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Show He like to rode a good string of horses e; runnin down to to but he got the girl, .ill right, all right. SliV r.iys she married him out o' pure mean sympathy; be felt to blamed , i Unit roping a tame tore a bear what LIVESTOCK SALES ARE VERY was called Cupid a that.'' SMALL ON STEADY 10 1 i. it Ktcmed to me." ventured to STRONG MARKET. ihai you ueservrd a little sym-pjih- v com self. Holiday on Stock Markets and in "i did, Jack asserted, mournfully, Spsculativs Circles. he heat but Tony the mu to it. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. BERTRAM V. SINCLAIR. Kansas City, Dec. 26. Cattle ReTbs WMtir Ib laJlo. 2.01HJ. Native steers 3.50& ceipts No institution of India has been so native cows and heifers 1.755.iH); exaggerated as that of tbe widow. stoekers and feeders 2.5t'tr5.lH; bulls She reuliy occupies a idtiee analogous 2.JUft4.U0: calves 3.006 C.25; western 3.006 5.00; western cows l.ii to our antique old lusiil, now ao fast su-erdisapinwrii.g in the girl bachelor. The 63.50. to Hogs Receipts 3.000. Steady aged widow who has remained true tc her i riucip'es Is regarded ss a holy strong; bulk of sales 4.3064.55; heavy 4.6U; packers 4.4064-55- ; pigs being who lias withstood a thousand 4.506 and 2.756 4.15. light and temptations sud persecutions Steady; 2,00. Sheep Receipts the retqioct of a saint from all muttons 4.006 a.oo: lambs 5.006 6.5u; the Ik ail mother of the She persons. range wethers 4. "065.50; ewes 3.006 children in the neighborhood, the help- 4.50. mate or nil tbe neighbors. At evening OMAHA LIVESTOCK. they ituek around to bear her repent the Sllch-li- t leg ui uls, the stork-- of Sits Omaha. Dec. 26. Cattle Receipts and Sniviri, Draujidia. or sing tbs songs of Mira BuL She is iu great do- l.luO. Steady to strong; native steers cows nud heifers 2.5064.-10- ; main! wild cooking is needed for a sa- 3.256 weaiefh steirs 3.O064.75; range cred feast. Slic teaches the little ones their first hymns and prayers. Bite rows and heifers 2.3563.65; rauners nurses the sick, comforts tho dying. 1.5t'62.25; stockcra and feeders 2.506 calves 3.0" 6 5.50; bulls l.i56 She believes herself to be hound to bet 4.oo; 3.50. husband for everlasting time through Ilog Receipts 9o0. Steady; heavy all births and deaths. The momentary 4.4064.45; mixed 4.4064.42 light of her one shade separation here is bnt 4.42 bull of 4.0064.40; pigs marriage, nu unknowable mystery of sales 4.4064.42 destiny. It breaks no Sheep Receipts 700. Steady; western yearlings 4.856 5.35; wethers 4.70 Magazine. 65.25; ewes 3.756 4.35: common and Stockers 2.5064 50; lambs 5.206 Hrlplay a Composer of Most. Hulevy was somewhat of a pedant in writing inusii'. He worked very M rater? mt tsa Papular 4ml. slowly and deliberately anil made hun"We are apt to think, says tbe New dreds of changes before he was satisfied. When ideas would not come York Evening Post, that the selling of at his bidding lie employed a vwry poor novels by the hundredin thousand tbe book Is a modern phcuonienou singular menus to help bis genius but, in fact. It is not entirely trade; was water filled A with kettle along. new. In oue of the group of Hawput over a fire, and ths monotonous thorne's letters he says: What is the singing of the boiling water acted ss a wonderful stimulant on his imagina- mystery of these innumerable edirious Thu Lamplighter and other books tion. While composing, his brother. of totter nor worse? worse they neither Leon llalery, was always with him, could not be, sud better they need not and text verses of the the doctoring sell by tbe hundred be when adding and scratching syllables wher- thousand. they The question Is a little paever it waa necessary. For this reason when we remember that Hawlie was called text surgeon among thetic before this time had his friends. Leon Ha levy was by no thorne a little of himself as the least read auspoken means a prepossessing man. and ths America. thor in It shows, too, that poet Heine Is responsible fur the fol- the mystery of the popular novel was looks He of him; lowing description as great then as it is today. One could as If his brother had composed him. understand why a thrilling tale of cheaply concocted adventure might dloBdera fey Xovellata. tbe multitude, but the curiNovelists, even of eminence, ara captivate ous is that some of the high sellpoint prone to make blunders. Sir Walter ers are simply dull and respectable. Reran t. In For Faith and Freedom, These things, too, lie on the knees of wrote after the Eyklns had settled in ths gods. Providence, Burnaby boon grew tired of this quiet life and weut on board a A Stiti-la lha Side. steamer bound for England, promising stitch in the side Is the populnr that we should hear from him. This and expressive term for a sharp stab was in li86 or 1687, and the first felt In the side, an acute spasm, prostetmnr from America to this country like the thruBt of a needle, ducing did not reach Liverpool till Jnly, 1819. which pain, is felt especially In the InterWilkie Collins also made numerous costal muscles. Probably Its simplest amazing blunders. In Tbe Duel In form is due to muscular cramp conHeme Wood" he mokee the story open nected with respiration and frequently with tbe rerelpt of a telegram, and the brought on Uy violent exercise after a had 1817. when is twenty years period full meal, in which there is a greater to elapse before the first telegraphic of carbonic acid than can accumulation wire was laid. Three of ths characters be assimilated or carried off. also talk of taking the express train I nebreadily slight stitch la often removed by to London In defiance of the fact that hence the old time popular itooplng; the first railway to London was not remedy waa to make the sign of the till 1838. cross upon the foot. Such a at llrb Is also associated with Xrlaea'a Mlahay. and then it Js caused by a pleurisy, This Is an entry from the Journal of tho surgeon of the British warship stretching of the not uncommon adTheseus (the dales are from July ami hesions between two pleuritic surfaces. At other times the source is neuralgia. August 1797): July 24 and 25 Ad- In any case to persist In muscular exmiral Nelson. Compound fracture of ertion tho when stitch is severe la to tbe right.arui by a musket ball passing take a great risk. through a little above tbe elbow, an artery divided, the arm was immediately Credit With Pawnbrokers. amputated and the following given That men cun and do establish a line him: K Dpi gr ij. ft. PH. slstini. s., etc. ef credit with pawn brokers ia a prop20 July-Res- ted pretty well and quite osition easy. Tea, soup and sago. Lemonade has beenbeyond belief to the man who offered only $20 on a watch and Tatnurind Drink. 31 July One of the ligatures came away; looks well. that cost 75. Tho fact remains, howthat all pawnbrokers bnvo fa1 August-Contingetting well very ever, fast stump looked well, no bad symp- vored patrons on their liooks who can toms. sore reduced to tbe size of a always get the amount of money they want upon almost any old thing that I shilling. takes tbe shape of jewelry or other lohockable personal property. aaualera Soak. ' One of the devlcee of tbe emugglcr cal sport tried to raise 850 on his split Is to bring In rings, watches and other second stop watch the other day and compact articles of value concealed In was offered 830 less than the value of books. A thick, innocent looking volthe care melted. A friend who line ume is selected for the purpose, and a an eetablishnd credit took the same hole is hollowed out in the center watch to tbe same pawnbroker and large enough to receive the smuggled got 875 on It without a question begoods. The book is then closed and ing asked. It was tbe man, not tbe tied up. Its weight offers no clew to watch, that marie tbe loan possible. the presence of the valuables, even If Philadelphia Record. the Inspector should take It In his Sell la Her Bight. hand, and a book Is of course- likely Noah Welister, tbe learned compiler to pass muster even with the most of tlie well known dictionary, was an careful customs agents. unconventional man who loved his unHaSe ta a Bare Death. conventional friends, bnt his wife was Jacques de Chastel, bishop of Sola-son- a stickler tor propriety. Onre, says the bad accompanied Louis IX. (St. Idler, the good lady left home on what lsmisi on the African crusade and, was supposed to lie a prolonged visit, finding that nothing bad been accom- but some Interference caused her to replished and that the army was about turn unexpectedly, nnd ,he found her to return In disgrace id France, re- husband in his shirt sleeves, holding fused to go. took leave of bis friends carnival over strong waters in compapartook of the sacrament, mounted his ny with a number of friends also in horse fully equipped for battle and, in shirt sleeves. The shocked Indy gased sight of tbe wlwle army, charged alone at this disreputable gathering for a moInto the Saracen camp, where he was ment In alienee. Then she said. Well. I am surprised! No, my dear. said at once ent to pieces. the lexicographer wildly, I am surA VlaearU. prised. You are catnuished. He Ha! Absurd things those BatEh! Wbat? She tledore BsHsds. Balt. I'm sorry you think so my sister wrote Isaak Walten ia tbe patron taint of them! Ile if of course, I don't mesa all good fishermen. Here is his advico the words they're rippln'. 1 wean ths as to bait: Let your halt be as big a r niuaic-po- or stuff spoils words red worm as you can find, without s ought to be kicked who wrote knot. Get s pint or a quart of them in It? She I did! (Awkward silence.) an evening ia garden walks or chalky Punch. commons after a shower of rain, and them with clean hums well washed put Slaters Qaerr Aetlaaa. and picked and tbe water squeezed out Little Johnny-- 1 guess sister doesn't moss as dry as you can into an rare much for that young man that's ofdbe earthen pot or pipkin set dry, and I Mother should now. her after hope Ihe hums fresh every three or not. Little Johnny-- Of course she chnuoe tour days for three weeks or s month doesn't cause she burns every one of his letters Just as soon as she reads together. Then your bait will be at. the best, for it '"HI be clear and live-ly'mm WORLDS MARKETS Sun-Dam- HOW TWO COWBOYS ROPED A BIG BEAR sug-gefc- a! aias pan out I "Boar buntin' dont Just the may jou'vo gut It figured," , volunteered Jack Gordon from bis j Iirroh on tbe top rail of the huroe cur-- ! ral, Sonicetimes you hunt the bear, u and sometimes the r hunts and once in a while extraneuua rireum-sianee- s, as the Professor calls 'em, hops in and mixes things up in goat shape. Jack deftly twisted paper and tobacco into a brown cylinder; the touch of a match sent blue spirals of snniko curling up above his head. He leaned back against a jiust and breathed a deep sigh of cun Lent. Across the bottom of the canyon a cozy cabin nestled close under the brown earth-wa- ll that slanted back toward the hills. Snowy lace curtains flowering and pots of green-leave- d things in ihe windows proclaimed a feminine presence. At one end of the cabin a brown bear paced ceaselessly to and fro with the sLealihy, noiseless tread of his kind. Why it is, I qnrried, plaintively that when I ask you anything about that bear yon always appear to be struggling with some strong emotion? And yesterday when I remarked to Tonv that Cupid was a bear, he got gobas red la the face as a bler. Whats tbe Joker Well, I'll tell you," said Jack, and van ran Judge fur yourself. Last spring round-u- p along they bad a big horse of four outflts the river here. Three throwed in together and ran a wagon for about a month. There waa lots of stray horses in this country then, and one or two outflts in the Judith Vasin scut men down tu ride with us. and Tony was workin for tbe was he Itecause down him sent they familiar with this country. "There was Quiet a bunch of us fourteen riders, 1 guess. The Professor was runnin the layout, and the way we got over the country wasn't slow. One day we moved down and camped on tho lnuoili of the Musselshell; there was a little branch of wild horses run-nli- v n the river ten miles or so below there that the Professor wanted mighty bad. So next morning he tells s, TSoay and me to mount our for ho wanted us to ride the river bottom and get that bunch of broom-tailIn-a- lury ridge-runner- s. to watrhin you. I'll run in and i"ie "So round I goes. Mr. lie.ir didn't take notice of me till I gd around that he was right lietwecn me and Tony. Then 1 lets s kt-- ji our of me. and he comes alive. He looked up. and when I let another jed he started for the river, smashiu' through the sagebrush like one of the (heat Northern Moguis biiekiu a snowdrift; hut Ked swooped down on him like a hawk tier a chicken. Tony go! him first throw you've seen him roiie and turned off sideways. The hear went to the end of the furiy-forope oil a high run and the jerk he got turned him head over heels. He hit the ground with a thump that should have knocked the life out of him, hut it didn't for he got to his feet a little the maddest hear you huw, and made for Tony. Twice old Red went to the end of the rope sud put him down, and both limes Brownie bounced tu his feet lookin' for more. Tony began to think he was up against it. 1 guess. He'd throned a little too big s loop sud the bear had got a front foot in it. so he couldn't choke him like he aimed to do; he'd likewise tied his roiie hard and fast being'fvnin Texas, where such is ihe fashion and couldn't turn him loose. They ws sure connected up in good shape; red horse, white man and brown bear all in one string. "Finally Tony boilers to me: For Cud's sake, try to get your rope on him Jack, lie'll jerk Red down if he keeps up his lick and it'll he all pit w ith me then. Ail right, rays I. Til try, and slarts to take down my rope. Now you know most all horses is stared to death of a hear if he's on the windy side, where he can get the scent. Red didnt aecra to mind, but then he was an old rope-horsms-to goin up against all kinds if formations, lint old Pop he didn't have no more sense than the law allowed him, nohow was sure stirred up. As I said before, he hail a constitutional aversion to any monkey business with a rope, when I took mine down, he concluded he hail business further up the river, and started to go, I'd a big spaile hit on him, though, nud managed to persuade him that bis business wasn't so extremely pressin'. I spurred him up as close to the bear ns I could. Brownie was fight in' the rope, yankin Tonys horse this way and that, clawin' up the earth, und raisin' quite a disturbance. His mouth was nil bloody froth from bein jerked down so much, and, he bml a savage look In his eye. After considerable dodgin about, ! run old Pup mi pretty close to him. Brownie raised up ou' bis hind legs kind o quick, and I let the rope and took my turns around the horn there was no tryin In mine, yon bet! Old Pop-Ey- e went by him like a shot. If my mie had hern a cable I guess it would 's broke he hit the end of it at about a gall, if snappid like a piece of twine and one end whacked him across the a four-hors- e rtunp like the last of 1 ot e, d with you never was on a round-u- p was you. Kid? Don't ever go! Info ain't worth iivin then. He forgets about bugs and beetles and rock format Iona long enough to send you out on herd or on circle, and then goes to meditatin about things that would give a Powder River the lockjaw to talk about. Petrified things three and fish and shells which is common as dirt in this country, has a horrible fascination, for him. Onre he act Bud Wilkes and me to hold a herd, and then clean forgot In till it was to set the night, guard. We come in pretty hostile, but when tbe Professor fixed his mild gray ryes on us kind o' reproachful, we fadod away, and looked around for a prairie dog hole that we could crawl into. , That was his way, so we had to whip. .The things he did to me was a figure on getting those horses without any help from him. After starting us caution. I'd slacked the reins when 1 out, he'd forget ho was on the earth, took my turns, and he'd got his head. and if we run our horses down and The Hooclie Cuoches and the Bonegot afoot we (new we'd have to walk less Mans perfnrniani-- wasn't a cirto ramp which was against our re- cumstance to the motions he went ligious principles, to say nothing of through. Say, I was beat across the the way the rest of the crowd would pack with the cantle! The horn flew up and pocked me in the solar plexus, roast us. We poked along slow, kcepin' an hard! I was slammed around like a that won't work. Finally eye open fur horses. We'd rode along the ridges till we come to the lower my fret come out of Ihe stirrups and I edge of Sun Dance Flat, where this sailed through the atmosphere much particular bunch was supposed to be. the same graceful way a sark of poAs we was amblin' down the hill Into tatoes does when you chuck it nut of Then the earth rose the tiver bottom, 1 sees something the midden and pnt me out of busipokin' around among the sagebrush, up which growled like young trees along ness. When I came to I was layin in ihe there. I could see it wasn't no horses somethin and it didn't much resemble a cow. I shade of some cotton-wood- s, was tryin' to figure out what it was wet druppln' on mv face. I was kind o' dased at first, and then I rriiiomtorod before I said anything, when Tony I looked up and Tony was whos got an eye on him line an eagle the bear.over standin me, Jigglin' water out of blurts out, A bear, bgoslt! And it was, sure enough; a big a tin can onto my head. There was a tin. lookin' at me brown cuss, nosin' around in the girl standin' there, 1 couldn't make it out brush like hed lost something. We sort of anxious. loaned down toward him, Tony cussln at ail. 'Where In blazes did she come considerable as we went along. fnim? thinks I. 1 might he growled, Then I says to Tony, who'd quit that if I stayed down into this God- slnppin' water on me when I opened forsaken country without a gun Id Well, what shout it? How'd meet some varmint that needed killin'. my eyes; you make out with that bear? 1 even and a Aint dont pistol got The girl giggle,! then, and Tony's suppose there's a sheep camp within face looked like you'd slapiied it it got ten miles where we could get one.' so red. Tony seemed to be real distressed I sat up then and looked around. about it He looked ss sorrowful as I thought 1 was drainin'. Tony's horse cow puncher caught in a storm on dey a couple of other one of herd with bis slicker in the bed wagon. and em wiih a on was stand-i- n I tried to cheer him up, but it wasnt near. A little piece away not more any use; he seemed to have a grudge than fifty feet as our bear. siltin against that bear right from. the start. contentedly on his haunches watehin Wo went on till we got right close us; a little kid about ten old to hint, and he didn't pay any more sprawled on tbn grass holdinyearsthe end attention to us than if we'd Wen a of Tony's rope, which was still around out for a iui couple of Brownie's neck. stroll. Pretty soon Tony pulled up I began tu ask questions then, and and started to unbuckle his rope strap. there was explanations till further "'What In thunder you going to do orders. The girls folks lisd settled on now? I asks. I knew well enough, but the lower end of that It seemed like a fool thing to try. spring. One day there eonu-- a Dago Pm going td take a fall out nr that down Ihe river with a dancin' hear and coyote-faceile if it's the a hand organ on a scow. He was headed last thing I do on earth, he snaps. for North Dakota, hut his plans anil his Are you game? A bear ahit got no scow was both upset when he struck business prowlin around this country so bold, nohow. I'm going to tie onto The rapids was ton much for him. him for luck.' Tie and his hear got out, with the as'You'll raise licll with him- -1 dont sistance of the girl's and father think, I says. brothers, hut the scow and the hand He looked ft me like I'd Insulted urgan stayed in. Havin Inst part of him, so I didn't sac no more. Only I his stook in trade he sold the bear to thought to myself, Old boy, therll be the girl's lather and went overland: hand something doing around here when yon he didn't hanker to keep his do get your roie on him.' organ company. Yon see. I hadn't flguird on "The bear was a regular pet Just doing any fancy work with a rope when we like a big overgrown dug. They used started out that meritin'. I'd picked me to let him run around most of the a horse ihut could get out and his the time,, and onre in' a while he'd ramble trail with the tost of them, but he nff up the flat huntin roots ami berwouldnt stiind for rope work. I gue.g ries. It was him we'd been havin' such be thought it was degradiu to be made :i time with; and that's him s snubbln' post of. lie was a fW-biti- yon see now, sashayin' around at, the gi ay with a Homan nose and big, ei.ft of the house. bulgin eyes. He had a way of humpin' Tony rounded up old Fop while 1 bis hark and when things was recoverin, and then we hit the didn't go to suit him. Once or twice he's trail for camp. We tol.l the pro lessor a' used k!s influeee to try and remove little tale pf woe about not flndin' any me. sud the motions hc'nindn was such horses, and how my horse got mean that all I rouM do was to pull leather and fell with me to account for. me nd pray for the end to come qniek'.y. bein' skinned up so. It went all right Ho was sure a corker, and his name wl the time, hut that little brother of wns Pop-Ey- e. her's measly little runs! gave the Tony was rillin' a chunky little whole deal away to one of the hoys chestnut a Jui!1-ey- i little beggar who at la ved down that way a few days that paced along with his eyes half after. Maybe you think them hois, shut but he was there with the gojris. jinglers didn't guy us! The roastin' 11 right, all right, when it rsme to do- we got was somethin to he rememn bered. act. ing the Tony got his rope fixed and says to Tony teok his horse home whea You ride nrouml that way siud von ml n p was over, and then come bak me; , attract his attention and when he gets and went lu woik tor the the Professor, horse-wrangl- er mile-a-niiu- salt-shak- er mess-wago- n. side-sadd- le jack-rabbi- DECEMBER TQK MORNING EXAMINER OGDEN. UTAH. TUESDAY MORNING, 6- - ts Sun-Dan- s d e. rip-roar- rn side-steppi- He-don- -- prui'i-sM-r- (.-2- 3; s com-inaud- s 27, 1904. GAME LAW. PROPOSED Senator Emmons has in contemplation the introduction of a bill in the legislature that will prohibit si! killing of game for a period uf three years. During that time The birds and toasts sill so multiply that when the closed irMn is over. there will be game for all, even tor the despised market hunter ho shoots tor a livelihood. Bakersfield Californian. UNION PACIFIC Three Trains Daily ' .VIA They tell me. said the tenderfoot, that you haven't hnclied any horse thieves in this locality tor mure than three months. Well, of course, said Commauche Pete, apologetically, we have our dull limes here wunst in anhile, same us they do iu (he States. Chicago Tribune. to Ferdy Whsis the 1 rT0l Omaha Kansas Oily n wa Chicago Sf. Louis AND ALL PRINCIPAL EASTERN POINTS beat time for mo propose to Ida? she Algy Right after Christmas; will be so used (o accepting tilings site duesn't want, she may Judge. am-p- NO CHANGE TO you. t on an a, Chicago! He sure your Ticket Reads CXI 0-- V ria the PACJTIC. s For Full Information call an A. B. MOSELEY, Traveling Passenger AganL Ogden, Utah. TIMECARD. Effective Dec. Ith DEPART: 1904. Not 8 Mail and Express... 8:28 ft No. 8 Overland Limited for Omaha, Council Bluffs, Denver, Kansas City nnd east daily .....2:35 p. m Us 4 Atlantic Express lot ' Denver, Omaha. Council Bluffs, Kansas City nnd nil 1:29 points east, daily ARRIVE. 8ft 8 Pacific Express from Council Bluffs, Omaha, Denver, Kansas City nnd east daily I:4B a. ift Nft L Overland Limltod from Council Omaha, Bluffs, Kansas City, Dam var and all points oust, 3:25 p. m daily No 9 Fast Mail 3:00 p. m This Is Our New YearsResolution pa DURING 1905 THERE SHALL BE NO OTHER SER VICE BETWEEN BALT LAKE CITY AND CHICAGO AND 8T. LOUIS QUITE SO SATISFACTORY AS BURLINGTON SERVICE. Keep this in mind and whenever you are ready East ask me to produce the evidence. ued - r-- Ticket AganL A. B. MOSELEY, mv. Pnaa. Agent. Ogden. Utah. R. F. NESLEN, General Agent 79 W. SECOND TIME TABLE Mr. Horn bare partad. ficrappington and his wife Mm. lleon Good gratrouble? Mr. Hoon What is ths There lwi't any trouble now. hare parted.- - Stuart Set. cious! They Slraase Prevision af GsarStanshlp. The following Is a literal transcript of tbe seenniLdsnse of s will filed and probated ln.a 'Wisconsin county a few I hereby commit the years since: guardianship of all my children until they shall respectively attain the age of twenty-onyears unto my said wife during her life and from and after her decease unto my much esteemed friend. , bis executors still ns- aigns Croeit B:;::. I3S9EH Depot, Third, West nnd South Temple tta. m Cut Rates Salt taka City. DEPART. For Provo, LaU, airfield and Mercnr. connecting at Nephl for Maatl and intermediate poAa cm Sanpete Valle By.... &00 a For sarfiald Beach. Too-elf- t Block ton. Mammoth. Eureka nan iKF! City (Tta lammisfc- ) to 715 a For Provo, American Fork, LShl Juab, Mil. or4 Frisco, Calicntee and Intermediate points 05 ARRIVE. From Frovft amernwn Fork. LaU. Josh Id-forfriaoft Cnllantoa and Intermediate polnta 9:45 ZL From Provo, LeU, IW field. Her cur end Sanpete Valley Ry. polnta. 5.35 D From Stiver City, iUm- moth, Bniakft Stockton, and Garfield Tooele cut-off- ' SOUTH ST, ait Lake City, San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake RRCo. East For the Holidays SIMMS tn THE! Iffl'l tn HEALY HOUSE, Opp. Depot PHONE BELL 1S1Z. MEMBER AMERICAN TICKEt r BROKERS ASSOCIATION. d, m Fast through trains daily to Chicago via the CHICAGO & sijq p m DAIUt. NORTH-WESTER- ALL TRAINS Dally Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car Service between Silt Lake, liilfm and Calicntee. Direct stags fur all touting distrtobj in outharn Utah and Nevada. Dehet Offleft SOI TeL SIS. aka Rrrr J double-trac- k Direct connection with all lines to the East. Two trains daily Omaha to St. Paul and Minneapolis; excellent service to Duluth and SuperiQr. Efim Vest of Everything. Chicago. call on or address particulars, mm I QrM N RAILWAY . line between the Missouri River and the Mata 8j Pullman drawing-roodeeping can, buffet smoking and library can, Booklovsrs library, dialog cars, a Is carte servios, tn a reclining chair ears end standard coaches. m Cheap Rates to St. Louis I2i, other Eastern paint vie For (Hftfctff tofif II apply (8 C. A. WALKER. Gsa'I Aft. C.A HW.Ry. 8 and 40 Wool Socood Seats SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. It v " vwn S Atlaatle MaU aU polatt last .... 9:M a 12, Sait Lake local 2, CMcagft 8L Lou! limr ed 4, Atlantia Express, U 8R Dints East. ARRIVE DAILY. 5. Pacific Mail, Salt Lak ll:44fc nd all points East I, Chlcagand SL Lmifc ...... ...7.69 mlted ..... l-- II, Local from ParkI City ealsiw pin PgI 8. Pacific Express from M;fj polnta East hrough Bleeping cars toOta cago nnd SL Louis, New Ton i toa. Free reclining cbsli earn fact dining enr sorrlcs on ough trnlusL !. A. HENRY, Ticket Agent, Op . A. BENTON, Gen. AffstPlgrJW Sett Lake City. 11 & L GILSON. Agent CARD a W. TIME JUNE STH. 1901 WSULWUFROTMUtaP DEPART DAILY. WILL YOU THE OREGON 3We Trains can save Always on Time At the Dances At the Theaters, or Catch a Train in a Hurry Always Remember 'Phone 22. Allen Transfer Company. 412 25th St SHORT CARD. Dec. 4. 1904. Daily 3 yon money. Write met & F. WARREN, General Agent. No. 411 Dooley Block, Salt Lake City. com-liose- Sethis Serlaaa. The Heiress And Ive been Introduced to unite a number of the European nobility. Her Friend Thinking of msrrying'auy of them? The Heir ess-O- h. h. I don't Intend to buy a title. I'm merely shopping. Puck. to go a A. HENRI, h ojN-iio- , OGDEN LINE TIME DEPART: No. 7 No. 9 Butte and Portland 12:05 pm. Pocatello, Montpelier 1:25 a.m. and Butte 7:15 p.m. No. 11 Cache Valley No. 12 Salt Lake andTIntic 10:50 a.m. No. 8 Salt Lake and Inter7:35a.m. mediate points No. 2 Salt Lake, Provo, Milford and all points 2:40 p.m. south No. 10 Sait Lake and inter8:39 p.m mediate puints .......... No. 4 . ......8: 15a.m. ARRIVE: 2:15 p.m. Xu. 1 Salt Lakt Nu. 9 Butte and Pocatello 12:50 a.m. Express No. 11 Salt Lake and Tintie 6:55 p.m. Not 7 Salt Lake snl MU- ... .11.2a a.m. ford Nu. 3 Salt Lake and inter8:05 a.m. mediate points No. 8 Portland and Butte... 7:00 a.m. No. 10 Butle and Pocatello 6:00 p.m. 10:35 r.m. No. 12 Ca-hValley Trains south of Juab do not run Sundays. C. A. HENRY. Ticket Agent A. B. MOSELEY, Trnv. Pans. Agent. Ogden, Utah. D. F.. DURLF.Y, G. P. ft T. A.. Salt Lake City, mt In piece ef enimpeevsS i Weber County! dlclnlng Improved forme elf mile from Ight fox to Irrigation ea rovldlng yew can buy mental y 810 e r ei S15 or S per quarterlylf r annual payments nd no Interest? nd no tares? paid for? 3B5KS If So of land will II o1 J screw ss or Call oo & KfcNNED 4 st Nation' Ogden. |