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Show t V Tnu Hand Painted C ina j30fc"Ported Men Wheelwright Bros. ooden, EXAMINER, JbambergerIl. , China 101 Piece Dinner Set MORNING buying t. ftail TrKSD.W. APRIL 1007. cooperifencino of YHE canyon making a j 23, I pORTUNE HANAN ROAD $20 Co. 2476 Washington Ave.' SUB'ECOF SUCCESS MANLOUJE PHENOMENAL. . AGAIN THE CLAIM 18 MADE THAT HIS ROAD WILL BE BUILJ. YOUNG Construction Gang Moving Along th Sand Ridge Ogdon Rivor Is n Obstacle. Internal Paroaitos Undoubtedly Causa MMOb III Health. MTWNSENT A TO Objection Made to the Propaeed Pump-ing Station to bo Eatabliohod by Power Co. In Ogdon Canyon. 1 offers the case of soft, pliable leather and .the elegance of smart styles; made permanent by the very best material and skilled workmanship. Two eotamuatoatioea from tha Og remarkable results in 8t. den Improvement League wero read counLouis by L. T. Cooper have become yesterday before th board of sseeioa. n topic of universal interest during tbs ty commissioners in regular immediOn urges th necessity lor Pst week. ate actloa hi fencing of dangerous to visit his Reports that preceded of th canyon road. As th this city told of Mr. Cooper's greet suc- portions oa, and trafcess In tho asst. But the man nnd his summer season to fairly to heavy and medicine did not attract widespread fic through th caayos attention until tho beginning of fclfl increasing, to provsnt future nod oecond week bora. Then, tho interest dents, the League petitioned that in him become venr noticeable and steps be takes to make tbs highway A T. 8. Working nnd E. Regan were has steadily gathered headway, until aa safe for the public as possibta DEE-STANFO- RD which th fence of a leegua arrested Sunday on information rediagram now sold Northwester are his preparations being mSm jeeeiatlMi. with the waa submitted recommends ceived from Lakeside. It la thought headhie and enormous in quantities that erne of tha men broke"lnto a box petition, it provides for Iron posts set .sLiXANPER6"ANT.Ra.M8 quarters U a moot interesting place in concrete with holes at intervals car and secured a miscellaneous lot of which to spend a half hour. la which at plunder. Two handkerchiefs were are coming from nil puts of sbovs tha ground through run. People Such found on the men that resembled a the etty to eee him. The young man least two Iron bars maybebe durable, number missed from tha car. and hie assistantee am surrounded by a structure is sell to swarms of humanity from early uatll uameatal and protective to a FOftd not obtained by using n board fence. Funeral terriers over the remains of which I uuwtum to tell what has been se Tho activity along the lino, Tbs other petition was la tbe Mrs. Hattie Rex Brown will be held at Elver-them the for by Cooper compUshed built to a point above of 1 o'clock, Tuesday, at the Fin Ward hu frn to in harmony with tho statement medicines; others .to buy the rsuo- of a protest egntoat the granting dale, the privilege to a company to pump meeting house. The remains may ha mode bv Bnrberger that by summer dle. water cut of Ogden river, durviews from to It o'clock at tha fam- - train Rill be MARIE Perhaps nothing boa 4 see more to the operating between Ogbr 1USB ily residence on the day of the funeral- den end Salt Lake over the new arouse this Interest than Mr. Cooper's ing the period of lew water. Application has base filed for aueh a right, a notable producAs test as n steam shovel, n statements cooesrnlng Internal para- 'and dOTNAH, Is should it be approved of by the Heber J. Grant spoke to the Weber route. of as are nnd or builders tapeworms, they sites, trackmen, bridge lMf state Stake Academy scholars at "devotion- gang engineer, tha river from tho commencement th At the called. advance can concrete workers al yesterday. The apostle then in road It is being pushed in the direction of his visit to this etty, he claimed Oaks to tha mouth of tha canyon will company with President BhnrtUff hur- of Lincoln avenue, over the eandrldge, that these creatures wero reopoasibto he dry several months of the year. ried to tbs depot to catch a train hack the Weber river nnd the county road. for much of the ill health of this gen- Tha beauty wkieh th stream adds to to Salt Lake. last eration; be claimed that a large per- the eesyoa was emphasised. Both Owing to tho favorable weather of conrooeived proper atoa the made centage of all chroato stomach trou- eommnnioatlooe the progress A marriage license has been granted week, he stated that tention and will aa doubt remit In remarkcaused was them; to ble considered Cast-4- 0 by work struction action. Ctunmlaeionsr Moors Lawreuoe Citato and Mrs. Martha At-fi-d able people in the by local officiate of the company his "Naw Diaoovery" medicine would early was of tbe opinion that tha river ton, both of California. bo as be it te will correct, this established and the record prove theory Soanory not to b emptied and stated ought unforeof these hundreds remove A carload ft Spaelol would tape this week, provided moral the The Child Culture Club will meet surpassed that support of tho city the left arise. worms before he city. seen dlfflculttoe do not at I p. m. Tuesday, at the borne of mouth of the canThese statements seem te have been would oppose the approving of tha the to The grade W1"-7Bo,0PUCES: state engineer. Mrs. David Bcche, Sr, 2580 Jefferson which was completed last sum- completely verified. During the past application by thaMad SALE NOW ON son Imtroduosd a avenue. Being the annual meeting, a yon, wan Commissioner destroyed whoa two weeks hundreds of people whe mer, practically aet of ruins t govern tha driving of full attendance la desired. that no the preparabeen Cooper Its have channel, left river taking Ogden ware In order to make It possible for the tion for some form of stomach trouble flocks through tha canyon. They was entered to clerk tho Walter Scofield of Kayevllle was opand those of on of adopted relieved CONSULTATION the been have city resume to operational erated on for a rupture of tho stom- company interested at the mouth of parasite. In couasquenea. Cooper have printed 100 soplee. Blx promithose and ach at thy hospital by Pro. Oegood sheep man were to attendance Wo canyon will be urged to advocate and hto theories have been growing nent when tha rules wero drafted so that and Rich. The operation to expected the of the course of tho into grantor prominence each day. the changing floekmaeters to to prove successful. am gra-erand satisfactory statement a that they Mr. Coopers stream in the meeting of dtlsena lassitude was tha sweat Indica- aa writ as the eouaty officials. officials scheduled to take piece BORN Sunday afternoon to the city oor-rect Aa th Mdf submitted for the work now at morning at the city ban. tion of this trouble terms to be Association. Pro. Elliott, acroflfi the street from old stand wife of W. R. Davidson, 1457 Lincoln Tuesday oa a oaeotory annex to the court have In its present who left Statements be Roe. to people GRANT. river Mgr. by the Were ' .ALEXANDER tha from n different boy. avenue, 2356 Washington Avenue. channel It would be necessary for th had this experisnca seem to be very house wore so little juuminr n feeling bids on two ateriss, they war resteel All that two erect alike. bridges. muCh saying to ' 8. W. Socles, in private car Ocean-ic-a company of extreme wearinaoa and a lack of jected without exception.farms MUMVWM. la Marand Cole Ulman In private car Madeoa reported that jjUUM.nfWir ' which they attributed to stomenergy were From the Alter Theater, DU G0VEBKCR III A (ICHT being near Ogden Constitution, passed through Ogden river, riott!, afflicted them. ach trouble, had New York. this morning. Mr. Rcklet went to Salt washed away. A petition was received A statements of this character, which Is almost: identical with all from property owners In that section, John Sparks Makes an Attack on the those ... given by people who have had asking the hoard te visit to Man, Newspaper protect Sheriff Hopkln of Morgan county front and take steps same experience, to as follows: the as brought D.. O. Camp, a school teacher Mrs. B. Prengcl, living at 4040 St the land. It to estimated that 8M dated (First appearance In tho West) Nev., from Reno, A dispatch of Morgan city, to the county jail Fendlnsad street, whe was relieved of would be sufficient to construct n PUCK In Wagenhels k Kempere in await he. will . trial where toys: Sunday, Sunday of one of thee parasites by the Cooper IfYSQs Stupendous Production Oovernor John Sparks of Nevada the district court to which he was In n written opinion, the county atprepaietioa, whoa. se by importer. stated that tha beard had a bound over on the charge of adultery. and K- - O. Morgan, editor of the torney Mid! NIGHTS DREAM par Gaiette, the leading Republican Oat health for right to allow Joseph Stanford 1M to 'have beea poor "I in a state, engaged offer it was la a general rundown as a, ceetlngcut fund te b used for ' E. D. Mitchell, an. operator In the per ofin the Barret needs oed at Dae Nouaa Theatre, house- - ealoon here oig years. I the I Lave some unuwially good barjfsins to d fight ut tenattributed this to stom- the poor. has Nlghts,-aiPacific I Southern local ever office, IN Tdr condition; Vm, the of for but and owning desirous are If ach trouble, as I had a very Irregular dered hie resignation and left yes- yesterday morning, de Astor Theatre, New York, you'll hpefllc quick, and you interference of the friends of the chief PHOTOGRAPHS. and weald have a bloating for Tacoma, Wash, where executive INTERESTING fairy appetite, terday sensational flying OWO, I will mike been would have a shooting ntyi meals. My chief trouafter sensation he has accepted a more lucrative pocomWbl Original electrical effect. the of bargains aud see if there Is not Htf separated over this illustraI fait tired all tha time. most wan The resignation of Mitchell the result.wentWhen sition. that the of lateroetlng ble Oh Iks Mendelssohn Music with epoto the street, Morgan ; leaves the force that formerly worked batantsfollowed te the Gasette's edi- Even in tha morning after a night's tive features of the May Century rill something that interests you. ch! orchestra. v ' no he the reproduction of a group of Ideal being wake would I feeling ap Trainmaster under house on Nob Hill; bus 2 lots, a Wright, scarcely sleep. a the 000 for SI and rooms the WVVriVlVVi governor, by torial went te "Tha ' Tala of Isolde," refreshed than when I with one representative. flljOO, 75c, fiOe. PRICES: scene previously enacted was repeated. more I bed dlxsy spells end would subjectsof ''A No. 1 barn; good brick chicken house; genuine Lethe, "Tbe Death of th Banks Governor Sparks was criticised by bed. EAT flALE NOW ON. F. tha and and before eyes, produced my by ete. see posed of , spots Roes," The explosion of n quantity bargain. the Reno newspapers for the appoint1 was rankhouse with bath, pantry black powder in the trousers' pocket ment of ftam Davis to tho hoed of least exertloa would tire mo. It and Benedict Hersog, whose work 1.650 buys a nice conduties and to attend creative te my ed as displaying of Carl Cragun, sixteen years old, son the Nevada publicity commission, and aa effort well located; worth investiand Improvement; of Wiley Cragun of Pleasant View, there has been hard feeling nines. A even my mind seemed dull nnd slur structive faculties of a distinctly high an asentirely Introducing order, and gating. at the family residence lata Sunday series of statements made by the gov- glah. two apartment house; rontfi ror "My eyesight has been getting poor- new not lute modern photography, resulted In his hand, thighs and low- ernor appeared In print, nnd that offor a $2,500 memDr. of Hersors I notieed.thet Interest the my te nnd adds er It The burned. as . er limbs being badly utely, ficial characterised the writers to $30 per mout ' ory was not as good as It used to be. worit to know that Us photography young man threw some powder In the "damned liars. to an I he time demand of frame on Tattemm Ave. of for one many stood say I length If only Ill Changes tove nnd the hurst of flame Ignited $1,300 for a When Sparks cams to Reno yesterEvery Saturday Mat electrical engineer and patent nttor. brick cottage; has pantry. a. the powder in his pocket He to under day he met Morgan in the saloon, and would have a dull pain In tha lower new Ires. $1,900 buys tho ney: and inventor of many electrical the care of Dr. 0. W, Baker of this hot words wero followed by blows. part of my back and if I ascended rapEVENINGS Two Performances, well located; scientific twsy terms; speftk quick. and of beat member many hath; very stairs quickly my heart devices, a city. 7:30 and 3.13. Sparks struck Morgan, and the force trustee of the a and modern art n house, built of pressed societies, and for of idly." them two $3,700 the of the blow carried MATINEE of sort Art Dally, Except Sunday, preparation, Society. 1 tried every district of the saMunicipal residence brick, and is in the. best Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' off their feet Gamblers In the at :S0l throw off this dull' feeling. Eclectic Oil. Cores toothache, ear- loon stopped to see the fight, but fniping to to a want get really nice1 home at so murk about this man Coppcity. If you PRICES ... .10c, 20c, SOo , CARO OF THUD ache, sore throat Heals cuts, braises, friends stopped the combatants from I heard I decided to hie preparasmall of cottage, investigate try tbe price a er, that scalds. Stops any pain. rushtng at each other's throats. MATINEES ... .10c, 20e tion. I bought two bottles of New 'this. Discovery. 1 took only few doses of We desire to extend ur sincere at this price I FATHER ATTEMPTS ASSAULT the preparation and a tapeworm left thanks to the many friends who so $2,5001 have so many nice homes CIVL SERVICE EXAMINATIGNS in an ad. to them do cant mr system. It waa about fifty feet la kindly aided ns daring tho recent I justice that really Now could I as beloved near our Judge. father, as of death end Call and let me ihow you my list. The United States civil service comSyracuse, April 21. Charged by bis length, I know what has beea the matter with W O Stone. Also "Bister Collin mission announced that an Interpredaughter with attempting a moot and I am sura I for th faithful and attentive care she I also have some nice places for those who want years these nil me crime, Jamee Warren of this will be nU right again." ter examination will be held May 15, our of ROLLER SKATING death the him since has to raise poultry aad fruit, and still be sear town; 1307, at the places mentioned below plsce has fled from the wrath of his of tha new prepara- dear given Lulu Mltebell Miss nnccets The To mother. shertho reasonable in price; easy term. te fill , vacancies ns they may occur neighbors and tha pursuit of tions in SL Louis 1 confined largely and tha ehnir for tha sweet, peaceful I In the positlon of Interpreter In tho iff of Davis county. While driving but the music rendered . at tha service. Te stomach trouble, of HEMEMlJEIt, that, I am making terms no cases to Immigration service, at 31200 per an- home from Ogden In th evening with medicine seems to be remarkably suc- thro 'who offered words of consolaOne Week, Commencing it's an easy matter to buy a home; start. now; hi daughter, Warren attempted to num. . cessful la eases of rhsumatlmn. Mr. tion and comforting words of praise, folThe bar. struggled girt the in assault be held will Examinations ascribes this to tbe fact that and to th many friends who furnishyoull regret it if you wait. Monday, April 22nd during which tha buggy was Cooper our responMils in is lowing cities: flowers trouble indirectly etnmeep ed tbe'besutifnl d Prescott and almost overturned, but aha finally Arisons Phoenix, diseases, rheumatism hour of sorrow and trouble. In Jumping out and ran to a sible for manytbsm. Tuaoon. K. D. STONE AND FAMILY. RAY among California Frveno, Los Angeles, neighbors house in a fainting condi- being REAL the Worlds Bast Marysville, Sacramento; San Francis- tion. In tha meantime bar father had SWEDEN AND AMERICA. A NEW "MARY SONG. off. driven San.Luto Obispo. San and co, Jose, THIRD FLOOR FIRST NATL BANK. Sheriff Ware, at Layton, was at mice -Idaho Boise Trick and Fancy to the latert addition 2S-DeUger-erants- , Carey Mary April a Cyclists Tort. New Obtaining notified telephone. Bozefoan. by Butte, Montana Billings, te the popular Mary family of song the first Swedish minister te feat horse, he drove to Syracuse as Great Fans, Helena and Missoula. of hits It was written by Lot Johnson, th since Warren separation had but as he could, Nivada-Reno- b Washington Opes every evening, rapidly . Including Colorado newspaper man, for the out before the sheriff's Norway nnd Sweden, arrived yester- a Sudsy. Oregon Astoria. Baker City, Eu- skipped show of the Denver Free minstrel few a her remain days will be could found. not Kv roof, new floor, everything theta, and day. He end Portland. gene Immediately aprang Into and Club, to seen and It since is and then go Washington. better than ever. He has not been . over the Utah Logan nnd Balt Lake City. ex-I whom Roosevelt, fled to Idaho. popularity. It to speeding President ' Port supposed that ht has and Bellingham, stage Washington on profomdooal the the said on country Thursday," Warren was a successful business pect to meet tanTacoma, to the Townsend. Spokane, whistle Seattle, with every fast turning Knsic by Nichols Band and Walla Walla. man beta and. has always borne n minister, "to remarkably popular of ito chorea Hte is the people of Sweden nnd to espec- talising waits rhythm are the Tolbert R. InApplications win be received , , for good reputation.-the terribledaughter famThe of publtobero th affair. royal by thought well by ially any of the following languages:'-Arabic- Bo- prostrated Music Go., Denver, and the aosg Indies admitted five. ily. They follow closely the progress gram Armenian, Assyrian (Arabic), had by mall at 25 cents a copy. and can he In America done to being that Gents, lie, skates 25c. hemian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, exAmerican to profit by O are anxious Laima tlen, Santoh, Latch, Finnish, O SARSAPARILLA TIME. SUMMER EXCURSIONS O perience. Flemish, French, German, Greek. O The Place for Select InterHuno "My peoplelaborareofparticularly o People Hebrew, Herxegovlnlan, Hindoo, .Th this country. CRT o 2fcike yonr own Sarsaparilla o ested In the garian. Italian. Japanese, Lithuanian. Via Colorado Midland Railway. 1 working duw are Just new la an 7. Jmie 1 to Montenegrin, Magyar, Norwegian, Per- o or Spring Blood Medicine by o unsettled May of Mexico, condition and are anxious te ounce Fluid o If- - Round trip, 6.15. sian, Polish, Portuguese, Roumanian, o mixing one-hal- f on as firm a baste as thair fol- and 17 to July ounce one get Slovak. o Dandelion, Servian, Extract o Rnthenlan, Russian, limits. desirto Long Sweden America. , In three o lows Kargon, Slovenian (Wendteh), Slovenish (Kra-nlsh)- o Compound Eastern Excursions Msy 27 to 80. also of establishing better comSpanleh, Swedish, Syrian, Sy- o ounce Compound Syrup Barter o ous 8. 7. 18, 14. One June United with the relatione o parilla. Shake well in n bottle o mercial rian (Arabic), Turkish, Ylddlsn. limits. Btop overs. Other for long after o States." Wishes nisMiny Friends to know .that rates Age limit, 20 years or over on the o and taka one teaspoonful during the summer. Writs cheap bedtime. at o for o meals and again can date of examination. ENOLAND U H Herding, Balt Lske CIty he is still in business, and nicely located at supply o MISS SUTTON GOES TO o Any good druggist, H. Herding, General U Applicants should at once apply to the local secretary of the board of o these ingredients. ' New York. April 2 L Miss Msy O. Agent This to said to be a splendid civil service examiners at any of the o Mart will whe California, seco Spring Blood Tonic nnd system o Sutton of m Msy 17th to strive EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA. place mentioned above, or to the England retary, twelfth civil service district, o renovator because of it gentle o for chamtown tennis Enrihh . te May Ittto San Frandeco, Cal., for application o action In restoring tbe Kidneys o for tbe will tsfce In the local oaHy, April putNicholas forma 804 and 1141, which ahould be o to normal activity, forcing o pionship. rink from blood o tournament at the St. te San Franetoc and reproperly executed and filed with the o them to filtermatter the and adds, o this week. With Baals C. Wright she Ogden see o all lnmpuro civil service commission, Washingturn (direct ....i a the mixed doabtos. .You are especially invited to tall and o to to play on month re- o destroying ton, D. Is Ogden to Ban Frahdsoo sad Button 111 health and Miss ocation. next new o Early . .342.50 'him at his o .which produce turn (one way via Porttoad) reoutdoors at the o scheduled to contest MITCHELL o sour blood. should tnd Los to EXCURSION TO MEXICO CITY: Angeles Hnat Meadow at Ogden and the eome-club o Everyonecleanse thetakeblood t o CountryHempstead, turn via. Beuthem Pneiflc ..340.10 Bffi U L at o dub, "R MONUMENTS. . o thing to to Lea AsgeUe aad -- fOgden Dally, April fifth te May 17th. nnd the above of o year, time o Route ....3S1A this arrived 2 carloads of via. Balt Lake la tbe most o FOUR CHILDREN CREMATED. d granite to Lot Angel and reVis union Pacific. IC9.1S round trip. o Imple prescription Ogden hunof , the Indorsed ns, TtTOm ,,1ct STANDARD-EXAMINE- R O o 8L until highly return to July chilturn (one way via. Portland 353.40 Tickets good te Snto. ,".t,bur home remedies gen- o of Ky - April 22. Four Fulton. dreds o pur-further For allowed. Ban Francises) large commissions and isdZ, Stopovers need. o dren of Mr. Horfad, a Greek ftmerchant, oJars see ticket arents, Ogden Union o erally ,ht,T' Tickets good te return until July 3L them, o Am tliftt 87 Decoration litefat in then you o tbto youiwlf. Mix o B. allowed. A. Traveling Molry, Mrs. bar viJ!Beli?r home. and Stopovers Mr. depot or are taking. o destroyed tbrir will know whet yen Utak. . 0 OPPOSITE CITY Ogden, tatAgent, tbe Passenger and burned YXTERT. o Hodsd were badly o WANT ADS YIELD SIO RESULTS. ter msy not recover. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS. By quietly purchasing several tracts of land between the south end of Lincoln avenue nnd the Riverdal end of the sand ridge, Simon Bamberger has y for hie Internrban secured road Into the city. Fart of tho land Hoe within tho city limits on tha cost and west side of tho proposed route of the electric Una nnd Is considered valuable for building purposes. 10.000 has bees Approximately paid through Bambergers agent for tha land. Deeds to n number of lots have boon Sled with tho county recorder and It la understood that the Salt Lake promoter has sot completed his purchase of Ogdon real estate, tho value of certain portions of which la expected to bo enhanced by the proxk Ogden rail- imity of tho Salt La April If- - The that are being uooompllshed right-of-wa- BREVITIES grand erah0, "WEDNESDAY SHOE CO. J SOLE AGENTS Chas.B. Hanford com-moo- jilios ly Casar K7 Pu'JtBm 25c-SEA- T c FREE Ouarmntoo Speedy and Ate- - grand opera house lute Curem In Capom Wo Aeoopt tea-poun- d THURSDAY Annie Russell river-washe- d IfltsRealEstateYouWant, I HAVE, IT Ro III11U lok 31-5- UTAHN A - 12-roo- THEATRE m m ss AUDITORIUM ha-inou-n eay tbit y, GEORGE A. HORN vio-ceede- AND PETERS ESTATE - M. nr-rlv- sl . JESSE J. DRIVER - oooooooooooooooo s. - s 2275 Washington Ave. 2h micro-organism- BROS m-tar- n . 1 Want Ads Bring Big Results 0000000000000000 1 |