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Show GREEN RIVER DISPATOH, GREEN RIVER. UTAH A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Jkfus Kelly Tells How Lydia E. Pinbhams Vegetable Compound Restored ! Her Health. j For about three Newark, N. J. 1 suffered from nervous breakdown and got to weak 1 could hardly stand, and had headaches every day. I tried everything I could think of and was under a physicians care for two vears. A girl friend had used Lydia E. yean ' k Pink ham's Vege- - table Compound and she told me about From the first jit day I took it I began to feel better and now I am well and able to do most any of woilt. I have been recommending the Com. I ever since end give you my per nisoion to publish this letter. Miss Kelly, 476 So. 14th St, Newark, 4 J. The reason this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable Compound, waa so successful m Hies GCeffys ease waa because it went to the root of her trouble, restored her to a normal healthy condition andaa a result her nervousness disappeared. 'kind 1 I. S. S. Mississippi, one of the Pacific floet. pawing through the Gaillard cut of the Panama canal. 2 Actresses la New York who took part In the ntrtke of the Actors' Equity association. 3 Nelson Morris, one of the big five packers whom the government charges with profiteering and violation of the food laws. ' not enough to make WRIGLEY5 good, we a NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENTEVENTS Stung. Harry and Grace each received a All Government Forces Concen- nickel wlili which to lmy candy. They hurried down the street to little trating on Fight Against High shop, where the tempting army of Cost of Living. rbocnhileK in the window and the inviting sign. "The Huey Bee, alwvve the door, lured them within. Tliev made their purchases and left. ()ik out FOODS IN STORAGE SEIZED on the sidewalk. Harry held up his sack, in which rattled wet particles of enndy. Teat Case Against Alleged Sugar No wonBusy Bee. he snorted. Hoarders Labor Situation la Litder they cull It that If everybody who tle Improved Kolchak's Siberigoes In there gels stung like we did." an Armiea In Flight RouNews. Indianapolis manians in Hungary Belgium After the War. Defy Allied Statistical students of llie cost of living In Brussels show tlml for necessities the price of which icay he desBy EDWARD W. PICKARD. ignated ns WO in April, IV! (. Brussels d on by the welcome. If Spurred (KK or in January, ltll!1, nearly paid action of the chief executive, a sevenfold Increuse. There has been a constant drop since January, retell- nil available forces of the federal goving MH in February, 403 In Mnrcli. .'144 ernment are devoting themselveR to in April and 333 in May, 1!1fl. Arti- the task of reducing the cost of livcles not necessities have come down ing, anil they are receiving the enof state and from G1.1 in January to 4ttfi hi May, thusiastic ml clothing, shoes, coni and light rep- municipal bodies nnd officials all over resented by fil'd In January, huve drop- the country. Attorney General Palmer sent nut ped to 3T1 In May. Instructions and authority to cnafiscute at once hoarded food stocks, and large Getting Madder All the Time. of foodstuffs In warehouses quantities Bobby noticed thut his friend Johnny was sitting on little Willie's neck, were seized In Chattanooga, Tnmim, while the latter was faced to the Jacksonville, Fla.; Fort Sum Houston. Tex., nnd other place. In every case, ground in a lielplessi position. What are you sitting on Willie according to Sir. Palmer's Instructions, the names of the hoarders and the for?' demanded Bohhy. amounts of food seized were made pubOh, I'm Just going to sit on him till fur It wns thought the publicity I count a hundred, 'cause my innmina lic, would result In tlie Immediate release me told to always count a hundred when you are angry before striking of excessive amounts of foodstuff that huve been withheld from conanyone, ami I don't want him to get The attorney general censumption. away.' tered his attention especially on Chicago. not only because It is the greatCuticura for 8ore Hands. est food storage center of the world, Bonk hands on retiring In the hot suds hnt because he had learned the specOf Cuticura Soap, dry and rub In ulators there had been particularly and Remove surplus Ointment. The Chicago active. Ointment with tissue paper. This la perniciously are the chief tarnaturally, packers, only one of the things Cuticura will do lHcnuse they are alleged to lie if Soap, Ointment and Tnlcum are used gets, !n control of the business, fur all toilet purposes. Adv. not only there hut all over the country. This they deny. Senator McKcl-In- r Contentment has Introduced a hill foe federal IVrfict coiitenlineiit kills all ambie of plants and egulntlon tion. No small Isiy licking an Ice in It told of the vast he supporting cream cone would change paces wlh nmountn of poultry, eggs and butter the president of the United States dur- In storage and of the apparent exorbiing that glad few minutes. tant profits made on those eommodi-ll- e Com-miseio- n. long-delaye- market for their goods In Germany. The witnesses In Boston said 'their margin of profit was no larger than when shoes were selling at much lower prices, and that a decline might be expected, perhaps a year hence. Tlie British, too, are attacking the cost of living problem with vigor. Tlie house of commons had before It a bill o curb profiteering, nnd after a hnrd fight the measure was s mended so ns to empower the board of trade, after an Investigation, to fix wholesale and retail prices. Sir Auckland Geddos, minister of national service, said this would opprate In cases where communities were likely to be bled by any combination, national or International, for the punstse of raising prices; and Andrew Bonnr Law made It clear that the government had no Intention of establishing a general system of price-fixinthroughout the country. Belgium Is suffering, like most of the rest of the world, and the labor party there has suggested to the prime minister a series of measures to arrest the Increasing prices of necessaries, to encourage the home growing of food and to Insure the equal distribution of Imports. Tlie party wants tlie government to fix the pylces of foodstuffs and to control the prices of coal nnd clothg ing. Paris was the scene of some lively scrapping Inst week between the fond vrndnrs In the markets and the price vigilance committees and would-b- e purchasers. The committees endeavored to prevent foodstuffs bought by the hotels and other large consumers from leaving tlie markets, asserting that the willingness of those buyers to pay any prices, however sigh. resulted In the raising of nil prices. During the fighting many stalls and shops were looted. The labor situation In the United States did not show marked Improvement. In spite of all effort to make them return to work, the striking railway shopmen In many locaMtles were ohduratp, and the officers of their International union were cniupelled to threaten them with expulsion from the union If they did nqf resume their labor. Then delegates ropresentfng fiOO.OOn shopmen met In t'hlcagii and voted to go hack to work. Before August 2.1 a gel y nil strike of steel workers throughout the country may le declared. The men have been taking a vote mi the question In all the plant. They ileuiaiul XI an week and belter workhour, n ing conditions. Kuril ii strike will more than a million men. As congress hits net yet acted on I .only Swift the Plumb plan, the railway hroilier-hisul- s by some middlemen. When a man mnrries his stenograMeanwhile the an wafting. nys he has been and Is in favor of pher. that Is where be stois dictat- regulation of storage methods; and Plumb plan Is getting some very hard ing. President Horn of the American Re- knocks front Indnstrhfl nnd railway frigerating association asserts Ills or- experts, some of whom assert It would ganization would not ohii-r- t to reason- Increase ,the cost of living. Charles dont 6o From Bad to Worse! able regulatory measures, hut that Pie says tlie Plumb hill is about as most of the suggested plans lire too had ns It con'd hp made. eiMhig: "As Are you always weak, miserable and s shliiper and citizen. I should like to drastic. ? Then its time you found out The government's fight against the he told what advantage or profit the what is wrong. Kidney weakness causes much raftering from backache, augur hoarders also centered In Chi- public will get outs'de of I he privilege lameness. rtilTness and rheumatic Mr. cago. and tlic first lest case Is that of paying the yearly deficit." pains, and if neglected, brings danger Inagainst the officials of the Central Su- Plutnli told the house cnniiulttee on of serious troubles dropsy, crave! and gar company who were a crested a ti ratal e commerce that he either had Bright's disease. I)nn t delay. Use that Doan'a Kidney Villa. They have week or more ngo. Henry II., Iftilnpp. nt could procure evidence helped thousands and should help you. head of the sugar distribution cone a systematized plundering of all the Ask your neighbor! mltlee of the food administration, said railroads has been conducted under the situation was serious, ns dinners Hie direction of the Morgan and RockAn Idaho Cue and dealer were clamoring In vain efeller hanking interests. The railway shopmen' Mrs. J. W. Webater, for sugar. 4110 Eighth St.. LewisMore Interesting than Important was strike 'entered into this, as 20.000.01)0 I ton, Idaho, says: CaliIn the strike of the members of the was of tied troublo from my delayed sugar pounds kidneys of a dropsical Equity association, which, luck of cars. Mr. Rolnpp Actors fornia by nature. .Mornings my hnnda were swollen so said that in a few dnys the arrival of starting In New York, spread to Chibadly I could hardly cane sugar from New Orleans nnd beet cago. A number of theaters In both close them and my feet were swollen, too sugar from tlie West would flood the cities were forced to close their doors. The flesh under my The actors demanded recognition of market. eyes was puffed up The entire food crusade hail lf ef- their association ami various reforms and I had other annoying symptoms of fect on retail prices. In some Instances In the conditions of working. The diskidney com plaint. pute was enrried Into court by InjuncDoan's Kidney Pills only slight and In others, notably pofixed me up in good The federal tion proceedings. vpry marked. tatoes, shape. agents Intend to go nfter tlie retail A situation arose nt the Chicago Cel Doaa'a at Aay Slate, 0e a Bea ;roccra nnd butchers for profiteering, 9 us well as after the bigger game, anil stockyards whleli may tench union la"prLLS .lefore long the suffering consumer borers a lesson In the matter of obCO- - BUFFALO, fci. Y. may get relief that will actuully uffect serving their contracts. Federal Judge Alsclmler, mediator, ruled' that the hi lunik roll. employees who quit work during the PAKKEK'S Boston a grand Jury Investigation recent race rlols had violated their In HAIR BALSAM elicited the rather surprising Informa- pledge not to strike for one year and A toilet urepemtlaa ot merit Helpstoeradieair taodnt -tion that the American people demand thus had lost their seniority rights. For Rasterag Color and J Beauty to Faded Hdr. end shoes of high grade and high price and Union officials objected violently to &y dnigrl-t- s. gw. mdtl.'ert ) scorn the cheaper grades, of which the this, hnt It seemed likely most of the Bemorse Onrnr. CM- HINDERCORNS rentiufaclurers say they have large pncklng house workers would abide to romfor the rnsarre Pol a, leaHO, eui. otniw all ISabr imII or itlrBS1 In a way this is borne out by by Judge Alschulers rulings, for the walking eaav.Work stocks. Sri, mtu T. a, FetcBarw. (lata. Ulseos Chrmleal the statement of a Berlin paper that present at least. In New Tork 1.2C9 Interior decoratAmerican shoe dealers are making Colewia ..ateoa LawI, PATENTS Fauna. jar, aahmsioa strenuous efforts to find a suitable ors quit work; and representatives of D.U. Adrift) and bouts IrM u HIhaanlal.aMaa bwlaMfilM. Cu-ficu-rn cold-stora- cold-storag- half-sick- DOAN S FOSTEX-MILBUR- - L . nf-fe- International building trades unions liegan planning for a national strike because of a dispute there between two unions of plasterers. 21 must KEEP It good until Considerable uneasiness, not to say anxiety, was caused In the capitals It. you hf the allied nations liy the news that the Kolchak government of western Siberia was "on 'the run If not quite bolshevik armies Tlie collapsed. Hence package gained repeated victories over Kolchaks forces, and at lust reporta the -rlmpurity'Proof-guarding. latter were hastily moving enstward. The admiral's plight was lnld to shortage of gnus and ammunition, and large delicious consupplies of both were dispatched to him from the United States by way of beneficial goody. the Pacific ocean. Whether they would reach him In time to save his troops from disaster was uncertain. Better news curae from both north and south Russia. On the Dvina a force of British and Russians destroyed six battalions of hulshevlkl, taking l.OfiO prisoners nnd many guns and advancing Its front 12 miles. In Yohynia the Ukrainians have taken KEPT RIGHT SEALED TIGHT t'v railway center of Lutsk and the 1 jrtress of Dubno. and the bolshevik! also abandoned the Important city of Yinnltza In the Ukraine. General armies were making steady Modem Girl's Heart. progress toward Odessa and at the His Idea of Bigness. northwest corner of the Black sea The modern girl's heart la an apartDuring the examinations at the they were only 00 miles from a Junc- dose of school, the fourth-grad- e ment house. A number of young men tion with the Roumanian forces. teacher asked her hlRtor? class to occupy corners In It The greater the name the five most Important men of demand for space, the higher Tent she eTli- Roumanians who occupied the recent war. One boy. In all seri- charges. Sometimes the accommodaBudapest were a stubborn lot and ousness, answered Hie questloji thus: tions and living conditions become unflatly refused to take orders from the "General Pershing, President Wilson, speakable. And then comes the Inallied commission there and get out General w apartFocli, my big brother Tom evitable building boom. A again,' declaring they would remain and Andy Sullivans brother Pat" ment house goes up across uie way. until a stable government was estabof the All but one or maybe two lished. The peace cnunrll at Paris renters more out. One or both may The Last Word. was a hit fluhliergnsted and feared Mistress Now, Bridget, there's no then retain possession until rent has that If Rmunanla were permitted to use of further argument ua to how the piled up past all hopes of collection defy Its orders, Germany and other dish should be prepared, but our Ideas in full, when marriage ensues. Kanbe countries enemy might encouraged on the subject are so different that It sas City Star. to do likewise. The Roumanians threatened that if they were forced to Is evident one or the other of us Is The Albatross. Withdraw they would strip Hungary of crazy. Tlie albatross spends Its life, with Bridget True for ye, mum an everything portable, and Indeed they are said to be doing that now. Tlielr in re It isnt yerself 'd be knpin' a crazy the exception of a few weeks given each year to nesting, entirely at sea. representatives In Budapest said the cook. Boston Transcript. and la on tlie wing practically all the only policy for Hungary wns union time. Furthermore It does not prowith Bonmnnla under a Roumanian Lonely Job. "You want to get awny front peo- gress by flapping lta wings, as most king. Antonesco, the Roumanian minister to Parts, snys Roumnnla does not ple, said the doctor wisely. "Your birds do, but seems to soar at will, favor the Installation of Archduke Jo- nerves are In a badly shuttered con- rarely, If ever, giving a stroke of the seph in power, considering him renc-- t dition. You must get somewhere you whig, seeming to need no Impetus. At nesting time, which Is early In the binary. The situation was strained will be entirely alone. hnt the ponce council wus hopeful of "Alone!" exclaimed the patient. year, the albatross repairs to an Isonr. amicable settlement. "Tou have me wrong doctor. I'm a lated Island, such as one of the Crozet islands, In the southern Indian ocean, night watchman. or Tristan da Cunha, In the South According to an edict of the peace ocean. conference, Austria I to he known Deduction. as the Republic of Austria, the word Whats a polyclinic, Jim? "German being eliminated. Thera The quietest people often create the I dont know exactly, but I guess Is a movement In Vienna to Ufa a hospital for parrots." biggest noise. the monarchy, hut the entire aimed forces of the country, there nnd In other cities, nre demanding that the republican form of government be ra- get the sealed preserving the tents the The Flavor Lasts Ii Den-Ikln- At-Int- lc 1 This Drinh Doesn't Change Its ta Ined. After long ilcluy. the British government luis found a man to represent It In Washington, but only temporarily. Vlsconnt Gray bus agreed to fill the post of ambassador until a' permanent appointment has been made, early next year. Great responsibility attaches to the position Just now, for financial nnd treaty relations between the two countries must he readjusted. Tlie London press predicts that he will Imre some difficulties, and the Dally News snys his path will not he smoothed by the British government's sustained refusal to make any approach to a solution of the Irish problem." Presumably Viscount Gray will come ever soon anil will he In Washington when the prince of Wales visits our national capital. Hint young man Inndpd In Newfoundland nnd Is now mailing ii triumphal tour of Canada. The death of Andrew Carnegie one of the few survivors of an Ifidiistrlal age that tins passed when men of vision made Incredibly large fortunes In wsys that were not considered reprehensible. His avowed desire to die a poor nmn was not realized. for though he gave away more than $.'.10,000,000, It Is believed he left an estate worth ueurly $.100,000,000. Henry Ford's libel suit ngnlnst tha Chicago Tribune resulted In a verdict for the plilntlff, who waa awarded nominal damages 6 cents. The trial of the case had lasted many weeks, at fording pecuniary profit to n few and amusement to still fewer. pen-son- Its quality doesn't vary, and it doesnt start a headache. The Original i Postum Cereal It is pure and drug-fre- e. will agree with you, and its rich, robust flavor makes it a big favorite. Postum is a real part of any meal for old and young. "Theres a Reason " |