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Show PROGRESSIVE Pige Six. INDEPENDENT people. When he was a boy of 15, commodity and labor status of that CLOSE UPS OF he vowed that he would never do two Marriage of N. D. A. Girl NEW ROGULATION D. A. Party territory. This is kept up to date and LIVE WIRE CONTACTS teach school and wear glasses. is the basis on which the unite opON SERVICE N. D. A. MEMBERS things: LIST An NovemA Happy Affair of He has since done both, so we must interesting wedding erates. 25 Cents Per Item Per Issue. was ber that Miss of Florence Janice simply put this down among life's Recent in the office of the ' changes and Mrs. Middleton! Not Relief Organization of Mr. in ironies or else assume that, the Elggren, daughter UlWANTED Delco Salt JV. Usually a Hallowe'en party of tra Moderns" savors of rowdyism; even a college sorority party may be provided with intoxicating liquors. But there was no suggestion of vulgarity at the N. D. A. Halloween last Monparty at the Manor House day night. Every one of the 2(10 or more guests seemed to share wholeheartedly the happy congenial spirit of the occasion. Some were in cos- tume, some in evening gowns, a few in comic garb. While the comedians added to the life of the party, there The was no evidence of rudeness. musical numbers were exceptionally good. Mrs. White, as the Gypsy Fortune Teller, attracted many youthful couples eager for some glimpses of ment in a few games of Bridge. Refreshments consisted of apple cider and doughnuts, and ice cream. Two strikingly attractive features of the entertainment were songs in both English and German by little Grace Louise Hoggan, and a couple of selections on the drum, played by that masterful young genius, (?) DRAMATICS case of teaching school, it has become a life work and an enjoyable calling after all. Mr. Horne mentions admiringly the Socratic method employed in N. D. A. open forums. The Open Forum started out with the Leather-workin- g comes very natu- speaker talking down or "lecturing with to the audience (as in most school ral to Percy White, glove-makhe rooms and churches( but, after a brief the N. D. A.; even as a small boy, Inaddress by the leader, questions and was interested in watching the to answers dians tan buckskin and began thenetc. method participated in by all, is the now employed. The N. D. A. make leather reins, ropes, gloves, leather "open forums thus consist of a group He has recently designed a will be of earnest sitting under scrip book protector, which a leader (recalling Socrates and Abelavailable after November 1. who sang ard) and if a student successfully outBerg Ellingson, the manabout Adedoes the teacher it is an achievement with such tender warmth laide in a recent N. 11. A. meeting, and a thing to be desired, for thus fellow. greater truth will come and be estabturns out to be an interesting He works in the furniture store. He lished. Returning to Mr. Horne, he turned down a good job to join forces has noticed how various N. D. A. His hobby is workers work or fail to and he has with the association. phil- come to the conclusion that the statraising cows. He is a Hoosier osopher," full of many wise saws and ure of any man is measured by what He says that after an ho does when he is left on his own comments. initiative. Fcr instance: a good apple is plucked it is only either ripe or rotten; that he is glad that the N. contact man does not wait for an asbecause this signment but is actively observing and green I). A. is still means that it is growing. The other rustling at all times. Mr. Horne himday when a blustering pretentious self was well employed for, when apdeclared that proached, he and Mr. A. J. Hoggan youth, judged incapable, orwere preparing numbers of geometrithings were wrong in the N. D. A.them set cal patterns and figures, using draftswould he but that ganization Mrs. Hudson, in the gift department, qualifies for the title globehaving been around the trotter, world twice and half way around again. Kissing the Blarney Stone is one of her many travel experiences. er truth-Sbcke- rs ct ue M j MAGDIEL N. D. A. Personalities 1 At the Gate Beautiful," a costume play at the time of Christ, right, Berg Ellingson remarked, "This men's tools. Are you going to offer will be rendered Saturday, Novem- fellow reminds me of a flea crawling these in a course of geometry? I ber S, under the direction of Mrs. up an elephant's leg with murder in asked. No, they are used in a course Ruth Lohmolder. A special orchestra, its heart! being offered in mechanical drawing. under the direction of Mr. Cox, will An associate comments on the ex- Most teachers would be well content he an attractive feature. The curtain cellent taste of the Nielson sisters, to use the drawings in some text for 11 ABSOLUTELY ON TIME, this purpose but both ability and initiMay and Caroline, for literature. at 8 OCLOCK SHARP. So come, Erich Reich, Clifford Girard and ative are exemplified in Mr. Horne South High, the to Junior N. and Mr. Hoggan thus preparing their everybody, Marion W. Wilkinson are among November 5, and be on time. D. A. members who saw service dur- own drawings. ing the World War. Mr. Wilkinson was cited for bravery by the A.E. F. the STORY OF LIFE LOVE OF GOOD MUSIC Ralph Howe is interested in actual their in and of Jesus teachings Taught by UNDER A TUB application in living. He declares, A NEW METHOD happy, person cannot live a complete, abundant, successful life unless he The following story, slightly revised lives up to Christianity and deyclopes by the editor, was written by Wm. Rythm Play for Mr. of hobbies, spiritually. Speaking Kindergarten Age Limb, who accompanied the crusaders Howe likes all growing things but he on their long trip. He learned much Three to Six Years Preferably for livestock, and has become so enthused about goes in particularly the truth of N. D. A. that he is depoultry and flowers. CarRed CLASSES Someone declares that termined to go out and do some misworks A. D. trucker, ter, husky N. Monday, Wednesday, Friday sionary work, for the cause. He has side-issa As twelve hours a day. and Saturday started out without purse or scrip, Minorca poultry. not theoretically, but literally. There's he raises fine White 10KX) a. m. to 11:30 a. m. we imagWith Mr. Hepner, however, faith for you, and its some cause that Classes Limited to Ten Pupils ine that raising rabbits must be more can inspire such faith. some has he for side issue, than a About a year ago I was greatly A" Credits 700 of them. That is enough to keep touched $1.00 Per Week by seeing the depressed feelalfalfa! MATERIALS CASH anyone, or any three, pulling ings and the discouraged moods of Tve taught my many of my friends and associates. An old man said, boy Fete all I know and still hes a And I meditated much upon their not does This fool! apply to conceptions and outlooks upon life. Leola Horne Cummins durn J. L. Horne, in the N. D. A. educa"As I analyzed the pressing condi106 WEST FIRST NORTH tional department, for he numbers tions we were living under I came to WAS. 9093-of Beckstrand Prof. and Dobson Will a fuller realization of the unnecessary students. his U. of U. many among the sorrows of the struggling people. In his own words concerning Mr. Life's peculiarities, its trickeries, its that of out him fished he Dobson, deceits and corruptions seemed to me sand hole, Kanab, and for a man to so very foolish, and yet they were so in him sand would there put grow up strong as to make human success Quality and the Best of Service for the rest of his life. Mr. Horne is gamble. Even nations seemed weak himself a graduate of the great Cor- in their efforts to free themselves university and has taught school from the bondage they were subject ICLATZ POTATO CHIpI nell years. His to. And I asked myself the quesfor some twenty-thre- e chief delight is working with young tions, What is to be done? What can COMPANY be done? What will be done? there not a way to burst the bonds SI 3319 So. 8658k State St. Hy. that seem to hold us? Shall we BILL FARRELL'S break a hole in the wall that i BARBER SHOP rounds us? SOLD ON "B" CREDITS 50 W. First South Chickens Under a Tub All Barber Work Guaranteed "Human conditions reminds me of Always Clean and the Best a flock of chickens under a tub which A" Credits a mischevious boy was dragging with S a cord. The boy seemed to delight in dragging them about the farm yard and over the garden and through the little stream, pausing only occasionally for a little rest The chickens were lured under the tub by golden kernels of wheat and then the peg which held WAS. 8987-We Specialize in WAS. 5839-the tub aloft on one side was jerked Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire and they were caught and held in the trap. And they are the last word in beauty, style, comfort. NJJ.A. Cr. dark. All Work Guaranteed I imagined that these unfortunate chickens did some thinking which it would take an expert to interpret. As they were carried along under the tub they snatched a bite to eat here and there and now and then a drop to drink, oftentimes passing near food which they could smell but could not touch. And there were many varieties of food in the last stages of decay. There they were, stumbling and jumbling and trying to judge the future by the past Of course their experience was valuable, but they were forced over new territory all the time, life was discouraging and their conAcross the street from Holy Cross Hospital stant worry was as to whether they were going to be released or die of HOME BARBER SHOP starvation. 1018 E. 1st South Power Stronger Than Themselves D. A. What would be their thoughts and REDFORD, Prop. actions if some power stronger than ALSO OPEN EVENINGS themselves and the boy could raise the Ladies Haircutting a Specialty tub and release them into a world of N. D. A. Credits peace and love and plenty. But perhaps sunlight and love and plenty would blind them, temporarily. Some would revive and go forth. Some would slump back under the tub. Others would stand and blink and wonder; at the best it would take a long time for them td realize or comprehend that they were given a chance to help themselves, an opportunity like unto that offered by the N.D.A. ' Moral You cant blame some peo5043 Post Office Place ple for squawking if they cant see AH Makes of Autos Repaired anything to crow about when some one bursts forth with a new and Motors Rebored Radiator Repairing Let us all take the right Fenders Repaired Car Painting nd of a peep at life. Service Batteries' Rebuilt Battery one-a- JLlggren, and Erwin Kirk Rich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rich, which took place Monday evening at the home of the bride's parents, 1372 Yale avenue. The ceremony was performed by Bishop A. J. Elggren in the presence of the members of the immediate families and a few close friends. The bride was attractive in a Lucile Paray model of white peb-P- e a nunlike cape of crystal beads. She wore a cap and short veil of tulle caught at one side with orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. Following the marriage a reception was given in honor of the young couple. BUILDING CO. W W RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE A Visit With the Women Blame Mrs. Lund. m she is worker. Mrs. Dundas is preparing an N. D. A. menu so that all may know just what combinations may be made from the edibles they purchase from the store, and she assures us that it will be a very healthy and balanced diet Mrs. Brimlcy helps her busy husband run the store. She knows every detail of the work and has had years of experience. Last, but not least, come the stenographers who are doing such good work Jo help things along. Among them is one with whom we have become very well acquainted because she has furnished so 'much news for the paper. Without Miss Moncuris smile there would be something lacking on the upper floor, but alas, she Washing, Polishing, Greasing Day and Monthly PHONE WAS. 8139 Steam-Heate- Storage RES. PHONE, HY. 8045--J DON'T BE DISCOURAGED , NATURE BUILT YOUR BODY NATURE CAN IT RE-BUIL- D If Natural Laws are permitted to operate TRY NATURES WAY Chronic Diseases Successfully Treated Without Drugs or Surgery EYE TREATMENTS GLASSES FITTED ' W. M. STOREY, N.D. D. Opt. Offices 5th Floor, Felt Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY N. D. A. SCRIP ACCEPTED "B CREDIT Loyalty is at the basis of the success of any organization, loyalty of members, loyalty of officials, to each other and to the N. D. A. is abso-t- o the growth and lutely necessary forwarding of the! movement. Be loyal to the N. D. A. and it will be loyal to you. Do nert discount your scrip if you can possibly avoid it. Enemies ate lying in wait for your need to get your scrip at a bargain. Don't let them have it. If all human signs do not fail, then scrip will shortly be more valuable than the silver and gold. Hold on to it. stmsussHSSnins MMMMMVKmmmmm Sjust riteand barber BEAUTY shop NO. MAIN A Credits Barbering Only Special Attention to N. D. A. I I RiEREEERHVMEEEMEEIEVtlVflVl nHnMwwMwlHMUMwlMMwlHwmiwWlWHwRmRM 124 QUESTION WORTH WHILE. (Continued from page One) hundred feet frontage by seventy-fiv- e feet deepth. The association aims to include both producer and consumer, and is organized for the purpose of providing the needs and promoting the economic welfare' of its members. To this end, it will eventually establish or acquire every trade, profession, industry and service. N. D. A Industries The industries so far attempted by the association include two canneries, one at Murray, Ut., the other at Lehi, Utah; a tannery built for $5,500, of which only $300.00 was cash; a small oil refinery, a coal mine, a sawmill, a small soap factory, a fruit drying plant and a sewing department which makes quilts and clothing. The association has also assisted numerous other industries to get under way. Books of detachable coupons redeemable in goods or services of the association are issued. Since this scrip moves in a trade channel in which money refuses to flow, it cannot be considered a competitor of money, but rather an auxiliary, enlarging the volume of industrial activity. At this writing the daily scrip turnover in Salt Lake City alonj amounts to over $50001 Through the use of this scrip, families who have hardly seen fifteen dollars actual cash in two years are now earning and enjoying a modest but comfortable living. Hundreds of landlords are accepting it for rent Milk, coal, bread, daily papers and theatre tickets are only a suggestive list of the 'many thingS' available. Its value Jies in the organized productive capacity of the association. Additional Units Besides the Salt Lake headquarters, units have been organized in Ogden, Logan, Brigham Gty, American Fork, Lehi, Provo, Delta, Utah, and Preston and Montpelier, Idaho. Other units are in process of organization in both states and still others have been asked for by committees of residents in nearby cities and towns. Dr. Edmund W. Gale of San Jose, Calif., has been working two months in the association headquarters in Salt Lake, as a training for the mission of organizing the state of California. He has now gone to Oakland to open up the first unit. At. Phoenix, Arizona, the Natural Development Association of Arizona has been organized after the pattern of its Utah parent. Colorado Springs, Colo., has sent for copies of articles of incorporation, bylaws, coupon books, and all forms and literature that will help in organizing. Requests are coming from all along the Pacific Coast, as well as from Texas, Kansas and the states recently covered by the association caravan attending the New York convention. Each unit has its own exchange system, and from main headquarter and each unit headquarters survey men are sent out over the surrounding territory to gather data covering the BOISE OF PROPERTY. (Continued from page One) found in private ownership of the means of production and distribution of wealth, which condition of affairs promotes an avaricious and spirit in the owning class, and that owning class, dominating social thought and organization, continues social this order. Only as the sleeping mass awakes and takes over to itself the heritage of the ages (which the capitalist class now owns) and shall own for ALL, and shall operate for ALL, only in this shall all men be secured in the good things of life and poverty be abolished. Blessed is he that considers the poor, said the old Psalmist; to which we may safely add the and make it word intelligently, Blessed is he who intelligently considers the poor; for he who does this will soon line up with us in the comradeship of the cooperative movement, and advance to the abolition of all poverty. by TELEPHONE $1.60 After 8:30 P. M. pnly anti-soci- al anti-soci- 90c an PRAHL & KIRTEN Paper Hanging and Cleaning Plus Federal Tax on amounts of 50c or over. TELEPHONE INSURANCE For N.D.A. Scrip All Life, Health and Accident Insurance with Biggest and Best Company in World PAID IN FULL FOR SCRIP FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE B" CREDIT Call F. L. Hickman GOOD WORK REASONABLE CHARGE Call Hy. 5118-- R PARAMOUNT 902 WAS. 6745 or leave order with CLEANERS DELIVERY SERVICE rates) n (Station-to-statio- & DYERS RELINING South 1st West Mr. Howe REPAIRING Wasatch 2458 Work Guaranteed ' Motor Rebuilding Ignition Repairs Brake Lining Battery Service AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. DICK CLINTON, Mgr. 76 South Second East Street WASATCH 4981 WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Modern Equipment WELCOME! New and Rebuilt Batteries N. D. A. MEMBERS f Visit the New, Modern list your wants in these columns. Advertising pays dividens. WIHTEHOUSE HOTEL A S. WILLETT, Prop. N.D.A. Barber and Beauty Parlor Now Open at 55 West Broadway Wasatch 10087 Be Loyal d SALT LAKE to has vanished and gone to the national headquarters of the N. D. A, in the Judge building. And they do available commodities, tools, implefurniture, trucks, autos and lasay that Mr. Curtis makes many trips ments, bor. They also approach business to the new offices. houses with the proposition of accepting the scrip for services or trade. Common Courtesy Those who agree are entered on the association service list which is issued free to desirable tradesmen. The data One of the new N. D. A. rules gathered by the survey is coordinated stresses the matter of courtesy, which m an inventory covering in detail the is well. Courtesy pays in business. Many of the people who come to the offices are poor and may not be as presentable as one could wish to see them. But they are entitled to common courtesy. Another rule worth adopting is that of closing the meetings on time. Two hours is a lot of time these days and much can be done if it is rightly used. hap-cack- le. ALL WORK GUARANTEED floor. Many concerns have had their names published and then failed to live up to their agreement and many listings have been made erroneously. Under the new system we ask that listings be made with the understanding that people will serve 10 days notice before discontinuing their service. ROY N. DUNDAS, Manager Salt Lake Unit. NJLA IDEA Mrs. Elggren, popular president of the Ladies' department, lies awake at nights trying to figure out ways and means to help the club along in its good work, always smiling and working cheerfully to make others happy and content. Mrs. Hickman sits quietly at her desk, or stands quietly in her place and does not do a thing but tend to business. To see her at her best is to watch her leading the singing of N. D. A. songs. Even those who cannot sing are inspired to do so through her efforts. Dr. June B. Smith is trying to give everyone an opportunity to make the most of themselves by She inspires with the splendid course she gives and proves its efficacy by pointing out how Mr. String-hahas succeeded because of it. Good things are often done up in small parcels, and that's the case with Mrs. Glad. She has the smile that makes others glad. And she is always glad to know that she is doing work for a good cause, the N. D. A. Mrs. Cummings has proved to be a real help in producing songs and plays for' the ladies' club meetings. She is enthusiastic about the work. Mrs. Strjngham is just as much interested in the work as is her husband. She has been and is an inspirational help. Her encouragement has helped him over many rough places and her faith sustained her when he was making the great beginnigs here and she was keeping the home fires burning in Idaho Mrs. Pierce, the smiling lady in "Steve's beauty parlor, has been with the N. D. A. for a lung time and is happy in the work. Many improvements have been made about her home because of N. D. A. scrip. She has made it a place of beauty within and without. , Many are anxiously awaiting the return to health of Mrs. Lohmolder's mother, so that some more of those good plays can be put on. Mrs. Woodruff is very much interested in departmental work. She is a great help to the organization as well as to her busy hustling husband. She is just as good an entertainer as Farm Two good The association cannot attempt to Lighting systems. See R. G. Page serve as a relief organization, nor to at N. D. A, 47 West Broadway. guarantee jobs for its members. It list your wants in these columns. has, however, set many hundreds to work, and in the process of growth Advertising pays dividens. will set more and more to work. Also, all sorts of independent tradesmen and dealers have increased the volume of their business to a very satisfactory FEET HURT? degree through the association. The membership is rapidly increasing, and Consult the measure of prosperity created by association the DR. M. J. MARSHALL is many times greater than its membership, 206 Utah Savings ft Trust Bldg: Its educational department, includWASATCH 1092 ing an agressive newspaper, is actively teaching the new system, but its most effective education is in the actual operation of its system of exchange. Lake unit N, D, A. makes it to publish an accurate ser--e list. Rather than publish an incomplete list it is felt that it is advisable at this time to suspend this publication for one issue. All concerns wishing their names listed in the next issue, please call at the office, 55 West 3rd South, and list your names with the luuusiriai Relationship Department on fne second v- X 'V i i " T v Jr.! 1 a V, .. SfeL - frrrr v' f ' i v . 1 v 4 A ? i a - 4 ' Also Operating Beehive Barber and Beauty Parlor At 30 South State Street 100 OUTSIDE ROOMS Family Accommodations WEEKLY RATES Elevator Service FREE PARKING SPACE Single Rooms, 75c and $1.00 With Bath, $1.25 Up B" CREDITS 123 So. West Temple St WASATCH 5238 One block south of Temple Square and Interurban Depot COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE We Specialize in Permanent Waving These shops are operated conjointly Same prices and percentages prevail in both shops S. S. (Steve) STEVENS, Prop. Wasatch 4912 |