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Show ai , State War Historian. Capitol Bid, VOLUME Xm. NUMBER 30 - GREEN RIVER, UTAM; 'i MELON Which Kind Do & THURSDAY, 5U M $2.00 Per Annum In Advan c SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Metropole Hotel teachers and sms theThePresbyterian Sunday HILL officers of School evening and met Wednesday Growers Shipping to Ma xy made arrangements for the annual picnic to be held next ThursPoints. One Car Of Wate r day, Aug. 28th on the lawns of melons Shipped Yesterday j Earl Barber and L C. Horr the same place as last year. Dinner will be served at noon, The Melon season is now n each person or family attending full swing and the growers to bring their own portion of the fill to orders the dinner. The entire community is rushing have come in within the cordially invited to attend this two weeks. An average of abUit outing. 40 crates leave the depot evUy day for points both east and weu K S. W. Wilson on the Elgin fide tills and L. F. Bedier shipped week a car of summer waterThe marriage of Miss Jeanette melons to Price and other poirit j. Jones, daughter of P. W. Jones They expect to ship another c ir of this city and Lieutenant John next week. The market is go id Stark of Indianapolis, took place and top prices are being receive L on Tuesday Aug. 12th. at the Our melons are gradually attribu- home of the brides aunt at Chiting attention and orders hi ye cago 111. come from many parts of trie The bride is one of Green Rivers bountry for the famous Grem finest young ladies, having made River Brand. her home here for nearly 10 years. For the past few years J. N. Powers and daughter she has taught in the public Margaret returned on Thursday schools here, being a most efficof last week from a short visit at ient teacher. Mr. Stark was a former Colorado Springs. in the Green River in aud schools has friends many Miss Lelia Sturges left MonHe enlisted when war day for Burlington, Kansas, this city. where she wi.i attend school or with Germany broke out and the coming year. She was accom- has been serving with the Hospanied as far as Pueblo, by her pital Unit in this country. He will be discharged from the serfather, H. J. Sturges. vice the first of September. n You Want7 AUGUST, 21 1919 GOOD THINGS TO EAT THAT SATISFY THE APPETITE I- jLOTHES can be made to look well just to they can be made to give so much satisfaction sell; or that a working man buys them because he knows they serve best, look best, and are most economical; which kind do you want? We have everything that the working man needs in overalls, coveralls suits, gloves, shoes and hats. Our Goods is of the highest quality and we sell at the most moderate prices. Beebe and Sons For good, wholesome, substantial meals try our regular dinners. We also serve short orders at all hours. Sunday family dinners a specialty. Lunches put up. JONES--STAR- MRS. T. R. FLEMING PROP. BUY COAL NOW Lay in your winter supply of Coal befor the price becomes prohibitive and while there is a plentiful supply. Phone your order to us. EARL BARBER - MIDLAND HOTEL Sunday Dinner Aug. 24th here with ofhis family Utah 12:00 to 2:30 and expects to first of the He is a promir locate cattleman of the south east'yp ' Soup part of the state." Cream of Tomatr received the first of Relishes of the L. M. Chaffin came . Sliced Tomatoes Cabbage Salad Meats Baked Chicken with Dressing. Roast Pork with Dressing Chicken Fricassee Vegetables Mashed Potatoes Desert ; Ice Tea , snt Word was week by Mrs. S. Gillies the arrival of her son Bruce in New York. For nearly two years he has seen service in France and Germany. For many months he was in the front line trenches as machine gunner. Since the ROCHESTER, UPPORT HOME INSTITUTIONS plants, trees etc. fall planting. Let me have your order. That, the spirit of cooperation and I ; 1 . i i j Mrs. Jack Phalen entertained the members of the whist club and invited guests at her home last Friday afrernoon. The following ladies were present: J. J. Henry, Frank Ileebe John Folsom, E. A. Dufford, T. G. Wimmer, H. L. Spalding, W. W. Jones, Earl Barber, J. N. Powers. W. H. McClurg. Wm. Phalen, Millard Drake, Airs. Helen Goldie Tasker. Misses Mrs. Charles Blackburn and Spalding and Marjory Dufford. Miss Blanche returned At the close of a very pleasan daughter last Friday to their home in Salt afternoon the hostess servec t a short Dining Room Furniture e Mes-dam- es BanK of Service to its friends. Lake after making with C. A. Gibbons and Mrs. Goldie Tasker. vi-n- light refreshments and was assisted by Miss Marian Spalding. To Improve Your Digestion. T A nice stylish dining room reflects hospitality and good taste. For years my digestion was ao poor that I could only eat the lightest foods. I tried everything that I heard of to get relief, but not until about a year ago when I saw Chamberlains Tablets advertised and got a bottle of them did I find the right treatment. Since taking them mv di Mrs. Blanche lowIgeation ia fine. ers, Indiana. Pa. (Adv.) Mrs. Hattie Anderson is -ceiving a visit this week from her son C. H. Anderson and family who have motored thru from Oklahoma. Mr. Anderson being over draft age enlisted service in the army during t..o war and was stationed at Fort Logan, Colo. Attractive furnishings make the meals more enjoyable. ! Complete Suites or Separate Pieces j ; I for (I ceri-.ilnl- highest sense of the term, to be a NEW YORK ; John Peters. the TREES PLANTS Now is the time to order campaign for the Increased patronage Utah's faetorlee haa been carried on aud the resulta have been mere this aatlafactory. I have always bettered that all Utah people needed waa te have these matters brought directly to their rt-tention," aaid a prominent bnriaew man in discussing the Increasing trade "The people ol In Utah products. ' Utah have shown their loyalty te their different ways. hundred a in own atate to the matter of buying heme products sn all buman and In our de&ire to make a dollar do its full duty we sometimes overlook Utah goods tbink-lng that probably something might be gi'lned through buying outride goods. But we have proven that Utah goods compare favorably both in price aud quality with goods made anywhere else in the world. In fact I think Hi- strongest part of the campaign of Um Utah Manufacturers Association for Utah products was the statement tlr ! Utah people were asked lo buy Utah withgoods only when they could do so out the sacrifice of either price or quality. Personally I am willing." be -cm. j United, to pay a little more if 1 snry for Utah goods because real!: that by helping Utah 1 am helping in. re self and that If I spend my twin-heat home I stand a good i l:..m Inn getting some of It bark again. as a rule I have found that I pay no more for Utah goods and I do not get any bcticr quality anyv.-lnwelse. In scores of Instances I lic'e mmle actual saviigs In addition u getting better quality by purchasing Utah goods. Front all parts of the state reports Indicate that Utah people tire buying more Utah goods than ever before and there Is a rapidly growing sentiment in favor of supporting home Institutions more liberally. iment to her niece, Miss Ruth Aiman of Manhattan, Kan. The evening was pleasantly spent at cards after which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her daughter Miss Emily. The following guests were present: Misses Marguerite Jones, Laura and Marguerite Wimmer, Flossie Taylor, Ida P t it, Helen Spalding. Messers Harry Tasker. Geo. Rich and We want this, this FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL AND luaiitotion. la growattpporfr the ia In Utah opinion expreaaad ing man by many of the leading buaineaa of the state. For several mouth the Cake Mrs. J. W. Kerby entertained Coffee last Friday evening in compl- Price 65c OF the signing of the armistice he has New Com been with the army of occupation in Germany. Jello GROWERS Torey, week here. BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY ; Sometimes a nice rich buffet or a fancy china closet or a handy serving table adds just the touch you need. We can also supply complete dining room sets in any finish desired. and Stability at Pleasing Prices Ren Bolt Hardware Store Style ns: |