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Show green river dispatoh, green W3$W RIVER, UTAH AROUND THE MINES HOME TOWN Labor and transportation troubles will cause a decrease In mining and WAR milling operations In Alaska this year. LEAD , Oil of a high grude Is being pumped from N'o. 1 of the Arizona-WyuininOH company In the Fossil field disFAR EASTERN EXPERTS SEE A trict, near Keiiiinervr, Wyu. MENACE IN SHANTUNG PROReports from tlie east say that Ilia FREE PLANS FOR DWELLINGS VISION OF TREATY. Utah Metal k Tunnel company in Bingham Is being reorganized and reUnited 8tata Housing Corporations financed in resume operations. Asserted That Fight May 8tart Be8cheme to Asaiat The value of I lie gold, sliver, coje tween China and Japan, But That PREVENT HORNS ON CALVES Committees. per. lead and zinc mined lu Arizona booner or Later We Will be In 1918 was $202,134,889. ilie greater The fact that plans for dwellings, Either Caustic Soda or Caustic Potash Swept Into Controversy. part of which was for mpiier. Without Other Substances Is prepared by the United States Housing Several new showings of on have corporation during war time for variSatisfactory. It wim tlie unanimous been oieued during tlie past two weeks Washington. ous government projects, are to' be opinion of Aiiicriciin extert on far at the liiaek Metals mine in tlie Jack-rulil(Prepared by the United States Depart- - I made available for general public use eastern iil'fulr at Versailles that war district near Fioelie. Nev. ment of Agriculture.) section. by the result from tlie lance treaty promust are under way for the I Arrangements When circumstances are favorable, Information and education service, lu the oiieulug control visions of tlie Tintic Empire giving Japan lip as In the case of farmers who build United States department of labor, will Chinese province of Shantung, the sen-- 1 ground, owned by Theodore Nichols of e serve to wom-ththeir herds the stimulate the Interest of progeny, up by raising horns may be prevented from en In all parts of the country In this ale foreigu relations committee whs American Fork and his associates. imtold on Monday by Th.uniHS F. Millunl, Conditions iii Alta ure rapidly growing by s simple and practically movement who was attached proving, with some of the mines apun American writer, custom of and the Several types of houses have been painless method, to the Chinese peace delegation. proaching a position that promises preventing the growth of the horns Is selected, and the plans for these will Mr. Millard declared the original uc-- 1 r.lilpmenls lief ore many months more. becoming more popular and more gen-- bo given to in Shantung The output of gold in Arizona in practiced under all conditions mlttees which are now carrying on luisithiu of German rights except In the case of calves dropped campaigns In more than 40 cities, was largely ressinsihle for the lluy mm Wn LIE., 919.48 ounces, valued atwhich represents a considon the open range. The calf should These plans are for dwellings that will open door policy and was one of the I e increase over that of the prebe treated not later than one week af-- best serve the needs of average faral-te- r ludirect causes of the m,,e Its birth, preferably when It Is hies. Beauty and utility have been war. Tlie (ierniuii rights were uc-- 1 VIIUK year. from three to five days old. Tlie agent combined In the most practical manner quired, he said, with the secret assent Utllh . t'uiif.n-iiExploration com-o- f the former Russian czar. to be used may be either caustic soda and the plans are capable of many va-f park City 1ms filed its articles 1Mllly Asked how the Shantung agreement caustic potash, both of which may rlatlons. It la explained that the pur-b- e (f lllvnMjnitIou with the secretory ol procured In the drug stores In the I pose Is not to interfere In any way might lead to war between Jupun and 8lllU, jlurlKie i to conduct a torn of sticks about the thickness of with the work of local architects by the Uuited States, the witness said BWlajrlll mining und milling business an ordinary lead pencil and 6 inches thus providing government plans, free there were ntutiy dangerous elements Tlls (.Uj,jtni i $400,090. I long. These caustics must be handled I of cost, but It Is expected that when Involved. As an example, he said, the teams are j PPP eight-hors- e effect of Jupun's successes with care, as they dissolve the cuticle the estimates In widely separated from tlis concentrate lmulB ,iyH, and may make the hands or fingers states are compiled the Information In China might easily encourage her I mine and mill at Uuiouville. sore. The preparation of the calf con-- W1U be of value to prospective home to assume commercial rights which HllJ gold contents ,llKh slats in first clipping the hair from the owners, while It will afford compari-part- would trespass on the Hay npen-dtsi- r f(11,d to contain orp lm( I (k, washing clean with soap and sons of the varying cost of constrae-warjMiiicy or on tlie speciul eoiiiiuerchil tungstic sulphide, sjyjy lfg water, and thoroughly drying tlon In many parts of the United treaties the United Slates has with Progress continues to he made at the with a doth or towel. The stick of states. The employment of local China. Standard mine, in Tintic. From North should be wrapped In a piece ltecta u advocated, This JaiHitiese Kiiimliiiii," he said, 8 July to August 8. 110 feet of sinking of paper to protect the hands ind fin- has been creeping up on us Just as the wus dime, lu addition to necessary Requests that local unstick of the one end leaving j,ome campaigns be started without Geniinn situation crept up on Euroiie, timbering, and installation of water, covere delay were sent out by the United and you are going lo heat It, anil you ventilation lines und electric light. Moisten the uncovered end slightly states department of labor to 400 can't brat it with words. You'll liuve Iteimrt of Nevuda Consolidated for and rub It on the horn buttons or little cities. Letters were addressed to to fight. ipiurter ended June 30, show producpoints which may bo felt on the calfs mayors, labor organisations and the It may slim with a fight between tion of 11.149.382 pounds of copper, I on one the first and then other mishead, clergy, as well as to dubs and other jaiKiu und ('liinu. Hul American with 12.J01.444 jMiunds in compared alternately, two or three times on associations that have expressed will-eac- sionaries will he killed und American $184.-77previous (pinrter. Net profit was allowing the caustic to dry after ingness to aid the campaigns. While violated, mid sooner or later we coniMired with loss of $111,159 in each application. Be very careful to there are now 40 cities conducting well-PPl- y righto will he swept In." the March 81 quarter. the caustic to the horn button advanced cam-onlIn the Ixtring district in Nevada, If It is brought In contact with paipm, nearly 200 others have started TAKE PROBLEM TO CAPITAL. which was until recently known as the the surrounding skin It will cause pain. I the work of stimulating building. Willard district, much activity is takBe very careful also not to have too Executives Consider Food Problem ing place. Wingfield engineers, who SEES NEED First at Salt Lake Session. zoning law linve taken options ou tlie Slieepherder will Salt lsike City. Tlie pmbhins of I min,, xtiwk anil leases, are now satnp-to run down over the face. After treatI the high cost of living will he token ( t)le ,,rnpertv preliminary to ment, keep the calf protected from Writer Points Out Why Exclusively Residence Dietrict Should Be Affrom Salt Luke to W ashing-- 1 on head as after water the the rain, t). ())lillS I forded Proper Protection. toil by a commltlee of seteti goeru I application of caustic will cause It to lo advice from lie east, to congress there ora and presented run down over the face. This must Wrw I Chicago la asking the r.llnola legisla- and tlie administration, in acrordiiiire be carefully avoided. Mjliiljt nnllHllIV during the present a zoning law a law that will with the provisions of a resolution ture for Either caustic soda or caustic potlimklll, sufficient m main, what which was presented tlie first thing I cl tie In Illinois to u dividend ash alone, without the admixture of permitshall be reserved for say lii(n gig K,ar(. im residence part IMn of all morning, ut tlie opening Iirtw. ,e other substances, answers tire M(lrk purposes. This is a thing that every xiun of the Kovernnrx' mifereuee. lx mainly rexMHixihle to Silver lnxes satisfactorily. Some years agio, howIn the country has some InterThis decision was reached at u premiI1W- ever, certain preparations or dehorn- city In because It Is s step In the right est Monday caucus of governors ing compounds, composed largely of direction, asserts the Davenport Times. lintinary sll,1Iliellla of aniliraclie for July, hs I afternoon. one or the other of these caustics, renoiiwl to tlie Miitliniclte bureau of commercial I is undcrst.sid flint lids It were generally used, and as Inquiries There must be factory and ,,lllllll'2 information, aggregated 0.052.334 Ions, must of seven stale executives will are still occasionally received concern- districts, of course, and there over Jllne pf 4;j.74,t tons, also be residence districts. But It Isnt looted ut om-e- . and that they will wn i, July, 1916. the latest ing such preparations, the following fair to a man who. has I'ro', nml a developed next formula is given: Combine In an coed to Washington within ihe nutimicite production, onm) y)1r emulsion 60 per cent of caustic soda. residence property, beautified the ten days or two week. the shipment last mouth showed an grounds, and arranged the house to Inereuse of 019.450 tons. snlt him, to have all of sudden, some COLVER RAPS PACKERS. As a fitting accompaniment to the sort of business concern established recent advance in copper It lias been next door, to the deterlment of his In Is Competing asserted that the Mg surplus had all home. Every city In the country has Declares Industry of Business. Lines Many lieen cleaned up and no longer mensort of numerous examples of Just that seen as otherThe danger, Washington. aced the producing Industry; thing. Restricting residence property cnuuuisslnn. In wise how could the advance? All price Is going to become more and more the by the federal trade of tlie jaickiiig Industry I f UigicHl enough, but thing as the years go by. We have a the entrance beyond tlie pack-- 1 business of lines statistical proof is lacking, few districts In Davenport that are Into W illiuni Bureau yews jk)(l0 thus protected, but there are many ing of meat was described by lhp Myj commission. rnn from tits A 8 1(W other districts where the people who K. Culver, member of the I i f ,1,1(l ut the Globe Consol own homes have no protection at all on Monday, to the senate agricultural on cun Fork n American from the possibility of undesirable commit ice. In ils opening hearing du(wl pnillrty limestone, wlieSt construction and business enterprises the Kenyon hill to divorce ownership y t) (.llt 11p and refrigerator of the stock yards ou the lots next door. ii(,ve(1 tliat orp wm make on of the cars from tlie packing fissure system, which i the their license ljy B number of well defined 0f Building a House for 8unshine. coiiulry and to regulate j1Ia.tain One of the probiema of modern city operation. Ihe coiiiniitH'c was taken non)l I( kouIIi fissures ami a broken traveled ly planning la to get sunshine. For ex- over mii.-l- i of the ground )olii, (lf nHt on(1 West Assuring, of ample, to quote a Canadian city the eoiiiniissioii In Ils invcsiigntinn jjH,wnWe silver Mining routplanner propounding wliat ulnioxt ine packing industry. owning a group of eleven claim iniij sounds like a conundrum : IIow shall comity. Nev., near Beownwe. T. Hickey, Walsh Calls King Jailer. l Custom of Preventing Growth of Homo a detached building be constructed nnd liw11 liy ,lnia organized oriented so thnt not only the exterior lo Becoming More Popular. broker of New Ion; New York. Frank I. Walsh, jnveHtiiient wall surfaces, but also the surface of man of tlie American commission on 8m rrull(.is,M,i imd 1L L. Colburn. I 25 per cent of kerosene, and 25 per the ground around them sltull have tlie Irish independence, cliumctcrizes tlie imir,ull(t (0 i)ie Tonopali Miner. Two cent of water. The caustic soda Is direct rays of the sun for as long a world us a vast Jail, witli King George (llie duWn ISO feel and th dissolved in the water and heated to time os on December 21 ?" The Y of England ns Ils keeper, in 11 0Ii1(.r 1X1 feet deep, are on the claim possible the boiling point, then removed from problem, It appears, can be worked sluiement Issued here Monday pro- the group, the fire, and the kerosene added grad- out, and has been, in the case of at acqul- testing against the alleged lprivlIlR ut decision to start up ually, while the mixture Is vigorously least one town, in which each house, escence of various stale departments l wlI(,lt1(: tlant again at Yehmlenu. stirred. This emulsion is applied in and even each building In the busilo deny luiss- - Ajl)a,rIa..II1 smelting officials were In- England in permitting very much the same manner a the ness section. Is a solution of this techfor their citizens to travel in flu!1)Wll ,iy improvement they foutiA stick caustic, except that it is neces- nical problem. It appear also that torts situation, alter a very Great Britain and Its imssessloiis. (n sary to employ a short, stiff brash. the way not to do It Is to follow the of condition Investigation Jiorougli Sometimes a meat skewer is used, the established custom of muny buildCalled Off. long Strike the Boston Traction says hp)ow lht, brder, large end being mashed to form a ers In the north temperate zone nnd strike which hud Kewg 011ivnu. opera (ions at Mexican The York. New or three Two brash. applicastubby the subway square the walls of the building with tions should be made to each horn the points of the compass. Tlie town for two days imrulyzed the Tntcrboi- - Q()1W liave slKWn steady Improvement cent of Qre rul,nig at about 89 per button, as in the case of the stick that gets all possible sunlight has no and elevated systemscompany In Man- Transit oufcdi Rapid allow to to a(rllial Intervals it with caustic, north and south or east and west lMltnn. the Bronx. Brooklyn and 0uarded hy nmied deputies and nodry. Monstreets, and the walls of its structures off willed mine, the In the very young calf the horn stand at various angles with tlie Queens was formally cflinpin(Hl liy official of four carload of ore went forth last button, or point that' will ultimately weather vane. If there Is one, on the day. Week to the smelter from the Kelly develop Into a horn, has scarcely any church steeple. Bolshevik! Driven Out of Odessa. attachment to the skull, and may be mne gt uondsburg. according to tlie been have BolslievikI The embedded Isnidon. In button felt as a small s&n Franclgoo Ohronicl. Two of lliese Own a Home. Odessa hy the populace from driven the skin. In this early stage it may contained seventy Ions of hlgh-o- f for makes homes The ownership of re- lo reports estimated will according be easily removed with a sharp knife the the city, ora, which for the good of spirit pde It office. war British even bnt an the curved of or a pair average of $1000 scissors, 170,000, or of the community, hnsed upon full ap- reived liy soviet forces bring Ihe ore assayed as that also Hint'd of then caustics should he applied to kill the re Some is no a Mn. mans thnt preciation of the fact entire the anil Kiev to life cell ton. a belonging ure evacuating any remaining high as $8000 real success can he built ujam the failthis germ point; otherwise there may ure of those around him. Of the last- Ukraine. e After an Investigation of the prop-jrtibe some subsequent Irregular horn one gains upon that hy Secretary of company the Impressions ing growth, which Is more or less of a going to a new town nre the character Score Dead in Mine Explosion Pinion Snow nnd a mining engineer Cnln. Nineteen of twenty disfigurement. Trinidad. of character the and Inhabitants of Its by tlie commission, the state employed dead. I..ril the houses that they live In. commission lm gninled a " ie.lHllevl nritUS u the debris from the expl d SHIPPING SWINE IN SUMMER the Eureka Bullion Mining ik- in Business. ocloek Monday morn big in the i. Vlllh. ' ...o ..I Roller-skatinonce indulged in only Not to Ba Taken Should Cara ot Proper mH,r for pleasure, hna now become an Imin MBS. a Lead Too Heavily Most Common wa 784,885,874 iwunil baldIn many I portant accomplishment Cauae of Lota. Farmer. 712.100.801 Shoot pound 111 1917. Tim Orchard Robber .lgainaj ness house. Several large mail-ordlire .,arkcf for copper In the first pint of cominltlees YigilniKV Otimlin. both Chicago and New York Will 10 HELPSfe g I Establishment of soldiers' community settlement through reclamation of cut-ovtlmberlanda and wet lands of the South, Irrigation of arid lands In the West, and development of other unutilised lands throughout the country, as contemplated In the Mou-de- ll bill, ls Indorsed by the American Legion, the great organisation of world war veterans of this country, for membership In which 4,000,000 men are eligible. At a Joint meeting In New York of the executive committee of the Paris and St. Louis caucuses of the Ameri-- ( can Legion the Mondell bill was ap- proved In principle. By authority of the meeting legislative representatives of the Legion are In Washington to do what they can to further the enactment of the legislation. The legislative committee is made up of Col. Luke Lea (portrait herewith), formerly United States senator from Tenueasee, and Col. T. W. Miller, who was formerly a member of the bouse of representatives from Delaware. The general Idea In the bill Is to set returned soldiers at the work of and overflowed lands, pay them for reclaiming these semlarld, cut-ovtheir work and sell them reclaimed lands on long time, with such financial assistance as may be necessary to give them a good start .The community; sett lenient Is an Important feature of the plan. er WHY DOES COAL KEEP GOING UP? Senator Joseph 8. Freyllnghuysen Jersey offered a resolution (S. Res. 126) the other day in substance as follows: Whereas for several yeah the price of coal to the consumer has from time to time been largely Increased; and 'Whereas for a period this Increase in price was attributed to existing war conditions; and Whereas in spite of the fact that since the armistice was signed, November 11, 1918, normal peace conditions have prevailed, the price of coal lias continued to rise, without any apparent economic or other proper reason therefor: Therefore be It Resolved. That the committee on interstate commerce, or any subcommittee thereof, bo Instructed to make Inquiry Into the cause or causes which have brought about the enormous Increase in the market price of coal, and to that end obi ala fall data regarding freight rates, wages, profits, and other matters hearing upon the question under consideration, with s view to determining who or what may be responsible for such increase in price, whether due to economic causes, and, therefore, proper and right, or whether due to manipulation or profiteering on the part of miners, shippers, or dealers lu coal. Resolved further, That the committee on interstate commerce shall report Its findings to the senate, together with such recommendations as may be pertinent and advisable, with a view either to congressional or executive action. In order to remedy existing conditions or the punishment of any individual or corporation deemed guilty of unlawful acts. f New Theres thunder for feminists in the career of Miss Helen Taft, only (laughter of a former president. Wit Horn Howard Taft In 1917 Mlsa Taft was made dean of Bryn Mawr college, from which she had graduated only two years before. And the other day a dispatch announced that she had been elected president of the school to serve during the year's leave of absence granted Dr. M. Carey Thomas. It wasn't long ago that Miss Taft made her social debut in the While House. Then a student at Bryn Mawr, she gave up her studies after her sophomore year and went to Washington where the weight of the social responsibilities of the White House fell upon her shoulders, as her mother yaa 111 most of the time. Her success as a hostess and society leader was acclaimed by the diplomatic circle In which she ruled, iopular with the women of Washington. the wive of congressmen, cabinet secretaries and members of the diplomatic corps put their heads together in an effort to choose her a husband. In this, however. Miss Taft herself didn't display much Interest Instead she returned that year to Bryn Mawr to complete her studies. HE IS INSURED FOR $4,500,000 The most heavily Insured man in he United States is Rodmsn Wana-oakof New York and Philadelphia, f whom a portrait Is given herewith. Ir. Wanamaker's policies aggregate er 4,000.009. Pierre Dupont of powder trust ame follows with $4,000,000. Next is folin Wanamsker, Sr., founder of stores, with policies aggro rating $3,000,000, J. Pierpont Morgan carries poll-lie- s totaling $200,000. In the $2,000,-10- 0 o class are Jnllus Rosenwald of and Percy Rockefeller. Henry frauds Dupont carries $1,250,000. There are approximately 17 others a the United States whose Insurance quals or exceeds $1,000,000. Policies of $500,000 are common, rhere Is scarcely a successful busi-ics- a o class who man of the loes not carry upward of $100,000. The list of heavy Insurers, however, gives some strange contrasts In the matter of Individual Insurance holdings, taken in ratio to reputed wealth. John D. Rockefeller, for Instance, is listed as holding $50,000 Insurance, though It Is probable that Us policies exceed this amount. Clil-:ag- well-to-d- com-eral- ly Husso-Juiatues- or -j j,, a, arch-caust- ic h, y. FR 1 eom-Tuesd- (, . coin-ern- s I 1 Roller-Skatin- is g aws SSsSffssvi dblnraenta of bogs. different departments. ,l. s a-rs.tirtsr- he found robbing Ills orchard. la in a serious condition. - ssszvzz n r- Ilipp in March. 1919. |