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Show TIIE MORNING EXAMINER OGDEN. UTAU. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMRE1I27, 1901. Hereafter Advertisements on this page must be paid for in advance excepting only those business houses who have an open book account with us FOR RENT FURNISHED im ROOMS F(hm,fXT Sg CENT PER INSERTION. INSERTION tESS MO FIRST THAN 25 CENTS. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS ADVANCE. OOK EXCEPTING HOUSES RUNNING OPEN ACCOUNTS WITH US. RENT Tpr,. feot, urriMhe.l nsr-o'- FOit P At ui ck 12-l- d rw,i.us N';- fill Ills-r- d I hone CLX. prsericol Ladles tullnr. Ladies', Misses' and Childrens cloaks, suits, msnl.es ana skirts made to order. Old skirts and mantles cleaned, repaired and pressed at khor.est nolle, 156 S5tb St -- stair 9 RENT healed, ferred. fm-j- i 541 l.i : at,Wal. do housework. WANTED Girl to Two In family. No Good wage 34 1 f (..I, iron. No ntoves. Call nt 9 RENT-Roo- iinni iKMi bir - 2;ij su Xl rooms furniKn-ed- ' l Furnished rooms , 11-2- FOR RENT Cirl for general housework Jefferscx room, 12-1- 2:: '7 2 49 Ave.. on h ii. Ivrs, N. k 2 5: i hiiiw and blinks it Tr,m 209 iCc, les build12-- Oiiii'.e SALE g roui brick huuse, l and acres orchaid. Near iJiaf achi N. 11. lies. 2o!l Lciics bid 1. 23 acres all cuuivuietl, bearing young tree bi ick houHc, barns, ebeds. guod water right. A bargain. 13.250. N. 11. Ives, 209 Eii-V- a 12-bui.iiing. 3. FOR SAI E 6 room lmum. 3 acres In nil. cliickcn hiiiticH. f. ms. 11 -- G'l N. 11. Ive 209 Eiaiea build12 3. ing. No. 1 girf for general house-work- , KOii hENT N'iee furuisued rooms, modern iniprovenieuni ticntlcmcn highest wages. Apply room preferred. 648 24 th SL Opera House Block. WANTED-G- lrl housework. at FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping, Ft'H 12-- L rooms 2220 Lincoln. 11-2- 2. RENT NUaly ftrnlshsd front room for lady or gentleman. 655 ' ' wanted for general 2246 Madison. Enquire mornings FOR BALK brick house, cei-and barn, 2x9 roils on 31at, Washington and UranL Also 6 room frame with brick cellar, chicken and other out house En2. on quire property. et 8. j Ur rooms for WANTED At once good girl for FOR RENT Furnished light housekeeping at the Lawrence, housework, good wages, 2011 Madt-rent moderate. 2612 Washington Ave. FOR SALE Vacant 'mJt, well situated, housework. W ANTED Woman 60x150 feet, cheap S20U.UO. FOR RENT Furnished and unrur141 2tth BL KELLY ft HERRICK. nlalied flats. 2634 Ur 11-2- nr WANTED--Gi- rl fur Grant. gsseial it buuae- - draulic ibiis. e near dep,-t- . le r e n-- -t two ' ' 1 u ion. i. :.t It .tinny Cure:, u cf . AUltUua. Wai:Vi. .'.L'C, ...(! tun' m A. O. Ii. W. iinil fir t a it hirj h ui . h l 1. Vbiikiiin rruihec. cur-- i. hy l.ici-tio- n fl2i0. ("ear IJ'i Leave city. Residence lota, weil la Mr A. M. ented; on easy term Crocker, room 23 Uoylw Ui FOR SALE y J. J. 142 27 O. ll.iri-ian- , C. CL la!eu .i8i:a,i A is; F. L. No f.s t'ia ;i::.cn. t;i-- i in ai 7.3.1 p. m. I. E. a ui:) in ma::hali,. HO'Yll tSuey, C19 Ml.NSEY, Catiecuir, Slleet. ROYAL NEIGHBORS r u.eeu im-.- i uf wed-I.- YmiMng MRS. MISS , OF AM2MCA. Camp of Opd-- u. No. 2nd and 4iu Friday . aih mmith at A O. U. W. bail. nemhbork alwait wclcoum. K11A liAUrk, Oracle. LAURA BAVUR. Recorder. s Itresa f ImiiX ifrlra Trlkn, Fashions among the native tribes of South Afru-- aie thus dcseriluHl by a wiiicr: "I Hiring one tbe people arc all wcji-.iisafety plus as esiTluga. tl.c uext mm st 11 no one will look at tlii'Ui. for plus urc out' and buttons are 'in.' lu one tribe blue are all spotted cotton bsmlUen-hlcftbe rage, but Itfty miles sway uo one will look at sutb things-ib- ey want cotton sill rta. Tbe only universal ornament, rousikts la bcadwork. Boms tribes, such as tbe Flngoea and Zulus, take to beadwork more Ibuu i tiers: tbe one tblug they are all consistent In Is a strangely good taste for color couiblestluu, They never Indulge In combination of gaudy colur never affect an Inharmonious color scliem thus bearing out Ituskln's statement that bud taste In color dues not arise In people who are left to tbeinsclrea aud nature. Hairdressing Is a prodigious business them. Tbe process Is assisted by a liberal use of red clay, and as the perfected work of art Is Queen City Rebekah Lodge No. 4, L. expected to Inst a month the bend is O. O. P., meets brat and third Satur- permitted to rest ou the nape of tbe day evenings at Odd Fellows ball. neck only when the owuer sleep Twenty-fourt- h SL Visiting members Invited. Berlla Throaah Knellab Sweetieles. MRS. B. BOYLE, Noble. Grand. An Ebglisliiuun writes of llerliu: "It MRS. E. ME1D, Secy., 711 23rd St. Is tbe only modern city 1 know of tliat has managed to eaespe looking artificial ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS The labor of building greater Berlin Wihsatcb Division Na 124, O. R bus been moat dexterously bidden. C., meets second and fourth Friday nt There le very little of tbe deadly uni2:80 p. p. In K. of P. ball, corner formity, tbe KuclUliau lines, tbe prosaic Washington avenue and 24m St All precision, oue notices in New York. Berbrolhera art cordially Invited lu at- lin Is something considerably better tend. than a mere chessboard of brick and F. W. HERRINGTON, tour and mortar. Tbe streets bave a D. L. DOYLE, 8. and T. curved and enticing spuclouslosa; they are shaded with avejmrs of tree KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. faultlessly asphalted and clean wl(b cleanliness surpassing that of Pari Silver Tent No. 1 meets first and Tbe architecture Is rather too florid third Friday evenings nt S o'clocx in K. of P. ball Visiting Knighta or for English taste but for all that decidedly effective, and a drive from Un-tdially Invited. dee Linden to Cbariottenburg will F. M. COCHRANE!, Commander. take one past flaer auereanlon of R. T. HARRIS, Record Keeper. bonnes than either London or New York can show. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. a a a er 12-2- 2 11-3- 0. t Og-le- JStWuk a 12-1- n. 3. fail. 11-a- d 18, 11-2- 7 D . -- 12-1- -- 12-2- 2. 2:-S- - n Halter. Mag Weber Camp No. 74. Mute in of The phrase -- mad as a hatter" hue no P. Lull in Utah National Bang building every Thursday evening nt g o'- reference to tbnt respectable artist wbo clock. Visiting Woodmen cordially In- designs the crowning article of civivited to attend. lized male attire, but relates back to WM. DOYLE, C. tbe Auglo-Faxoword "atter tan adE. AUTH, Clerk, let Nut Bnk. Bldg der. or vlpm. "Mad" wa formerly used si a avuonym fur violent or venB. P. O. ELKS, omous and j anil umhI in that sense In Ogden lodgft Na 719, meets overy Mine parts of England an well an In this country. Tbe phrase, therefor Tuesday evening lodge and club room aeoond flour Maaonio building. 2418 strictly means as "Tendinous as a viWash. Ave per." the okl form, "mad as an at ter," A. O. HORN, 3. R. having been corrupted to "mad as W. C. CRANDALU Secretary. batter." In that direction, tbe cat salil waving lie right paw round, Tent No. 24. meets the sea "Uvea a batter, and la that direction." ond and fourth Wednesday evenings tbe other paw. "lives a March at 8 oclock sharp, in I. O. O. F. hall. waving hare. Visit either you like. They're Visiting Knights cordially Invited to both mad." attend. J. W. HALSET, Com. Peril ml "Self Dnrf rlan." F. F. BOND. R. K. of people la prosperLarge tuimlM-rous cirruiiiHiaucra die as sexagenarians FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD. from msbiilies which are evidences of Ogden Lodge No. 371 T. F. B, meets i degeneration and of premature aeulllty. Jat and 3rd Fridays at 8 p. m. In I. while tunny who pass this period go O. O. F. hall Visiting members cor- on to eutei ujKja an eighth or ninth decade of life. The former class comdially invited. HENRY R. MORE, President prise those wbo have lived without CORA HOBU9, Secretory. restraint of tlielr appetites and wbo 1. N. LANNINO, Treasurer. bave ' sought to allay rams of tbe : consequences by self medication, while A. O. U. W. tbe latter class comprise tbooe who Fidelity Lodge, Na 2, A. O. U. W. bave lived reasonably and who. If anMeets in A. O. U. W. hall every Satur- noyed by Imperfect digestion, have day evening. Visiting brothers invit- Mugbt relief by abandoning tbe errors ed. II. H. UTZENRERG, 1C. W. front which It sprang. London LanccL WALTER RICHEY, Recorder. W. N. PEIRCE, Financier. Catch la Kim a In India, where those large bird the KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. kite are common and fearies boys amuse themselves by catrhlng them In of Lodge PyOgden Knighta way that la almost rldirnlona In Its thias meets st Caatls hall, Utah National Bank building, every Monday simplicity. A line Is stretched tightly little way shove tbe ground between evening. All K. of P requested to meet with u two post Beneath It Is laid a baiL W. A. ROBERTSON C. C. Tbe kite stoops and seises tbe bsIL bat A. T. WOOD, M. of . when be rises from the earth bits the L. N. MEID, K. of R. and & back of his neck against the string. This makes him throw np bis wing RATHBONE 8I8TERB. with the result that some of the qnlllo Meets every Saturday afternoon at get over the line, and he le kept a sus2:30 In Pythian hall Utah National pended end struggling captive until Bank bnllding. Sojourning slaters oor-- i the boys run np end release him. dially Invited to atterd. MRS. EMMA CARR. M. B. AM Nsale as Mtu. MRS ISABEL WYANT, of R. as J At evening parties a man's shyness Is FORESTERS CF AMERICA. mitigated by music. In my own exwhen some stray man and 1 Coart Wasatch Na 8 Foresters of perience, no America Meets I. O. O. E. hall 24th hare stood together speech lev sooner did the piano break Into oar apSL flrat and third Wedussdty evenings palling silence than Ideas seemed to of each month st 7:30. The dumb man spoke so Inundate n L. R. RAMSEY, & E. If by magic, and I, who hitherto bad ALBERT E. CLOSE, Secretary. nothing to say, couldn't talk fast FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. enough. Mr John Lane In Fortnightly Review. of Order Fraternal Eagles, Ogden O. Aerie Na 118, F. E., meets every Tm WIm For Her Tear Sunday evening In A. O. U. W. hall, Governess Of course, you know, The over Howells at 8:00. Visiting the story we have Jnst trad le merely Brother Eagles are Invited to attend a fairy tale and there are many such the Aerie meetings. quite familiar to childhood. Can you R. E. MACINTOSH. W. P. tell us another. Elaiel Little Elsie D. T. TRACY. W. Becy. U. B. FORBES, Aerie Phi-lclsOh, xe you onra tnUL. mamma that a 12-1- ! a a a. J. J. BRUMMITT, V. C. J. 1! SHAFER. O'er DEGREE OF HONOR. Meets every Wednesday evening st L'. W. hall. 7:2il o'clock at A. VldS ANNA UANaKN. Chir of Ht::r, 2055 Adanm Av AIKS. JKAXKEtTE A. 1I1L , 2:9 dt. MISd I.OIS E. lEIRCF,, FinausKr, 759 3:trl si rect. XlltS. SUSJiJ SIM3, Receiver. a Re-o.iil- . you .... r , ..ns or unu,.asw during your life: -- Itruuklyn Life. Too Las l or Uls Bask, During the American civil war there urns an SKsiaiaut eurgeun In tbe navy sis feet four Inclira high, wbo was serving on bourd tbe PenoliacuL wblcli was only live feet eight inches between deck The doctor's liuuk was stunt sis fret In length, so tbut he was uncomfortable even In lying down. In bud wentber, oil the blockade, when the spray was breaking ove the ship r the whs deprived even of the comfort tif uncoiling on deck. After considering the matter thoroughly and remembering that king letters to tbs department were not always read and not always consklvrcd, he wroto as diN-tn- follows: Hon. QUtoa Navy: Bir- - Wall Berrrtary cf the length of surgeon. ( feet 6 4: height feet Hmpsrt fully, E. C. VKK HUIiN. Assistant Burgso of wardroom, sn-.on- t suo-stanti- - p aa 11-1- ! e pri-Ln- I'iati Ca:up, No. 9a5u. meeto every dj) aiglit at 8 o'clock is K. ot T, iRh U. w T-t- - U.11. ven-ing- uf I k.CJZRN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Maryiand 48 (f VVtNitlcrari, Ogdon Circle, every Monday n.glt at 6 Fellows' hall, huiuag NeigLhors invited. . . - c.ii lit- paid at the office of Ed- ike ai'.'Tuoon cl tne 3Siu t.t each l.: i: h. f Ts-- t Xi.isoii&i Bans iiiag. v.l:u J. plan's;. U N.. 253c Lin. MAi.IK CitITrid. Oeik, 2731 Monroe OCr dK HA.LiVAf rnAINMLN. Avri-no- - u able BROTha 1:. I'uduiuu. F. S. E. Monagan. R. A EX-lKte- 2. 410-41- D. T. muted. ROYAL ARCANUM. a!e oie Reiiriug from bus.i or the biM tai'kius .r,,i Oldest stunda -: r u 11 0.11of in the city, for vaiue. Rocky Mi.uuiain Council No. 637, J. H. MlE. f 373 24th St. nittua at A. U. U. Y. ball accoud aud fourth Moulay eventuga. VtMiiug 1HE BEST OPlOR! I'NIfY IN Lruthera invilod. Pays death beuem for the tin incut of aotall of oue, two or three thousand dollar and latge utils of :..'ih money pbere F. C. MARTINGALE, Regent. n i.'. gc and steady it wl.l JOB. SEVERN, Col. G B. ROBERTS, Secretary. menthiy revenue widiout risk of linPrincipal b a on demand. For full iwrtltulaix, address V. H. ODD FELLOWS- Int.iuer. 413 Wal .at Si., PliiluJel-l,bEl Monte Comstamlery Na 2. K. T. Ia. Stated conclave second Wedueadaya of euch month. Sojourning Nr Knights PROFESSIONAL court eoutily Invited J H EPrERSON, B. Attorney-.it-LaF. E NICHOLS. Recorder. C C. KlCiiAiaiB, Levies Bldg. W. - iiAUINNIB,' Queen Esther Chapter Na 4, O. E. A. E. Pit AIT. S, Regular meetlnga held at Maaume GEORGE HALVERSON, ball tbe first and third Fridays of each J. N. KIMBALL, month. Sojourning members cordially " CtlARLES STOUT, tnvUed to attend. " " MARK LESSEN'GER. MINNIE HASIET, W. M. 1L S. FARNSWOllTii. ULUE HALSTEAD. Bvcretary. Flrsi Net Bank Bldg. 111'LANlSKI ft PEEilY, Ogden Lodge Na 5 Independent Or IO&KPH CHttZ, der of Odd Fellow Meets In I. O. O. F. - hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting VALENTINE GIDEON, J. D. MLUPHY, cordially Invited to be pres- - bro'bers A. G. llORN, ent CHARLES STOUT, Noble Grand. IlENLERSON ft McMILLAN " E. T. HULANIBK1, 8ecy. T. U. O'CONXOLLY, 3ii 24th Street. Junction City Lodge No. 26, IndeDentists pendent Order of Odd Fellows, meet in I. 0 O. F. hall every Thuredny evening. Visiting brothers cordially invited to be present C. P. UTTER, N. WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. two-thirt- . RAILWAY CA..V.EN Itrotheriifrid lii'-- i i; '.mu ,week. t r.OTHERt. ICO ANCES. FOR KENT Newly furnished Boat room II private family 6 per mouth. Na 128 23rd BL W ANTED Ladies or gentlemen ro FOR SAIJE work; salaried position. L, 1164 25th FOR RENT 2 brick, clone In, furn lined moeera, payment 82,200. KKL1.Y ft 122 27th BL rooms. SITUATIONS WANTED, FEMALE. KICK. RENT Furnished FOR rooms for dressmaker WANTED Experienced FOR SALE Six room frame light housekeeping nt the Lawrence, will go out by the day. 2717 Wash. denes, with pantry and closet good 2613 are. Waahlngtoe 12-- 2. Ava basement, city water I aside and owl lot 75x153 tool 81 200. FOR RENT Silver Hive Na L meets tbs second rooms Fnruiraea with WANTED Woman desires to take la Parry, cor 23rd and Wait. and fourth Tuesdays at Chnuneey y bath. The 363 8L 24th Colonial, p. 2562 Van Bure washing. m. at K. P. hnIL Visiting sisters corNow I room frame boas SALE FOR FOR Nice RENT furnished rooms 2539 invited. WANTKDt--A pantry, closet, city water and slew dially Japanese boy wants a 12-Adams Ava. HILLIARD, L. C. " tile light five blocks from WaEblng-tu- n AGNES positiun at general housework. AdEMMA L. TOWNE. R. K. Av 8969. Inquire 2120 Quincy dress, V. Toyoda, care Standard. FOR RF.NT Nice furnished rooms, 4v 12-- 2 2539 Adams Ave. FIRE INSURANCE. 1 MALE HELP WANTED.' FOR SALE 7 room modern brick B. II. Goddard, Insurance, Real EsDEL MONTE HOUSE. . dweflllnr. Close In. Inst ailment WANTED Industrious man or womtate and Ixtan Rooms 411 Furnished rooms tot housekeeping, A HERRICK. KEIJ.Y 2,760. an to take charge of branch supply board Utah Loan ft Trust Building. ud room, strictly flrst-doffice in thin territory. A lro sever- Give me a trial Mrs T. llorteneen, BALES Houses and lots nt n barFOR i for our 168 24th 8L al wideawake salesmen 5 REAL ESTATE. gain. Rooming houses cheap. I will - work, inexperience need not dissave you money If you buy of m qualify any applicant, as we desire Peterson ft Oa, looming houses and FOR RENT, HOUSES. O. A. White, 362 26th RL to drill our employes In our own real estate. Room 42 hirst Nat Bank methods and plana. Will pay " FOR RENT 3 or 4 room house. ApBldg., Ogden. . FOR EXCHANGE. weakly salary ud extra ply at 2836 Lincoln. commission. Expennoa advanced. TONSORIAL ARTIST. modern TO TRADE Good Apply at ones, naming amount you FOR RENT A 7 roomed modern house for small ranch location, good house, would be willing to work tor, and Go to Mrs. Adallue Creenwell 12-- 3. . for 774 21s. 81 S. L. Ive outside city limit j tbe brat shampooing, singeing of hair envelope in your own and massage that will make you tael handwriting. Manager Supplies. FOR RENT 6 room house. Good loca- -. For small stock of mer- fresh and good. 2422 Monro EXCHANGE 12-- 2. Thompson Building, 8L Louis, Mo. Hon. Apply 2422 Adam ' chandise or Ogden property. acres WANTED ' 8SL to lllPweekly easily of well Improved land In Bear River . ARCHITECTS. seam- -, FOR RENT Two-roohouse st 1135 . earned by either sex knitting Valley, also 40 stands of bees rM less hosiery for the western mar 24th 8L Hunter ft Kennedy, AgD. I. 'F. C. Woods A Ca, Architect 10.000 forest and fruit tree rooms ent ket; our Improved family machine 36 and 67, Fit si National Bank buildTchr, Cortnne. Utah. with ribbing attachment furnished ing. Telephone, 310 K. worthy families who do not own a FOR RENT, FURNISHED HOUSES. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE, machine on easy payment plan; HAIR GOODS. write nt once for full particulars and FOR RENT Five- - room furnished 8L 823. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Irish Set-te- r commence making money; -- o experihouse, Na 753 Twenty-sixt- h Mrs. C. E. Lee. desier In hwir goods, ence required. .United States WoolApply to N. H. Ive 209 Ecclts Bldg. pups, 2542 Lincoln Ave. switches, frissc eta; nt low price en Go, Detroit, Mich. Masquerade costume wig etc. Mall FOR RENT, OFFICES. orders promptly attended to. Hair WANTED Person to call on retail' chains a specialty. P. O. Box 435. ud trad 26 FOR RENT Office, furnished, Established business. Rooms over old postoffice building, 221 living rooms to rent in the doyle ud expenses paid weekly. Expense Twenty-fourth street. Wash 2468 Ava Inquire Block, Position money advanced. perma5 room 1, W, B. Wedell nent. Previous experience nut essenFAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. tial Address Trade Manager, 223 TO LOAN,. MONEY Drarborn, Chicago. FOR SALE-Desirrooming house. See VALE HELP WANTED Bo a news-- . MONEY TO LOANJ. J. BRUMMITT doing good business. Kelly ft Her- - PantingX'16 rick Paper correspondent and mm ISO to BREEDING. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED flOO monthly. No cuvasning. Good enNo NOTE FOR SALE Desirable restaurant, '. pay for work in spare time. Bend 10 PLOi'LE ON TlLIR Full blood Jersey hull for service. confidential. 6 Strict Pay well located. Kelly ft Herrick. cents for booklet, The Best Way to dorser. Price 8 LOU. W. L. Jenkins, cornur Wall Also loans on Earn Money at Home." Noribern back In litetallmer.ts: and 33rd street boueehold good pianos, etc. Largs FOR SALE -- Dest of term no InterPress Syndicate, Lockport. N Y 2 GCxl32 room sums at Bankers' ra'ra. 86U0. house, feet, est, PIANO TUNING. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO. For particulars rail on S. L. Ives, Wanted A barber to work ou 223-2'Phone Eceles Bldg. Suite Av 2484 No. Wash. PIANO TUNING Mr. Tempest Wood, Inquire nt 230 25th BL 534 X. single tuning, 83.50; by the year87.50. FOR SALE Finest stock ranch In the WANTED cars Fred Mass AJdres 2466 Boy wanted to learn the MONEY TO LOAN cm real estate west, fully equipped. . S, L. Ive Av Printing buslnes Waahlngion One with some 819 E. Ballantne. aecuriiy. Ja eiferience preferred. Address X. Y. 12-Ecclen Bldg FOR SALE Old paper 25 cents per FRUITS AND CANDIES.' Box 530, City. MONEY TO LOAN On farms and city hundred. Call at this office. ft . Hunter Kennedy. estat real WANTED Good hustlers with horse John Con to the popular candy manFOR SAIJ3 A hot-air furnace, good Room 6, First Nat l Bank Bldg. and buggy to collect and sell, adcondition Will heat 6 or 6 room ufacturer, has the finest line of choicvancement to right partis fruits, candle cigars and tobacca house. Burns slack. 85U. Apply est Inquire DRAKE8 EASY MONEY LOANED You should sail and see him. One u72 Wash. Av store. , SALARIED PEOPLE SAME day Wight's door north of Wrights; 2335 Washingnaked tor without security or Inton Avenu JWTED Meo to learn barber trad dorsement. without knowledge of FOR 8 ALE New hot blast stove. aly eight weeks required. Constant a to SL 22nd 865, or payment anyone; employer ELOCUTION. Pnetlre and instruction. Special suit Lowest Rates Best Term Inducements nt present Write nt RALE at The FOR house established my once Your credit b,t rooming Teacher of wide experience on stage once for la Ogden, 31 rooms all full. Terms particular Dearer Barber office you can get money nt n moand . College, Denver platform will take a few pupils on terms Bennett Cola call and Block, application. Apply get my ments nolle; Terms reasansbl corner 2Gih and Grant Air T. K. or rlas elsewhere. D. D. before going A. W. WATSON. ST ED Apply evening Eccles Bldg. 1 Malloy. Responsible man to maniDRAKE, rooms 2813 Washington Av a an office and distributing depot 550 K. Open Sundays, 10 to Thone r large manufacturing FOR SALE New Hot Blast St-jconcern, XI m. A8SAYER. 11: 2- 62G5, 22 St. dary 8150 per month and corunls-7J. Me Vlcker, Asesyer, 150 Main St., LOST. Applicant must have good ferenres and 82,000. Capital seFOR 8AI E booming snd boarding Salt Lake City, Utah. P. O. Box 1018. re. Address, 12th bone West 323 reix R. R. shop 10 rooms: Samplea by mail or express will be brown containing Small purse LOST Supt ' avenue or Chicago. dcing fine business; must be sold; carefully assayed. rings only on Washington 2L price 8550. This Is a bargain. on 25th St. street ear. If returned to DRESSMAKING- ROOMS AND BOARD. 873 24th St, a suitable reward wall 122i FOR SALE Stoves sad furniture. In--I Dresses made, la: eat style Furs be give 9 RENT Furnished Chilremodeled, cleaned, re- Ined. rooms ud quire morning 2201 Lincoln Av rd with nil mod am convsaienree LOST On 22St, Black lest her ehopping dren's tlre sr plain tewing and ma14 24th with oner j 11-chine stitching, or go out by tbs day. WANTED, MISCELLANEOUS. 8L bag containing cards Dressmaker, 2515 Lincoln t venue. name on them. Return to 548 23rd 8.SL WANTED AND ROOM First Unas board Adaiinialratrr. Highest price paid for receive reward. and l room. GENTS castoff clothing, SHOES 7l 22nd SL . 183 xath SL and HATS. Hyman, TICKET BROKERS. LOST On Washington SL near 85th a ROOMS with board, 'SgPfHED hand bg. Finder will be made leather 6 Adam owner. Loie WANTED Lace curtain,! at the Baby EIIARMAN'S Cut rate ticket offic bunny by returning to Laundry, 884 26th 8l Thone 73UK. 102 Twent) -- fifth street. Hraly Hous 3386 Ct.b Ave. Smith. Xl3 and Telephone, 161 Z. Only member AmeriBOARD, 865 28th SL WANTED Clean white rags at the can Jlekel Brokers' Assn. In Ogden, FOUND. which means to the traveling public Standard Offic table board and low rates and perf-- cf wan. safety. Special Wash. Av Thone 814 Z. FOUND A bar niare and bnggy. Call AGENTS WANTED. rate to and from Europe via. all tinea. Carm south of Sugar Facnt Sheep for unused ticket Highest price paid FOR RENT BARNS. tory of 2548 Quincy. WANTED Agents to sell Hardy mileage, eta trees. comGrown Northern Big FOR rent, STORES. M1 U0L mas ion paid. Cash advanced weekBREWERIES. secure and choice ly. Write today feet near Madison school; JS ' Becker Brewing and Malting Com-- 1 of territory. Washington Nursery store tor proper partle "m fte" Clt7, will erect Glaimann. Co Teppe&ish, Washington, pany. Brewers and Malstor Ogdon. Wm. Apply ( worn. 2634 Wtiucn mM. mt'-P in.. O . 'i'u 1 1- FDHBALK A bargain. New 4rm. frame , ,re witb pan.ry, cloeet, vcaiibule anil poichoa. Cjt lot 60x125 with alley in rear. One block from mala a.reeL Car for hue. 8 lit 00. Term 602 4th BL , 11-2- 2 WANTED At on re, a laundress, Ogden General Hospital Sicy. Ma.1-lM- 700 A.'. Cr- - llarber I 'id per 2iih St. FOR SALE1 5 FOR BALE ii lj-- d. Furnished house Ai'eping Wanted '01 f.I.OoO. A capable . woman ae FOR RENT Furnished housekeeper for small family, good 45 13 nma west 87lh eousekerping BL Between home, good wages. Call room 11 iDd Pacific. Opera House Bloc. ii 2k. WANTED bk.lL5g SAI r-l- fi 2 n b. 122 feri on Ave., liftweeu 2tili ?5th id le-'- t Anriiy to Wm. G! tauiinu. Full for 137 26th. Vi imiitaid u.j keeping, two Fon ms F,light RENT house room bri. E--- 5 ing. for i.ght housekeeping 2521 Adams. '-x ui) .t A VC., Xkcly furnished, sirkru r.ioi'. Uenileuicn front ?SqT,Tt0 Wash. Ave. HELP WANTED. n.j'd ud 1 glFO.OO KELLY ft !Tr.URICK. si" m; lipjijy RICHMOND, 2332 W. M. cor-d.ui- '; No 2. R. A. M. ii. g- .lal coiivoi anon r.vxt i.ex.iay u.' t J b i.iiiHli. Yix'. 'ng r.in:'ani'n cor,i;ji.y .t:iltd. F W. VO! 1. M E. U P. F. E. MCliOLS. vii s n . Ogdtn I'liJun, Na 172. Ctur of Segu Lily Circle No. 174 meets every Washington eim-ievery Tuesday ev- 2nd ami lih Friday eight at 7:30 la ening at 8 o'clock in A. t). U. Y. ha.1. K. of Y. hall Visiting neighbors ViKinug c'rtntdes mvlte.i to attend inviieii. , If A. SIMS, President. MAY WYKES, C. N. WALTER RICHEY, Sucrctary. LLLKN KASTMAN. 2234 Clerk, W. i.!iigtoa Ave. s In v Uni coidiai-A V. M. IMOSH, NiCUOl--- ?. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT. 3. business often depends fluctess on us eg s mans appearance.. Ca.l Anderson A s want you primer. jf Gibson. 216 25th Street. WANTED F. E. FRATERNAL 12-1- 9 12-2- 3 asm. Wusitiugioa ft A. M. Keg- i:'ar c.mi3uuicatii,us f.rst and third i LiixJdys of each rniiuh. Qualified i. L ORDER OF WASHINGTON. Wi'L'W lM'.ge No. 6, F. d x-- ills Masonic hail, over An . t'gJeu. L'lah. 12-- 3. n FilATEKN MAS3MS. a Hi-- yppKFRS Leave your Sims today , gnj get your prints tomorrow. Ail high grade work. Tripps Quick service Biudio, No. 73, old Boylo liii. FEMALE duUEi.U rrfAiC.LvAL J. BUS.-VES- ANNOUNCEMENTS. L FARMS. 1 BE PAID IN MUST FOR CALL for FOR SALE 7 room Erie home, goal FOR SALE 160 scr'-- j of choice farming or fruit lead, N R. H hoc. 23 Tp. lo.'a:i(n, bath, electric light barn, 10. N. of R. 3 W l 'o ami oue-har- . etc.. $3 3 Do. N. II. Ires, 209 Ect-itmiles aesiisriy fr. rortnae. Fuit building. Ui kDOW lLat DU caa waicr right, ft..'! aero, hail run:!Std sew Stfh I :i,y cash ha.auce ca:. nir. 3 years at 7 rooaj, FOIl SALE 5 room house, big lot, r aupuiu Address halted, hoi Kir rmt rent tnteiesi clot fu 61,2'j3. N. 1L Ires, 2u9 Lccio.i .VVv r5,J aJ Per weea. John T. Lynch, r....u 502 Progress 12-building. block. atc Lake i 123 FOR SA1.L 1 1 iionn. sr.aJ .1 A splendid Lwn. e;vtrie 'igl is. no., '.tie lu.n-- t FOR SALL-- On 1'OR RENT iOOlL.S til Boyle liiock. ITacic nu.t uru. at city, mostly n f ..1)0. N 11. Ivc 2 .: Lc ea Waded. .r apfies. ga. . I ill young liodiitig 1J-water right- Air it:., tor the na r0bonfiVr' t umi-h-.moms mss- - 8.ouL Kelly .,.3 llerr.ik. ll-d- .i for FOR SAl E 6 ro on frauie. g d hme. 4J7 24th Si. 12 15 t- - 0 15 ilowu, lulaure mouli y, FOR SALE-F.- u c: .clien and rruti pay 6!,.o0 N 11. lvtr 20j i.hrnom 'F(hon5KNTKUlI'ihtd for uru, close in. ' ll located. very 12-ji.dintc. ai! ?ra w V' cheap rsU'iu rooms. J J rRlMillTT Avt, roulu o. FOit SALE Fite lot on bench 3.'.xl32 on this ADVERTISEMENTS PAGE COST ONE WORD FOR EACH FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE. furnlsbfti room The (li'psrtment promptly dispatched him until such time ss more suitable ship could le found for bis assign-uieuL- " Chicago New Stlrklrr For Mtlaaette, A Dr. Tliompson. tunaier of Trinity col-le- g Camliritlge, was an exceedingly cold and austere man, never taking much notice of the nudergraduatee under his care. On one occasion a Trinity itian happened to be oat walking and waa caught In a storm, lie ran cross s' field and took shelter beneath large tree. When be arrived ther be found, to bis horror, that Dr. Thompson was beneath It, seeking protection from the rain. For some time botlf stood silenL watching tbe cloud till et last the undergraduate, growing desperate, ventured to remark that be thought it waa clearing op a little. Air.'' said tbe doctor haughtily, frowning upon tbe wretched youth, "all to tbe master of Trinity must be made through the tutora. The IlMsIteble Terek. Among (he quilttee possessed by the Yuruk hospitality U no doubt prominent. Deprived by tbe very Influence uf bis adventurous life of all tbe fierce Instincts which characterise the Turcoman restricted because of bis occupations te lb wood tbe plains or tbe mountains: constantly esposed to tbe lurlcmrucy of the season to dangers and enemies of all kind tbe Yuruk Las conceived a geurroua and noble klee of hospitality, and be practices It with disiuten-stednewand pleasure. Ills tniiL whether In his presrace or Sheene Is always opened to the traveler, and food and drink In abundance re given bltu. Tbe tenta of tbe are square aud made of a sort of black woolen cloth. s Yo-ru- ks An lalawA mt Black Ckt One uf tbe quecivst corners of the earth 1 Cbutkaiu Island, elf tbe coeat of heusdur. This Island Ilea GUO miles west of Guayaquil, and the equator runs directly through IL It abounds in cat every one of which Is black. These animals live In tbe crerlcee of the lave foundation near the const and subsist by catching fish end ersbe Instead of rats and mice. Other animals found on tills Island are horse csttl dog gnats snd chicken ell of which re perfectly wild. He Dliit Like Bee. "Look here," mid the sour faced lady wbo bad answered bis "personal" "your ad. la a fake. It distinct! stated, ObJecL matrimony. " Well er-u- m you see" faltered tbe man nervously, "there was eomo mistake, Tbe printer omitted a word. Tbe ad. should bave trad, Object to matrimony. "Town Topic Very Bear It, The teacher told Elsie to name th latge bodies of water. 8ke had bcei absent the day before and hado' learned tbe definition of a sound. Sb thought she remembered the aami end she recited. Ocean bay gull traits and end noise Cried All the Tim, what's the matt with your little brother? Tommy Hes crying because Im eating n cake and wont give him any. Moth Is his own cake finished? Tommy Yra'm, snd he cried while I wae eatli Mother-Tom- my, that too. A Meek leech After. 8 he Wbo la the moat popular nt la your club? He I am. 8 be Is: It rather conceited of yon to say thi Ile-Oh, na It In merely eq atomic to saying that I Jose more money card than any of tbe other member Hie Iceeter Faying Teller Whut la your ni anyway? Indignant Presenter Check -- Don't you see my s Ignat Poytng Teller Yes; thats what at ed my "nrhmity. Baltimore ftmeri -- |