locks would be tried at Blnghamptoa. He tiisly satisfactory,. . . explained, that It was perfectly posBalt Lake, ITtakf April 22. Indicthaduy lift's statement follows i Washington,- - April ME Through sible totry Thaw outside ot.Nsw York "ti tract)ed Colon on Saturday, tha Italian consul general at New York an agreement to change ments against ths Utak Fuel company SUAE We spent Saturday, Suni-4an . investigation Is being made into the venue, but pointed out that to ac- and six of Its employes were returned Madly, Tuesday sad Wednesday riie case of the man said to be Enrico complish this It would he noceeeary to today by the Totted States grand Jury. a tV kthmui. Tlie teat pita had been Alfano, an acquisition of title to alleged bandit who escaped secure permission from a court here. The fraudulent wt on tha proposed site of the from after ths He said if ThaWe attorney wore plan- government coal lands la tha offense la Italy participating wtaud the engineers, Messrs Noble, murder of one Cnocolo, a pretender to ning to ' change Tbnw to the Blng-- . charged. Ths same persons were Intu.li ind Freeman, made their the position of ruler of their Cnmmar-roatl- , hampton Jurisdiction the arrangement dicted lest fall. In a demurrer they j and who was arrested in New was unknown to the dlstrlot attor- questioned the snfflcleney of tha InIkif Informally reported to me that ; York Mr. Garvan said that dictments. Thoae returned today were a police raid on an Italian neys office. during BHditbma were entirely aristae-man Is being held pendaa to the second Thaw trial said to he more specific nnd to replace resort. The nothing tot T, they expect to make a fop-had been decided npon by the prose- the former presentments, which were ing his Identification. written report. I also, at the r dismissed on motion of the United cution. was At the here Italian It embassy f Onion el Qoethala ; Btatea district attorney. Bench ware U requested la man the In custody mn to answer certain that if were Issued and placed in the rente technical . stated Alfano MRS. THAWS STATEMENT. he is much sought by the the 'UM?1 M hands of the United States marshal ( means of con- - J really the dims, both at Catun and j Italian government and that in all I for service on the fuel company, Henprobability extradition will not be nec- Glvsa Out Facta ef a Suleida That Oc- ry G. Williams, lta superintendent; curred Eight Yeans Age. Tkild a long conference with the essary because he is Illegally In the Robert Forrester, field engineer; Win. States as a criminal and could aitoi authorities D. Foster, Forrester's private secreIn. the presence of .United such. be as deported Pittsburg, Pa., April 22. Mr. Mary tary; George A. Moore, sales agent; Klttredge of the canal com-"o- f 7 the C. Thaw, mother of Harry lL.Thaw, to- ; Elroy M. Clark, Denver, attorney, and senate and Minister m respect to a Press to j Alexander H. Cotrle, chief clerk of the number of J"1, which Immigration Authoritloa In Chargs. night toasked the Associated the public the tacts concern- J Denver office. e needed adjustment glva SSNew York. Enrico April Alfano, sone authorltle and the a suicide at her home here eight i The evidence on which the original alleged leader in Italy of the secret ing .gWMnvernmenet. and we tents and criminal Camorra society of Na- years ago, which she asserts noma 1 1ndictments were found tended to have: distorted and elab- show that the defendants bad Induced hnaehej a satisfactory arrange who was arretted In this city last newspapers 111 Mrs. Thaw la her state- "Dummy" locators to take up land for orated upon. be formulated In ples, week during k police mid, today waa ment says; the feel company, a Gould corporacorrespondence, turned over to the Immigration authorcertain complaints con-5tt- e ities, , "In eighteen yean during which I tion. by whom he will be deported to de,nK of the p.nama Italy. Alfano escaped from Italy short- occupied Lyndhurst It la nafe to aay 11 lota In Colon and took that tha number of ministers and their J T mStT MILEAGE ly after the mysterious murder of one families for whom It wqs a stopping INTERCHANGEABLE -await "aldemtlon, BOOKS. of l toller statement of the details Cuccolo and Cuccolo's wife, crimes In place reached many scores. Among which Alfano and other workers br th 104 holdera. these was the wife of a former asi the ranks of Camorra arj accused. Helens, MouL, April 22. The Northsistant to the pastor of the Third Preshv,rd th applications of When Alfano waa arrested he was byterian church, of which 1 and my ern Pacific, the Great Northern and ahovel men and the Anseoeda and Pacific railInto the Tombs court on the engineers and brought of murder. This went over un- family are members. After her hus- the Butte, granted an Intertrain conductors with charge band had resigned from that position way companies today at tb,r Iwwmu of employment, til today pending the arrival of legal they both engaged in teaching In a changeable 28, 14 ecent mileage ticket on mile, good from Italy, hut meantime seminary in the central part of Penn- the rate of JSJ? on this 1 h" forwarded documents matter to the presl-- the Italian detectives In charge of sylvania. Later I hoard that the wife their lines In all states west of MinfcJJ"1 the arrest were advised to submit the had become an Invalid, suffering from nesota. officials. The nervous prostration, with a tinge of JiVvhppened ,n inspect to case to the Immigration considered it unlikely melancholia. When I heard the judge W wr presiding T,rjr bu,jr ffliefl days we could be held on the homihad received a call from a church COLT IS THE CHOICE spent In Pnn that Alfano cide complaint, in the absence of docu- In Kentucky I Invited the Invalid wife FOR (L S. SENATOR "Mlnwera and Mr. Rog- - ments of the evidence from abroad. to visit me at Lyndhurst while prepam court's suggestion was followed. for leaving the old home end rations fow.lithmlnn The In Die Tombs court today tha de- settling In the new one were under th lrtllTnu,- Ihieerl fendant waa discharged on the murder way, believing that the change of Rhode Island Republican Executive iNfmwli tb PunKN of mak- - complaint, hut waa Immediately turned scone, rent, medical care and careful Committ In Favor ef the VetWWwuir1,I Ui!0.n tt technical reami authorities would be benefidaL eran Gun Maker. isf rferrd to them, over to the federal Island. Commissioner nursing, "I returned from an afternoon ref?r ,h Purpose of moved to Ellis Watcborn said he tl"l enodemBtriog litigation of Immigration ception one day, hot finding her In the h ,!!!!. to. 1na unieh It now. would be deported within a few dayf. library, sent n meld to her room, who R. IApril 22. After 'warr'Sr U 710 th' work ttocomea reported that the door of the bathroom IS Providence, deadlock of during which weeks and' enuld get no anehe locked ,ak OTr- was Tta7, TERRORISTS AGAIN ACTIVE swer. This alarmed me, and I ordered time 66 ballots have been cast for canthe Isthmus, H uUo didates for United $ttoa senator to the gardener to enter by the window, succeed rt George Peabody Wet more, the a"d Ad,n,ral Roue-5r when the startling discovery was made Lodx, Russian Poland. April 2J. committee of the Republican executive carheld had a women ended terrorista the her up armed that poor health snJ "! Try touch out Thirty urpd a long re.t He riage here this evening In which a Ilfs In the manner described In the state committee today declared In to, Samuel BK aSSitol!?. " 'PriWK atote a portion of the funds derived from the highly colored account given In one or of Colonel committeePomeroy Colt of urged that all m2? whiftb ,B aluM the government, sale of splritous liquor Pittsburg and some of the Eastern Bristol. The to the bank. newspapers. The family - physician Republican members of the general Wk,ehl,kmF th' d,rt nr nd was being transported transfer this The carriage was escorted by soldiers. was Immediately sent for. The hus- assembly east their votes for Colonel rtWutfcn 1b fflclBt condition The terrorists threw a bomb which band was telegraphed to. The pastor Colt, who throughout the contest baa Colonel Goethala and destroyed the vehicle, killed three of of the Third church and his wife came been supported by n majority of tbe Republican members of tbe legislathe accompanying soldleri outright and also, anj he very kindly offfrad to the remains to Kentucky and ture. We'tae,,,V. April mortally wounded five more, as well vote in Coifs favor whs 9 to 4. W1 ,vus on Sunday, aa the coachman and a government dmsduct the funeral aervlcsa. Ths In The view of this split in hie party orSunday, Monday, employe who had the tftoney in charge. doctor on his arrival sld that It would INay aas 1 difficult to tell what In Havan eon-isbe necessary to have the coroner. The ganisation It They secured 12,000 and escaped. with p dneJy nil the usual effect today's developments will have !, for and sent was coroner Mgoon. Colonel Jur BP?PT1 8teinhart and formalities attended to. Stripped of on the members of tbe legislature toWOMAN ACQUITTED OF CRIME. all uselrss mbagC, these are the facts morrow, the last day of the session. If the Republican members heed the In the case." . . " declaration of the majority of the exParis. April 22. The woman named ecutive committee Colonel Colt will Allemagne, who last November made fo hlch under the en attempt upon the life of Pierre WRIT OF MANDIIUS receive C9 votes against 41 that have been cast dally for Colonel R. I. Godconsidered a Merlou, at one time minister of finance Hriactoi?1 of AGAINSTCOPPER CO. dard of Providence, the candidate ,nd tbU 11 and who is now minister of France the Democratic party. The leaders b,rd "rri nd po- - to Pern, has been acquitted. She was J1? of the Wetmore taction stated tonight J w. Fa.JL a2!' leve")ead?dneM tried on a charge of attempted murThe rei:t " ai that Mr. Wetmore is sail a candidate der. list Arguments Begun In New Jersey Su- and that he will maintain hie strength -- v ?r preme Court Before Judge in tomorrow's voting. Fort FOR31D MIKADO" MUSIC. - WEATHER WILL BE FAIR TUESDAY 0 PARTY JL0?- ARE THAT THE INDICATIONS Gibraltar, April 22. The ' Japanese ChitH after n warm welcome left today- - for England on their way to JamoiWow. where they will represent the Japanese government at the Jamestown exposition. cruisers Tsucubs nnd ooooodoooooobooo o o o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ELEVATOR BOY A HERO. 22. Fire April damaged to the extent of 62ML- (KM) six story building at 296- 864 Wabash avenue today. Twenty girls employed by the Healy Music company were obliged to leave the burning building by mesne of the fire escapes, hut none were Injur-ed. Horace Manley, in charge of the elevator, made repented trips with hi car to the upper stories and rescued 43 girls. Manley Anally waa overcome by wnoke and was carried out by firemen. O o O Chicago. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o 0000000000000090 |