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Show Germany, Austria and hun kitchen, Ind. Vegetable Compound helped me so much during the time I was looking-fo- r ward to tbe coming of my little one tost I am recommending it to GARY ARE IN THROES OF SERIOUS OUTBREAKS. Munich Placed Under Martial Law Following Assassination of Premier. Germany Said to Be Caatlng other expectant About for a Dictator. Before mothers. taking it, someday Warsaw'. The second liniiortaiit meeting of Europe' newest parliament the Polish uutlyiial assembly, was held on Fehrua.'.y 21 and was marked by the formal turning over by Gfneral Joseph I'llsuAky of Ills author-It- y return to him, as dictator and the subject to the uprjr1 Jan PuderiFskl, the premier, Informed the pnrhfment of the- coua naked for vote ntrys situation an of confidence In tl ministry. The narrow bi&niles were crowded with spectators, whilethe lower floor OF of the was reserved wounds. n hi Austria Is ubawrie, assembly. Th peasants TW7-nu'i l. . mtionul hij ominous Vienna ilierewHl LEAGUE OF NATIONS the Indicating from through lest filed tliat leen set there for a shul-"lu- r stqga-h- as by a clique ,f lanMTm.lflTl upheaval. Genera1 POii.Wf ,n In Hungary the capital, Buduet, Is acceplIllf;' u (.DECLARES "SMALL AMERICANS EXPECT TO FORMULATE PRELIMthe seat of a terrorist outbreak sim- Bp,i ointment as f INARY PEACE TREATY BY THE HAVE' OF SMALL VISION ilar to the Bavarian, except that sa elicited applause by stl. 5 MIDDLE OF MARCH. SENATE SEATS. lieen Imposed lias upon the duty reported. far no bloodshed bud too be .hut rbltray"t1 The city Is under martial law. ment for a role whlcW' Former President In Addreee at 6an To Accomplish This All Commissions troops are marching "jv4rniiient Munich to put down the revolt. Condemns Senators Dealing With Reparations, Boun. Francisco All Germany Is easting about for 's daries and Economic and FinanWho Have Opposed Leaglae dictator, a man of iron who will fcAt cial Issues Must Hasten Work. of Nations Plan. neeu 00 terror with terror. No one of Ihtf calr ed a. large ariupfV servcompulsory iber la In the offing now, 111 "'ever, "ilMlievIsm. Secondly, he San Francisco. Former President charIV.rls. Result of though the new revolution u,uy P' aether effort must be made to Wlllium H. Taft, addressing the clos- acter were obtained at the meeting of duce him at any mo nil'll proniotjthe prosperity of the workers ing session Thursday night, . February the council of tlie great powers on Upon nn and them better homes. Land 20, of the ladflc coast congress of February 22, when resolutions were with blood and irc,0,,e u,,the Oer-ma- must gie la secured to peasants who had rlie League to Enforce Peace, replied adopted requiring such a speeding up people at erflfvv!ijjle!r faint none all more given to those who hud to Ids critics aud opponents of the of all work of the peace conference as the most ter- only ujllttle, hut land reforms must hopes for ss utlon plan for the Atabllshinent of a league to rermlt tlie formation of a prellmi-na- i rible civil or JJlfiFworld has seen. not I) a a rried out too hastily. of nations, and referred particularly to y peace treaty ly tlie time Presian open Tetter addressed to him by dent Wilson returns to Paris In the INDENT HAS CL08E CALL. pciasJ United States Senator Willla'm E. middle of March. To accomplish this BA' ARIAN PREMIER KILLED. f Borah of Idaho, which questioned the all commissions dual'ng with the big Ship on Which Ha Was Returning Was I lot efficiency of the Monroe doctrine in questions of reparations, boundaries by a Count, Who In Home Narrowly Escapes the event the league of nations plan and economic and financial issues must Mas Wounded Grounding. by Gisnr. ''Boston. The presidents Mini Bavaria. Kurt Eisner, the was adopted. report to the supreme council within ship and Its Senator Borah wants to know, m the next two week, or by March 8 destroyer escort, the Harding, lost BuvnrI n premier, was assassinated their bearings In the heavy fog and Felirui! y 21, by Lieutenant Count wliat he calls an open letter, said Mr. at the latest These reports. In turn, rain off the Massachusetts coast Aren V illey. The count was himself Taft, whether I would consent in a will form a basis for tbe drafting of y afternoon while running for Bos- wuuiuUl by a guard and is reported league of nations In which the Monroe the treaty. ton light and came within doctrine is not recognised. I will 'n extensive program had been careperhaps 1000 to be ring. yard of grounding off the beach at The ssasslnatlon of the premier, answer hint by saying tliat I would fully matured within the past few days acwho wi shot at from a distance, was like to have the Monroe doctrine Tlintfira inland. Cape Anne. . and it was brought to a culmination to pre- quickly- followed by the shooting of knowledged specifically by such a Saturday, when A. J. Balfour, the Warning came s vent an accident and passen- MwA ye, the Bavarian minister of league, but If a recognition of Its prin- British foreign secretary, and Colonel Is, rcntiilntjfr In tha nTfiftCfr M. Clouse of the American delegagers piled on deck, put there was no the Interior. The sluMytlngJtook place ciples such a I would not object loxlie Kj tion . called on Premier Clemenceau panic. President Wilson appeared during a session of the Lanatag, while form Inleague which It Is put Auer was alluding to the assassination found the wounded statesman quite unconcerned. "Article X of the covenant drafted They of Premier Eisner. and sitting up and keenly alert dressed In Paris extends the Monroe doctrine and fully agreed on the plan for rapid Alleged Plot to Kill President to the entire worid end gives it tne BORAH DENOUNCES PACT. acceleration of work. bomb outNew. York. Plans-foConsebacking of the entire world. This brought together the British, rages in Boston and attempts on the Declares Propeaed League of Nations quently It recognises the Monroe docAmerican and French viewpoints for life of President Wilson are alleged of In am and I entire trine, suiiport la Radical Departure. a rapid course of action, assuring the that covenant by the police to have been discovered ' theWashington. earliest Criticising league possible peace. Shortly afterRefers to Wild Words following two raids here by members of nations as "The most radical dewould like to ask Senator ward the supreme council met and rat"What of the bomb squad of police headquarI from President Washington's Borah Is this: If he insists on the ified .the program. ters and agents of the United States parture and as spelling the end of the policies government In which fourteen men Monroe doctrine, Senator Borah of siieclflc acknowledgment of the Mon- Outstanding Loans Total $108,000,000. roe doctrine in the covenant for the were arrested. Washington. Outstanding loans of Idaho, Republican member of the forleugue of nations, and If such recog- the war finance corporation amount to eign relations committee, declared In nition Is given It In the covenant as $108,000,000. It was Dr. Mary Walker Dead. reported February the senate on February 21, that before In Paris, will he 22. Tlie also has practiWatertown, N, Y. Dr. Mary Walk- the plan was adopted the American finally agreed upon corporation coventhe vote for a treaty based upon underwritten more than $100,000,-00- 0 er, aged 87 years, died at her home on people should, be allowed to give a vercally ant as finally amended? of other loans to Industries essenBunker Hill February 21 after a long dict on it. "The wild words of Representative tial to the Illness. She was a surgeon in the civil war, without actually furPoindexand Fees and Senators Reed funda. Loans to railroads war and was awarded a congressional the General Denikina Route Anarchists. nishing ter, shot out Into the air on the theory medal of honor. She gained considerOdessa. The army ihat the people of this country do not amounted to $70,000,000. able fume by being tlie only woman of General Denikine has reached the read or that they will accept their bald Trotzky Warns the Finns. allowed to appear In male attire by an Caspian sea, having advanced 850 tatements Stockholm. Leon Trotsky, Bolshewould be unquestionably, act of congress. versts and captured 81,000 prisoners, humorous If they were not the utter- vik minister of war, lias Issued a proc95 guns and eight armored trains. ances of such eminent and learned lamation at Petrngrad declaring a deReed Criticises League. sire to maintain peace with Finland, gentlemen. . JOSEPH J. GREW Washington. Senator Reed of Misns small Americans but warning that country that the soCliurncterizing souri, Democrat, delivered a two-homembers of the United States senate viet government will take counteraddress Saturday In which he attacked who are opposing the covenant for a measures if the concentration of Finthe league of nation's constitution, deleugue of nations, Mr. Taft made an nish trooiM on. the Russian frontier claring It meant abdication of Ameri.ppechil appeal to the women of continues. can sovereignty, violated the federal the Pacific coast to bring tlielr Influconstitution and would Involve the ence to bear on the senate in behalf GEORGES CLEMENCEAU Cerlnlii of ratification of the league. United States In all foreign entanglements. small Americans' on the floor of tne Lnlted States senate profess to see dire danger aud eventual disaster to Salvationists to Discard Tambourine. the country If we enter Into a league New York. Tambourines and free-wi.if nations, said Mr. Tuft. offering boxes which for' more I do not use the term sninll Ainer-1-niiyearn have been used (ban thirty-fiv- e In an invidious sense, hut simply In gathering ?y the Salvation army to Imply lint these gentlemen have a funds, are to he abandoned, says a small view ' of America ; the provinIssued by Commander rtnteinent cial, selfish view that the highest duty Evangeline Booth In announcing plans of Amerlcu Is to for our own for a drive for $10,000,000 In May. lieople, beyond which we have no other toward the rest of the Clothing Needed in Europe. worid." head Herbert Hoover, Washington. f the European relief administration, SOLON DEFENDS LOYALTY was cabled the American Red . Cross that an immediate supply of clothing Follette Declare He Will iif .every kind Is absolutely vital to Longer Permit Aspersions. the health and life of millions of IVashlngtop. Senator Iji Follette of men, women and children freed from Wisconsin vigorously defended his Inathe German yoke. nity In n long address Thursday night in the senute on what he pictured as Youngest Soldier Discovered. causes for popular ufirest in the Unit' The honor of being Philadelphia. The senntor declared he ed States. the youngest soldier to carry on would no longer penult aajiersiniis on Premier Clemenceau was shot by an suGrew is and J. Verdun is at Bodies secretary Joseph the that against Ills loyalty, and declared that his sole anarchits, thres shots striking ths director of the American 14 who was pervising of Loula Cooper, years old, aim w(js to 'preserve pure denim-nicgreat French statesman, but his ininvalided home recently from overseas. commission to negotiate peace, with In tlilM country. the rank of minister plenipotentiary. juries are not regarded as serious. Berlin.' Gerinuuy, Austria and Hungary are In llie tliroeu of terrorist revolts which threaten to luake the communist stage of the French revolution look mild by comparison. In Germany the outbreak is thus, far routined to Bavaria, whose capital, Munich, was placed, under martial law following the assass'lnutlon of Premier Kurt Hisuer anl the subsequent shooting of nine men, at least four of whom, including two cabinet members, are dead, while five other members of the government may die from their -- V e TIFT IMPS FOES foitwibers J& lf .ur. 7 dit-Ignac- 7 ,y g anti-teprfrt- l,t 81111-da- 1 - in-li- -- r - ll 1 Nine Killed in .Wreck. Pittsburg. Nino persons are known to have been killed and seventy-fiv- e others Injured, many fatally, when a B. k O. pmwongor train crashed Into locomotive here Sata double-heade- r urday. Champ Clark le Willing. Washington. I Julies and gentlemen, Barkis la willing This was Speaker Champ Clark's response when Jie was presented Saturday night to the Southern Society of Washington ns the next president of the United States, r. 1 a- - Salt Lake City. Delegate to the I suffered with neuMountain congress for a league of ralgia so badly that I thought I could nations at a meeting here Saturday not live, but after afternoon adopted resolutions declartaking three bottles ing that peace, liberty and Justice of LyuiaE. Pink-ham- 's could world of the nations the among Vegetable of tuitions be established by a league Compound! was enand approving the proposed union as tirely relieved of set forth at the larls peace conference. neuralgia, I had gained in strength W. It. Wallace was elected chalrumn and was able to go of the Mountain congress resolutions around and do all followthe Included which committee, baby when seven my housework, Is and I feel ing: months old Utah John CL Cutler, William Spry, better than tim& Simon Bamberger, C. W. Nibley, AV. N. .never had any medicine do me to Wiliams, Noble Warrum, George'AI-lier- t much good. "Mrs. Peabl Uonyhan, MitchelL Ind. Smith, Alfred ,V. Agee, Ogileu ; Good health daring maternity is a Mrs. Einellne Wells, J. Will Knlglit, A. most important factor to both mother E. Harvey, Dr. H. G. Peterson, Lognn ; and child, and many letters have beat J. W. Funk, Richmond ; W. 1L Wallace, received by the Lydia EL Pinkhmm A. Ernest Dr. Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of. Rev. Peter A. Simpklii, healto restored during th is trying period Smith. Iduhn John W. Hurt, Rigby; D. AY. by the use of Lydia E. Pinkhsms Vego-Stnnilrod, Pocatello ; Mark Austin, Rex-bur- I g. ; Charles D. Carey, CheyAA'yoinlng enne; K. H. HadselL Rawlins; Mrs. CkarYoarSkm Corn B. AVunaumker, Rock Springs. WhSeYoaSIeep Following ure the resolutions as adopted : "AVe the delegates to the Mountain congress of the Leugue to Jhiforce Peace from the states of Utah, Idaho and AVyomlng, desire to express our opinion on tlie most Important question of tlie hour. "The armies of Germany having been repulsed, lier fleet given up and all the countries In arms against us aud our having surrendered at discretion, it has become the duty of the victorious democracies to arrange the terms of peace aud bring order among the peoples disorganized ly war, so thnt peace, liberty. and justice inuy be established, and inaliitnlued upon an , enduring foundation. We believe thnt tills can be done by means of a leugue of tuitions of which our nation Is nn essential part. AVe are convinced thnt the constitution or covenant 'for such a league as recommended by the league of nations committee at the peace conference In Pans Is well adapted far this purpose and that In principle It should be accepted by our people and ratified by the senate; and we do most heartily approve of the establishment of a league of. nations. A new state organization of the Leugue to Enforce Ieacq was formed at a meeting held. at 4 p. m. Saturday afternoon In the Tnbernucle. Senntor AV. N. Williams was elected president and Irof. B. IL Lewis secretary. Tlie new organisation is to lie In the hands of an executive committee of eighteen prominent citizens of the state. Those named on the committee were Gov. Simon Ramberger, John C. Cutler, William Spry, Rev. Peter A. Slmpkln, Mayor AV. Mont Ferry, George Albert Smith, John A. AA'idtsoe, W. R. Wallace and J. Will Knight. The rest of the committee will he composed of nine prominent women of tlie state to be numed at various times. Resolutions favoring establishment of a league of nntlons were adopted by the AVomena Woodrow Wilson club of Salt Lake at a meeting held Saturday night. Declaring that the retafi merchant Is ; in a unique position with regard to the progress of civic affuirs, Edward. A. Filene, Boston retail merchant, addressed the members of tlie Commercial club at their luncheon Saturday on Reconstruction as It Concerns the Retail Store. . Former President'! Aunt Dies. Millbury, Musa Miss Della Cliapln Torrey, aged 03 years, sunt of former President William IL Taft, died February 22 at the Torrey mansion after a brief Illness dne to a general breakdown. The only relative at the bedside was a nephew, Horace Taft - SUPERSTITION HARD TO DOWN Quaint Belief in Reference to Wed. ding Customs That Prevail In This and Other Countries. . There are more superstitions In reference to the marriage ceremony than In reference to any other In common life. They refer to such matters ns tlie. clothes to he worn by the bride, to the year, month and dny of the wedding. In Sweden It la believed that If a girl Is fond of cats she will not he nn old muld. AVe should expect the opposite. One of our proverbs says that it Is IB luck for a bride to see her face In n glass by candle. Another thnt r wedding feast postponed bodes bad luck. Bees must be told of s wedding and get some of the cake. The- pins useti In the dress of the bride at her wedding must he all thrown stray; If retained by the bridesmaids they will not marry before Whitsuntide... A gir? must beware of being three times n bridesmaid, for slie never will he a bride. It augurs 111 for a wedding If a bride does not weep profusely. No witch ran shed more than three tears, and ' those from her left eye only. A copious flood of tears gives assurance to the husband that the Indy has not plighted her troth to ratnn and is nn witch Philadelphia Inquirer. - Timely Advice. Auntie, Im studying now shout tlie least common multiple. Thats right, my child. . Always go In for whatever la least common." Louisville Courier-Journa- l. .The 8uperbelng. The Commandunt Implicit obedience to those In authority Is demanded of all, even the highest among us. The Cadet I get you, sir. The commander in chief Is a married man. Oil and truth are bound to come the top some time. s always-foo- d will play a big part As a man eats, so is he. (jrapeftuts a food for body and brain Gibbons Pleads Ireland's Cause. A resolution presentPhiladelphia ed by CayiTInul Gibbons, urging Jhe peace congress to apply to Ireland the doctrine of national was rfHopted at the dosing session on Sunday of the .convention of the Irish race In America. - Photograph Heroes' Graves. Washington. Every Identified grave of an American soldier In Trance will he photographed by the American Red Cross and the picture sent to the soldiers next of kin. Several hundred photograph have been taken and for warded to relatives. Rail Revolving Fund Bill Passed. Approves Leasing Measure. AVashlngton. The bill. appropriating Washington. Tlie house on February 18 adopted by a vote of 232 to 109 v7o0.000.0U0 for the railroad administhe conferees report on the oil and tration revolving fund lu addition to mineral laud leasing bill, which opens the $600)00,0(10 carried In the act np for development vast areas of west- which provided for federal control, was ern lands. passed by the house Friday. Candidate. ' Bavarian Minister Killed. Clemenceau May Bs III 8oma Tim. Tumulty Net Cruiser Birmingham Back Homs. N. P. Tum-qlt-y, J. London. A German wireless mesJoseph City, Paris. It Is now expected that PreBoston. The scout jruiser BirmingJersey secretary to President Wilson, sage received here quotes Philipp mier Clemenceau absence from the. ham arrived at the navy yard Tuesday Schledemann, German chancellor, as supreme council of the peace confer- from foreign waters. Under command will not be a candidate for toe Demosaying that Herr Rossliampter, Ba- ence rauy be prolonged, ns his condi- of Captain C. H. Hussey site .served cratic nomination for governor of New varian minister of war, has been tion In undeniably much worse than as a mother ship for the first llrtiila Jersey, be dednred In a letter made ' " February 21. was at first reported. , killed, public here-ov of .destroyers sent oversea! . Paderewski Government Paris. Official announcement wus made Friday by representatives of the allies at their meeting at the Qunl dOrsay of a decision that the allies should recognise the Polish government beaded by Ignace PaderewskL Recognize withCuticara UMrwiafaiBoOhi Patrick Henry's Heme Destroyed. Lynchburg, Va. Red Hill," the historic home of Patrick Henry In Halifax county, about thirty miles from Lynchburg, was destroyed by lire which swept the house unchecked of frozen water pipes. (Curtains the - the Jrain) , yjkreiaJBusoii'i . to |