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Show - - - - THE MORNING EXAMINER OGDEN, ETAH, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER and Loin. Ttic--e boat an- - engaged in tiie tie business between Cairo and Green K:ver. Captain Kennedy ia on the Lotus, while his tlaugiiirr is on tbe Miss Kennedy ia a City of Ida iu. lia.id-um- e and hs ju- -i passed ber girl ' iseuty-fii'birthday. Slie lias had foui year1 continuous ervue on Western waters and is thoroughly acquainted with the Upper Black. White and Arkansas Biters. THE WOMEN AS When We Do BREAD-WINNER- S Your Work of you have the ntiofactlon the knowing you aro getting very beat laundrywork that anybody can do. Its etyllth, it'a well done in nSP eainr i. productTur . bi from psper bag in her own room, and civilization, but J hey will consist of a baker's bun end t u iu on.y within rtv.nt c,'aJ!-- doughnut that she ginger cake, with a cup of very poor lea lias asMii:fj th right and the made over the to compete with men in almost ability ga jet. every above and ail it'a Tlie wages received by tbe army of every reepcct otTupatio,, m litr. Time was when ber female wage earners vary greatly .done without the wear and tear Tit-- , re won for tier are dressmakers who revive $4 from many a that it rccelvea at moat day and luncheon and dinner in the !lu'h now en- - hoim-in which they work by the day, Wsged. Time was alien even men of and We want everybody in Ogden there are many girls working for intelligence regarded h.-- r as mentally and pliysieully and vicinity to eee a cample of to assume $1 a day and providing all of thtir own many Junes she now assumes and dis- meal- - in large dressmaking esiabllh-men- t. our work- - We know it'a the The- dressmaker of charges to the satiMiaciiun of her ordinary beet skill can have about all tbe work be a says writer in tl.e Chicago We want you to know warns in homes at- $2.50 a day. The Lhruulcle. If one will take the i rouble to exam-ln- e regulation price of th woman who May our wagon calif Phone goes out to wash and iron is fifteen Mie last lTuiied States census re or poetal us. imrl one will find that women are now cents an hour. Of course .he is given unrestricted in their choice ft voca- her dinner, and this cUr of workers tions. inie. t in army and aavy will are likely to have a good deal in the not have them excepting In the capac- way of clothing and food given to them to carry li.une to their families. ity of nurses, and the female police Clerk in stores receive from $1 to man lias not yet arrived, site although is a possibility. Men still living ran $12 per week. They may receive more than tlie last sum named when they remember when t here 1, not a Address Eaet of Herd Hotel. lieve unusual ability. The average u tlie psv government in Phone No. 174. may safclv lie ahljlagion, and today every Govern-me- to women building in that city suaima placed at $1U a week, with variing hours of labor. In aonie establishment with them. Other men can' remember when it would have been regarded as the girl goes on duty at exactly a sign of maeiilinity bordering almost 0 clock and remain on duty until n coarseness for a woman to have de- with an hour at noon .The hours are not manded edui-e- i ions) advantages equal apt to be so fixed in offices, and it to tlio-- e given tn men. and aow women oflen happens that a girl need not reare president of colleges. port for duir until 9 and tlie time 7 hat occupations once forbidden to o her departure will be regulated by all womankind are now open to them tlie amount of work to bo done. Very le evidenced by the fail that the last oiivu sue can go home at 3 or in the census proves tlwt there are women afternoon. Not often ia she required to slap until 6. pilots, architects, roofers, boiler WOMEN AND DOG8. printers, mail carriers, and landWomen and doga are Belgium's hur-descape gardnera. There Is a womitn bearers. No weights are thought on the Pacific coast mine the finest section boro on one part of the Erie too heavy tor either. Both are fsiihful coast and .Their woman another railroad, Pacific wince on runs a the gripes In the Walloon hunting camp in hloosehead Lake, in and uncomplaining. are absolutely pure. If you wish to disMaine. country the peasant woman, while pute good cheer for the holidays TEACHES HORSEBACK RIDING. young, are blooming and handsome, but order some of their wine from New 1 ork has a woman who teaches they age early and age briuga no from toll. Street sweeping horseback riding and Colorado has women in t lie Legislature. There railway signaling and such tasks fail 25lh Street is a woman running a sawmill In Mis- to the old. while young women perform tlie hardest physical toil. They shovel souri and women dentists are beginning to be heard of. There are two sand and coal, carry brick, pile iron, women buteliers in the United States, load and unload freight cars, polish and Mrs. Emma Van JJuen has been window glass, pack boxes, lift hay and O'Neill Bros., Props. No. 232 25th St. recommended for the position of As- fagots and even draw canal bosis along Dealers in first class liquors of all sistant Deputy Marshal of Dallas, Tex. the towpaths. In Flanders the peasant kinds, wines and brandy. All goods deWomen detectives are in the field and girls till the fleld.tend cattle and gather to any part of city every Maine has a woman who raU.es rare crops. livered Whole families of workers follow Saturday. Whisky 75 els to $1.75 quart. horses. Chicago hag women barbers, 1. Wine 35 eta per quart, 3 quarts, but has not yet come to the woman certain traJvs In tlie household, as $1 quart. Whiskey pr. gal. street car conductors. Brandy, A sudden and glovemaking, underwear, )xuihing 2.25 to 1 5. strike may give us this and assembling firearms. The factory O'NEILL BROS, PROPS. system is widely developed, and 100,000 novelty. 1 Phone 135Z. The lady stenographer has become girls operate machinery in cotton, linen so numerous, and. be It said to her and woolen mills or work at electrical credit, so efficient, that she has made a supplies, pottery and glass. The finest good many gentlemen" stenographers underwear sold in European shops la The 'lady seek other occupations. Belgian made, and Brussels is n more buyer In some of the large department advantageous shopping center than stores makes the man buyer look to his Paris. Tlie buying agent ia nn evolution of laurels, and the salcslandy U simply OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. the professional shopper. A few years, too numerous to mention. .Everything here the beet Short orders There are In the United Slates more ago both callings were comparatively , at all hours. unknown, but there are a great number All kinds of gama and fish in season? than 3,000,004 of women wage earners. inExtra fine dinners Sunday, from They have invaded every department of oi women who make comfortable industrial life, and In some instances comes out of the business of buying 12 to 2 p. m., 25c. Fine lunch from stand side by side with men, doing the fur others. 11 to 4 and to S p. m. It might be supposed that women same work men do, but not receiving JIM A YOUNG Prop. the same wages, except In unusual were too fond of shopping tn lnirnat 224 Twenty-fiftlaurt-drfe- it THE WORLD i- s - THE CHRISTMAS HANDICAP AT OAKLAND TRACTION EASILY WON SY CLAUDE AT er it Ogden Steam Laundry so-"'ai- pay-rol- ls nt THE ITALIAN SWISS COLONY ma-to-- n FRIZZINI BROS. Owl Saloon The WHERETO SAT BOSTON CAFE ..... h Street the task to others, bnt tliere are many case. The great increase of women wage earners during the last twenty-fiv- e years has served to lower the wages of men in some vocal Ions In life, but one of the undying grievances of tiro woman wage earner Is that she Is not paid a man's salary when .he does a man's work. The great majority of B. M. LEEDOM H. PATTISON women wage earners are wage earners because it is absolutely necessary for to earn money tor their own supFALSTAF CAFE them port and for the support of others. If the good old custom of marriage Is nut 2425 Washington Avenue. lying out, it Is certainly less popular (Phone 228X) than it once was, and hundreds and thousands of young American men are not disposed to take upon themselves the support of wives, and the declining of this duty on the part of men makes it necessary for many women to become wage earners instead of wives and housekeepers. Marriage is not certain to do away with the necessity of the woman becoming a wage earner, for many of the women wag earners are married women who have bad the 111 luck to link their lives with those of idle, Inefficient or intemperate men. Some liave husbands and others husbands whose wages are entirely Insufficient 2372 Washington to support s family. The home must always sufer when tha wife and mother must leave it during most of the r of the day to become a v' wage earner. of fond, shelter and , , H Carpentering Building, serious one to the a very is clulblng Remodeling of ik. be she married or earner, woman wage Houeee Promptly attended to. All Her position often makes It sihgle. work Guaranteed. Enquire of imperative that she should dress well,, Ole Neleon, 645 16th street and her hour of labor are so long and Telephone 829 y. the work so exhausting that It is equally imperative that she should be well fed and comfortably housed. How 1 she to do this on a salary of $6, 8 or 110 a week? A very ordinary boarding house In a respectable locality would If you want be likely to charge $6 a week for a tiny hall bedroom with board and heal furnished. and the supply of heat, would Eastern Corn-Fe- d Beef often be very meager. Th girt with a salary of $10 a week finds that she go to Ballard & Rinckcrs can 111 afford to pay $0 a week for her 24th Street mom and board. Her car fare and in'Phone No. 811 cidental expenses will be sure re-to amount 1o another dollar and the tor maining $3 provides a small margin of expenses cloth iu and the sickness or loss of time. MONEY LOANED 18 POORLY PAID. SALARIED PEOPLE The girl whose salary is bnt $6 to $7 poor a week can not give herselfwiththeboard. Seal Estate and Chattel Loan mfoge to the hall bedroom Bervlo quick, confidential tad of I She will he reduced to the necessity Private. No commission. the room tor week a $3 to $1.50 WESTERN BROKERAGE CO. . paving and "taking her meals out. bhe will be likely to eat some of her meals WINES . (Q, LIQUORS r. 1 RICHEY, ALBERT UNDERTAKER am Banm 'Phone 150. lid Avt i. g -- honaHljiajM iKcw&rdi Warning A REWARD OF FIFTY DOLLARS sbwiit". om Rs a through interference la some minasr st a point about one mile south foam tbs pewsr house, Meer Sutton, near the mouth ef Ogdsa Canyon. Aprn 29th, 1903, caused TrwuR taTpropip Persona trs warned et to totritor Jt to safe ts the public If mmmoloated, W the t? and possible fatal results to persons emu be trees, sr wires. of or the throwing breaking of Insulators, said oietrino into over tho vino of company', kto tallai-obstructio- n Seven - women whose social duties do not give them tlie necessary time fur a tour of the shops when the season demands new clothing, and there are others who dislike the shopping tour intensely. The professional shopper, ns a rule, purchase for women in tlie city or suburb, hut the buying agent who now advertises herself attend to the wants of women In the South and West and makes two annual trips to Europe to study styles and materials and perhaps to lay in a stock of desirable novelties. In reality, she Is not so much n buying agent ns a saleswoman who obtains customers that pay here tor doing the work of making selections for them. Site obtains a good commission also from the house she patronises. In short while if she is clever she ran control ns paying n line of customers as the star salesman whose expenses, salary and commissions are paid by the firm employing him. Tliere are a great number of women who think that they are not competent to select their own clothing and In out of the way cities the opinions of the dressmaker are never rated ao highly as on idea that cornea from New York. So the buying agent ask, by letter, tor 'particulars as to age. complexion and taates of her customers, particulars which women are rather fond of giving. With these details In hand, she decides what colors and fashions re appropriate, suggests certain cutumes tor certain occasions, plans wedding outfits within specified sums and sends to her customers the artirles attractively boxed, and packed in tissue paper and tied wiih narrow ribbons. She tipulalec for n check In advance, and order to likely to bring d one her a lot of other commissions from the customer. Lake County,Cal. .possesses a woman an recluse In the person of Mis Frances Rupport. She lives an outdoor life and ran be seen daily driving n team.herding her atockxbopplng wood and performing many other laborious duties required on a ranch. About seven or eight years ago fierce forest fire raped close to her father s home and it was while fighting the flames, which took several days and nights of almost unceasing work, that Mis Rupport was overcome by the smoke and hest. which resulted In a long illness and from which she entirely lost her power of speech. As she grew convalescent, site took exercise in long rides upon her favorite pony. On one of these trip she rode to the summit of tbe high mountain which towers shove the Rupport home and to her great surprise and wonder her voice came bark to her. She hastened home to tell her parents of her great ley. but found to her dismay that the could not speak one word after leaving the high altitude. Her viaits to the summit became of daily occurrence, and while upon one of discovered a excursions she these spring of cold mountain water and derided then to make that mountain fastness her future home. Suiting her actions to her thoughts, she procured an sx and saw and began the erection of a cabin whirb has sheltered her for more than five years. There are no roads leading to her home and only an occasional hunter gazes upon her handiwtnk as a homemaker. The first woman to make application for a license's master and pilot of a steamboat before the legal steamboat inspectors is Miss Vera Mae Kennedy, laughter of Captain F. L. Kennedy, owner of the Uiwbuata City of Idaho well-fille- - Startera for the Hollywood Handicap at Ascot. San Francisco, lk-c- . '.5. The Christmas Handicap was h.j attraction at Ua.ilaml today and tn-- ' crowd one. ut the largest of'the aeUMn. Twenty uine Itook were iu oiierai mu some of the races had an oien look; others looked like murals, and the holiday letter a invested in both .rinds. Betting was brisk. In tin Chiiiuuu Handicap, worth $3,470 to the winner, Claude got to the front at tbe start aad led all the way around and won with esse. Militarymau was second, a length and a half back. Ton Lengths behind Ferone of the gusons colt came head startera. Diva, the other eleventh hour candidate, sullo-all the way. Bombardier hud speed, but tired. Gold Money was never prominent. The one and s' sixteenth mile was traversed in IN NEW YORK. BARRY l hiu. DON'T BALK a Chadwick. ain here on a lr. sportToT 27, 1904. N.-York, IVc. 2'.. Slicnff Harr, rvaclu-iof New York mis afu mom frun Albany ' ami went to tlie Hoffman wliev he will remain until the arrival f bOsm-hi- p Pretoria, which is bringing to thia country Dr. Leroy S. Chadwick, ot Uictelaud and his daughter Alic-- Mary "1 1101 M-ai- s SHUKR1FF a Me MhM Mid errajd, tor 1 have known Chadwick many year and our tvl.it ions have been of the picabBnio-- t uatiice. I tdiall do cvcry- liiug in my iowcr ( i make his trying situation as easy as possible. 1 am solicit ion that Mis Chadwick shall lx- - spared any huniiltnii.-u- . "1 understand that some oi her will meet her upou Hu- arrival of the steamer a.id make arrangeesix-ciall- ments tor her future movements. Mr. Barry said that Mrs. Chadwick is better than wbeu she arrived at the jail Iu Cleveland, and that she is lading her troubles philosophically. NATIONAL BILLIARD TOURNAMENT, Chit ago. Dec. 26. 1 National Ania. teur billiard tournament to be held January 3u under the auspU-eof the Chicago Athletic club promises to al trad to this city many of tbe bet-knoplayers of the country. Invita-tiohave already been sent o twenty-tw- o of the npiat. prominent, players eligible to das A. The majority of whom to invitations playera have been sent have signified intention of comThe exact pering. number of contestants, however, will not be known until replies have been received from the official entry blanks which will be mailed tomorrow. Regarding statements to the effect that discrimination had been sbowu 2:05. against players from certain sections Weather cloudy track heavy. of the country, Hamburger, chairman Summary: of committee in charge of the tournan First race, six and half furlongs, ment, denied emphatically today all selling, M. A. Powell, won; Edgecliff, such eturies. second; Baker third. Time, 1:24 rare, six furlongs, selling. NO FATALITIES TO RECORD. Educate, won; Brentus second; Pro file, third. Time, 1:18 N. R. Doc. 26. Firtunalely Third race, six furlongs, Judge.tirst ; noHalifax, one was killed or aerkiusly inRuwi-nthird. Tima, Magrado second; jured in the Arcadia Powder company's 1:42 today, although ti-- of the:! Fourth race, mile and s quarter, explosion who hod just- left the powder employee Christmas Handicap, purse, three works when the exploion took place, yean, $3,040 added; Claude first, (W. were thrown, violently to the ground Daly even) won; Militnrymnn 102 and stunned. 1 3 ; 100 to second Leila pounds (Avis) The plant to situated n mile out(Greenfield) 13 to 1 third. Time, 2:08. side of Wsvcrly yet every window In ' Elliot (Coupled with Maude) Gold tbe town was broken and iieople Money; Modicum, Bombardier, Divina on the streets were cut bymany the shower and Flying Torpedo finished as named. of broken glass. The loss la Fifth race, mile and n sixteenth, estimated at $25,040. property selling; Anvil won; Ihingson second; Wcnrick third. Time, 1:49 WINTER COMMENCED IN EARNE8T Sixth race, one mile: Dr. Leggo won; Amuskoday second; Hooligan Topeka, Kan., Dec. 26. A severe third. Tlae, 1:44. whiter alarm prevails over Kansas tonight. Much sleet and snow has fallen Loa Angeles, Calif., Dec. 26. The with n rapid fall in temperature. Thera card at Ascot today was s splendid one will be little Miffering among stock, the weather was clear and the track the farmers being generally wel prelightning fasl. One track record waa pared for winter. cut materially,- two favorites won. The Hollywood handicap, at a mile and sixteenth. with s grohB value of $1,810. had seven star lets Ethyline set the pace from the very start with Fossil always a close second, the Milton Young, Blisful and Chancellor a few lengths back. The first mile was run In 1:39 Ethyline maintaining nn even gait all the way and soon s length ahead of Fossil. Tulane came fat in the stretch sn.l finished third. The time was 1:4.1 s record for the Ascot track. Weather cloudy, track fast. Summery: First race, selling, six furlong 106, Lawrence 10 to 1, Happy Chappy. 97, Miller 70 to 5. won; Funny-aide- , second; Ragtag, 111, Walsh, 3 to 1 third. Time, 1:831-2- . Our Pride, lam O'Shanler, Dorlce and Wagner also ran. 8ecoud race, six furlongs, Lurkett, 118, Rennenkamp, 11 to 5, won; The Major, 101, Fuller. 7 to 1, second; John F.. BI5, K. Walsh 7 to 1 third. Time, In- - AT THE COST OF LUMBER UN TIL YOU HAVE OUR ESTIMATE. WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO SAVE MONEY WITHOUT SACRI FICING QUALITY AND GIVE YOU A FULL .MEASURE .OF .SATISFACTION. IF YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US. s ECCLES LUMBER -- GO. w ns BOTTLED HEALTH Nature's delicious sparkling Nectar. K create that exalted feaUcg ot perfect health by clean slog the system of all impurities. awG d 3-- - 3. 1:131-2- . L Chihuahua, Firm foot, Jardinde Paris and Andvsri also ran. Third race, tlie Hollywood bsndlrap, $1,250 added, sweepdakes, for and upwards, value $1,800, one mile and a sixteenth Ethylene, 102, Booker, J to 1. won; Fossil, 116, Fuller, 8 to 1, second; Princcsa Tulkue E. Walsh, 3 to 1, third. Time, 1:451-2- . Milton Young. High Chancellor Hans Wagner, and Bllsfnl also ran. . Fourth race, five furlong Bologna, 103, Kent, 25 to 1. won; Sandstone, 108, 5 to 1. second; Bells Rannanknmp. Kinney, 103, Booker, 5 to 1, third. Time, Psciflco. E. 1:01. Tramotor, El Oteros and Blue Coat also ran. Fifth rare, selling mile and sixteenth Emperor of India, 109, Tooman, 5 to 1. won; Chub. 103: Herbert, 4 to 5, second; Barber. 99, Miller,' 20 to 1, third. Time 1:47. Akeln and Heather Honey also ran. Sixth race, selling, six furlongs Chigll, 93, Moriarlty, S to 1, won; Winnifreda, 92. Penrine, 60 to 1, second; Effervescent 92, Kent, 16 to 5, third. Time. 1:141-- MuJmtRP At First class Bara, Cakes, Clubssnd Drug Stores. FRED. J. KIESEL ! QX CO., ni.4lK..4M. " New York, Doc. 25. The Hamburg American Line steamer Patricia which arrived today from Hamburg, brought 131 cabin and 2,435 steerage paasvn gers. The greater numlier of these in the steerage were from Kuasla and came here to escape conscription. The cabin passengers were (routed tonight to a Christmas tree and a dinner. Miss Pepper, I deahly love horses! Mias Pcpiier 1 imagined so when I saw how yon hugged the neck of tbe one you were ridiug yesterday, Cleveland lewder. . Cusi-Ay, thrue for ye. 1 wonder is that hereditary iu Ms family or hers. Philadelphia Frees. " You need a New Suit and Overcoat for yourself and boys. Putnams has them in great abundance and at the Right Prices Dont Fail to Call and look them over before YOU BUY 4. James J. Corbett Ray. Miss Shylock, feonado. Evermore, Fox Lake and Bay Wonder, also ran. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. New Orleans. Dec. 20. Results: First rare, mile and a sixteenth Rian won; Misanthrope, second; Aggie Lewis third. Time, 1 : 48 5. Second race, six furlongs Tmssc.hs won: Mary Gleira second; Optional, third. Time, 1:15. Third race, seven furlongs Kilty Platt, won Trapper second; Ascot Belle third. Time, 1:274-- 5. Fourth rare, handicap, one mile Fox Meade won; Rams Horn second; Reliance third. Time, 1:41. Fifth race, mile and three eighth Brooklyn won; G ravins second ; Mainspring third. Time, 2:22 5. Sixth race, six furlong Go to Win won; Blasle second; Savoir third. Time, THE 3-- 4-- 1:14 3--4. Women love a clear, healthy com plexion. Pure blood makes It. Burdock Blood Bitten makes pure blootL San Francisco, Dec. 26. Monsignor Ambrose Aglus, archbishop of Palm-ur- n and Apostolic delegate to the Philippines, Is here on his way to Manila. He will sail on the Mongolia In a few days and take up his nw duties. Portland, Ore., Dec. 26. Application ha been made to the Lewis and Clark exposition for camping privileges st Guild's Lake for the accommodation of companies of California miUtis during tha exposition. Romf, Dec. 26. The pope todav received in private audience the flight Reverend Augustin Douteowill, bishop of New Weetmlnster, Oiltitb i 2345 WASHINGTON AVENUE. |