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Show green GREEN .RIVER, UTAH RIVER DISPATCH, H i sallies, upon which Vergennes und THE BEE HIVE STATE Franklin wrote their names, Benjamin COMB I CRITICS j nothing hut a modem scrap of iwper, ' no defend uo It, united to nations greut LIFT RIGHT OFF For having one-hupint of liquor , forces cuuibiued to make It gisid, no in his possession, I. I Brown n OB GMT Hllll assurance given to the TO SENTIMENT and fearful people of the world, That iv thirty-da- y suspended sentence when Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or they shall lie safe. Any naiu who he was tried at Ogdon. thinks Unit America will take part In A inilftnry linnd will tie organized callus off with fingers member rights that it was attempted the world any such rebuff and from Uie Suit Luke City employees of If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens to extort ; they remember imlitical am-- 1 giving so Naturally Nobody disapiMiiutiucut as lliat does not know the Oregini Short IJne rullrotid, if Indicates in His Boston Ad- bitUius. wlilcli it was attempted to mil- - America. In tlie hands the of Ilians committee Ixe can TelL while they believe that men dress Eagerness to Battle linre and, are matured. come Into a different temper, For tlie purpose of reassuring they cannot forget tiiese things, ami for League of Nations. c this up to matte ,latu,1, so they do not resort to one unoUier'i Grandmother kept her hair beautifanners, John li. Wulker, state men our confine we did not free und for a dispassionate view of the mudarkened, glossy and attractive fully Is iest that there crop inspector, says tters in controversy. They resort to conception und purpose to America, with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. no need for alarm over feared uppeur-inicWilson Declares That Americans Who Unit nation which 1ms won the envi- and now we will make men free. If Whenever her hair took on that dull, lu Ltuli of the serenteeu-yeu- r Would Have Their Country Pail able distinction of being regarded as iVe did not do tliut the fame of Amerifaded or streaked npiiearaoce, this ca would be gone, und ull her isiwers locust. The World Are Lacking In ' the Mi "lid of mankind. Broad Vision. Utah will receive $.1,122,814.91 for simple mixture wus applied with wonWhenever it was desired to send a would liu dlssliMitcd. She then would small force of soldiers to occupy a have to keep her isiwer for those nar- use In a three years program of road derful effect. Rr asking at any drug which store for Wyeths Sage and SulphLr (Has of te'vltory where It Is though!, row, Hellish, provincial purimses seem so dear to some ipinds that have construction, if the original Bankhead Roston. 1 resident Woodrow Wil- pi you will get a large botCompound. nobody else will be welcome, they usk uo sweep beyond the nearest horizon, Dill, with Its $200,000,000 amend inert, tle of tills son, Just buck from Euroim, delivered for American soldiers. Anil whom e recipe, Improved is In house of concurred 1 should welcome no sweeter the repby challenge an address In Mechanics hull Monday other soldiers would he looked upon the of other addition Ingredients, all by resentatives. that. I, have lighting blood in meet wilti than afternoon, February 24, In which lie witli suspicion and cost This to little at use, very ready me und ft is sometimes a delight to let Blank forni (o( persona wlvo were threw down the gauntlet to those who resistance, the American soldier is it have mixture can be depended upon simple It if hut is cUiUTcMge' ne will senile, a, lucerne" last welcomed luxiMiyers with acclaim. I have so on year distrust the proposed concert of govto restore natural color nud beauty to this lndul- - received for pride on the oUkt.by tlie iierson through the tlie hair. ernments, hast'd, lie declared, on the side ofgrounds think r the of Think gence. picture; the wdjhfc.T-e--s-ll.lk'.- x' a i inaiia, according to an nniiouiu-emefiwhich have won the American A downtowu druggist would fall ' erv jier- - of the utter blackness Unit made hy A. S. Holier, internal revenue riU.i..at they are not grounds war fur justice and humanity. uses Wyeth's Sage and fulled! ou tlie wurld! America lias says everybody commissioner. souul pride. Dont suffer I A tiny Iwttle of America made u little essay (at generThe complete Sulphur Compound now because It pV,(K.Ilt'8 And It 1ms been an Infinite pleasure ! An order has been Issued hy the darkens so Freezone costs but a few cents at any America wltlidrew und then osity naturally and evenly that me of soldiers to see to those gallant We are your friends," but It state public utilities commission sus- nobody edn tell It has been applied said: drug store. Apply u few drops on th addssjEpvSV" of the whom constitution the of ours, was only for today, not for tomorrow. pending In Utah all changes in telecorns, cnllusos mid hard skin. 0,1 'f T wonder If you are half as glad to Baited States made me the Its so easy to use, too. You simply proud see me as 1 am to we you? It warms America said : Here is our jsiwer to phone rates made to be tom of feet, then lift bf the You he dampen a comb or soft brush and may proud next of und my the then a to sre vindicate day great body right," When 'Freesone rem:111 made under authority of IostiuuBter draw it through your hair, taking ona iny heart division, hut I command Twenty-sixt- h rns some In and : Itself cure of because citizens' take said lat right fellow again, the toes or General Burleson. tlie Twenty-sixt- h strand at a time. , By morning the division, and si's respects during the recent iiionllis I what l hey did under my direction! Ami we will take care of ourselves. Allies of feet, the At any time during five years from gray hair disappears; after another 18 left Plnk lead to SHld:" without Indeed a set We ica been have light up very lonely soland healthy praises the American men ulong the imths of liberty, but (lie declaration of lienee, present govapplication or two, it la restored to its your comradeship and .counsel, und 1 ererylMNly Irritated. with the feeling tlint III praising we have It. It is Intended ernment war risk insurance certifinatural color and look glossy, soft lowered tried ut every step of the work which dier him lie subtracting from the credit only to light our own path." We set cates are convertible, according to in- and beautiful. Adv. fell to me to recall wluit I was sure of uo mieis ales, would be your counsel with regard to up a great ideul of. liherty and then formation received hy Muj. Fred JorTuTTwelve Little Rabbits, America Acted Her Ideals. we sahl : the great matters which were under Liberty is a thing that you gensen, Utah adjutant general. Placing the Goat rubblts elve glassy-eyeI have been searching for the must win for yourself. Do not cull consideration. A boas barber, who has a shop In an average yearly profit tn rue That "Se '.Thrown in a heap 1 converted fiict that world that tlmt of to think the think Europe and I do not want you uiHin us, city of $8000 has resulted In the lust a downtown skyscraper and a caustic 1iwm a grocers outdoor shelf. have not been appreciative of the ex- to believe In us. Before the war Eu- we would l'eave ! rlu'ee years since the commission comtongue, but who has a poor memory lives their doe luive us In she as not believe which rope did given They New Nation Muat Be Shielded. traordinarily generous reception menced municipal operation of the for faces, got his the other day, to In umv. She did not believe In us That you and 1 was given to me on the other-side- . nanew how Du realize many Spriuga bathhouse, Is the report the delight of his assistants and tlie years of the tions you Might live for a day longer saying that It makes me very happy throughout the 'first three to are going to be set up In the Wunn have beto made the city commissioners of Suit amusement of several customers. to get home again. I do not mean to war. She seems really To enjoy the beauties nations lav presence of old und powerful He had Just shaved a man whom And the pleasures say that I was not very deeply touched lieved that we were holding offmore If left by us, Luke. anil left in there, Europe Do Donald Xewbolil amt he had not recollected having eve by the cries that cuiiie from the greut muse we thought we could make friend? Elmer Of a world a disinterested without Rodberg, crowds on the other side. Blit I want by staying out tlum liy going In. And, you believe in the Polish cause aa I Lnfe New! wild, Hie tliree Suit Lake teen before nnd with an eye to more Now closed to them forever. to say to you in all honesty that I felt all of a sudden, In a short eighteen do? Are you 'going to aet up Poland, s. who stole an automobile and then business said : And we? them to lie a call of greeting to you months, the whole verdict Is reverif. iiuinnlure, Inexperienced, ns yet unor- boy Dont you want your hair trimmed? Ve show our gratitude abandoned the car on the road leading for one lie cun lint There explanation rather than to me. a circle to with her leave und looks In spots ns If It had been It some ganized, ride with witha ufter joy. By saying: Blnghum I did not feel tlint the greeting was It. They saw what we did that Do you believe her? around armies of off by a goat" chewed to thirty Confoundedly tough little beasts, girls, huve been sentenced s personul. I had in my heart the over- out milking u single claim, we pul all in the aspirations of the kinder think so myself," replied I In Arent they? Harvey Peake, la crowding pride of lieing your repre- our men und nil our menus at .the jail. duys aa I do? Do and the Jngo-Slav- s of those who were fighting for sentative und of receiving the plaudit To Miss Hazel Osborne, of Salt the customer, hut I didnt expect to Philadelphia Record. you know how muny powers would be hut In hear you say so. You cut It yourfirst the their Instance, felt tlmt who homes, men your of everywhere to pounce upon them If there Lake goes tlie honor of being the first self. Detroit Free Press. hearts heat with theirs In the cause of for a must, the muse of human rights quick nn to world receive In of Stales the United the were not the guarantees girl and justice, and tlint we went in, not behind SWAMP-ROO- T FOR liherty. clerk. mail as their liberty? railway appointment There was no mistaking the tone In to support their national claims, air The arrangements of the present Miss Osborne took tlie competitive the voices of those great crowds. It to supisirt the greut cause which they peace cannot stand a generation unless civil service exaiuinution recently and STOP LUIVI KIDNEY AILMENTS was not a tone of mere greeting. It held in common. . And 'when they saw that America they are guaranteed by the united has received her appointment. wus not a tone of mere generous welforces of the civilized world. And If A puroclilnl school will be opened by come; It was the calling of comrade to not only hold ideals, hut acted idciiis, can you not There is only one medicine that nelly comrade, the cries tliut come from men they were converted to America and we do not guarantee them, Uie Catholic church tn Salt Luke jn inlmve Your hearts medicine for who say: as stands out We have waited for this became firm partisans of those ideals. see the picture? If building costs permit September. of this structed you where the burden curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and day when the friends of liberty should of the proposed new Fighting for Lives and Country. natlie the fall not completion did fell. WHr It upon bladder. hands come across the sea and shake Men were fighting with tense muscle tional will hare a home school the fall not did It structure, upon stands the Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Rotreasuries; wns with us, to see tlint a new world nnd lowered head until they came to the Instruments of administration; It of Its own to start in ; otherwise, other Instant relief! Umber pl Rub has reason th.it for it the proven highest iiMin a new basis and reuilze those tilings, feeling they were did not fall upon tlie resources of tlie temporary arrangements will be mnae. to be just the ifemedy needed in thousands constructed and right." pain, soreness, stiffness right fighting for their lives and their roun nations. It fell upon tlie victims' of distressing eases. foundation of justice upon thousands ore of owners that Automobile Ogden the tell it out wliat ennt inspiration I accents you of anil when these withSt Jacobs Liniment makes friends quickly beSwamp-Roo- t homes everywhere, where women were enme try, notified by the members of the wus all alwut reached them from being cause its mild and immediate effect is soon caino from the sentliuents that men would tolling in hope that their IHilice dejmrtnient that they must have realized in most casea. It ia a gentle, out of those simple voices of the America they lifted their heads, they come back. crowd. And the proudest thing I have raised their eyes to henveftnrhgn Jfey their 1919 number plates before the healing vegetable compound. When your back la sore and lama Has No Doubt of Vordict. Uie Start treatment at once. Bold at all to report to you Is tliut this great saw men in khaki coming first of March. Alt automobiles round or lumbago, sciatica or neuritis has homes the of medithink upon When I drug stores in bottles of two sizes, country of ours Is trusted throughout sea In the spirit of crusaders, and they without date were hi the city after that you stiffened up, don't suffer I Get r um and large. the world. found tlint tiiese .were strange men, which dull despair would settle wlH subject the owner small trial bottle of old, honest St. However, if you wish to test this great I have not come to report the pro- reckless of danger not only, but rem-li's- s this great hope disappointed, I should, the new number ' preparation send .ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ceedings or the results of the proceedJacobs Liniment at any drug store, to see some- wish for my part never to have had to urresL seemed liemuse they A Co., Binghamton, K, Y, for a sarapls in H. K. Carpenter, one of the three pour a little In your hand and rub It ings of the peace conference ; tliut thing that made tliut danger worth America play any pnrt whatever pottle. When writing be sue and men- would be this attempt to emancipate Uie world. suspects held In connection with tlie premature. wlilie. ijght Into the pain or ache, and by the tion thia paper, Adv. I can say that I have received very Men have testified to me la Europe But I talk as if there were any ques- fatal shooting which, occurred at Salt time you count fifty, the soreness and - doubt moreof the conferno this I from tion. have Lake last week, has confessed that he lameness Is gone. happy Impressions tliut our men were possessed by someDramatic Vengeance. ence; the impression tliut while there thing Unit they could only call a reli- verdict of America In this matter than fired the shot which ended the life of Dont stay crippled This soothing, in is blood that Do you think theres uny chance are many illffen'ni'es of judgment, gious ferver. They were not like any I have doubt of the . the man fouud dead. The dead man, penetrating liniment takes the ache of of the other soldiers. They had a me. for me to buy one o' them tanks? while there are some divergences Is Joe Clifton, and pain right out and ends the misery And so, my fellow citizens, I lmve according to Carpenter, object, there Is, nevertheless, n com- vision, they had a dream, and they asked Farmer Cobbles. or Clifford, formerly of Seattle. and I realization It la magical, yet absolutely harmless common to a come back and progress, mon report In spirit were lighting the ilrenui, and, fightWhy, I don't know. What In the The weekly range bulletin of the and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. of the necessity of setting up new ing in the dream, they turned the do not believe that the progress is goworld do you want with a tank?" The Utah, Nevada, Idaho and Wyoming of right in the world. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica whole tide of battle and It uever came ing 1o slop short of tlie goal. I'm tired o' these road hogs In big stnndunls nations of tlie world lmve set their district bus been issued by tlie local and lame back misery so promptly nod Servants. but Imck. Not Masters, tourin cars crowdin' my flivver lute And now do you realize that this heads now to do a great thing, and weather bureau. J. Cedi Alter, mesurely. It never disappoints Because the men who are In conditches. I'd like to jog down the road ns ns we established they are not going to slacken their conditions lmve realize confidence In shows keenly Inris ference general teorologist, see to In what a nations a piece And- when I spenk of tue tank, just a burIn all sections with the excei-tlo- n liny Ainerleun can realize tlint they throughout the world lniiosis Handsomely Equipped. do net IspeiiJ of the are good would happen." Birmingham Age-He-r not the innsterti of their people; den uisin us if you clnsise to mil it of the world ofI the are of tlie Esculunte, Utah, range, . King Solomon was the wisest of of world. I speak aid. governments Unit they ere the servants of their a burden? It Is .one of those burdens men. the peoples who constitute the nations which Is reported ns .unfavorable. lieoplc, and Hint the spirit of their peo- which any nation ought to he proud of tlie at are. flying Yes," replied the press agent saddle American New in are the flage world. They tlie ple has awakened to a new purpose to carry. Any man who resistsworld And resplendent In his entertain to see to It that if Helper as the result of protest against are and going they In run the of their that tides power new a present and oiniptlon do not do their torn and soiled predecessors menu? HEAD STUFFED FROM governments their present no a shore und that find thrown himself will Usm Unit to realize purpose, Yen." confer-micso high anil barren tliut It will scorn as their will, some other governments lodged by A. E. Baker, a mncilnlst CATARRH OR COLD ninn dure go home from tliut shall. And the secret is out and the of Denver, who was recently a visitor "And most felicitous in hia epinoble less if he had lnen separated from his und report anything ' present governments know it. kind forever. In the. community. He started a flag grams." than was expected of it. Bays Cream Applied in Nostrils Out of Common Knowledge. to you to go Yes. Its very evident tlint In adseems Harmony conference The a short time enough of Continent Hope. Europe of harmony to fund nnd within raised to secure deal 2 Opens Air Passages Right Up. In Ilirls It Is a There to to other advantages he had s greut dition from day day oilier the I the Unit slowly; left dRy Tlie Europe money liiul been seems to go slowly; hut I wonder If wns full of something that it had never he got out of common knowledge. new flags. energetic and discreet publicity highly of sympathy to Instant relief no waiting. ..Your you realize the complexity of the tusk so full before. It There Is n front, deal fill heart its felt department on seventh The quadrangle report It swms ns wus full of hope.' Tlie Europe of the he got out of living In the same atmosClogged nostrils open right up; the air which II has undertaken? settlements of the war nffecr, second year of tlie war. the Europe of phere and, except for tlie differences of the Deltn and Oasis quadrangle, in ft tats of Ohio, City of Toledo, Zaieae passages of your hend clear and you if the I which puzzled my American Milinnl county lins been completed by t directly. eery gmit, n County es. ,,f ti, WnV was sinking languages, tl;, ran breathe freely. No more hawking, and alTm-- think yWir helievew In could have I the iintlon for ear Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is E. C. Ieurose, special agent very sadly, every small, sometimes a W)rt ,)f tuhhoni ileapenilion. They senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. Hie comwna at home In France or in Italy or war department. no one deeisio i i n j(j.( I Tlie and world, report to tie wl(1 A thing Co., doing business In tbs City of ToI)( even iinj. No struggling for breath at night , I wns oil the streets, ' nm of typewritten mat ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that vhen the war should tie In England when I prudently lie mnde which pages achieved sixty prises or cold the i of catarrh in the presence disappears. i firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNyour the map, photo-gntjrl- said WI1I1 erly linked in with the great sett, tucv luqied then would Is some when I wns DRED DOLLARS for any ease of Catarrh halts ter, including, besides Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream other decisions which must nwimpiiiiy! Unit they could crowds, when I was lu great cannot be cured by the us of and. localities that of hoped bridge were gathered together irI.nlin from your druggist now. Apply It. And It uin,st he reckoned n '' . HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. clear theii territories of Invading e where men of class. sketches. not feci illd I FRANK J. CHENET. M tilin' result if tlie n?J a little of this fragrant, nntlseptlc, . mies ; they hoistl they could set up respective Bworn to before mo and subscribed la For the purpose of preventing any ns much ut home there as I do 6th day iff December, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen- and clinmcter of tlint result is to lie this my l))1(, 111(j K..irl tliclr Industries quite jgreagnes, now, at any rate, inflow or uprising of tlie Industrial Judged etrates through every air passage of afresh. But they bought it would here, but I felt that the cleared A. hud W. war the to Is of or hear (Seal) Gleason, Notary Public. any organWorkers of the World, What we are dong he the resumption of the old lifter tills storm, the head, soothes the lnilamed nr HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la takto eye everymouths simply were tint It from Lake eye in Salt seeing hear dement inin ized undesirable air, whole case; tn loti led relief laid en and lliHt fear, life swollen mucous membrane Internally and acts through tho Blood Eunqie of the men most Interested ; lirnr :t It'll in anxiety, led in eons' ant suspr-cIou- where and that these were the kind of county, und for the protection of In- on the Wncoii BurfSeM of tn Svatesn. comes Instnntiy. the commiswhnt understand Druggists, TCe. Testimonials free from those who are officially watchfulness. dustries of the county should protecThey never folks who would F. 3. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, It's Just fine. Dont stay stnffed-nhear the rival stute it: to sioned (lreumed that It would he n Europe of ,fndtHat raerwereThinklngrae tion be needed, the framework of a with a cold or nnsty catarrh. Adv. affect that claims the hear claims: settled lwace and of justified how y unit wna begun at Salt A Sense of Humor. new areas of the world, that affect And now these Ideals lmve wrought same things. week. Lake last connecMrs. Fetherhed -- could hardly Practical Girl.- econninlr America. and to new' commercial Interpret Trying new uiugic, that all the peoples or this I could die for tions that have lieou established iiy herself until her husband came Tie (ecstatically) Complaint lias lieen filed with ttie It Is a great comfort, for one thing, Europe are buoyed up und confident In tlie great world war througli which the spirit of hoiie, because they be- to realize that you all undertannd the legislature by citizens of Roosevelt, home, to tell him the excruciating Joke you. She Goodness ! I hope you wont we have gone. lieve that we are at llie eve of a new lnnguuge I am speaking. A friend of Hint the public utilities commission is on the Janitor. In Hes just found out why we had no think of such a 'thing until after we Claim pi Nations Moderate. uge In the world, when nations will mine said that to talk through ancoin- doing them an injustice in controlling the traffic hy stage heat in tlie flat last winter, she chirare married and I have the right to Inand I have been struck by tlie moderate- understand one nnothcr, wlum tuitions terpreter was likeof witnessing passenger .Telght an 11110. But the ness of those who have repn'sented will supiwirt one another lu every Just pound fracture lu their locality. They object ruped as she met her husbnnd at the herit Boston Transcript. the Im- lines national claims. I can testify that I cause, when nations will unite every lienuty of It Is that, whatever o the giving of franchises to some door. .unlca-tiocom: of to pediments. the channel have nowhere seen tlie gleum of pas- moral and every physical others the use of tho Why? asked Fetherhed. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. the Idea Is the same ; ti .t it gets id forbidding I huve seen earnestness, I linve see that the right shall prevail. sion. He wanted to burn some papers for public freight and In gliways It nnd regVitered To half p'nt of water add 1 os. Bay Rum seen tears come to tlie eyes of men gets Fail Not World. the registered, We Must Ibis morning and discovered there's no business. n and purhearts receptive a email box of Barbo Compound, end N wv.o plended for people America were ut this juncture to responsive furnace in the building. o a, of glycerine. Any 'druggist cun put thii whom they were privileged to spenk fallIf the world, what would'coine Uractlcally the entire personnel of of It? poses, lift at home mix at can it very or of tears tlie you not come hack for a strenuous previous Liberty loan campaign comup have I ; hut they were to mean fm not do any any I disrespect tie Curt. Full direction for making and anguish, they were the tears of Hrdent other for a lit mittees throughout tlie state will BOSCHEES SYRUP great people when I say tlint attempt toIn transact business uae come in each box of Bsrbo Compound. I have hut really while America, ; tie Is of and the lioie world the the anticipated LibAmerica intact during It- will gradually darken streaked, faded hope. sober-resultIn all how any man ran rail if she does not Justify that hope the come hack to say to you. Why use ordinary cough remedied It And I dont see loan drive, It is announced. gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. oz when Boschee's Syrup has been used unthinkable. Men will tie ness nnd honesty, tlint I have been erty to lmve been subdued by these pleas, are will not color the scalp, is not aticky Utah's delegation in congress Is re- so successfully for fifty-on- e subdued to this feeling, that he wns thrown back upon the bitterness of trying my best to spank your thoughts, years In greasy, and doea not mb off. Adv. not there to assert an Individual Judg- disappointment not only, but the bit When I sample myself, I think I find quested to support tlie Gallagher reso- all parts of the United States for to assist to If hut I and Ills try - Heard Thle Onp own, ment of tern ess of despair. All nations will ho that I am a typical American, Lately? lution, now pending, appealing to coughs,- - bronchitis, colda settled in the set up as hostile camps again; the sample deep enough and get down to President Wilson to help the cause of throat, especially lung troubles? It Ladeex and gent'inen. I shall now the cause of humanity. Interest In the midst of It all, every men at the ponce conference will go what Is probably the true stuff of a olng you that mournful little ditty en- seeks out first of all when It reaches home with their herds upon their man, then I have hope that it Is pnrt Ireland, in a resolution adopted by Salt gives the patient a good night's rest to Turned Has Ilalr free from coughing, with easy expec'Mothers Unit- Lake council of tlie Knlghta of Coltitled, Paris tlie representaUves of the knowing that they have failed of the atiiff that Is like the other feltoration In the morning, gives nature Silver 8ince Father Lost Ilia Gold.' " umbus. Because, and I bryasts, home. were Why? bidden ed States. come at not to fnr they lows a chance to soothe the Inflamed parts, In the from I am stating the most wonder- home from there until they did some- a to think my report Anil, therefore, probing deep According A Whafestwe, Cfcantaf, mw in history because there Is thing more than sign a treaty of peace, heart and trying to see the things that Fourth forest district, there are about throw off the disease, helping the nt ful fact Belrcahing and IcaHsf to regain hie health. Made In nation In Europe that suspects the Suppose we sign the treaty of peace are right, without regard to the things 80.000 deer in the Kalbab reserve, in IrtiaaMiirinefwRed- - 1,0 motlve of the United States. nnd that It is the most satisfactory that may be debated ns expedient, I central Utah. The. report was made by America and sold for more " Hard to Forget Differences, treaty of peace that llie confusing ele- - feel that I am Interpreting the purpose the century, Adv. ha district aftef the of tkmjtching and Burning supervisor rnents of tlie modern world will afford, and the thought of America ; and in It is Imimsslble for men to believe of the Eyes or Eyelids: had made a tour of the reaerve. The The world's census of rone to all anihltions have all of a and-wt- and go home and think aliout our la- - loving America I find I have joined the 1 Bmf Altar the MartaAskMgtwfager Gdl j that 1fHM1 men will know we fellow we eport said that in one herd 429 deet trail over 450,000,00a remember of that left have a wmrcoptbhzica. iny hors; YwDragl;t ll)t foregone. They great majority - written rewere counted. the Verhistoric worliL ; the table at upon tiiey throughout j territory tliat was coveted "CALLUS CORNS" PRESIDENT CHALLENGES i I FH lf TEST AMERICAN down-trodde- ! ,ll " old-tim- pel-imp- s . ni.-iii- s well-kuo- textV, r. tlWJ alludvw ft1 "! d . Cxecho-Sto-vak- 1 ot hci-os- s 1 pur-Itos- J e hu-iiii- , ur-th- 1 h p . semi-militar- eon--tai- - n, pas-.utg- down-trodde- n s . . Y Qllf pe-tle- t n n |