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Show BREEN u second due matter Feb .nary Gr$en River, Utah. 190at SO, G. A. Guiwits is a visitor in week. Salt Lake-thiNotice is hereby given that Attorney McGee of Price, was Edward D. .Dunn, whose a businees visitor in town Wedaddress is Salt Lake City, nesdayUtah, hais made application' in Mode Ramey returned the accordance with the Compiled latter part of Jast week from a Laws of Utah, 1909, 1911, 1915. brief trip to Hanksville. to appropiate eight-tent(.8) of Dr. Orr was called to Moab a second-foof water from Green River, in Emery, County. again the first of the week reSaid water will be diverted by turning Monday afternoon. means of a pumping plant at a Jos. Robison returned Tuesday point which lies 427 ft east of from Hanksville where he has the northwest corner of the north been for several weeks. east quarter of Section 21, TownA. J. Cooper returned Sunday ship 22 South. Range 16 East from Denver, where he morning Salt Lake Base and Meridian, had been for several days on and conveyed 180 ft in a pipe business. line and there used from April to October 15. inclusive, of each One of our returned soldier boys year, to irrigate 59.11 acres of John Gibbs, was at once given land embraced in lots, 2, 3, 6 and employment by Jos. MagarreJl in 7, in said Section 21. As much of his livery business. of said water as may be necessTHAT TERRIBLE HEADACHE. Do you have periodic attack! of will enbe used the ary during headache accompanied by lickneu of tire year fer domestic purposes. the stomach or vomiting, a sallow eyes? If ao, you can This application is designated in skin and dull get quick relief by taking Chamberthe State Engineers office' as lain's Tablet! as directed for bilious- 1919. the poet office at Every Thursday. Subscription $2.00 Per Annum In Advance. Advertising Rates made known on'Application to this Office. Telephones, No. 2 and 74--4 , StIi&MSOCIATION s W. W. Jones showed cellent pictures on night and had as their boys in the uniform some ex- Saturday guests all of Uncle . winter. He was unable to attend where he has been school while there because of Camp Lewis, with the U. S. Army. serving the influenza ban. Prof. E. N. A. Kelly of the week from Grand Junction and Elgin Sehool has purchased a has assumed her neW duties as new Ford car from the Midland Stenographer and'Bookkeeper at Garage having sold his old one to the One Thousand Oil Co. the Midland-Garage- . Miss Goldie Kirk arrived last NIGH SEEDS Alfalfa, "mile high" Is hardy and everlasting, guranteed, pure stock, free of noxious weeds, has 94 per cent vitality ann 99 per cent purity. Price $23.00 per 100 lbs. : post-offi- is of tall bushy growth .excellent fertilizer. and pasture Mile High Oats, Improved Silver Mine The earliest heavy grain oats the best for high altitudes, yielded 120 bu. last season. Price $5.00 100 lbs. $45.00 per 1000 lbs. SPRING WHEAT earliest and most productive New Marquis spring wheat mokes the best of all flour. t Our seed is 99 per cent pure and 99 per cent growth. Price $5.00 per 100 lbs! ce ofjtter - - The greatest forage plant for dry farming; does well on any soil. Fancy home grown seed $15.00 per 100 lbs. , Clover Grass Mixtures ... ' the wash, which will add greatly to its aprearance. For Fire Insurance see A. D. adv. Hinrichsen. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Thompson and Mrs. J. H. Parton and Mrs. Irene Swensen went to Sego last Saturday ts attend a dance. GETTING RID OF COLDS. The easiest and quickest way to get rid of a cold is to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy. This preparation has been in use for many years and its value fully proven: No matter what remedy you use, however, care must be taken not to contract a second cold before you have recovered from the first one, and there is serious danger of this.- - A man of middle age or older should go to bed and stay in bed until fully recovered. It ia better to stay in bed three days Vt the start than three weeks later on. Adv. A son was born on yesterday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Woody Shinn. Mother and .child are doing nicely according to the last reports. Mrs. Forrest Lewis and little daughter are down from Helper visiting with her parents, Mr. UTAH MOAB -- H mtuuuitutuiMmtuMtuiuuMUtmu ADD TO DIRECTORY NO. 8 Alfred Seajnount..:: Folsom k Drake Livery 73-6 -- 29 24 hour service. Hates reasonable. Green River Valley Telephone Company. nmtmmmtmmnn mmmmmimmini H AY and EARL BARBER uimufututUmummutuiummimiumi s Hay, Grain and Coal We Have the BEST 0 0 Sanitary, Settled Water In . The City and Mrs. C. O. Moons. Jos. Magarrell, Prop. . mmttummmnmiimmmmmnrmimi - Seed Co. I JUNCTON, COLORADO. Je I THE PLACE TO STAY IS AT THE ;0 s 0 0 s 0 s 00 No. V915. All protests against the granting of said application, stating Two year old steer at my place Left ear cut off, right ear underbit No brand visible. Owner can Silvagni Building. PRICE. UTAH MINING ENGINEER C. E. LYNN Economic Gooiogy Electroscopto Tests, Reports 26 years field experience Alaska, British Columbia. Utah Copper, Gold. Uranium Properties . Ora Deposits the reasons therefor, must be ABSTRACTERS made by affidavit in duplicate ac- have same by paying charges. E. Gam. Elgin, Utah. Castle Valley Abstract Compy companied with a fee of $2.50, LAWYERS 0. J. Mnss, Msstftr and filed in this office within J. N. POWERS Mrs. A. D. Farnsworth was thirty (30) days after the comCASTLE UTAH DALE, Attorney-at-La' few of down from Salt Lake tor a pletion of the publication Notary Public abWe do are prepared to your days last week visiting with this notice. Office in Bank Bldg., with 8. J. Near friends in Elgin and Green stracting with care and dispatch. G. F. McGonagle. CIVIL ENGINEERS River. You can not Rafely buy or sell State Engineer. E. T. WOLVERTON Ralph Cooper arrived in Green land or secure a loan without Civil Engineering Denver from Date of first publication Feb. 27, River last Saturday Mlno Surveying and Platting,. an abstrac of the title to having 1919. Date of completion of pub- Cola and will work as extra time Photographic Work the same. Green River. Utah lication Mar. 29. 1919. keeper on the D. & R. G. . - METR0P0LE MOTEL and CAfE European Mrs. Belle Waddell, Prop. - 2 Open Day and Night Rates $1. per Day and Up. . Straight across from the Depot. : Pathephones to buy one now. j $42.50 to $225.00 hesitate ' Broadway Drug Store . COME AMD GET IT 8 Tents,. Tools, Stoves, Irrigation Shovels, Cots, Mattresses and other camp supplies, lately used in Shimiviile, are on sale at the office of the Green River Mining Co. These goods are in excellent condition and you are invited to call and inspect. Many homes were gladdened by a Pathephone this Christmas. They furnish entertainment for the entire family. Do not g : FINE SEED OATS AT FOUR CENTS:.; GREEN RIVER MINING GO. J. A. - . m Livery and Dray w 0 i NOTICE! A. E. Denne, the well known Insurance man of Salt Lake was inc., Rgs. 14, 15 and 17 E.; EJ in Green River the latter part of Tps. 22, 23, and 24 S., Rg. 13 E.; last week visiting with friends WJ Tps. 21 to 24 S., inc., Rg. 18 and selling insurance. E., Salt Lake Base and Meridian, Stewart, Alexander & Waddoups This application is designated in Notice the State Engineers office as Attorneys and Councelors at Law for different soils and altitudes made nP of hardy permanent grasses and clover, adapted for your locality. Yield enormous crops of nutritious or pasture. We carry the largest and most complete stock of garden and flower seeds on the Western Slope. Ask for catalog and special wholesale price list. GRAND C8EUS. Notice is hereby given that the United States of America, by J. L. Lytel, Project Manager, whose address is Provo has made Utah, application in accordance with the requirfnents of the Compiled Laws of Utah 1907, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1909, 1911, and 1915, to appropiate four thousand (4000) second-fee- t from the Green River, in Grand County. Said water will be diver- ted by meanB of a dam at a point 500 ft south of the confluence of Coal Greek and Green about eighteen miles River, north of the town of Green River. The water will be conveyed by means of a canal for a distance of 625,000 ft and used from April 1 to November 1 of each year to irrigate 564,480 acres of land embraced inTps. 18 to 24S., inc., Rg. 16E.; Tps. 20 to 24S.r White Sweet Clover Grand Junction WATER 19, 1919. certified, The hardiest of all, never winter-killPRIME and CHOICE also We have tested seed. sell for which alfalfa $15. home grown grades of lbs. to $20.00 per hundred Sudan Grass TO State Engineers Office Salt Lake City, Utah,' February, s, I CAPITAL $50,000.00 20,000,00 SURPLUS & PROFITS. $350,000.00 RESOURCES, OVER 4 fo PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Tear Accent Solicited . NOTICE Grim's Everlasting Alfalfa X Huab Otair Sank - ness, and you may be able to avoid these attacks if you observe the diAll protests against the granting of rections with each package. Adv. said application, stating the reasons Dr. Orr is a busy man these therefor, must be made by affidavit in South Eastern Utah, being days, duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $2.60, and filed in this office within his territory. Wednesday he was thirty (30) days after the completion called to Blanding, San Juan Co. of the publication of this notice. Jahn Peak is having three - G. F. McGONAGLE, rooms added to his home across State Engineer. Grown in our mountains, they are hardier, grow better and yield more. Planting them will make you rich. X Thompson, - - Prop. H. P. No. 7932. ARE MILES AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS . ce hs Ed Wimmer arrived Friday Sams army and navy. night from Venice, California, 'where he has been with his Stewart Wylie returned to his mother and sisters during the home on Saturday night from MILE The Lobby Billiard Parlor ot INDIGESTION. Take a few doses of Chamberlains Tablets as directed for indigestion, and you will soon forget your stomach troubles. Try it. Adv. V PERSONAL Salt Lake city, Utah, Feb, post-offi- UTAH LOGAL AND State Engineer! Office, By HELEN SPALDING, M'g EDITOR GREEN RIVER, UTAH DISPATCH, NOTICE TO WATER USERS. GREEN RIVER DISPATCH Entered RIVER Shinn' Mgr |