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Show Till: SlOKSINU EXAMINER OGDEN, DTAU, TUESDAY MOUSING, THE EXAMINER SHEEP INDUSTRY PROSPEROUS. lug of editorials of that timo would not be a pleasant diversion of the loyal American. Similarly the attitude toward England was that of an exiu the American press. press eut-mBui tho other day we had occasion to consult ihe files of some Minnesota papers published in 1365, one in particular at St. Peter. And the venom iu which the editor had dipped his pen was something startling, in these all and dsys of tolerance toward friendship toward Britain. But blood has become again thicker than water, and "hands across the sea' is runifng to ho as much a part of our sentiment as though Bunker Hill had never been fired upon. Britain has established us as her ally without the formal signing of a pact; she has merely recognized an identity of interests, and accepted the position. DECEMBER 27, 1004. LITTLE TRAGEDIES OF d During the past 30 days it is of head tied 190, least that at ! W sheep have gone out of eaaieru 1 mb rtblUM .vary dir giaadard Publishing Co. si nations along the Uio Grande Western railway from Colton to Cisco according to the eastern markets, Manas.. WM. GLASMANN, statements nude by the American on her head, and enorNo marter what the season of the chief Tho shipCotton and Wool mous of drooping from hoops year there are alway a immigrants pour- her ears to her gold f&Onni b y Cantor. toclui'ng shoulders, bhe and ments have been mostly of lambs and Ellis Island, Morning of tha ing through (uMil portals Giuseppina together look like tne wethers, and in most instances the and the drac-- a of lire is always being Princess pc goatb and tha Fairy Godmother. on 'J sold see at o this stuff been In points the excluded room. has played BI copies.. When the beauty has finished she drama ia action speaking hands, route; in fact, liefore reaching destiExcellency to hear implores humbly shoulders that slung with a world of come to her SUBSCRIPTION RATE nation, by represent stives of Omaha, eyes, her story also. She has dark, meaning, great, let Chicago and Kansas City cuinsusbion all tin business tr the tragic stage, very good nephew, who will not Calall the way from isr her want, uo unconscioua have and complaints unstudied houses. Shippers luonih spontaneous, (IiduilBg p sail on, visit the women' excluded room with abria, down in tbe toe of the boot. of OfH as to prices, but return invariably will lulijr) ovtildi au agent of the Society for the Pro- And now this so cruel America Telephone No. M. with what they harp received. not permit her to enter. tection of Italian Immigrants. So far there have been few purchases The nephew sent her money for the It is largely tilled with the daughter! back in eastern I'tah of Italy, de-pvoyage, so be must exist. But the iu their port, depresthe ua sheep's favor by eeafer will SubMsibM, sion in their eve, yet the drooping only address that old Moinlna has is of next year's wool clip. The range inT thia offlo of fallara to i lines of their tigures filled with that "28 Brooklyn," which, to say (ho fhali boforo is HAI Tko enmur for both cattle and sheep here ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. heavy paiieno which hX passed into a leaaL is not definite. The agent has breakfast good and the same conditions extend proverb of their race. To the majority already advertised for the nephew In on down to the Colorado line across Tbe manor of Associated Charities of the incomers all ihe bewildering an Italian newspaper, but he has not exappeared. Thera is nothing for it hut the west desert, although as yet there lias of lute attracted considerable at- maze of the island buildings, the EXAMINER TELEPHONES deferred room, ail to send old Mornina back to the toe of cluded the room, mounin the has bciu no snow except tention in various cities aud where it the succession of iron pens, i simply the boot, and she cannot understand. EDITORIAL ROOMS Owners of flocks and herds ha been adopted it Las been found tbat tains. These women who press about with prison, for whi h they can see no .No. SI Independent Phone... a good winter and the com the sysiematic distribution of aid thus faintest trace of i cason except their babies In their anus are all widows anticipate BUSINESS OFFICE left penniless in tha old country and has tended to bring poverty. .No. 120 lng out In the spring away to the good. made Independent Phone There Is old Francesca, fur instance, come out to join relatives. There is au'ici-PHtlu- g are l beni'fii-mtlocsmasiers results both to Die charitably in the corner! America Is not for her. some trouble in every case either tbe WM. GLASMANN Wyoming .No. 120 wool next, season. Ju inclined uud those who are objects of She knows it is all a persecution of the relatives have not Independent Phone appeared and canEDITORIAL ROOM al'J hose who contribute For see! Has she not the ad- not be found, or they have proved to are t() have their mighty. repotted they fact, generosity. 50 .No. Boil Phono dress all correct? Luigi and Clccio, Iter be uncles or cousins or brothers-in-law- , ready sold portions of their clips lor to relieving tbe wants of ihe indigent BUSINESS OFFICE stalwart sons. wIki had sent her Dm and the Government thinks no ..... ....... .No. U IS and 19 cents, and look for wool ate thus lensonahly assured that tludr two Bell Phone to come, and would care for her affection more remote than that of a money oo to be worth t rents more than a year WM. GLASMANN contribution will be used to advantage the rest of tier days. father or brother can be trusted to .No. 120 Bell Phone.. .. It has been a cataclysm in her life, take care of a superfluous woman and ago. Many have routraried their wool and those who are In need of aid will No. 123 of both telephone eyeteme for the Italian for 2 t (i cents a peund more than receive their Just proportion of what title coming io America, cloned after 8 p. m. leaves hi- - native Tillage for baby. peasant The poor little bambino is tbe i No be lo Many given. spring. worthy applicant only two thinga: to serve in the army they received last block. The mother might stumbling will be nemo conversant will with overlooked are receiva men who and the come Then io America. to or long, be trusted to fend for herself, but the sheep LIVESTOCK MOVEMENTS. in the uncomfortable Journey, packed surplus to tho disadvantage of existing conditions, confidently predict child is very apt to become a public steerage; the Joyful feeling of the earth November traffic miiveinvni in the that the price of wool will go even needy fellow being. Harmonious and under her feet once more; the endless charge. wool concerted action will iusure proper atIt seems too bad, but a lone woman Inlenial Commerce of the country higher, and that 22 and procession from one iron cage to an- with a Die tention to all of the baby in her arms has tbe very the of uot is It quesworthy pour is ceaseless an the to predictreport, Impossibility. other, by accompanied show, according work of any one to get past hardest noblemen. of tion bluecoated Department of Commerce and Labor, ed that not only will wool priced be city. Island. the They put out their folded now ail it is Clccio. no And No Luigi, should Those, interested in charity In to the agenL hands through its Bureau of Statistics, an higher, but from present indications supplication to back to must she no go avail, and couaider tbe plan outlined m another where there Is no one to take and one even tries to lay her little improvement In many respects over Wyoming is to enjoy another remack-abl- e Italy, melt hie hard heart recent months, and in some instances winter, and aside from the death column of thia ieue and take such care of her. It i plain, quite plain, baby at hla feet tosoft as putty within la really which dica aa will have views noblemen action their bluecoated the that prompt in same month losses ewes the and of old exceeded those of bucks, stock him. Francesca. her poor tate. against spito nil. are expected to be practically 1903. Nor was this improvement reThe agent geta out of the excluded As for the fact that all telegrams stricted to any given .section, but wss Ileretufore the sheep nen Lavs experto the address of her sons in Pennsyl- room flnelly only by almost fighting vania have failed to elicit any reply, his way through these pleading hands, apparently widely distributed. While ienced a number of severe storms bethia does not impress her at all. She and takes a look at the deferred room. ED1T0BUL COMMENT the total receipts of live stock and fore this time, but so far the winter the simply does not take It in. Nor can Here ere those who ere enjoying grain of all kinds at interior renters has been mild and pleasant, and with it sink into her poor, stupid brain that time of grace allowed by the Governwere slightly smaller than in October, the ranges covered with flue feed, it is ment for their frlende to appear. Mr. Depew evidently eonaiJera the tha government can take cognisance As the agent enters one who sits t0 the grain arrivals during the last two believed that fSe flocks will lie able to New York Senatorial! conteat a strict only of the fact that without friends take her in she would become a pub- by the door on a cushion leaps to her weeks of the, month showed an en- winter and come out Iff the spring ly personal matter. t and precipitates herself upon him, lic charge in less than a week. couraging increase. Cold weather, strung enough to weather the storms. browed apparently to rend him limb from limb. a dark is There Giuseppina, Nan Patterson Is really the only which vii generally prevalent during It is. not apparent that any one is get women give She talks, she gesticulates, she tears who has ever ob- queen of tragedy. All the the the latter part of November, has ting a corner on the market, as nil of rboru togirl on recordreturn agent, her hslr, with incredible energy and to her let approach way engagement. an jected playing a unconscious tribute to her regal fluency, and as tbe words flow in torundoubtedly had a sliraulallug effect the old Arms are in the field, and mnny rent she brandishes her cushion in looks. upon corn shipments, while the gener- new ones. It is evident, however, that Those two New York Italians who good wo Italian an the air. la tall for Guiseppina al merchandise traffic appears to have the bulk of the 1905 wool clip will fought a fatal duel probably tliouglit head and shoulders Evidently It has something to do man, by topping a needed Colonels Lawson Greene and also be be owned by the middlemen long been extremely heavy. There has with her story. It Is all In some wild Her head, humbler sisters. her been a gain in the iron and nleel ton fore it leaves the sheeps backs. The strenuous illustration. crowned with a sumptuous raven coil, dialecL hut the agent understands comes every dialect 0( the peninsula and can oage of some of the eaatern roads, buyers are preserving discreet silence We wonder how many of the peri- has the majestic poise that it. tell what village one comes from borne burdens from upon cause of their anxiety odical Democratic candidates in Utah and an increase In coal shipments. In regard to the 'not when he hears iL and dark skin clear, is Her Car shortages have been reported to to take chances on the future of tho will make a New Yeara resolution not She has been ail the way through, in the cheeks.' swarthy, with crii'-sosome extent in certain seething of the wool market. Eastern buyers are to sacrifice themselves again. H?r features, with that stralghL yea. Excellency ; through ail the iron noblemen making It their business to become country. And laat night the xinall hoy enjoy- classic nose that has come down from chambers and past all the miserlcordia! yea, a abl of as serve in blue, inGrecian garb might colonists, eon follow with not ed the that the fact total conversant, that Notwithstanding present only exquisite agonies model. Her great violet and had found Giovanna, her husband, live stock receipts tor the month fell dilions, but those of the future, and dulgence in Christmas cheer and his sculptor's si, signor, and waa about to go are shaded was the conjured night- eyes ly their sweeping tnily, with companion somewhat below the October arrivals, their offera for wool at advanced only him to the street of the lashes. away mare. But poor Giuseppina is not happy, Mulberrl In Novo Yorko when she they show an appreciable gain over prices are Hie licet indication of what the receipts for the corresponding the market will be next season. The country editor of Utah nearly although so beautiful. She la not mar- found she hid forgotten the pillow. And she had returned for it through all Isaued creditable Christmas editions ried, but she has come to Join her lovlierlod in 1303. Total arrivals for Novher the all sent the long hnlia and corridora interhas He are Milwaukee. that er in fairly demonstrating they ember at the markets of Chicago, 11AS FAITH IN UNCLE SAM. and now sha Is confined once authorities none the And deserve but minable, come, prosperto money propennis. Kansas City, Omaha, SL Louis, and St in more this so hateful room, and more. her not let will go. ity 3, 330, 097 The redistribution of the British head Joseph aggregated He must come to the Island to marry the Italian, will not permit her to The corset industry of Wurtemberg her, for Giuseppina is lo be a mother depart, and her Giovanni awaits her as compared with 2,995,959 head in fleet Is causing a variety of com' i steadily decreasing. Exports of corand mere la a possi- undoubtedly without, and has she got November, 1903, showing a net gaia menu, none of more positive decision sets lo the United Slates are small; ei' in a few weeks, will become a public to go through It all again, and watt she that bility for the present month of 334,73p head, than those which declare that peace ports to England and her colonies are charge. And he has not come, end she two days more aa she did before his In November arrivals of live stock between the United Excuse, Excellency, ahe Kingdom of Great decreasing, and business in Die home must go back. coming? were more numerous at the markets Britain maiket ia alo very dull. ManufacturShe tells her story with a wealth of must cry. and thn United States of Avir ers complain of a scarcity of orders, emotion that a great actress might of St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, erica is as well established as peace The agent laughs and steps into the for the finer grades. a especially little shiver one where the disconsolate Giovanni makes hut it hall, and Sioux City than they were for the between the mother envy; country and any and found loitering unhappily ia all indeed real, is to feel the that tragedy same month in 1903, and less at the of Agricultural education is making tho curtain is to ring down on black about The matter is explained to the the colonies. Evidently, judging Hie under demarkets of Omaha and SL Paul, while from the great strides in Jamaica signors at the door, and the couple English papers, it was ex of the agricultural societies. despair. one Giusep- part happily with the precious pillow. is an there On shipments of a similar character were actly the intention of the British ad' auspices average From time to time technical lecturers Is Those left behind press round with a greater at SL Louis, SL Joseph, and mlralty to leave Canada defenseless are sent throughout the island lectur- pina a day the year around. theSheman unless thousand to allowed land, never questions as to the reason of on imSioux City, and less at Kansas City, because it Is practically under the pro- ing to the small cultivators the ad- appears at the Island and marries their detention, and one of them and of methods farming Omahs, and SL Panl. which he does so often that the weeps loudly and wrings her hands tection of the United Slates. Great proved vantages to be gained by the use of Im- her; Milwaukee man's default may be act In misery. the proved implement. Britain under Canning advised "Another Giuseppina," thinks th FORESTRY AND THE RAILROADS. Monroe down to , distance and lack of traveldoctrine, and why should the visitor. funds. tendling a There is throughimt Germany empire not reap the fruits of that But the agent laughs unfeelingly Then there sre engaged girls, come decreased hours of labor, Upon the advice of the Bureau of doctrine? Under that aegis Canada Is ency toward in cases by de- to join their fiances, who are eagerly and says that the woman arrived only many accompanied Forestry the Gulf, Colorado and Runts as safe as though it were forln-asemands for higher wages. In coal mining waiting at tho island to meet lhem yesterday, but she says her ship broke noblemen have down on the way, and waa a month Fe Railroad eight months ago began to and bulwarked against every possible the shift fur underground workmen But the no in their souls, in getting here, and she thinks she instead ten poetry exceed now apparently lioura, wooden rarely experiment with enemy. of eleven or twelve as formerly, while and no confidence in human nature, has been punished enough and should These plates are intended to protect the Aud more than this, the Anglo-Saxofor house building and other mechani- for these, too. must be married before not be kept in prison. tie from wear under the rail. They The bappy side of Ellis Island is li cal trades nine and ten hours are in they leave the islaud. is now considered friendship Beside Giuseppina a little old, old downstairs, where tbe Immigrants are are'ent the width of the bottom of the amount to something, it may he taken many places accounted a day's work. woman stands listening; a small, with- - being discharged into the arms of rail and as long as the tie i wide as 'an actual aud valuable asset in in of the crod rrnne, with an orange hsndker - ' their friends. There is an Iron gnt- rorresiiondenl The Washington G to 7 luebee-a- nd are kept. in ternatlonal affairs. Even tho usually Spec Sunday Tribune atatea that Mayor place by the weight of the rail, in a flat tutor acknowledges this. It declares William Ghiamann is to be summoned groove in the tie. The results of the that the as a witness in the Sinoot investigaadmiralty deliberately ami tion before tbe Senate committee. The. experiment are of much interest both omitted the American licet nnivqr -- ays that he knows nothing as to to the railroads of the country and to rightly Ha "Wo do not the' truth of that statement, lut it I from dispositions. those win have at heart the cause of mean to light America, nor ahe us, presumed that the Senate is curious to Bitout the editorial forest protection. know If war should break out between the writer somethin); of the Tribune whose rabid atThe Santa Fe placed cypress lL would be branches of tho race, tacks on the church are a feature of of an inch thick on tw0 and tlii editorial page. Probably old files in the nature of a civil war, rauch-woseveral thousand old and in civil war it is impossible lo of the Standard will lie introduced evidence and a comparison made becypress ties laid iu its track north of against tween the utterance of smooth Mr. CanGalveston, Tex. After eight months of prepare." He docs not need to be a very old non when he wa editor of the Standard constant use the plales sre perfectly of opinion tone of the and Ms radical expre-insound and show practically not a trace man to remember when the committee will try the and at present, of wear. The officials of the rosd are press was vastly different from this, to ascertain when that versatile politi- - j the English press was ral acrobat told tbe truth in all sinenr-ii-v greatly pleased with the result of the Forty years ago if at all. but friendly, and the anything trial. The Bureau of Fore-tr- y will now make similar experiments with red gutn, red oak, and beech which will he pluced in 1 he tracks of the St. Louis and San Francisco, the Burlington, and the Northern Pacific systems. These are all harder woods thin cypress, and are therefore ices liable to wear under the rails, but are much more subject to decay. The nude from these woods will therefore all be heavily creosoted. This will make them about as resistant to decay s the untreated cypres. while their much greater harrine will better qualify them to resist the wear of thn rails. For a number of years crosa-tle- s have been treated with preservative!, and of iron have been useJ to increase their length of service. iwta are nonrlantfy being made by the Bureau of Forestry to improve the character of the preservatives and the methods of their application, and to enlarge the 7i umber of woods used for railroad construction purposes. Experii work menting with wooden slung Die same, economical line in the interest of both the railroads and the forests. cell-mate- h tti i. fr Jiuli. wtt-tsti- EXCLUDED IMMIGRANTS ng air SPLENDID Skirts Made Free BEGINNING TUESDAY MORNING EVERY WOMAN PURCHASING A SKIRT PATTERN COSTING $1.00 OR MORE PER YARD AT OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, CAN HAVE A STYLISH, PLAIN TAILOR-MADSKIRT, MADE BV AN EXPERT MAN TAILOR, ABSOLUTELY FREE OP CHARGE. STREET AND DRESS SKIRTS MADE AS ONLY A GOOD MAN TAILOR CAN MAKE THEM AND ALL THAT IB REQUIRED IS THAT YOU BUY THE MATERIAL AT WRIGHT'S." FIT AND WORKMANSHIP. WE GUARANTEE SAMPLE 8KIRTS AND FURTHER INFORMATION AT DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. E W. II- - WRIQHT S SONS CO. po-sib- le it O 23-ce- n d blue-coate- d tie-plat- es. n lng behind tbe officer, within which the immigrants wait. In front of him ia a rail, behind Each which crowd the friends. friend must satisfy the officer aa . to name, address, business and relationThe Immigrant, meanwhile, ship. stands back behind tho grating, and the two signal each other silently with beaming eyes, until at last the officer waves them away together. They sidle decorously around the cor ner of the grating and then Kiss rap turously. This Jong aisle leading out of the building should be known as Kissing Lane. Men kiss each other as often as women, and the Joyful faces are enough to reconcile the fiercest 6 0 HOLIDAY GITO For Youn j and Old Perfumes Fiench, English and erican Odors. Am- Toilet Cases Eczema, scald head, hires, ltchinesi of the Skin of any sort Instantly recured. Doan's lieved, permanently OlntmenL At any drug store. Handsome Manicure seta, prlalo gift. Mirrors .. as others sea you. Ebony and oak styles Bee yourself Purses Ladies and GeaU. Tha finest selootioe to tha city. TRAGEDY AT FT. DOUGLAS. Prlvate Albert Hassett of company Q was mortally wounded sad SeigL William Riley of company H of the Twenty-ninth infantry, was severely injured j in the shooting affray which occurred at tOrt Douglas about midnight Saturday nlghL The shooting was done by Silaa Smith, a teamster in tha employ of the quartermasters department, with apparently very alight provocation. Tho tragedy cast a shadow of gloom over the post and the many Christmas festivities planned by the troops were abandoned. Hassett now lingers unconscious in the hospital with two bullet holes in hla body, and his death is expected at any moment Riley waa shot In the side, ana his condition Is not considered dangerous Smith is in solitary confinement, and ia verging upon a state of collapse. The shooting occurred at Fort Douglas just aa the men had alighted from the street car, which waa in charge ot Extra Conductor Swinson and Motor-ma- n Green. Just how the trouble suited will probably never be known, but the fheta, so far aa can be learned, are aa follow: It appear that Harnett and Smith had had trouble in a Second South street saloon aver tome trivial matter, but through the interference of friends the matter was peacefully settled. It Is said that Smith had been drinking, while Hassett had noL and the'Hatter was therefore not looking for trouble. Both the men hoarded the Fort Douglas car which leaves Main street at 11:25, and when near the post the trouble waa renewed. The car carried about twenty-lsoldiers to the garrison, ive and nearly all had alighted, when, without warning, Smith whipped out a J revolver, which he had purchased Saturday morning, and fired at Hassett, whose back was turned. SergL Riley, who was standing near, made a leap for Smith to prevent fur- - T. H. CARR, So Druggist 9 J but his efforts proved fruitless until he had receivad s waud in tha abdomen and Hoaaett had again ther shooting, been shot. Both Harnett and Riley were lying across the car tracks whet their comrades went to their nsaistanea tad removed them to the hospital It ia said that Smith mad aa attempt to escape, but waa captured by the post guard and turned over to the officer ot tha day. Both Riley and Harnett are couUer-e- d exemplary suIdlers by their Immediate company commanders, and have a 1 wavs bone excellent record while kur-rled- ly in-ti- Twenty-nint- infantry. h Rik? served six years in the Fifteenth infantry, and waa dischargedandn eergant, came to with character excellent, liln present regiment in June. Harnett also nerved with the Fifteenth lefts-trand has been with his present organization since September 12. Smith from the wne recently discharged ,TweHth battery, and waa always considered n good soldier. The affair, which ia deeply deplored by the officers and men of the poet, ii being thoroughly investigated by the commanding officer, and unlrss Smith can prove that he acted In he will be severely punished. He will be tuned oyer to the civil author! tin for trial y, tie-plat- es one-quart- er ra u ! re-rea-d tie-plat- es, Great Stock we make an inventory of our goods we must reduce our JgEFORE tie-plat- Reducin es clttei So commencing Wednesday, Dec. 28th, 1904, and closing Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1905, we will have the stock. greatest sale at our store the people of Ogden have yet seen. Great Bargains in every department. tie-pla- te WATCH For Big Ad To-morr- ow and Prices. 7 LLClark&Sons |