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Show I TAR. THE HORSING EXAMINEB OGDEN, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27,1904. HALIFAX SHAKEN BY LIVES FEARFUL EXPLOSION Riveter on Williamsburg Structure Turns Four Somersaults Before Striking the Water Swims out for the Shore. ir York. Dec. -- 6. Tumbling on hundred and thirl feit from the nw Williamsburg bridge, iterameriteld, a rivoter, thirty-seve- n East 12M.U street, yiMirs old, of No. no alive in the Eastern District hint ini il Lt ever. mgr. anl unlaws pneumonia (lov.loiis li. will probably recover. lliat SuunueriteM was not killed was iliie to bis presence of mind and also to a suotssful iwt of acrobatic feats lie w.ia laiifjbt ia a cirrus in Kansas City mane yus ago. g.mie time ago'ie was ten in work as, a rivter u tlie new bridge, li was blowing hnnl yraterday steel when be went in wink on the m run Ural frames on the river ;ian nmr the north tower. While be was driving rivet about one hundred let out from the Brooklyn tower and resting on a xniall plank thrown across two gilders he lost bis balance and dropped to the river. s boon serving a life sentence for the liMirder of his partner, Kid" Waddell, in Paris in lsiO. Several of O'Briens old friends in tbis city are said to have received the news direct from Cayenne. Several years ago it waa reported That O'Brien had escaped from the penal settlement and was on bis way to New York. Tlie report never waa Confirmed, however, and the authorities never got sight of O'Brien. O'Brien's career was a remarkable one. 11c was born 53 years ago in Chicago, and aided by an attractive managed to make an enviable record, in New Yura, bold swindles mailing into the thousands were numerous and were rrodited to bis genius. lu 1889 ho jumped a bund of six thousand dollars and fled to Europe, but was recaptur' d and sentenced to the penitentiary. A remarkable plot unducted by a woman reunited in his escaiie from a hotel in Utica where he waa in charge of a prison keeper. O'Brien caught a TURNS F UR SU.M.MI-.RAULTS. Kom of his fellow emploies gave a steamer here fur Europe, reached Faria and remained there until he cry of horror, ami it was taken up by safely on the charge of killing arrested was a bunt of the many paascngeis op ferry Yfaddell, hia partner.' Money waa the Grand street anJ the Twenty-thir- d street lines, The Maine, a Twenty-thir- d spent lavishly in hia defense, but failstreet ferryboat, had Just passed ed to save him from a life sentence. tinder tile structure going to her slip at the foot of Broadway when Summer-ti- e Id shut through the air. He turned four complete Miiuersaiilts ut will anJ struck the water on hia feet. He threw up hia hands and in a twinkling waa ' out of sight. Thore w ho saw Mm descend never expected that he would reappear. To their astonishment he came to the surfnee Sects Holding the Presbyterian Sysand began to swim vigorously to the tem May Join In Ont OrganiHuiitk Fifth street dock. sation. H Just hapiiened tliat (lie tugboat Fortnna. Captain Tliomas Cailiatcr, wi au- New York, Dee. 26. Official about three hundred feet away from the nouncement la expected this week, acriveter when the captain saw Summer-fieland he had the boat turned and cording to tbe Times, of tbe details of made all haste to reach him. He was tbe plan whereby It is hoped to bring rescued and carried to the and all the religious bodies of the United the boat was headed for the South Slates having a Presbyterian form of Fifth street dock. Summcrflei, was government into one organization, raise it to the pier, taken into a night which, while not providing organized shall afford a basis for watchman's booth, where there was a union, work that has nut before exist red hot Are. and laid uni on the floor. All his clothes were removed. An amed. The plan provides fur the orgaal-xatiu- n bulance waa summoned from the Eastof a federal rounril of the reern District Hospital and Dr. Short formed churches In the United Statea fouud the riveter Buttering severely of America, holding the Freabytorlan from immersion and proliably internal system. injuries, and removed him at once to The plan of federation, if carried the hospital. out. would bring into one organization the two million or more members DESCRIBES HIS DESCENT. latter Kumiuerlh-l- gave a graphic ac- of Presbyterian and reformed churches count to the doctors of the sensation und will be made public this week la order that it may be thoroughly dishe fait when lie fell. It was a fretful feeling." he said, cussed and may be acted upon in the "and' I shall never forget il. When 1 synods and assemblies of the various dropped and went down like lightning bodies next spring. Tbe aim ia to e I recalled the acrobatic feats 1 used the approval of the various suto do In my boyhood days out In Kan- preme Judiciaries to a general plan sas City, and they came' in very useful and have the committees continued to me. because I'm ntislM they saved and Instructed to preparfi a delinks my life. When I went down and turn- plan for adoption a year hence. ed over ami over I saw four bridges and U Is provided In the plan, continues many other thing. I also heard the the Times, that the churches joining women on the ferryboats screaming. I the federation shall the Indi'was only wishing they would stop it. so vidualities of their preserve or forms creeds, that when I struck the water 1 would government and worship, and every not sink to the bottom. Fortunately, I right, power and Jurisdiction not did nut lose my presence of mind and conferred on the federal counwhen I reached the surface I again cil. swam for the shore. The representation of tbe various "1 saw the tugboat coming toward me and turned uVer on my back and churches in the council shall be regulated by the number of communikept afluat until J waa rescued. I never want to go through that, experience cants In the affiliated bodies, on the again. Ive had many big falls in my basis of four representatives for each time, but not such a big one as that.' 106,000 communicants up to 200,000 representatives Snmmerfield Is a perfect epecinien of Und four additional manhood, and the doctors attribute hia for each additional 200,000 communimiraculous escape from death to his cants. On thia basis tbo i Presbyterian strong vitality. Last night at the hospital it waa fenc- church (north) with Its 1,090,089 memed that pneumonia would set In and bers would have 24 representatives In the rinmcil; the Presbyterian church, that Sunimerflehl might not recover. (aonth) and the German reformed churches would Lave eight representatives each and of the other bodies officially represented ' at the Pittsburg meeting the Dutch reformed, the Reformed Presbyterian General Synod, the United Presbyterian sad the Cumberland Presbyterian would havu four representatives, each, making In all a memliership of fifty-siin the counLife Saving Crew Haa Gone to Her cil. Other1 Presbyterian bodies beAaaietance. lieved likely to Join include tbe Christian Reformed, the Associate ReformNew York, Dec. 26. Tho British ed Synod of the south, the Reformed freight tea put Drumelsier, went Presbytei Ian Hymn! and the Welsh aeburi! oil a shoal off I ho point of Culvlulstic, which would add four replire Island bar at 7 o'clock last nin'ht resentatives each to the council. It Is provided In the plan of federaand bail not been floated Uiia forenoon. The crews of the Fire leianil tion that the council shall have powand Oak island lif? saving stations er to deal with differences which may went to assistance of the ship. When arise among the several churches of the lile savers reached the steamer the federation in regard to matters shortly after today, they within the jurisdiction of the council, which the constituted agencies of the found that she was lying well oufe-ldof the breakers and as only a moder- churches concerned have beeu unable ate sea waa running, was lying easily to settle anl which shall, therefore, lie referred by the supreme Judiciaries withdut pounding. The Dnnwl.icr arrived in New York of tbe churches of (he council. . from Baltimore, December 18th, and took on board a general cargo for STEAMER BOUND TOR PORT ARHavre and Swansea. THUR. l-- rto-,ialii- Blowing up of Powder Plant Ten Miles Away Causes the Concussion Many Workmen Were Employed at Plant and it is Believed Several Lives are Lost. a Failure to Prove That Dr. Chadwick was in Ohio at Time of Forgery Causes a Hitch in Proceedings. Albany. N. Y, Dec. 26. Sheriff Bareuten teiand, was ry, of Cleveland, waa refused an bv fir, warrant for Dr. Leroy S. day. Loss ,a.0t. gutted The . Chadwick at the executive chamber replies of St. Paula, London, nna, J here this morning- - The ground of re contained one of the flIMH(i fuss! was that hia papers failed to expensive organs in the United StsSf chapel wa a mast of prove that Dr. Chadwick was in 'he Jhe 800 w8m old sailors in tbe sa" Halifax, N. S., Dec. 2G. A terrnic which has returned from tbe eastern Bouton, the dentistry being exact. state of Ohio March 6, 1903, when the were bor summoned to fic'u tC. coast of Siberia, i lls of au iu salon Members of the family declare that if the forgery of the eignature of Andrew explosion shook tbe city of Halifax on They responded to a man, the oast coast of the Kamichailds the dead woman proves to be Mrs. Carnegie is alleged to have been afus if the w buildings rucking n. today, Some fainted from lieninsula by hundreds of starving Si- Bouton, they know tbe man Involved. fected by an earthquake, A telephone berian bears. Sheriff Barry went on to New York. The ferocious animals, driven from the mountains by hunger, Sheriff Barry decided not to try to has i received from Wav-crlaide their way to the luhaii.tsl legcorrect hia papers now, but to go on to ton miles away, that the concusNew York and arrest Dr. Chadwick and ions of the count i) and for days kept sion a as caused, by tbe blowing up oi tbe unlives m a. ante of terror. In arrange for his requisition aiterwsrdn. comtbo plaui of tlio Acadia Powder Before leaving fur New York the UataaSincbaika a mull town near the Cleveland sheriff telegraph to the expany, at that place. It was bciiuvi-IViropsvluvsk one hundred and fifty ecutive here asking tb'. hie papera be lhai several lii-- s were lost. The ex- of the savage brutes were shot ia a plosion occurred In iha dry bouao oi single day aa they roamed among the prepared no that there might be no deNew York, Dec. 20. While resent. the plant, which contained 766 oasis houses in search of food. lay upon hia arrival early today. When Ing an Insult to a Celebra- the a Christmas Holding Negroes young woiijm with of Pellet powder. A number of worktelegram wae received Governor tion Are Scattered by a Volley Odell waa at hia home in Newburgh, whom he was walking in Glendale a men were about the preukises bcfoie Fired Into the Congregation. s and the message wae given to his par-du- n auburb of Brooklyn, Frederick the explosion took place. has been stabbed and probably clerk. Judge Joyce telephoned the A telephone message from Waverlv, wounded Hancevlllc Ala., Dec. 26. While ne- governor and received by an unknown man one mile distant, from the scene of the authority from fatally groes were holding a Christmas cele- him to deliver the deal red warrant in who escaped. explpsiun, said that the accident was With the young woman Frcdertcai bration at church, at Stouto Moun- cue the application papera wren propconfined to the dry bouse, the magatain. a mining camp, a volley of shots erly drawn up. Sheriff Barry called had spent the evening with friends anl zines not being affected. were fired into the congregation from at the executive chamber this morning the couple were on the way houa In this city many windows were shatthe outside. Rev. Clay, the pastor, and presented to Judge Joyce the when a man appeared In a lonely tered by the force of the explosion. Man Fatally Shoots His and one of the negroes were fatally requisition papers. street Without provocation he hurt Many Joors of the stores and shops, Fianceo and Then Turns WeapWhen the aheriff learned that hia Into offensive language and Fredencu lucked for tlie day, were blown open, and mnother seriously wounded. The on on Himself With Fatal while much damage was done in other shooting caused a panic. Latter the proof was defective he concluded to attacked him. In a mouamt ths Effect dead body of Henry Jett, a white min- telegraph to have the necessary affi- stranger drew a knife and Frederica of the ways by shaking buildings. er, was found near the church, it davits prepared and sent to him In fell mortally wounded. The young woman screamed loadiy New York. was he Is member a of the supposed Leadville. Colo.. Dec. 26. As a reBefore leaving Sheriff Barry said for help, but no person reached the wae and shooting party accidentally sult of the Jealous rage of Patrick e of hia companions. John that while he was disappointed at not scene for several minutes. Brennan, both he and Mrs. Kate Loiw-ne- y killed by one the stabber escaped la (he am-Inat Ted and Jett Blackwell, both white obtaining the requisition warrant are probably dying at a hospital snowstorm, leaving no dew to miners, have been arrested In connec- tain time the failure would not delay in this city. to any appreciable extent his Identity and only a meagre deBrennan is boarding with Mrs Low-ne- y tion with the affair. scription on which the police coaid at the latter's boarding house in base a search. 26. Dec. ProseCleveland, County miles from tills citv. Stumptown, three cutor when Keeler shown the dispatch The Native Atrocities In tha Philippines couple are engaged to be married. from Albany, stating that Sheriff BarBrennan has been on a spree and alter Continue. ry had been refused an extradition quarreling w ith ths woman mahed the warrant for Dr. Chadwick, said: 'The Washington, Dec. 26. Secretary Taft dishes and furniture. Later Mrs. Low-ne- y papers which Sheriff Barry earned her children and neigh-Imrreceived went Gov's a to from a today eablcgiam to Albany were In regular form and I where a pari y waa in progress. ernor Wright at Manila, in response to cannot understand why the waiyant his inquiry in regard to the recent up- Brennan came in. and shot Mrs. Lowney is rising of the Pulajsnes, Dolores, twice, inflicting wliat il thought to be Temperature Reaches 30 Degrees Be- requested has been refused. It a mere technicality, owing fatal injuries. He then turned the reSamar. probably low Zero In Montana. to the difference of the laws of New Governor Wright's messagn is aa fol- volver niwn himself and is dying. York and Ohio. The requisition as Is- Engine and Two Cara Thrown From lows: "Manila, Dec. 26. Secretary of Brennan came, here from Butte. Washington, Dec. 26. Reporta to sued by Governor Herrick Track But No One Injured. With reference to War, Washington. the weather bureau show that tho states that Dr. Chadwick is aexplicitly your telegram of 21st lint., I regret to fugitive first dedlded cold wave of the season Tacoma, Wash.. Dec. 26. The Nunn say that General Corbin's report of justice In Ohio; that he has Is spreading, rapidly southeastward from indicted Coast limited, which left tbis city lor on and loss of detachments of been ths county by grand jury over east the slope of the Rocky oj) the charge of forging and scouts at Ores and Dolores, the east last night, was derailed Lear ia cormountains. The temperature this a note for 13,060,066, signed uttering rect. Pulajsnes have of late left west Tacoma draw bridge trestle. Iha the Andrew morning Is below sera in the Dakoand north sides of Samar, and became crime was commit- tender of the engine and the mail and the that Carnegie,' tas, Montana, western Wyoming, with active on east coast which ia practicalcounty, Ohio, on baggage cars were thrown from the n minimum reading of 30 degrees be- ted in Cuyahoga ly without harbor and very difficult of March 6, 1903, and that the Indictment tracks. No one waa iajured. low Mont. st The area of high la sufficient in Itself for Hsvra, access during prevalence of the existplacing Dr. Orders were given some Foreigners Settle Differences In New pressure attending thia cold wavs oc- Chadwick trial." REPORTS OP CORRUPTION WITHing ninn-ooYork in a and Fatal Bldody cupies the northesst Rocky mountain time since to strengthen all detachOUT FOUNDATION. Mr. Keeler belief the that expressed Pistol Contest, slope and extends well southeastward the eastern warrant would be evenments ou the east roast, but unfoitu-natel- y into Nebraska. thia was delayed by wreck and Naples, Dec. 25. W. 8. Fielding, tually granted by the New York auloss of coast guard boat carrying a New York, Dec. 26. A fatal duel has finance minister In the Canallia thorities. MOROCCO DESIRES AMERICAN hundred or more of the constabulary. lain in West Farms, borough arrived here aboard the steamUpon a telegraphic request from The men were saved but tho delay in of thefought TRADE. between two Italians. Sheriff Barry today Prosecutor Keel- ship Cretie at 6 oclock this evening. Bronx, Bending another coast guard boat to the Fully 260 people saw the Interviewed by the Annoclnted Pres battle, which New York, Dec. 2G. Janies Langer-ma- n er drew up an affidavit setting forth reacuu resulted in leaving these small occurred In the street at the terminus that testimony had been adduced un- concerning the petition filed in the detachments at Ores and Dolores iso- of a United Statea formerly court against hltmelf and Sir der oath, before the grand jury tendtrolley line. Many were within a lated and the consequent loss. All east few feet general at Tangier Is In New York of tlnk combatants but ran Frederick W. Borden minister of milroast stations have. been heavily on his way to report to the Sultan of ing to show that Leroy Chadwick was itia and In this county on March K, 1903, upon screamiiig. defense, and other tailing liband we are still sending men away Tlie duellists alighted from a trolley Morocco, whose personal representa- which date the alleged crime erals of parliament from Non Scot lx was Allen direction. General by my ( chief car after a quarrel. Both drew re- tive he was at the St. Louis exposi- committed. Mr. Keeler subsequently asking that their seats in Parliament of constabulary), let I here (Manila) volvers, backed apart and began shoot- tion. swore to this affidavit before a not- be declared vacant on the ground of two weeks since to .take perSunsl ing without preliminaries Several shuts Speaking tonight, of Morocco and ary public, after which for- alleged bribery oonynltted by agents on charge of affairs in Samar. I am still had been fired when one of the men ita desire for American trade Mr. warded to Sheriff Barry at New York. their behalf in the general election further reinforcing him with con- fell with a bullet said: Never before waa of Nov. 3, Mr. Fielding said the rethrough tho head. A Lsngerman stabulary aud am consulting with Gen- policeman arrived at the moment and such an opportunity to presented ports of corruption in ths election were eral Corbin who, if necessary, will aid gave chase to the uninjured Itallau, American industries to secure n footabsolutely without foundation and that us with troops. WRIGHT." Several times tbe officer fired at the hold in Morocco. It seems strange, everything wae perfectly regular in fugitive who finally fell and vu cap- but It Is n fact nevertheless, that In connection with the elections which this country, whore about 16,006,000 tured, but showed no wounds. occurred three days prior to hli deThe cause of the duel wae not learn- people live, there la but one big parture. Thera always were some pered. American Industry doing business and sons among the opposition, Mr. Fieldthat is the Standard Oil company, ing said, who aprend cries of corrupThe Sultan and in fhet nil hia subtion and other similar reports but noSaved Lives at Iroquois Fire and From twithstanding all three effort by the opjects want to trade with Americans. "They realize that tho American peoDangers of the Sea. position the government wu returned ple In business will treat them fairly by a largely Increased majority and and will not try to seize the country. Chicago, Dec. 26- The presentation the opposition was hopelessly beatca Could Not Gain Admittance to PresI know personally that the Sultan Is of medals for heroism at St James Mr. Fielding outlined ths mein issues ence of Object of Hie Passion one of tho most ardent admirers ot Episcopal church has brought out the on which the election hinged u first, and So Sets Fire to the House. President Roosevelt. fact that one of the recipients Is sev- the proposition to build n new Transcontinental line, and second, the Steal It is Impossible for French troops eral times a life saver. He Is Cap-ol- n Chicago Lad Diet Through Excitement to make any progress in Morocco V. Cllnnln, inspector of rifle practice question. Chicago. Dec. 26. Jilted by a widOver Receipt of Holiday Precants. j Sir Wilfrid I nurier's flcal policy, he especially at this time of the year. (n the First regiment, Illinois Naow, in whose house he bad roomed for a A year ago he wae an said, wan supported by ths people kni hare difficult tional several months. Charles Witt Is allegThey task before guard. them. n Chicago, Dec. 26. The excitement of It is now the unknown hero of the Iroquois flie. meant moderate progress In ths dlreri-iober Christinas ed to hare attempted to burn rainy season. It Is Inculminated in sorrow of tns the policy while free of for trade, them to He to le hero also known as a cntfaaco ..the of gain dwelling. Failing transport troops stead of for I,ro as there are no to the residence, he is said to have Simmonda. joy opposition favored a higher protective highways. Ferrying yachting incident off Zion City. The child's Joy, the sight is their most modern sxothod of crossTha Rev. James 8. Stone, rector of tariff. broken open (he dour of the vacant of hi humble, but to him gorgeous, Mr. Fielding said that he would not house adjoining and to have net fite presents, his lit lie stocking filled with ing rivers. There In not a telegraph St. James, after 'awarding medals to be able to be present at ths opening .of nr CarWaldo line A. tn it with the Idea that the flume i sweets and pup-coand II. r telephone in Shapiro tbe George and the liny trie, railway the parliament on January United lisle would spread. country. of States the training ship 11. Canadian proved too ramli ter him and lie wa for some days in will He remain Mr. The blaze was discovered liy Mri. suddenly taken violently ill. ' Lomgernian recently discussed Dorothea, turned te Captain Ciinnin. to Vienna from and then go the Italy Moroccan Fr iends of the captain," he said, situation with the Presi-ih-n- t. Edward Ilenscl. who occupies rooms Feebly asking for the presents which to Canada by return whence will he but he refused to say whether hearing that he had been recommend below Mrs: Berths Brazen, tho widow Santa Clans brought him, tho little She told the police she saw a niun Imy wa-- t discovered by Ids mother he viBlted President Roosevelt on any ed for this honor requested hia heroit way of London. deed In connection with the IroquoU crawling out of a side window of the in one comer of ths room almost un- particular mission. Are be made public. Captain Ciinnin HABITUAL DRUNKARDS building soon after the blaze started. ci n scion. lie was removed to a hos- Slia said be went across tho street pital, where his condition was was In the Schiller building when he WILL BE PUNISHEDand watched the flames spread. Her serious and bis rase diagnosed aw smoke pouring from the air shaft. EH MUST BE CLEANLY SHAt as heart failure. He wee one of the first to arrive in New York, Dec. 26. Arrest, tariff description of the man led to the New York. Din:. 26. A of Wilt. of the Iroquois. of a comfortable cot, will be tne w petemptory the foyer some decree reported to have been made by had already fallen to after January, of the several thousana After the minister of foreign affairs, comthe floor, others were piling upon habitual or occasional drunkard! wa manding that all the employes of the them in the effort to escape. Seizing In the course of the year seek Bene foroign department, high and low, shall a woman the captain dragged her to tu hospital for treatment and shave (iff their moustaches and beards, a place of safety. Then he went back, the Institution aa a handy place has created considerable excitement, edged along the wall and rescued a sleep off their sprees. ears a Paris dispatch to the World chorus girl, lie waa thrown doan Preliminary to the new scheme Protests from the Federation of Gov- and trampled on but he returned to disposing of the list of alcoholic PJ ernment Employee are said to have help carry another woman out He lento is a statement that a de,a". J5 Cutler Mountain Murder Victim Be- brought the reply that even the mous- made three more trips into the theatre police will be on duty day and niPapFerocious Animals Driven From the lieved to be Mrs. Bessie Bouton taches of the employes are at the ser- brought out a child apparently dead, at the hoepital. When a drunkard Mountains by Hunger Terrorize of Syracuae, N. Y. ricoh vice of tbe state. A federation has found his sister-in-lahysterical and pears as a candidate for the exardm People of Kamtschatka. now appealed to the be will for to hia Schiller took the her the 8oclety building, and ward pedigree Syracuse, X. Y., Itec. 26. Mrs. C. Protection of Rights of MaakioJ. came back, but was excluded from toe If found to be an old customer be vw 26. Capiam Sun Francisco, Dec. r this Kcrater Il, believes that city, fire lines by the police." he arrested and taken in charge Thwing of tbe steamer liuri Dollar, the girl found murdered on Cutler TELEPHONE COMPANY FAILS. act of heioism, however,' for the city, police department. By The mountain, ucar Colorado Springs, is which Captain Cllnnln received the business method the official! of her daughter. Mrs. fccvsie Bouton. medal" founded by Henry Bellevue hospital propose te re1" Sioux Falls. Iowa, Dec. 26. A suit The last heard f her daughter was has been la MARGUERITE I.F.ITKK WEDS brought bv the Royal Trust E. Weaver In 1900, was the rescue last the constant overcrowding are o In October win n she was informed ! company of men from a capsized cohollc department. There of three EARL OF SUFFOLK. and May H. E. Chicago Embler. that she would tear Colorado Springs trustees, there n seeking the appointment of yacht in which he, with eight others seventy patients there. and Wilkc-diarre- , and to go Pa., and reach a receiver for the Citizens Telephone had been sailing. Mar- Washington, Dec. 26. lis only places for twenty-fiveon I'lirislmaa. The descrip. the Syracuse company of Sinux Falls. It is alleged gucrite Hyde (Daisy) POSTPONE of tion the (ordered woman fits Mrs. thtft the company has defaulted on Iti NUAL MEETING youngest daughter of the late Levi BAILORS HOME IS BURNED. annual me he lant two Interest payments. A hearing Dec. P. Leiirr and Mrs. Mary Letter of hlcago, Aneocur toBanew'l was noon set was at married for American the of Chicago, New York. Dec. 26. The beautiful January 6. we I a gel (lav to Henry Molyneux announced to De held thin a Ballon' home at Harbor, Snug chapel PECT'UAll SUDDEN DEATH. January nineteenth until Earl of Howard, the been postponed Suffolk and Berkshire. The cere- i cause of postpones vent is New York. Dec. 26. Nosebleed after the to until wait mony occurred in the loiter msiSOLDIER SLTCIDE3. lias caused the death of Edward (lrnce in this city the Rev. Roland amission Jan. 9 when the j, TO DEATH. MAN FREEZES Cottoiismilh. rector of St. John's Murray. 17 years old. a clerk liv-Des Moines, Dec. 26. I going to make a stron P rfFf Corporal ing in Brooklyn. Ho returned League Episcopal church, officiating. Only American over the Solomon Cook, of the Seventh U. S. Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 26. An from work Christmas evening in j a family party witnessed the scr- tatlves to the plan for drafting piJ Cavalry, committed suicide today unknown tnon waa found dead to-his usual health, but awoiie in the vice. The bride was In in the Wellington hotel, by already favored by tbe Nal0n, turning ! day near the Union depot. He had brother. Jivt-pI.eitor, sn l Col. morning wuh a sevpre headache. hr on the in his room. death. He was The apparently frozen to A fewr hoitis later blood began Lionel Gust attended tbe groom a ' BLIZZARD IN KANSA8. found hr the chambermaid. Cook thermometer haa fallen during the man. The couple left later fer running from his nose. Doctors had served in the tegular army night from 18 above to four below New York sti-- i expect to -- ail for were called, bulcould not stop thj Dee. blleue, Kan marly year and had eeen service la zero. The cold wave waa hecom- flow and Murray soon died. ' England next Wednesday. la covered with the Philippines. panird by a high vrind. cuuv-mitte- over-exertio- GAVE LIFE IN DEFENSE OFWOMAN FATAL b-- SHOOTING AFFRAY d TRAGEDY fred-crick- CAUSED BY JEALOUSY Drink-Craze- d FEDERAL COUNCIL CONFIRM OF CHURCHES CORBIN'S d, so-cur- ly STEAMER REPORTED ASHORE x day-ligh- ORIGINAL GOLD BRICK . MAN DEAD Notorious Criminal Whoso Career Was Remarkably Romantic, Succumbs at a French Penal Colony. New York, Doc. 2G. A report lias reached thia city that Tliomas O'Brien, the notorious confidence man and alleged inventor of tbe gold bgick swindle Is dead ia the French penal settlement at Cayenne, where he had a WANT REGICIDES EXECUTED. Belgrade, Dec. 26. The news- paper Opposita. with an editorial vigurou-ddemanding that regi-cijn.s of King Alexander and Queen Drags be executed us sere the murderers of Prime Mfihsol in 186k, was promptly confiscated. Its editor writes hi articles from tlie sate vintage jirdiit of Hun- gory. Yokohama, Dec. 26. The si earner Manthu, bound for ilie neighborhood of Port Arthur, left here today. She car-lbas passengers ten naval attaches, four )ei-rs- , seventeen members of tlie house of representatives, one secretary of tlie Diet and one lieutenant commander. There will be no press representatives on board dui tag the voyage, whiuli it is expected mill occupy three -d weeks. MURDERER NOT SURRENDERED. . Shanghai, Dec. 26. Tbe Russian consul lias made no reply to the demand of the Taotal for the snr-render to him of the sailor belong- ing to the cruiser Askold, who kill- Mil Chinaman Dec. 15. Tlie sailor I mill on board the rmir-er- , where he xai sent by the consul, anil 1 It was understood lie would be tried by court martial. The Taoial has applied to the foreign board at lekin for further instrnr- tions. The Nlngpo community is becoming rest ivo. bi-r- Meta-whil- g REPORT COLD WAVE COAST SPREADS TRAIN WRECKED ai-la- ek ITALIANS FIGHT A DUEL n. eup-re- vice-cons- as HONORS GIVEN A HERO INCENDIARY ACT OF LOVER XMAS JOY BROUGHT -' DEATH rn I ed I ar-re- ANOTHER BEARS INVADE TOWNS CLEW IS FOUND life-savi- 25-T- - eirf h1, I g.-i- a awaas e'e0 |