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Show RIVER GREEN DISPATCH, GREEN RIVER, UTAH W STATE INCOME E ForluiijudCdrenj' Mothers Know TH WOULD RAISE RECEIPT8 FROM MILLION TO MILLION AND A HALF. M I Always Beats the - tingtheStoi"' iNlANTSTCHILDREV Signature, of OteerfataessMilBCQilwj neither Optam.MTUne MtoasL iforKAHCOT In Dse -- BSSSg. ' For Over Thirty Years Salt Lake City. Two measures of Importance were Introduced iu the lower house of the legislature on February 24. House bill No. 142, by Representative I. H. Masters of Provo, proposed an Income tax on ull earnings of Individuals and corporations in the state on a graduated scale. The bill Is largely a reproduction, the author stated, of the one now In force In Wisconsin. He estimates that the measure, If enacted, will raise a revenue of 31,000,000 to 1,500,000 annually. The other measure was a joint resolution by Representative F. E. Morris of Suit Luke, calling upon the people to vote an Increase In the salaries of members of the legislature. Tills will be submitted ns a constitutional amendment nt the next general election If the legislature passes tlie resolution. It permits the legislature to llx the salaries of Its members, but provides that tlie salary of a member must not exceed 000 for a slxty-du- y session. Tlie present compensation Is only 250 session. for a slxty-duThe Utah stule senate spent the greater part of the afternoon on February 24 cm workmen's compensation questions, but hud not at the close of the afternoon decided u single one of the several big questlous that are Involved In the bills now before that body. Tlie main part of the afternoon was spent in considering arguments pro and con for a proposal to muke the state Insurance fund exclusive, as as one side culls It, or monopolistic, it Is known to tlie other blae. y ; Copy of Wkappec, 3 The Optimist. Thoroughly Obliging. The optimist Is a man who has nothYour constituents want an explanation of thorn latent remarks at yours, ing much to niuke him cheerful, but who can look at the crowds of lady aid the faithful secretary. Fix em up an explanation that they shoppers, these days, and be glad he's Plain won't understand, replied Senator not a muskrat Cleveland Sorghum; then explain that In the Dealer. same way and keep on explaining. I don't believe'ln ever refusing my conAchieving the Goal. , stituents anything." rnpll (airily) You know, I learning music only to kill time. Teacher (grimly) You're doing it Experiments have shown that the average speed of an ordinary snail Is at the rate of one mile In 14 days. Paradoxical. Is Joneto of dry tendencies?" Americans are the greatest water Well, hes on the water wagon. Baltimore American. drinkers In the world. LEGISLATIVE . . Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' Prorad safe "Bayer CroeV o Tablets. by millions. True Asp iris! The Bay "Beyer package genuine." ' For Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds No No Discomfort! Head-buzzin- No Distress! g! Millions of people take Bayer Tablets of Aspirin as the best means to prevent as well as to overcome Colds, Grippe and Influenzal Colds being far more efficient than quinine. Besides relief comes without discomfort or distress. . The Master of Colds PROVIDES ASSESSMENT SHALL BE NOT TO EXCEED THREE TIMES NET PROCEEDS. Another Effort Being Made by 8alt Radical Measure Presented by Senator Olaon Effectually Sidetracked. Lake Representative to Secure an Increase in Salary of Members Establishment of Part Time of the Legislature. Schoole Proposed. . similaliD4t&eFodlyIteuU- Tbe Greatest Name In Goodyand MEA8URE Genuine Castoria ALCOHOL-- 3 PER E Adults Take one or two "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Bayer Tablets of Aspirin Owned by Buy only the original Bayer packages. Americans Look for the safety Bayer Cross always. also cent Entirely. 20 larger packages. package b'ihe talc auk of Hirer Manufacture of ytonourticmcidccItT of Saficytkadd . PfjHwi (how painful attack of that awful bloated, lumpy feeling after eating and downright atomach miaere that you who bare experienced ft snow 00 well; beside (lUgncting belching, g, 3MtiStiS8ioSAc3 the undermine the health and aapa gtrength of million. BBtjllllllfll WVHWNU WCIC v000 well known adentiflo fact erioni ailment have their that many itart in an add-etomac- rJBgsagasffljga the wonderful remedy the exceea add from the stomach and brings INSTANT relief. You aimply hare no idea howmuch better, stronger and brighter yon feel at once. It drive rat all the ga and bloat, pnta an immediate atop to belching and heartburn. end Btomach raSeiimr and make fl 000 1, sweet, comfortable and strong. There can be no farther exenre for to wreck you to allow your health pile up misery upon misery until yon get tothe point where you fed down and out and that life boa lost all its Joy. Remember, Jnat aa add-mon- th rains teeth, so acid atomach rnina health. Take EATONIC. Its good, Jnat like a bit of candy and makee the Btomach feel fins. Yon can then eat the things yon like and, what ia more, every mouthful you eat will count in creating and energy; Youll feel ao much power better-ha- ve power punch and pep-t- he and will to do things ana get results, and your atomach misery will be gone. Take our advice. Get a big box of EATONIO from you druggist today. ItoostasolittM. If it fain to remove you atomach distress, he will refund you money. That ia guaranteed; yon are to be aatiafled or money refunded. There Is growing up In Utah an educational aristocracy and It appears to he treason to say aught against any measure that tills aristocracy pro- loses, but, Mr. Speaker, and members of the house, it must le sat upon. This was the declaratloa made by Representative Hansen In Vie house February 24, when lie spoke In opposition to the house bill, which waa later defeated, extending the term of office of tlie members of the bonrds of education one year if, indeed, it might not have been construed by expert lawyers to mean ten years. Utah Is to have a state tree, as It has a state flower, and to this end Representative Day has Introduced In the house a bill providing tlwt tlie blue spruce be designated the Utah state tree. Tlie blue spruce is one of the most beautiful of the spruce family of trees and Is used largely in tdhe east for ornumental purposes. Care of the tuberculous Is provided for In r measure Introduced In the house by Representative Welling. In this bill the state treasurer Is authorized to pny to certain counties, upon the Issuing of n warrant approved by the, state board of health, a weekly sum for each tuberculous patient ringing the time such patient shall be in a county hospital or sanitnrluin. Cure and training of the feebleminded Is provided for In a bill introduced In the house February 24 by Mrs. Grace Stratton Alrey. Tlie measure would create a state home for the purpose. Salary of 8000 a year or more ,than that pnld to a United States senator Is provided as the remuneration for the county attorney of Salt Lake In a measure introduced In the house by Representative Miles of Cache Utalins mny pny an Income tnx at the rate of 1 pey cent on Incomes of 1000 up to G per cent on Incomes of 312.000, personal property tnx to be deducted before tlie Income tax Is collected, If the bill providing an Income tax Introduced In tlie house by Representative Musters becomes a law. debate, tlie lowFollowing nn y er house of the Utah legislature on February 20 voted for tlie Issuance of 33.000.-000 in bonds for the Improvement of Utah's highways. The original bill Introduced by Representative L. W. Curry of Vernal early In the session, called for 32,500,000 bond Issue, but this was amended by the highways committee to make the Issue 33.000.- 000.' Considerable difference of opinion arose and the matter has been in tbe lmnds of committees, caucuses snd the subject of lobby discussions for some weeks. Revun has n bill before tbe senate abolishing tbe fees now charged by the state coal mine inspector for Inspecting mines and providing thut this work be done nt the expense of the stale. Representation In the city commission by wards, with a mayor elected from tlie city nt lnrge is proposed in a bill Introduced In tlie lower house of the legislature by Representative Currie of Suit Lake. The bill proposes to divide Suit Luke Into six municipal wards, uiul thut a commissioner be elected from each ward. These six, tiio mayor, would constitute the city couunlsslon, thereby increasing the present personnel by two members. The bill by Representative Hinckley of Sanpete county, amending spots in the oresenr prohibition law, was also presented to the house on Februnry 21, The measure Is designed to further strengthen the authorities In enforcing the prohibition law, and to bolster up some weak spots that hare uereioped muter thq administration of the law, Some changes In the classification of counties are made in house hill No. 13S, Introduced by Representative E. R. Miles of 8mlthflcld. Mr. Mile would counties divided I11 have first-clathree subdivisions, as follows: Class A, counties with an assessed valuation of 3100,000,000 or more; class B, counties with an assessed valuation of 340,000,000 to 3100,000,000; class' C, counties with a valuation from to 340,000,000. The legislature took a holiday on February 22, both houses having adjourned over until Mondny In order tlmt they mny observe Washington's birthday and attend the peace confer-eii'-e- , the house .haring been appointed a by the speaker to attend In u body. Beginning Mondny mom-lthe house began Its morning Bessie 'i at 9 oclock. Former speaker of tlie house, twenty years ago, . Wllllum M. Roy In nee of Frvo, who was a visitor February 21, occupying a seat for a short while beside Speaker Richards. He was lntro-dure- d by Speaker Richards. Looking over the house be said, recalled pleasant memories of the long ago. Fnvorable report was made February 21 by the senate committee on Judiciary on the peonage bill, which prohibits the payment of fees liy hilmrers to foremen, shift bosses or others who siqicriiitend their work, or to men demanding payment for supposed service aa interpreters. measures were Two Important passed, by the lower house of the legislature on February 19 tlie Cnrdon blue sky" act and the bill creating a slate board of examiners for chiropractors and establishing definite educational requirements for those who practice that profession in the state. Tlie house passed unanimously a bill regulating and amending the laws reluting to the practice of bartering. The bill makes stringent provisions ngninsc barbers practicing their trade while afflicted with disease, and makes the of aDureuttceship one ynr. Purp01 in Life. Wilson's Power. -- add-stoma- -- ss lo-rlo- d One dusky citizen was In uniform, he other clung to his clvllinn garb ul railed against the draft.- - I aint Ruin, he asserted, and no one is j nln' to make me. Pete, replied tlie I llier earnestly, If Mr. Woodrow Wll-o- n wants you, you go That man Just In advance of his constituents that he receives censure Instead of praise. Bui j ook nn hour of dnyllght away from these are not the ones who need you God Almighty. Then lie took all the In living. Alin to he somebody and to do something, and to know just what It la you menn to he and do. Some people pity (hose who fall short of their Ideals the Inventor who falls, the statesman who Is so fnr I 1 , railroads away from white folks nnd sympathy. 8ave your pity for What are drifting through life will- - gave them to his v Jefferson you got?" out a goal, who are living without j chance hn Bee .ynrpose. j (Tex.) thou-who- Eor y6br A ACID-STOMAC- H )v f. son-in-la- ' child- hood dreams Is a land of sweets. Make some of those dreams a delightful reality by taking home WRIGLEYS frequently. How about tonight? SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT The Flavor Lasts! HORSE SALEaellDISTEMPER or tbe sale You know that when you buy through in fifty to eacape SAI.H you have about one chance STABLE D18TKMPKK. dl'OHINK ia your true protection, for aa sure as you treat all your your only safeguard. he rid of the disease, It acts hones with It. you willnosoon matter how they are exposed. .as a sun preventive, At all Rood druggists, horse goods houses, or delivered by the msufaeturen SPOI1X MEDICAL' CO., rhcmlata, Goshen, lad., V. S. A. Patience and Kindness, The tricks tlmt mun tuuglit his little dog required u grout deal of patience mid kindness. "Unquestionably," answered Miss I cant understand whut Cayenne. kept the little dog from biting him. . nave a purpose . the AT THE CAPITOL. all-da- faith of Millions ent NOTES. county. Ruins Acid-Stoma- ch realm of Salt Lake of metalliferous mines on a basis of not to exceed" three times their net proceeds was the verdict of u majority of tlie senate at the conclusion, on February 21, of the third day's buttle over the mine taxation measures before tlie upper house of the legislature. Tlie vote stood 11 to 'Lin favor of tlie not to exceed' amendment. President J. W. Funk of the senate switching from the minority to the majority und voting for the amendment, which lie said, was favored by tlie governor. The minority committee's other bill amendments to the l'urkeo-Bevawere then Incorporated in the measure and It waa passed on second reading. Under a suspension of tlie rules the bill was passed 011 third and final rending uiul ordered printed In amended form before being sent to the lower house. On the flnul reading tlie vote was 13 jo 3. Tills action automatically kills thu Olson bill, which is still on the culcndnr, but is due to have Its enacting clause stricken when It comes up. schools Establishment of part-tim- e for the benefit of children wlio imve not completed high school und who leave scluiol before they are 18 years of age Is provided for In house bill No. 43, which was passed In tlie lower house of the legislature on February 21. Under tlie provisions of tlie blit, which now goes to the senate, such schools would be established In every district of tlie slate where parents of fifteen or more eligible children petitioned for them. . Dependable! ou know A Reg'lar Champion. I bear tliut old Bill Simpkins Is the most no 11 c omit fellow In your town. Not Bsst reiiuirked tlie city cousin. for anything, Is lie? Wull, I don't wunt to lie too hnrd agin thp old feller, roxiMindcd the man who laid sOTictliliig good. to say nbout evcryhialy. lie raises some of the likeliest lookin' weeds in this part EAT A TABLET! of the kcniry. , PAPE8 DYSPEPSIA DIAPEPSIN GONE INSTANTLY RELIEVE8 SOUR, GA88Y OR A Question. Well, It's neither here nor there." Then where In blazes Is It?" Dally News. 1il-en- ACID STOMACH8. When meals hit back and your stomach is sour, add, gasay, or.you feel full and bloated. When ytu have heavy lumps of pain or headache from Indigestion. Here Is Instant relief I To keep clean and healthy take Doctor Plerce'e Pleasant Pellets. They r liver, bowels and stomach. Adv. Sin Is us rust on a polished blade you mny rub It off, bnt It's lmrd to remove tlie HMltS. Don't wait until your Just as soon as you eat a tablet or two of Pape's' Diapcpsln all the dyspepsia, Indigestion and stomach distress ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape's Diapepsin never fail to make upset stomachs feel fine at once, and they cost very little at drag stores. Adv. Nobody to Hear. I suppose, If I tried to kiss you, you would scream. But I'm BuOf course I would. ffering from a very weak throat." cold develops Spanish Influenza or pneumonia. Kill it quick. CASCARA Standard cold remedy tor tOyeera In tablet form safe. sure, noopUtra-brea- fca upa cold 3 day Money la 24 hour rebevea grip toboa ha a Red top back if it fails. The genuine AU At Drag Stores. with Mr.BiU'c picture. Cirrus clouds have, been- recorded more than seventeen miles above the W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. surface of the earth. SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY CLEANSES YOUR KIDNEYS For centuries GOLD MEDAL Haarlem have lien a standard '..ousehold remedy. Oil has been g Lands rd household remedy They are the pure, original imported liuar-lcOil your lined, and for kidney, liver, bladder and stomach trouble, and all diseases connected with re perfectly harmless. The healing, soothoil bladsoak into and and cells the ing the urinary organ. The kidneys lining of der are the most important organs of the the body. They are the filters, the purifiers of your blimd. If the poinon which enter your system through the blood and stomach are not entirely thrown out by the kidney and bladder, you are doomed. Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trouble, headache, pain in kiins and lower abdomen, gall stone gravel, difficulty when urinating, cloudy and' bloody urine, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago, all warn you to look after your kidney and bladder. All these indicate soma weakness of the kidneys or cither organa or that the enemy microbes which are always present in your system have attacked your weak spots. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are what you need. They are not a "patent medicine," ner 8 new discovery." For 200 year they and through the bladder, drivNew life, freah strength and health will come as yoa continue the treatment. When completely restored to your usual vigor, continue taking a capsule or two each day; thry will keep you in condition and prevent a return of the disease. Do not delay a minute. Delays are especially dangerous in kidney and bladder trouble. Alldniggist sell GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refund the money if not aa represented. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule are imported direct from the laboratories in Holland. They are prepared in correct quantity and convenient form, are easy to take ana are positively guaranteed to give prompt relief. In three sues, sealed packthe original imported ages. Ask COLD MEDAL. Accept no substitute Adv. kidnt-y- s ing out the poisonous germs. to f |