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Show T GREEN RIVER, UTAH GREEN RIVER DLSPATCH GREEN RIVER DISPATCH By HELEN SPALDING, filtered u second Mg EDITOR class matter Feb.-uar20, 1907, at the post office at Greeu Rivor, Utah. Every Thursday. Subscription $2.00 Per Annum In Advance. Advertising Rates made known on Application to this Office. Telephones, No. 2 and MS3OT IITAII ' M V ',i- - or-i-ss- 74-- 4 . VUSSCCLMiSN STT" BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phalen are spending a few days in Grand Junction this week. Charles Beebe, son of Oscar Beebe was a Green River visitor 'or a few days last week. Frank Beebe went to Provo this morning: where he will make a short visit with his mother. Lines to Be Remembered. is good enougli n gond his blood for his country i nfvr-ward- . enough to be given n square ileiil More than that no man la entitled to, and leu than that no man Khali hgTe. Theodore Roosevelt A man who Net Necessary. U isnt absolutely necessary to say cisomething silly to the girl at the doesnt The counter. proprietor gar require it of customers and the girl Isn't, paid for listening to senseless chatter. Toledo Blade. Miss Sybl Spalding: of Salt Lake was an arrival Tuesday and is the guest of her aunt Mrs. T. G. Wimmer. Wrong Whipping MUSIC! Spend your evenings enjoying good music. If you let us sell you a musical instrument in your home line We carry a full and havent a PATHEPHONE. of Records for all makes of machines. Broadway Drug' Store Horae. foreigner on a visit to England Is at a Ion to understand why In the houses of parliament each party when It saving: has a whip for its own party wants to beat the other party. A Wagon Making General Blacksmithing Work Bhoes at money adv Deal at Store, Square prices Registratio'n September 8 and 9. Mrs. Rosa Bedier returned Dependent on Language. WILL DO THE BEST WORK EOR YOU Class Instruction begins September 10. Tor Catalogue write to Sunday night from Seattle, Wash, Many thought are so dependent where she was called by the upon the language in which they are clothed that they would lose half their death of her son. Kepairng REGISTRAR, BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY, Woodworking PROVO. beauty If otherwise expressed. Bu Mrs. J. P. Simonson and son kin. returned the first of the week from Seattle, where she hac Best Government. gone to attend the funeral of her The proper function of a government s to make It easy for people to do brother to do evil. 1919-192- 0 Our Acetylene Welder NELS T. PETERSON Auction Sale THURSDAY, AUG. 28, AT 2:30 of household My entire lot fur- niture including the following: Brass Bed complete. Dressers Solid Oak Buffett Typewriter Electric Washer steel range table, chairs Dining Dishes Solid Oak Center table A. D. Hinrichsen and wife returned the first of the week from and Dishes Chairs, pictures H. P. Thompson Gladstone. Spanish Fork where they have been for the past few weeks vis- Miss Nellie Powers, sister of J. iting with relatives. N. Powers of this city was an Mrs. J. J. Henry left Sunday arrival last week from Colorado for Grand Junction to have an and will make a visit here. She ear treated, which became injur- is enroute to her home at Wash, where she is a ed by having one of the inner teacher of Art in the Public drums punctured. Schools. Mrs. Russell Lowry and children were arrivals Monday mornCure for Dysentery. ing from the east and spent two days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Spalding. They are While I was in Ashland, Kansas, enroute to their home at Oakland a gentleman overheard me speaking S.po-kan- e, Calif. Colic and Diarrhoea Mrs. J. S. Orr and son returned the first of the week from San Francisco, where she has been for the past month or bo with her mother. A Bilious Almost New linoleum ; md and difficult for them Attack. When you have a bilious sttack your liver- fails to perform its func- tions. You become constipated. The food yon eat ferments in your instead of digesting. This in- -: flames the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. Take three of Chamberlains Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and you will soon be as well as ever. They only cost a quarter, (Adv.) sto-ma- ch of Chambrlains Remedy, writes William Whitelaw, He told me in of Des Moines, Iowa. detail of what it had done for his family, but more especially his daughter who was lying at the point of death with a violent attack of dysentery, and had been given up by the family physician. Some of his neighbors advised him to give Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy, which he did, and fully believes that by doing so saved the life of his child. He stated that hr Had also used this remedy himself with equally gratifying results. (Adv.) .iiiiillll The Yannigans gave the home team a good trimming on Tuesday night snowing em some hot sturf in the base ball line. Utaha nianufrrturinK Industrie rtioulrt grow fov.-- r than they are We si uilil hnve larger growing. payrolls. more employees nuri greut-e- r output. This cun only come through greater conprriil'nn on (lie jKirt of Vfnh people- - i'ro;rlit rates uml outside coniMili!oii itiiike the markets for Utah piMiltiets limited. Our growth must come from the Inside. re you doing your share! UtakThFmf&Smtzh tMssc nsefiotx Hutidntr of Industry" o- We cun limke this small fuetory develop into the lifgcr one on the right if we nil work When you together. hnve a t irclmse to make, Insls Uxm Utuli-mad- - This Imll ng shows factories what Utah would he if the people of the state were consistent consumers of Utah prrslucts. If you and your neighbors and ull the ieo(ile of the state would give the to Utah preference made goods when you cun do m, v '.rliout the sacrifice of either price or quality if nil of us would kic;i in mind the of the state lT t a li ' s factories would he easily three times as large und prosperous as they are tie day. Compare til's building with the one on the left which represents null's industries todny with what compared they should he. e goods. Patronize home Industry WhySend Your Laundry Away. We jan do your laundry in half the time it takes to send it away, and much cheaper than you can do it for yourself. Why not rid yourself of the worry and dread of Monday for the sake of a mere bit ROUGH DRY 45c per doz. Flat work all ironed. FINISHED 75c perdozen. Stiff collars a specialty. All Work Called For and Delivered Green River Steam Laundry FRED PLEASANTS, PROP. T V M I Tne Howland, JL. (J. Beebe and Kelly tammes wno motored to tne Reservation several weeks ago to enjoy a camping and fishing trip returned Tuesday evening and report a most delight- D ful trip. N Mrs. Henry Besler and sous wno spent several days here wun her brother, B. J. Silliman, left Monday for their home at Manhattan, Kail. D L A GARAGE Mrs. P. H. Riley returned to Green River Thursday of last week from Grand Junction where she has been with her daughter, Mrs. Douglas, who has been ill fo several weeks. Dependable Spark Phip Jack Durkin and wife were departures on Sunday for Salt Lake and Ogden, where they wil visit a week or two with relatives and friends. Service Station Go to the Square Deal Store for Mason jars, caps, rings, ecadv. onomy lids, parawax etc. Repair Shop ford Agency J. H. Collier of Los Angeles is in Green River this week looking over his property and visiting at the homes of F. A. Booth and H. L. Spalding. Lauris Cheney left Monday for Berkley, Calif., where he will attend school for the coming year. He will also join his brother sister and mother who are there. Qiampkm Conical Hiatal Price Stud-bak- Can. pounds of Fruit Jelly in useful stone jar for $1.40 at Square adv. Deal Store. Miss Ruth Aiman who for the past two weeks has been visiting her aunt Mra. J. W Kirby, was a departure on Tuesday for her home at Manhattan, Kansas. 5 i -r $1.00 Livery and Dray Hay, Grain STOCKMENS and Coal HEADQUARTERS and feed Yard Frank Beebe, Prop. |