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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 62 Dseret may be called Uyun to do, liuly no! in mom y, but in iducatiou and op ponu ity io learn a ueful and semi-moiitlilat Published trade. It acciu s to owl the Ulali School lor tlio Dai: eveilasliugbeMtii and to yur oul, yiuts b come liciei t ii frbould that you prt Editcr. Frank W- ttetcalf, toinj oianch of ii.ciuiiial hkir. Ski. led workmen atealay iu dtinanJ Subscription, boy or gill, who enitis one ol fifty (30) cents lor school your. tEvery le shops, bhould fctiive. to tXdll iu In Advance hat paiiicuiar braucn. Ifytu do not throw tu.learnr, it you lnvl y This paper is set up and away your oppoituuiii. s, you an in the doiuga gnat wmtig not a one io your-?f.printed by the pupils t i t to m irn ore (it Deaf. yi u ct miatb s Utah School rou sv. o might bavj giacid thcilaceyiu is to teach the art The Eagle. LI I u.-J- f the FiB. b'AlVi:lAY y - 'I Klli V nut Tbe rut inters iual ai d SiiIE'lY. 18, Lk93. iu tbe ctapil as order by ii e piehiddit, J 'StpbOloni s aw Afer wero called to the nrru'is, Jinxes wt re appointid, and Umii tbe pio-rame v as taki n up and larihd out the leadi i i t m as tollovt si- ll). hat, "II solvid tl sat Ngoes should not be allowi d to vou A ill niit ve, Mitb Si ill r auci Eail Moon . Nigatve, Mr. Maik fcid JiMph" Ulon bfrhaw. The debators poke xc i dii gly wi 11 1 more has thai of printing. bailor your bmiih v l) eiitLu ias ic, & d kibg an m t you tail vvaj. It txptcts i iiitenweie div Ci lmv. stli g ai d ii in Salt when in lu Entirid at thi post opfick the uie you I'be dtciriou ot iLe Jufeifc v a itcuinpeu.e Iakb City a sccond class matter. xha.l have b con e a ttli huppon-li-pSALT LAIC 13 CITY, UTAH. capable an'.1, ii tel iumt en z u An; II S orj b Ni pi i Lanrn. one, who thoroughly master a nidi MARCH 1, 189.3 Tt e p bkt i it Id bit M ty in a way auical iLtiutiy has ;.oUeu a ale aLO it a m.1 i i J )td the that urr start ou the biyhwuy to Miccts Its object eLCum ier. Tu Maw in proviuibg ai in .-- iflli-ilialiv- e. heading of "A .Mormon and Proud of It." the Kansas Mar prints an article loardinff Sullivan the tramp deaf mute (?) peddlar; copied from the Kansas City Star. lie evidently has a new story After for each place he visits. he had worked Salt Lake he applied to the County Court here for transportation to Seattle, Wash, claiming that his home and people were there and once back again he would be all right. He was giving the transportation asked for himself and wife and soon after turned up in Kansas Citv. lie told us he lost his hearing on the Northern Pacific near Tacoma. Some distance from Scranton? All that he says must be taken can grano salt's. Under the jirtil n-ak- e -- vViscou iu '1 iii a The above is excellent advice but we are proud to he able to say of our boys that they do not need it. We believe it would be hard to find a more industrious III Mory Hun 1 John Claik. Ybt-- yi. in eid. " IV Ditku aH ii by Liyz Weed. T t it ct Kttd was a Lict cue and was a) pn c:ated. iiciinjne tie After attaining a metlii g a( j umtd. sol of boys, and we hope we can Kail Moore, Sec4y. alwnvs sav as much tor them. T:e third of the Mibs rf mortl ly We quote the followii g from Tn EdusaMot al al, i t Toron'o, enter ailments cmne of in the iuiuji-roon- i lal JSa'un ay l iubt um:t r Cai ada : il is evidet.t tbat the wn t i h u aiiM" m hi t f Mr. Metealf aiut exuminatiou craze has neatly run i M ss SiilH r aul n smmd to bo i .:"Uitf, and tnat a react iou i in the dlnciiou of a more ratiniia Jojtd tboiouubly bj tbe iupil. outbid. The remaik is just nov Tut tlifrt v.iif a Cialt .ut t l twont i is unsttd by a cbcular, wbitli J.f one iu the counii), aLU the othir iu U.e m for:j us, ad In ssed by the Supeiin city. tendeut of i ubl'c tcbools of Min Those who to( k part wt re; Mi?s S 'ill. rf ueapolis to tbe teachers uuder hi la-g- i J-- un -- i- - -- -- spiciion. This circular las dovvi the rule that pupis bhall be, promou-and clas.i lied ou their piotici icy i ii J Kz'h i he st verl brauches of the couis, r d r n.haw, C?bi i'U'i.frer, L ;zie Wood, and LiilU tvitt. a the teachers' es'imaus ) their daily woik, and tbat tMes. estimates are to be m ide by t e teacners win. out tbe daily mat kings of th pupils and wiihout tni use of reul-ior stated examination. Ttacbers aie expected, however, to keep tuct menioiauda ol the pupils' daiiy woik The Idea seem to obtain with some as are deem-- neetiful, an I principal Miowu by i !! secoiiri was a in ki i.r, w h le a Mnall .street wait r ceuk up bt bii.d a gei.tb man, who is having l is M ots which tl e hacker, at d nn k s a gentb oau holds in bis hands bihiLd him. The pupils takln? part in this wtrc; Etrl Mr.ore, Ti e 1 1 car Alheit y .k', of the boys that because they do noi are Io apply oal aud wri ten u s's and II man IStirustiin. receive payment In return for theii as they Utui nectary. CJari; w 1 The third was aniUMnutit cvt r tie woik, they are Justified in idlinz away probably be needed to prevent tbi curtain bv our "moLkty pt rcratoi,,p of wais. This is peiidulum from .winirg too far iu U lime in a dcz-Hadlock. Ilithron certainly a wrung and contorted idea ppohiir dincit'u, bur, the injtbn After the entcitaii mint ail ttjc jtd a of tbirg'. Tne htate is certainly giving propo kI !p, on the whole, a eLS b.t social dunce. you an equivalent for auy work you one." Educational News'. uch n |