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Show ML E. PETERSON ON SALT LAKE CHANGE. GROCERY Daly Judge j'i at fit Bssk Tun- 4 nel Advanced to I1.SO. If jam to cat down Bring warn nl m aU 11s u4 to Cor. 24th and Grant Phonse g toll; 111 Independent. L I For House Cleaning You need Puritan Paint, Japalar, Wallpaper Cleaner, Now ia the BruHhea, etc. time to paint your home. We guarantee our paints. Our pring Htoek of Wallpaper haa juat arrived and the patterns and quality are equal, if not superior, to any in the city. Griffin - Paint . t Co.' 22S1 Washington Are. Say !! We will be ojn for business on or about April 20th, at 2ith street, with a high-clas- s line of light livery and saddle horses. Special attention given to boarders. 248 Do you want to buy a horse? Do yon want to sell a horse? Does yonr horse suit you? If not, we will exchange. SEE US Gaude M. Dee C Important Featura Waa tha Rise la Prices Which Did Net Bring About Important Offerings. ....... A PULL AND COMPLETE LINE. KU-lo- r. oooooooooooooooo COLDEST and Imported. High Patent. Hay, Grain ami Produce, prompt delivery. Utah Feed & Produce Co. 2311 Wash. Phone APRIL. In.tha Hiatery of the El Paso, Tsxsa. City ef El Pato, Texas. April 22. The temperature here fell to 31 degrees last night and a heavy frost covered everything, doing much damage to gardens and fruit. It In (he coldest April weather In El Psso's history. yean ago Exactly twenty-tw- o the temperature get down to freealng. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO UINTAH RAILWAY COMPANY Said te be Part ef tha Asphalt Trust. is the character of tin transfer service supply our patron i. Prompt, reliable and at low cost. Any time yon nay well be on your Job and handle It expeditiously aad well. ALLEN TRANSFER CO. Phono 22 for yours. Washington, April 22. In a complaint filed today with the Interstate Commerce Commission by the American Asphalt Association against the Uintah Railway company of Utah, an attack ia directed against the Asphalt truet. which la believed to control the railroad. It la alleged that tha 111 road ia being used to oppress with unjust anl discriminatory freight rates the Asphalt Association which la n competitor of the trust. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO do .. .. .. .. HOPSON J. L. HERRICK. LtWMi In china painting. Firing a apacialty. Complete Una of whits china and materials, studio 2766 Wash, a vo. A. MULLER A test5 to. Attomey-at-kaw- . Attbnoyot-Li- i Office 2874 Washington Avf. E. T. HULANISKI T. R. 9X0NNELLY. Attomepat-La- v 6V, avar Richer aona Grocery, led. phono H Photographer! s JOB. MacLAUCHLAN, Auditor and Accountant, Notary and Convoyanoar. Office Room 42, First National Bank building. Ind. Phene 47ft KODAK FINISHING EngagoiiMBto made for reaUmea aad view work. 1484 Grant av sear poatoOo Ball ptoao I78& 64 Twenty-fourt- OABBhwG, Photographer Outdoor viewi 874 88th at Both phrase promptly, and U S3, 64 lors-at-La- First National Bank Bldg. Ball 109, Ind. ML L. WEBER, Pheno Photographer. Krsry variety of photo art work Both phoase I486 Wash, av Contractors and Real Estate Agents Builders . JAB, E. BALLANTYN8. fisai Eatat Insurance and l vestment Office 818 Scclaa Bldg BROWN IRON A BRASS WORKS Iren fencing, aidawolk door hah hwnwor rolling, at 2244 Wash. Av toil phene 561-- , y. R LI CROSBI. A A BRUMMITT insuraac Real Washington Av Phan 77L Loon . . CALVERT A LEEK Contraetore and Bulldor Brick A to. FbRRISTALU Real Estate Bursty Band wuranc 818 Eoclaa Bidg- - ant MR." S48-24- 7 Estate, Loan CMimerelal Stack BIS UA P. A. ISAKSON Contractor and iulldar. 22d at toll Phono 23BA 03 " ..165 . .535 ..124 ..146 .. 38 .101 .. 13 ..J36 ..137 .. .. .. .. 26 61 60 68 CHAUNCY PARRY Pina Inauranoa and Raul Eatat lean Comer 28d and Warn, Bsse-- W. N. PEIRCE. 4S1- Raal Chicago. April 22. The leading future ranged aa follows: Wheat Mar, 70. 78. July, Sepetember. 13. 81. 7a; 80. 80a; 85. December. 84, 14a. 82a: Corn May. July, Setat W. B. WEDELL Inauranoa Raal Estate, Loan 2444 Washington a vs. nd Rental Beylo block. Both phone General Contractor end builder. St Boll 'phone 171a. Ml 9th 47a48. 48; September, 49. . 15.86, 15.92, 15.Su. LarA May. 8.65. 8.80. 8.75. 8.80: 15.93. 8.63. 8.65: July, September, 8.92. and Beth BL A SMITH Mine and Realty Broker. Notary Public. Room fit. First Not Ban nd. phono 67. PETER UNANDER. 48a'i. 48a, Oats Slay. 44. 43. 43a; July. 41t. 4ii. 4c7: September, 35a 35a. 35.rioted, 15.75; July, Pork May. fit E. B. ROLAPP. Inaurane Raal Batata JFira Notary Pub II Rental 404 Ectlss Bldg, Beil phone Uf In IA CARL BAMUELSON, Qaneral Bulldor and Contractor. 887 89th BL toll hM SB4. 48, Natary. Fir 412 24th phene CALVIN STEWART. Contractor and .builder. Naat lata medal residence; pantry and closet; 1925.00 complete, including paint end paper, 2120 Royal Av Bell Phene 178 X. Prime timothy seed, 4.36. Clover Contract grade 14.70. Short riba aides, loose, 8.85s8.45. Mras pork, per bbl.. 15.7515.87. Lard, per 100 lb. 8.63. Short clear aides, boxed, 8.62a , 8.87. Whisky, basis of high wines, 1.29. 8.87, 8.92. Short Ribs May. 8.60, 8.45. 8.50: Receipts and Shipment Flour Receipt 10.800 bbl; July. 8.70, 8.62. 8.67; September, ment. 6.900. 8.72, 8.80, 8.72, 8.80. ship- . ' Chicago Produc I5.36a6.70; poor to medium 14.255 Jf: . Chicago. April 22. Ckwe: Wheat-M- ay 78al-8- ; July 80 Corn-May 47 July 48 Oats May 43 643-4- ; July 40 Pm May 115.75; May 615.90a92 Lard May 68.65: July fl.77 Riba May 18.50; July 8.67 Rye Cash, 71. 1-- 1-- 7-- 1-- 2 1-- 1-- 2. Barley Cash 6573. Flax, clover aad timothy, ae trad- tockera and1 feeders 2.99sl.W. Hogs Receipts 41.000; stesdr-Ugand mixed 6.45a6.67 beavy 6.65; rough heavy 1 6.306.4; 1106.65; good to choice heavy 6.67 Fj; f-- 1 1-- Receipts 28.000; slesdy M; I4.60a7.00: western 87.00a7.80; Iambi Sheep tlve 1.60. ing. Wheat Receipts, 83.300 bu.; shipWori. Cash Quotation ment. 18,100 bu. and Coffe April Sugar Louis. Mo., St Corn Receipts, 317,200 bn ; shipChicago, April 22. Cash quotations ew York, April 23. Sugar Raw, Steady; territory and wvriere were as follows : ments. 2n8,30n bu.firm; fair refining A26; centrifugal nq 2337; fine medium Flour Easy. Oat 96 tort 1.76; molasses Receipts, 403,040 bu.; 3.04. sugar No. 2 Wheat 16.700 bu. spring, 8185; No. 3, Refined steady; crushed 5.50; pow74aS4; No. 2 red. 77a7S. Rye Receipts, 7,000 bu.; ship- dered 4.90; FORECASTING e THE EVENT. granulated 4.80. Corn No. 3, Na. 3 yellow, ments. l.ooo. COFFEE 8 trady; Na 7 RIo d 48. ' Barley Receipt 41,700 bu.; ship- No- - 4 Santos, 2 3 Oata No. 2. N white, ments. 3.200 bu. Madrid, April 3 white. 40a44. On the produce exchange today the In attendance upon Quen 44a; No. 3. No. butter Rye market was firm; creameries. 67. Chicago Cattle. ar perfectly satisfied with the Barley Fair to choice malting. 68a 2532; dairies. 2324. Site Chicago, April 22 Cattle Receipts tioa of her health. ja . i 71. Eggs Steady, at mark, cues Includ-4- . 39.000. Steady; beeves 84.35aC.70; Seed-No. 1 Flax 1. LU; N. 15; first, 14; prime Brat 16. cows 6l.75a4.S0; heifers 2.65a5.40; Chevse Steady at 1415. northwestern, 1.11. ealvee 84A9a5.40 good to prime eieara - ehlp-ment- a. 47a; CHICAGO FUTURES. 48, 47. 47; Tin Work, Gatvanlisd Iron Cor Heating and Ventilating. 2S30 Seth phono Washington av nice Ufa Inaurane 86 14 19 .. A C. NYE, Loans and town Notary Puhli 2411 Wasliing Esut 19a Avanu SEO. OLMBTEAB. Contractor and bulldor. Office and hep at rootdene HO 24th St, West - ..141 Gas anc W. E. NEWMAN 84 32 Hag KELLY A HERRICK. and Loan Gsnsral Inaurane Rental Rail Estate Invtatmtnto Real Ogdon. Boll phono Eovioe WM. A. HICKENLOOPER. Rsal batata, tateiranco and Invest 209 Ecclaa Building, mint to N. H. Iva JOHN T. NEWTON Contractor and tollden Office at residence, gai 27th. Phono 174 In Shop nor of Wright A Bone C ' H. H. GODDARD, inaumnc Rail FRED HOWARD, Contractor and Builder. P. O. Box and ' B. H. GOObARA Real Eaut Firs and Lila Inrun anc Notary Public, 412 Emms Bldg Ball Phono 6S4Z, C. A HUMPHRIES . Builder and Contractor. Shop and 282 Hat Phono 2&&K BalL Otic Phono 617Z. Eatat Either 1874 Roofing, guttering ang ti uf all kind 2241 Wash, Av ..135 Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Standard Oil Sugar Tennessee Coal and Iron United Staes Bterl do preferred Western Union Northern Pacific Great Northern Int. Met. ....... , do preferred Mackav do preferred "" .i. C AGEE A MCRACKEN, Courts . 22 .. 50 2S OSERa N. A WILSON, ftouto painting, natural woafi flr min pa nor hanging and staa cleaning. Stop 421 tSrd fit Bat hono 444 Ra 4M 21al It . First Nat Bonk Bldg 2 N. C. (JT VOLNEY & GUNNELL Booma opposite Uaisiy HARRY RUBEN. We do tha artlstle wore of ta. oity. Relief, freaoo and sessie drettog; original designing. shew you our work In Ogden, oral work a Is Office 2444 Id wTTT av Bolt 844-Z- . 114 and 818 Ecelae Building Attomey-et-Liw- . Contractor, general house mi.-toand papartonglag. 10M ti toil phono 844 73 - BO pooler in Wall to Painting, Papar, Tinting and QsnsrS R. B. FARNSWORTH 74 24 14 76 62 O. ISAKSON. and decorative and paparhanglng. No shEaTh! totlmoto 160 2nd St Ssl JOSEPH CHEZ, Attorney and Counselor at Law, 40 and 41 First National Bank Bids NoOgdan, Utah. Both phone tary in offic 80 .. .. .. H! Fsosh. -- - C toto Attorneys ..126 ..110 ,, .. . .. A CO, Writer Paints. Hangers; Estimates given an rat contracting. 2244 let. Ruth phone MR 76 .119 International Paper National Biscuit National Lead Pacific Mall 82 A R. DRANK. Painting and paper honolaa Waa Soil phono Mvkj to? Slgo 6 Miscellaneous Stock. .. 96 Amalgamated Copper American Car and Foundry . . . .. 37 American Locomotive .. 53 American Smelting and Rfng . . .135 do preferred ..108 .. 61 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel and Iron .. 36 Peoples Natl Art ..145 ..120 .,,. .... ,. riudMEfitaSttoUfc? F. C. WOODS S COL Arehltecta. 86 A 87 First Bank Bldg Beth Phone ..100 ..176 ... ..155 ..200 preferred 8t. Paul Southern Pacific Southern Railway Union Pacific do preferred ... Wabash Wisconsin Central PETER ANDERBC Mlhtor, artiiti hanging. Estimatsa .. 364 ,,,,. .... Garden and Flower Seeds Domestic . A. GRAVIS. New York. April 22. -- Vhflr the exdays transactions on the stock change generally were inclined to be largely in professional bands, advanoeg were recognised as n reflecIn price tion of a real Improvement in aenti-pietow ards the end. The volume of the dealings were not noticeable and business was unduly congested in a few speculative favorites in the same way as for some time past. The manner In which price, rose alao failed to carry conviction of a response to demand simply to secure additional holdings at the beat possible terms. The object as well of raislug tha level ef prices waa obvious In some of the most conspicuous rases. But the important feature of the market waa the rise, however brought about, did aot bring out Important offering! for aala. It la this rondlUon of the market that causes uneasiness to the Interest which la admittedly till large. The bear position Is based alow upon the ueual precedent of sagging tendency of prices after the first rebound from such a violent fall aa occurred hut month. The existence of this persistent short Interest In tha market invitee attention by an opposing bull party In tha a peculation aa soon aa tha market la freed from actual liquidation on advanoes. Them was little to show absorption today beyond the narrow professional impetus which Indicated news of events or changes of condition!, were given little responsibility for the days movement. A good effect was caused by the downward tendency of time money ratea which waa looked upon aa n better index of the real money situation than tha deteriorating condition of the banka. The large loan expan-lo- n of the last two weeks ia not regarded ae due to demand for credits In anything like the proportion of the loan Increase aa that ia due largely to transfer of loans to the New York banka which were previously carried by interior banka and trust comThla course of New York panies. hank loans I than. In 'reality, sign of relaxation rather than of stiffening money markets. The same thing la true of the remittance of fundi from Ixmdon and Parle, which represents a repayment of lasses formerly published aad prompted by the present ease Discounts conof money In London tinued to decline there today and alao In Berlin, where it la reported that at thla weeks meeting of the directors of the Imperial Bank of Germany thin will reduce tha official dlaocunt rate from the prevailing 6 per cent rata. Account la token, nevertheless, of contributory eauaes In the expending tea, dency uf New York bank Inane. Is each of the two waeka paat syndicate operations were traceable sufficiently to account for a very large proportion of the loan Increase In each Instance. A bouyant market for ofrper securities In London and an advance BAN FRANCISCO STOCKS In the quotation for tha metal there were belpleaa factors in the days Interstate Brokerage Company April rise. An Incident regarded ae of some significance waa the sale of a stork 22, 1907. exchange seat at a price higher than the preceding aale, the rule being a drcllnlng tendency for the neats whan prolonged period of stagnation in stocks ia believed to be imminent. commission bouses assert that n more favorable attitude toward American eecnrltlea on the part of the foreigners waa discernible with the relaxation In money markets abroad. Recent crop damage reports apparently were regarded with some modification of views In the stock market and the forecasts of rain in the wheat belt had some effect on stocks. Aa a rule, the tost prices of ', the day were the higheeL Hodds were firm. Total sales, par value, 81,364,000. United States bonds were unchanged on calL Atchlann do preferred Baltimore and Ohio . Canadian Pacific Chicago aad Northwestern do preferred Colorado Southern Denver and RIo Grande do preferred . . . Erie i . Illinois Central Ijoulavllle and Nashville . Mexican Central Missouri Pacific New York Central Pennsylvania , Rending Rock Island Painter and Paper. hangers' Directory Architect. SS First Nsfl Sank Bldg. Sail Phan 084K. CLOSING STOCK LIST. Poultry pood and Ur The faraoui Columbia and Pralt'a Stock Remedies. 1907. Architects Balt Lake, April 22. While tliere were do arosationa sprung during thin morning's call the market without an exception was unusually strong. The sellers, although but few, showed up very favorably with aJvaaces being made In moat every instance. The Brat seller of the session was Daly Judge, 800 shares of which went at 8.76. Uncle Sam Cob. lined up next at Sic, while Berk Tunnel advanced to 1.M. . Colorado Mining might to called the headliner, the Tintlc favorite sell-i- n steadily upward from 82.85 to 2.45 closing stnoag at the latter price. Mountala Lake, too, was strong at 68 to 60c. Now .York recorded the final ales at 14 to 14 Tbo open board trading continued teady aad strong with several noticeable sellers romlng out. Beck Tunnel moved up to 11.65, while Colorado treat at 82.424. Columbus Co, waa freely, taken at 85.05 and Mountain Lake going at 70e. May Day resumed activity at 274c, while Nevada Hills passed 100 over the counter at 64.35. Seven Troughs and Uncle Bam Con. rlosed the deal with sale at unchanged figures, the market closing on the following prices: Seeds Seeds FLOU R WALL STREET IN THE HANDS OF PROFESSIONALS. B. Johnson Prtt' S3, OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY QUIET SESSION MARKET TUESDAY, APRIL I SCO MEAT UTAH. OGDEN, EXAMINER, THE MORNING 43: 8-- 8-- tJt y. |