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Show THE MOUSING EXAMINER, OGDEN, UTAH. APRIL 23, 1907. TUESDAY. Estes AMONG the SPORTS Some of the Manufacturers Doctor Specialist of Our County and State Ce far MMiMatiaa ML list ci 1 Partial Pittsburg, B; SL Louie. 2. Bt, Louis, April 22. Tha St. Louia aaaa guarantoed. Itiiy Nationals a era defeated by Flttahnrg gala today, the score being S to 2. Druhol, who started to pitch for St. Louia, was very wild and was taken out in the third Inning. McGlyau finished the game. Bt. Louia would hare been shut out had It not been for Hollys hit in the ninth Inning. The Score: R. H. K. I 2 St. Louia . a d U 0 Pittsburg . . . . a . . . . and Batteries Druhot. McGlynu Martha 11; WilUs and Gibson. Diseases Cored Cktanri, Paaiiaaa. Rtagtag to the Bara, Oiaaaaaa af M liati Throat, Koaa, Eye or Ear. All Breaehtal Tabes aari aaaaa Jf tbe Urar. Kidaeys aari Bladder. Haait Dtaaana, n Um Stood Fotacalag boa ANT PSIVATB 1MASAM -- M nR. tt ESTES, ta-a.a- W la Waehtagtea Av ernpi-r-or'- phia Nationals again shut out the Brooklyn team today, 8 to A Score: R. H. E. 0 Brooklyn (Bepfo 8 Philadelphia Batteries McIntyre, Whiting Ritter; Sparks and Jacklltsch. tink Eatraaaa Saaaa II. Remember tha naabar 2 4 8 PATRONIZE THEM AND HELP TO ENRICH THE COUNTY AND STATE 0 and iVnwif -- r,vfbrvYYYYYYYinrinriririrri" s YYYVxfuVbVjrbVWVAVV" THE UTAH CANNING COMPANY SALT LAKE VALLEY CANNING CO. OGDEN, UTAH. MANUFACTURERS UTAH VINEGAR AND PICKLE WORKS Manufacturers UtaH Fruits and Fierce's Furs Feed Cateup. Fiareca Fur Food Fork A Beam Flsrcs's Pure Food Hamlny. Fiance's Worcestershire Sauce. STRICTLY FIVE POINTS, FACTORY, UTAH. OGDEN, THE BEST. HOME PRODUCT. 'Phana 107F. Cache Valley Condensed Milk Company JOHN HOXER J. G. READ & BROS. CO. A Edward Bichaal Proprietor. Factory 2454 Wall Avenua. OGDEN, UTAH. Vegetables Wa pack hut ana grade of goads af and PICKLES VINEGAR A Full Line ef Packers ef High Grade Vegetables o, Philadelphia, S; Brooklyn, 0. Brooklyn, April 22. The Philadel- SPECIALIST a Maabl Ol M VU1 aad arirtoa to Mia. Call uc writ MM g Vtatua, Wn B Xarawa Trouble laaaWfluSrawblaa. WaaTaa. TtLnar to Sta nient of a motion disapproving of terrorism, which was expected to result in a stormy debate, has been putt lamed to the belief that the personal interview between U. Golovin, president at the house ud Emperor Nicholas which will take place tomorrow will throw some light on the attitude toward the d rnuia. The nslstlc and consider The discussion of constitutional democrats are pesat-th- e motion on terrorism will be a moat crucial ordeal fur tha house. They were practically thrown Into a panic Saturday by tbe report of the Impending dissolution of the duuma, and believed that the nomination of M. Picb-na noted reactionary, t the council of empire eallej for steps af immediate expediency. constltuatkmal The democrats, since the inception of their party, have steadily refused to commit themselves for or against terrorism, and would gladly shelve the entire question If possible. Up to the present the renter party has been unable to draft a formula for a motion on terrorism m which the majority could be united. NATIONAL LEAGUE Mariam mathed Free Diaaaaa Cfcreaie af any any iltei wltea a NURSES. volunteer Whe Sarvad ta Aif The art In tha Civil War. lDde1phia. April Claria-- il.-- Mra. year of thi city, Srt rf tha Aaaodatton of Amy Civil War, who did ha-niof atthaGettysburg and on other irtridi during the rebellion, la data from tha one hundred aim aurriring female nnraaa In Mted Statea who aaw aerrica the battlrflald daring the war, i riav of furalahlng eongreasa Ada looking to aacuring provia-tretha government for theaa 75 giaart. of three woman today." aald are poor and deatltuta wld-u- 'i too Nd to work. They ware lay volunteer nuraea and left their homes during the time of the Civil War to aune the nick and dying soldiers. Their work wa one of love and sympathy and they received no compensation from the government. The contract nuraea were provided for, receiving 12 a month panalon. 1 plead for tha poor, aged women who nursed back to Ufa many a tick and wounded hero of the battlefield. The government should certainly make provision for them and I beltova It will next December, when the hill will he brought up. THOMAS W. BISHOP DEAD. Thomas W. Salem, Bishop, one of the beat khown newspaper men in South Dakota, died S. D., April 22. hare of parelyaia last night Chincage, 8; Cincinnati, 2. Chicago, April 22. Chicago today earned the winning run In the ninth inlnlng on three hits and tax stolen baaea. All the other scores started on pitcher's wildness. Score: R. H. E. I 8 1 Chicago 2 2 I Cincinnati Batteries Hueltoach, pfeiater and Moran; Hall and SchleL BRITISH 22.- - ,.7 ......... New York, Si Boston, 7. 22. The New New York, April York American won uphill game from Boston today. They forced Winto tha sixth inning ter out ol tha box and won out ta the ninth on n base on balls to Keefe, Hofmu'a sacrifice and Keelers single. Score R. H. B. 2 U 7 New York u Mora good Mo war a are spoiled by by tha work they are intended to do. the Ideal it la simply accurate to a bunglesome sharpening than There's bo "guesswork" about hair. ring Your Cranky Mawars ta Our "Remedial institute for DIs-abled Lawn Mowers." ud hava 'em property, doctored. Price only 7S rents and a cure guaranteed. . H. 2521 C. HANSEN & SON OPP. CITY 111 Phone WASHINGTON 727 Z. AYE. I on the Raefe Japanese CoaeL J. D. Bowman, secretary of tha Carnegie Foundation for the advancement at teaching, today that although the foundation had declined to admit at ate unia versities ta the accepted Hat of of he fund, It occaaslonally rendered distinguished academic service. In accordance with that plan the executive committee of the foundation hae given retiring allowances to the following educators: X. Banjamta Andrews, chancellor of the University of Mtrhigu, who hpe been a prominent teacher ud educator for thirty year Francis H. Smith, for more than 60 yeara professor of natural philosophy at the University of Virginia. William V. Folwell, for 16 years president of tha University of Minnesota. Amoa N. Currier for 40 yeara professor of Latin ud Greek at tbe University of Iowa, and now dean of the college of liberal arts at the institubene-fldarie- RACYCLE Also we want your KODAK business. Full line of EAST-Aand ail supplies for the ama-- i ere iLi an( you will want your bicycle put order. Our repair department has been enlarged and ' pncei are N ft PREMO KODAKS right ' T 1-- d T. S. 306 HUTCHISON STREET. TWENTY-FIFT- H 1-- 6. E. F., BRATZ il - . expo-Kton- a?iPart aQd County. Loans on Improved J and Farm Property Promptly Negotiated. nt Fire, Tornadcf and Plate Glass Insurance tten trong and Safe Companies at Lowest Bates. 25th Street ; Opposite Reed Hotel PHONES: 420 AND 420Z. Men's Suits Boys Suits wu bnllt Childrens Suits 11,681 In Nnw York for the Padfle Mali Steamship company to 1804. Bha baa hut recently been She Mens iShoes put to oommlaalon again after repaira naoeaaltated by grounding on a reef off Midway Island, oa which aha struck on September 16th last. Sho was floated again without outside assist, nnw on September 21. On her present trip she was homeward bound from Yokohama, and was under command of Captain Hathaway. CARDINAL Shoes Boys9 Childrens tShoes .j ' . The Price and Quality Arc Always Right MERRY DEL VAL. , to B Succeeded by Rector of American Cel legs. - PUTNAM CLOTHING HOUSE York, April 22. Private received In thle country, aays the New York Tribune, tend to confirm tho cable reporta that Cardinal Merry del Val will retire from the office of secretary of stale for Flux X. It la stated that he la to bo succeeded prelate and by an English-speakin- g that Monstgnor Kennedy, recti ir of tho New ad-vlo- Monstgnor Kennedy hae bora rector of the American college for yean, and la a way, hae. bees th elntermedlary between the Pope and the bulk of the English-speakincountries. Ha Is thoroughly conversant with the Internal affairs of tho Vatican, Should ho bo called to thle office, Motufgnor Kennedy would undoubtedly be created a cardinal la private conelstory, as waa Cardinal Merry del Val. Monelgnor Kennedy Ie a Pennsylvanian by birth.. H U In his fiftieth year, and at the time of his appointment to Room waa stationed at Over-brooseminary. APSETTH ffi.936,201.05. CAPITAL, n ' t , unit ioo4 Troyi N, Tg 1861 eeeerespegca ( Portland, Me., I860 (ihmhmiimmiihiimm a 1871 , 4 ill i (sail, eel ale Chicago, COMMIBSION. Europe to Investigate toil niorf 1849 $39,478,834.66 Among which are included: IxtauoM a te 2,00fl,000.08. SURPLUS, $3,171,124.59.. k .Will Go V . . The Springfield Fire & Marine Ins. Co. of Springfield, Mass. get IMMIGRATION ' 2345 Washington Avenue Im- .$ t e ad a e Boston, 1872 meiitiimmiieieMHn MiewiiMiM aaaavs 0e Harrrhlll, Mali.. US! i,ii,lil4 ' Lynn, Mim. 1888 eeOaaeaaScccaaaMaaw Jacknotnrtllo, Fla., 1801 uaa8ee0l Paterson, M. J 1802 i,iit,,,iMMitsiifii, ,ypif , maeBaltimore, 1804 Rochester, Ms Yi, 1804 eeaaeeA iin'iieiiii,l Toronto, Cna, 1804 'eoimieiiimumni mieiiiMiii San Francisco, 1906 inmeotiMMM nets leiiisssai migration. ,iii,i,, Washington. April 22. Tho cetnmla-slo- n appointed In pursuance of tho action of tho last neesloa of congress to investigate conditions la congestion with tho subject of Immigration met today. It ta said that a preliminary Investigation of tho porta of New York and Boetos' will ha mads and afterward either the full committee or a will go abroad to extend tha Inquiry In tbe European countries from which most of the Immigrants oome. J. M. Forristall, Agt. Phones After a heavy meal, take a couple of Doan's Regnleta. and give your stomach, liver ud bowels the help they Bed Ind. 809 80 Robf. Offce ' 64,447.00 G. Agee, 55 KJB.M 127.188.00 260.204.00 61.141.00 84,50840 75,252.80 10.111.00 440.000.00 24.000.00 39,480.00 1,111,970 J Mgr. FIRST NAT. BANK will need. Regulate bring easy, regular passages of tho bowels. BRYAN IN BOSTON. SS&mijssiHs&ffd - 8-- B ton IN LONDON. -- BICYCLE And Has Them Good Tha Mongolia la a twin screw steam- er with a registered tonnage of 1-- IP YOU BUY A. UTAH., Putnam Has Them tha Off April 22. Afternoon.) Tha Pacific Mall steamer Mongolia ran aground this morning near Mayrda lighthouse, la tha provisos of Nagsto, Japan. Tha locality la tall of rarfa The steamer, with a Hat of 46 degrees, lies quite close to the shore, within ranch of rescue from nil direction Her proximity to tbe land prevents any possible loss of life. Tha aocident waa canaed .by an attempt to avoid oolUelon with a sailing ship. Ha Is "MRS. WIQGS 2-- Your Expectations Will Be Realized FACTORY AT LOGAN, tion. d; HALL. Ask your Qrocor for It. OGDEN, UTAH. Tokio, ud . 2288 Wash. Av Street, h Big Steamer London, April 22. The members of the theatrical company, who are to present "Mrs, Wlggs of tbe Cabbage Patch" at Tarry theater arrived her tonight. . 7 11 B Boston The that Percy Janie, who Thom- was to reportthe Batteries Hughe. Keefe cripple in thle piece, play as; Winter, Harris ud Armbnuter. had Jumped overboard tha night of No res April 16 waa confirmed. could be found for the suicide. Mr. ON THE TRACK Parker, a fellow actor who occupied the same stateroom, said Mr. Janis came on noon after midnight at tbe AQUEDUCT RACES. 18th and preps red to go to bed. He New York, April 22. Acqueduct re- seemed restless, however, and went . for a promenade on deck. He never , , , sults: Kerry waa seen again. Hla clothing wu First race, 4 2 - furlong Albia, found on deck. won; Slumbrriqad. ' second; third. Time, :66 BARK OF TREES FOR FOOD. Second race, steeplechase, about 2 mile Dulclan won; Tom Cogan, aeo-onDick Shaw, third. Time, 4:24. Victoria, B. C., April 22. Mail adThird race, 7 furlongs Athlete won; vices from Shanghai tell of muy , Orphan Lad, second; Dr. Gardner, thetlo Incidents observad by committees engaged la famine relief work third. Time, 1:28 Fourth race, the Union stake, 7 In Central China Refugees and dugs furlong;-Berkel- ey won; Tlellng, so- were seen fighting for the floor split on d; Campaigned, third. Time, 1:27. at distributing depot Smallpox In Clan won; ravaging tbe stricken areas. In nearly Fifth race, 7 furlong CMitreas, second; Trenton Blue, every house there la smallpox or fever third. Time, 1:28. ud nothing te eat but the bark of Sixth race, 4 2 furlongs Berry trees and potatoe vines. James Ware, Maid won; Bagoi, second; Hans of the Red CTOm, writing from Tslng Abound, third. Time, :6S. Kiang Pu says he saw bodies of children laid out by tbe roadalde te be deOAKLAND RACES. voured by tbe aeml-wll- d dogs of the plains, and dead men scattered along 22. Thera tbe roadway. San Francisco, April were no special features at Oakland HERMANN CASE NEARINQ END today, but' a good card drew a large The favorites did not fore crowd. well, but some of the winners wore Washington, April 22. Assistant well . supported. Corrigan - was the United States Attorney Adkins conmedium of a plange ud went to the cluded hie argument today In the trial post an even money favorite for the of Binger Hermann for dentroylng pubA. 8. Worthington then fifth. He romped home. Dr. Rowell lic record also won a purse with Hugh Mc- began a twodays argument for the Gowan. defen m. United Staten Attorney BakResults: er will make tbe concluding addrenn First race, 4 furlongs Jack Paine for the government. It la now expectwon; Irish Mike, second; Gaga, third. ed the cnee will go to the Jury ThursTime, :44. day. Second race, futurity course Como land fraud The won; Taientoaa, second; Slcamore, case which waa to begin today before 1a third. Time, 1:11 Justice Stafford, postponed to await Third race, 7 furlongs, selling the conclusion of the Hermann trial. Hugh McGowan won; Silver Sue, secBODY OF "SILENT SMITH. ond; Head Dues, third. Time, 1:27. Fourth race, 8 furlongs, selling Royal Rogue won; Nappe, second; Honolulu, April 22. The Duke and King Cole, third. Time, 1:14. Duchess of Manchester end Mr J. P. Fifth race, mile and n sixteenth, Smith, the wife of "Silent" Smith, who selling Corrigan won; Daniel C sec- recently died In Japan, are passengers Time, on board of the Pacific mall steamer ond; Nabonuear, third. 1:47 Siberia, which arrived here today from Sixth race, mile Maeea won; Bed- the Orient The party la an route ford. second; Sir Brillar, third. Time, to New Tork ud i accompanying tbe 1:41. remains of' Mr. Smith, which are Rear Admiral aboard the Siberia. INTERNATIONAL CONTEST. Brownson of the United States navy. Pacific fleet ud several Chinese mlll-antCemiehman Wins Fight for Bantam recently 1 command of the Champlenahlp. tary officers who will- represent the Chinese army st tbe Jamestown London, April. 21 The unounce-men- t are paassnsers on the Siberia of two big international contests attracted a great crowd to the National NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDING. Sporting club tonight was between Owen The first fight St, Petersburg, April 22. The first Moran of Birmingham ud Albert Del-mo- steps toward the erection of e new of Boston, 20 rounds, for the ban- building of periiament to take the tam championship of the world ud a place of the Tsuride palace, where purse of 12,000. Moran war a warm tha sessions are a held, were taken favorite In the betting and proved the today. Tha bouse adopted a motion winner on points, but only oftor the to appoint a committee to report oa fight had gone the full 80 rounds. the matter and to set aside funds for contest wu between the construction of the new building The second Sam Langford, nn American, and from the 1V07 budget. Tiger" Smith, n Welch fighter, 20 rounds, for the middleweight chamMYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED. pionship of the world and a puree of 12.000. Langford won to the fourth Honolulu, April 22. L, R. Rader-mache- r round. of Los Angeles 1 reported to have mysteriously disappeared from DISAPPROVE TERRORISM. the Occidental betel, where he had been staying. He left hie belongings Bt- dla. the hotel, hut no trace of him hu cuaaiiu to Um lower house of purlin-- been found. ' Twenty-fourt- MONGOLIA AGAIN AGROUND. 2-- WILL CALL AND DELIVER 840 eon-vinc- na AWNINGS OGDEN, UTAH. New Tork, April 22. Detroit, 8; Cleveland, 4. Detroit, April 22. The home team bad the better of a hitting content with Cleveland today. Score: R. H. E. . . .8 11 8 Detroit 4 10 2 Cleveland Batteries-Killi- an ud Schmidt; Hhoadea ud Clarka. Made te 834 Honeysuckle Evaporated Milk Wen tha geld madal at tha Bute a Fair, 1N6. A trial can will you there is JUST AS GOOD. TENTS and The beat and Largest Manufacturers in the WoaL af Manufacturers Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer af Saddlery .18 - a, ' The British dele- ,. -- Te have In operation one of the new "Ideal" Lawn Mower ttupeura that wa would Ilka to have yon examine before you In yrar Mower sharpened again. There ie nothing like It on the mriwL By its use each blade la sharpened with the utmost exactl-ttfthe brvel on the knives being kept at tha asms. degree all along. Iviry Inacuracy la taken out snd a perfect "clearance" given the Harness and THE d Philadelphia, S; Washington, 7. Philadelphia, April 22. Philadelphia defeated Washington today In n game marked by heavy hitting on both aides. Score: . R. H. E. 8 11 2 ' Philadelphia 12 2 Washington ... ... and Dygurt Batteries Frank, Bchrack; Smith, Graham, Heydou ud Warner. Yoor Lawn Mover Need Sharpening? TO London, April gates to the peace conference at The Hague are as folios: 8ir Edward Fry. Justice of appeal and a member of the permanent court of arbitration at The Hague. minSir Ernest Batow, ister at Tokle ud Pekin and a member of permanent arbitration at Tbe New York. 1; Beaten, 0. Hague. Boston, April 22. A base on balls, a Lord Hey, president of tha Royal hit by a pitched ball and a single in Astatic Society and I'nlvaraity of Colthe ninth Inning gave New York one lege London and a member of tbe run and the game today. Score: council, and Sir Henry Howard, H. H. E. privyBritish minister at Tha Hague. tbe 4 7 .0 Boston a e e Naval ud military experts will be inaiff in 1 Now York added to the delegation jater. Batteries Flaherty and O. .rndorff; Mathewson ud Breanaben. ADVANCEMENT OF TEACHING. AHERICANLEAGIIE Does DELEGATES HAGUE. Boston. April 22. William J. Bryan visited Boston today and held conferences with a number at leading DemoDoug! a crats, Including Mr. Bryan's talk with Mr. Douglas related to the tariff, according to the Later Mr. Bryan spoke on tatter. "Problems of City Government'1 before the Mayors club. Mr. Brvu Is at Fall River tonight, hot will return here tomorrow. Among ether affaire on hie program for tomorrow ta aa address at Harvard. Four times the light at half the coat REPLY OF SULTAN. Tangier, Morocco, April 21 Tho reply oT the Bultan of Morocco to France's deaunda tor redress In connection with the murder of Dr. arrived here today. It ta In the form of a lengthy oonfueed document, and It la aald does not accord all the French claims, but shows a desire ta negotiate. Msu-cham- p. VOTED DOWN RESOLUTION. . Harrisburg. Pa., April 22. A resolution aaklag President Roosevelt to be a candidate for a second elective term as president waa defeated In the bouse of representatives tonight. Thera waa no debate on tho proposition. BOAT CAPSIZES; TWO DROWNED, P. at the schooner Eben Chester, April 22. By tbe in Thats what electric lighting does. If yon question It, question us. Were only too glad to give information and good service along the lighting Use. Thats why we are Those Lite Mon ELECTRICAL EVERYTHING Commercial Electric Company 2279 WASH. cap-iiln-g AVE. the Delaware river today Archibald McBride, George Edger and Edward Mur-uh- v at FhUadal&hla were drowned. AT PHONE 362. BE wui. n viti n na acritilTU. |