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Show 63 THE DESERET EAGLE, EAGLET; Wti aie g ad lo see ijuiie a nuuibei of pupils receiving Life is short. than uual. A li tie mme mini. Wild like ex uiiiuatioil-- ? How do you like wailing? happy. mol'd Jelter li makes Mlquerade party was the event A them veiy of ihe evtuii g ol F Uiuary 22 jd, A b ys had been quietly ain4 at noon ujiubir ol the . lder Some of our household were out to have a party ia pelUllou IJurhahk, Xjeaud This was granted. Those the tile riie.itcr on Fiida Abotvtuiur. Like at Sitt bad uo c iS'umo u.ni. up ou the DM Mime of the questions frih-te- n had 7i.li. a the goou The,) evening ur ot ihe mjiiient. you? Ihe pupils weie dressed as follows: laugh. W ishington's birthday has cothe Fit man, Ki'l Muore. U is uo 25 d lys, M jl .lst, su.C" Johi. Tall dude, (Joas. htucki. lleiuer me wih ids aceiueut. Hi i and gone. to hear 1LII a.-k-ed All. 1 Exvuinati are almost over. mh Clown, Andrew MadMU. Ape, hzra Christenseu. Lid in b acK, SttiiC) JeDsen. and in atKU dug us v 11 as u i tw j vvn ks will i)e ub.t t get ab us ut ciutcQis aud can ibeu resume hi A Oil. how fast the Here U M irch. months roll by. Liud lady, tudies. Muuk, lla'uiou iladluck. ('i)iu t boy, li 1) iiielson. Aie you happy? Mr. Paul Ma k h is guild to Ten ace. Do ymi know th.it more tlmi Utah wiieie he expects to se up h If of fie Ho oui year has passed? nhup and n pair ami make slices ho Mr, Reynolds isa training teacher the people tiiere. He let" on Sunday We hope he will linU We Wander how he lirtes it. the Uhh. now. Kz a Hollo will make a good plenty of woik. At supper ou the 22 ad, the pupib I)f8smau. He run oil most of thi found un i ac'.i lable a large cake. Ou the top ol each in fiosUi g suuar was, o of are growing riome ir 's Birtnday, lS'ja." Tin v ry fast. They will soon be as tall children were all greatly pieasi d ano 'l Illrll. give a v tc of itiauks to Mr?, McA.o) Willie Thompson ho broken his. lor li r KiLdLt s. school on Was eyeglasses again. ie must be uioie Tnere was no A m tou's birtudiy. j irity ot tie ca it fill. c ath g A iiU irjer of ' ti j oidei few John dark received a pacta li friend iu the ('aiua girl, Ado Dans. 1 1 h-- N EziaHullo, Joe L'aintiou, Charlie Martin, and Oa- Pcltit. - Firmer, John McMills. "Wa.-hlugtoii- Irish waiter, l'earl Wright. l'asa nl 1 -- h n . rious wvorKer in l The pupils who have been cart-- j le.s h their Indies will receive low in iik in the ex iiiiiiiuliou. Ezra OhiiMeneii and David Heiner mend nhoes. They expect 1 he shoemakers tome dav. t ciiy. mail ISnusteiu. Uusle Sm's li t e son, J jLu Aivej . )r sy girl, John Clai k. Win e faced ' by wtucli llathron Hadluck diceivtd l turn all. Miss Z rbauic!i did not m(c it. t.e Uuchtr I - ? v it. the yeai. Mauchesier,(N. II.) Mirrwr. None of the ctlicers wore masks. urrled" ball. A sort of a made a veiy flae negro Elmo p and deceived mn y. Eirl Moore resembled Mr. Pratt veiy n uch. T ie Indians were all will m.de up. Candy, tuts, and orannes were servid as refreslments after all unmasked. Emma Limbert did not take part. B Alice was much amusid. All sctm.d to enjoy it. K-in- carpenter shop boys are uin turning ut Mjine v ly line work A subscription to the EAGLE lately. The;? ei joy their wmk. O.i Sunday the 19th we had a line will be appreciated. sinhv stoiiu, but the snow only M re niiiin v is U st. to tht: farmer in flaytd on the gioui.d a few diiys. a Hi)u!e a asuu by hid roads, than II is our piiuling-nllicsponge ci st to n uiln tlu m in ibtWe have hunted iiiiqI urtnlliVi d (ms don. hi that crons "talked ol ? u d he miiket.d du.1i.ir any part i f high and Jo.-- for it but cm nut li..d e 11) N01ES. u (led. The oy, Country gills. Jot K eley. aud Lyman Pobert. MoKal stuLim nr, moral ttaclnug, ivid moialq ihli y, we should reim m ); r, are d lluSivt , and iuu at oncj,-lik- f iicliicit), UiroUijii lue entire cuclcol iuttllifitiice l Snvaut girl, Johiiii) F x. ... 1 A 1 1 red , w, The oilier day ia 111 I). Lip read iog cl.is-- f Joe Canieioii was Mand- up in hi ieat. Mis Zoibaugh Slid "Joe, 1 will ihitiik you toii il"Wn.' Joe, lliought he catgut on. You should liavesieii his profound b.iw and heaitl his well articulated " Thank j ou." It set the whole mom in an unrjar. it look J e Mime ii:ue I uudeis!aiid Ins error. He is an indust- a good carpenter. I Wiuter Nu;it, Lulie Switt. Baby Clowu, ibtrt F ake. iLdiaiK, Joseph Oloivu.-baAk?tl Amundsen, and Edward Aluuseu, Old maid, K bt-rt Hicks. Ghost, L zziy Wood. Swediati lmi, Ku h Carter. Clowu, Auditw Ileal. C miuttt'r maid, Film Mint er. X g o preacher, Leu UdAkios. trie eveuug t iere was a ma queiaoe party lull particulars of willed wdl l) lound in another c duma. 1 L :i el a Luue old woman, Pearl Ault. boy-we- nt -- v Tiamp, Willie Thompson. -- pup MdUiu- - Vung, K tflll JdCOOSJU, io bays, K.iu K mp, s of name cards the other day. He i aizent for card and uther lit lie ti uikel.. Mr. D.igg' biother vUited u and tok a peep through the building Ihe other uay. 0 ir pi inters are doing wel l. One of our b ys can set up mote th ' tiOO eun in an hair. We think Joe Cameron will make LiibOU. Ne-ph- i j |