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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 64 r "4 "4 Institution' of .this Territory for all kinds of Is the leading GENERAL MERCHANDISE Both Wholesale? and Retail. It tarries the Finest Selection D of- - GENT'S CLOTHING AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS. It caters to the Ladies in Dress Goods, Garments. Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Jcwlery, Watches and a Thousand Notions. It aims to please all its customers, and it invites the patronage of every buyer 11 STIEHL ROOMS 311-312-3- Gas administered. Tooth extraetfMl WITHOUT PAIN. Artilieial leetli 14. McCornick Block, SALT LAKE CITY. SALT LA.KU HARDWARE CO. VVhoies rle & Herat - THE LEADERS IX Dry Goods, Boy's Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Cloaks, Carpets, Shoes, iillinery etc. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Sporting Goods, Hardware. House-furnishi- ng Siirn oflJii? Sun. 4 '2-- 1-1 W. 3d S. FILLED WITH THE CHOICEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. A Ripans Tabules : best liver tonic. Ilipans Tabules : for bad temper. SKIN" 3ARME TST rr S SEAL of FURS and all kinds stlS-i- c ul made to onkTr Fur Cleaning, Repairing, Dyeing and Refiting a Specialty. PRICES REASONABLE AND SATISFACTION II Y GUARANTEED. UTAH BOOK AND STATIONERY COMPANY. IS McCornick Hiiililmr School Supplies. Suoscribe for the EAGLE. THE EXCLUSIVE PRACTICAL F. "jMehesv. ,S7. t Hridiie and Crown work a speeialty F. AUERBACH & BRO 25 DEPARTMENTS t Suege o tst Dentists. CREIGHTON. & J) FURRIER IN UTAH, Ivimtslbrd Hotel Bldix. Hipans Tabules cure had breath. Rip :uis Tabules : one gives relief. |