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Show THE DESERET EAGLE. 64 E. M. FRIEDMAN & CO. c EMPIRE PONY. Mrs. DuUl M. Moultoa of Jinacia Plain, owns ami drives tb most iutell-ibnflind pouy it ha ever beeo our good fortune to see. On entering tie barn we were formally introduced to this prince of pet.--, when the followHI Coiiimoivial of between took hit ing place Telephone tf. mistress and pony. AN Men's Youth's and Children's INTELLIGENT- ut CLOTHING SteaM LaundrY COMPANY. lout's Furnishiiitsj Hats, Ktc. 39 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. Next door to Stu'dkiiakek Bugs. by-ul- ay tne Street. ladies do not belong hen-1) ck came pu. them ou !,f stain j.i ii g towards U4 wi h nis ruan - - PROPRIETORS to deteimiued I tree, seeming protect PKESCRIPriON DRUGGISTS 12TH WARD MEAT MARKET. S 0Q3L from UlVUM'lD. S. K. Cor. Main & od South Sts. "Tbat will do: novt conn back, and ALSO shovvthm your pretty face," Dick USE DOftZ'S Cream for chapped hands. walked dem-jrleto h mistress's s?i 1e 11TH AND 9TH WARD MARKETS TRY Office u32 liast 2nd South. around, ant peeped shyh . IT WINE. OUR BEEF, IRON, AND is uimuub nis forelocks. I AN EXCELLENT TONIC. ''There is one side of your neck very Telephone o37. tandsoine, sqjw it to the ladies " run. ins: ni.--t xMbited a large, SALT LAKE BUILDING pure white spot, hewhich he seem-- d AN 13 xtn proud of, company. U mistress proud o' MANUFACTURING CO. what "Njw COMMISSION MERCHANTS vhen fh- - goes to nrtt ?" Turning c ni- LUM3ER DEALERS lf t- ly around he lashed hi. long b act California and Utah Fruits and aii hck and forth in a very decided Veffatabha, uttr, K ( Cont lMctors and Ruilclers. manner. and Chrese. 3J & 2nd W. Telephone Utf Dear m ! whert's my handker (j: S. West Temple. jalel?' Down went 1) ck's nose, tc p.uket ; and with his teeth he drw XX. iut the missing article, gently placART BAZAR. ing it in the ladi 's hard. Removes like some oa's you "Ifyouwculd Sta!) C1, j WM. WOOD & CO. ; Druehl&Franken -- I y u-n- ed ut-a- d, , m-!i- The Hanson Produce y - SAVAGE, it C. Headquarters for looks, tionary, Art Materials, Pie-- t ii res, Frames, Portraits and Views of the West. ICEH MUFJWTUIG CO. cui stpeak f'ir them," A long, sli.-i'when he was j CORNS AND BUNIONS. Irarel leigh was his answer, by A. with the C. Smith & Co. wanted. article supplied 14 nd now,1' s iid ur hostess, Myon DRUGGISTS mut let me drive you up t DickV WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Salt Lake City. birthphc , so you can see how well ht mile in hers his old home." D'ck's sire and dam were import' d f i in Shetland by alawer named Austin, & Solomon rum whom Lis present owner pur haed him. As soon as be btruck tb Tin: a ann he into ptaried oad, rapid tro' ; it was really amusing to see the littli 1NG GROCCn fallow strain and pull, triug to pas. ev y team upon the road. 45 First So'iMi. Of his own accord he turned up th n.'(jad ciriaue dr w leading to M former h m , stopped iu fiout of eacl; lor. listi.e looked Up al l e i inilc vain y tiyii g lo tee some fau iliar fac ; sndwnenat last he reuch d a leve. green where a portion ot nis nnh lo iinl been spent, he lcoki d arx'oul vvr t neighfrt long and moui tfuiiy, then wa!k ii towards the road. Dick is 10 year? old ai d w ighs llvt hundred pounds, is of ot a dak chest- $3 Made la all styles and sizes. Lightest, p nut color boiderii g on black, with KirunguM, uasicsi worKinjr, saiesi, simplest, o'ack mane, and tail that sweeps tl e most accurate, most compact, and most no and mure e be knows of Wi ti modern. For sale by all dealers in arms. around, use of of a wnip Inn as though one Catalogues mailed free by Dad n ver been m Tho Marlin Fire Arms Co., Happy Ii tie D.tk ! May the loving hearts of thrse who caie for you nevei New Haven, Coxx., U. S. A. s'oo beating while you jivl! Out less Dumb Animals. Goldberg ; -- jL LEad 5 a-3t -!- "I -- ... . 7 . .. .v ly- -! .1 . d-- OFFICE Corner State & 2d South Sat Lakh Csty. Utah. . |