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Show THE DESERET EAGLE, Young Bros. 63 Co. Domestic Setting Jfachinfs ORGANS PIANOS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 38 Main Street. Brothers Simon GOODS DljY ND MILLINERY. generalTagents -D- ESERST WOOLEN MILLS .... SILVEF(VAIE, 35 WEST FIRST SOUTH ST. OFFICERS .... Jiij:iivs Tab ii las cure nausea. Kipans Tabuk s cure headache. UNIVERSITY OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman John W . . . . . Frank J. Cannon. Donnellan. COMMITTEE SCHOOL ON W. X. Shilling, an s a a h u raw Waldcmar Van Cott, mu .... OFFICERS OF THE FOR THE Frank W'. X Pwjjtl Men-alt"- , DEAF .... Chairman. Frank Pierce. SCHOOL Princijnfl: T" t" .... Lewis S. Hills, .lames Sharp, BUY THE 3K .... Chancellor. Secretary. Acting President. Robert llarkness biliousness. i-:- Regents UXTFERSITY of UTAH. Robert llarkness, Frank Pierce, Joseph T. Kingsbury, LAMPS, ETC. Tabuies of OF THE Wholesale and Retail Dealers in !iip;ii?s F1 UTAH. Under control, of the Board CALLAWAY IIOOCK & CO. GLASSWARE, LAKE CITY, SALT Salt Lake City, Utah. CHINA, DEi IJTA.LT SGMOO'L lor the 15. .... I. Teachers: Luella StilHer. Frank M. Drills, Teacher of Oral Class: Grace rillEST WOODWORK t II If f 7 lU .X jr ii m ram IRKSM 4 MANAGE, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. ORANCS, MASS. -- ILL. 28 union e050--iiSS!f- square, wy. es- CAU tl- "ilcu6"F0R - SALE BY L Y. The course of study includes all the common branches. Special classes in Speech and INDUSTRIAL CLASSES IN; PRINTING. u,blnv cChN DAYNES, 1.7 t f C T. . "'V Lip-readin- CARPENTERING, SHOEMAKING. HOUSEWORK. . I inafn-ipaannht nl N Zorbaurh. Charles F. Wilcox, M. D. Physician, Mrs. Florence C. Metcalf. Matron. Fred' W. Reynolds. Sapercisor of Ihnjs, F. M. Driggs. Foreman of Printing, R. L. Patterson. Foreman of Carpenter Shop. Mrs. F. C. Metcalf. Tvaeher of Setting, Mrs. Marv McAvov. Tutelar of Cooking, MOST DURABLE, Send TEN cents to ?ft Union Sq., N. Y.f for our prizo came, "Blind Luck," and win a Now Homo Sewing Machine. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. S. iii forma in! g. COOKING |