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Show Arch M THurman State War Historian.' Xr&f1 V u'- t , " X GR xm. VOLUME NUMBER 5 GREEN RIVER, UTAH.HURSDAY, ; BEDIM Enlertaia Grand Officers Garden Seed . Our Garden seeds are the same price as last year and ihe packets contain the same weight. We sell peas sweet com, and onion seed in bulk. Plant your sweet peas as soon as the ground is thawed deep enough. , - Garden Tools See us for for garden tools Hoes Rakes; Shovels and Forks. We handle the very best and our prices a saving to you. Shoes ' Gill and examine our stock of boys' and work and dress shoes. It will pay you. i We - carry English style last in brown black and tans. -- Boston. r' I SQUARE DEAL STORE ' , . ' Out of town guests who were present were : Mrs. Florence Brown of Salt Lake City, Mrs. jEula James, Mrs. Elsa Hardesty hose Menesang and Mrs. Warnin' Makirc Sarah Hamilton all of Helper and Mr. A. E. Denne of Sait Lake i General Blacksmithing NELS T. PETERSON Woodworking City. Repairing HIT, A complete assortment to choose from. : ' Dust-pro-of Moth-pro- of Just the Wardrobes. paper thing in winter which to put away your furs, coats and suits. Every care-f- ul person needs one. Beebe Sons & GIM HID IB 01 Just arrived, a large line of Spring and Summer embroidery begin $2.00 Per Annum In Advanc Saturday, March sou ' 5 Bennett and Texas Guinan-- 5 reels reels-Bcl- le Huge Dam and Gmal to be v Built on Green River 18 Miles Above This Gty The of an adventuress who stands her charms akainst the brains of Waif street A thf United States government wifi begin within a month or two. Although the bill asking for the sum of $1000,000,000 for reclamation projects throughout the United States, has not yet passed' congress, yet it is believed thkt it will and preparations arc being made accordingly. According to a legal. Notice to Water Users, received from G. F.McGonagle, State Engineer and which appears . elsewhere in this issue; work will probably begin the last of April or the 1st The United States of America, through J. L. Lytel, project manager for Utah, has asked for four thousand second-feof water from Green River in Grand County, 600 feet south of the confluence of Coal Creek and Green River, about 18 miles north of this city. The water will be diverted by means of a dam and conveyed by means of a canal 120 miles long. With the completion of these diversion works it will be possible to irrigate about 564,480 stfojy story of ttgh finance. . of-Mti- IN, FUR Of LIFE , ..Within all probability work on tfcf huge reclamation project of 1st All come. ONE REEL COMEDY NT VAMPIRE ADMISSION 25c JONES THEATffi y. et i Embroideries of the latest designs. Id to Mrs, Lucie McCullow, worthy Grand Matron of the order of the Eastern Star and Mrs. Louise K. Dods, Grand Lecturer, visited Bethany Chapter last Friday evening in official capacity, these visitations being an annual affair. After the Lodge work a banquet was held at the Masonic Hall at which about 40 persons' were present. The hall was beautifully decorated in red, white and blue. The table was adorned with favors and decorations appropiate for Washingtons . Birthday. As far as possible the refreshments carried out the color scheme of mi, white and' blue. During the evening music was furnished by Misses Lelia Sturges and Marie 1939 .rrrr . . - FEBRUARY, Frank Beebe Buys Out Business of Jos. Magarrell aevks of land. he reclamation bill will be taken up by congress within a Begining the first of March, ' a Frank Beebe will take possession Very short time. of the Hay,' Grain, Coal and Liverj; buwness of Jute Mafearcfell The deal was closed last week1 tendance, considering Hie weabut the consideration of the sale ther, at the Presbyterian church has not been made public. on Sunday night, where services Mr.' Magarrell is retiring from appropiate to Washingtons and business because of ill' health Lincolns- - birthdays were held. and expects to leave within a A very pleasing musical number very short time for Rochester, was rendered by a quartett comMinn, where he will receive care posed of Mrs. Geo. Beebe, Mrs. and treatment McConnell, E. E. Adams, . and Frank Beebe is well known in Rev. McConnell.' Papers on the in this city having been here lives of Washington and Lincoln with his father, Oscar Beebe, in were read .by Misses Jeanette the interest of uranium mines in Jones, Bonita Heiner, Helen the Temple mountains, for the Spalding and Eva Silliman. A recitation was given by Roger past year or two. The business has been in op- Sturges. eration a little more than a year and a half but during that time The following was received Mr. Magarrell has . built up a from Ray Ingles, at Mountour, thriving trade and has a large Idaho, the first of the week: amount of hay, grain and coal on "I have finished, my work at ;hand and does a .considerable the tunnel camp near Montour business in that line. His livery and have accepted a position on I barn and feed yards have been a large fruit and alfalfa ranch headquarters for nearly all stock- on the Emmett bench and so will men and camp outfits in this want the Dispatch sent to me vicinity. there. The fruit prospects here seem to be first class so far and Ed. Johnstone who shot gun- we look for a large crop this man Maxwell in Price several year. Our coldest weather was years ago, is dying withbut fri- 8 degrees below zero this ends and without money in Hayward, Calif, according to a letter j received by Sheriff T. F. Kelter, J. W. Kerby, wife and daughfromM. B. Webb with whom ter, Emily werq arrivals in Green Johnstone became acquainted in River on Monday morning, from the coast town. Price Manhattan, Kansas, where they have been living for the past some Maxwell and Gunplay year. They will again make their of his shooting affrays in thi home in Green River. city are well remembered by a Mr. Kerby Bays his son Clar-anc-e good many citizens. is attending the Art Institute at Chicago and is making T. C. Conley the.geological ex- rapid progress as a cartoonist pert who was here looking after Justin Kerby was discharged his interesie in the One Thousand from the army in December and Oil Co. returned to Des Moines had reached the rank of Sergeant Iowa last Friday night. Major. He is now Assistant Cashier of the Merchants Bank DREADFUL COUGH CURED. at Lawrence, Kansas. a A severe cold is often followed . YOUR , ALUMINUM WARE 9 piece set special at $9.00 I Come and look over our line of aluminun: I Ware. I A large assortment to choose from. Everything for the kitchen. b nd by the way, we have just re- ceived an excellent lot of Work Harness Horse Collars Bridles and in come look you are a customer of the Commercial and Savings Bank you have the assurance of our personal interest in your business snccess. We make it a part of our business to give such time and attention . to our customers as their interests require. j We make it a point that every business transaction with our patrons shall be satisfactory. We want each one to feel that they are free to come to us in all over. BEN BOLT HARDWARE STORE ' it - "Si jMvr - matters where our experience and advise will be of value and assistance. j . When we speak of "Service rendered to customers we mean the best service all that you can reasonably expectTfmm your bank. Our service inclu- i ; by rough cough for which Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has proven especially Two sign painters who came valuable. Mrs. F. W. Olson, Marysto town a week ago have been About tyro years ville, Mo., writes: ago my little boy Jean caught a sev- doing a rushing business, having ere cold and coughed dreadfully for I tried a number of cough painted days-- . large and attractive medicines but nothing did him any signs for the Midland Garage, good until I gave him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It relieved hia cuugh the Green River Garage, The right away and before he had finished1 Ben Bolt Hardware Store, the taking one bottle he was cured. .hinl it in Just fine for children. Adv. Melrose Hotel and W. F. Asimus. -- ' des a hundred and one little details all of which go to make bur patrons satisfied customers. . them OURS If News-Advocat- e. . 0 INTERKTS you have had no business vWth this bank we feel confident that you will appreciate the service we can render. If Ja i Ihe CommercialC&Savings i k Bank of Croon Rioor, Utah ; ; - , tk |