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Show PROGRESSIVE GOOD PROGRESS MADE (Continued from page One) quests for information. Mr. Woodruff told of education department cissies in cession and of the tannery. Dr. Ericksen Talks Mr. Wakefield, head of the clothing factory, was introduced. Dr. Erickson in his talk said he had some N. D. A. scrip and would use it to buy comodities, not gold. Commenting on a suggestion that the university award to Mr. Stringham an honorary degree, ;he said Mr. Stringham was conducting ju tremendous laboratory experiment jin economics. He is doing while oth- -, ers are talking. To succeed, the association must emphasize service. He heard one citizen say that if he wanted give five dollars where it vould do the most good without humiliating the recipient, he would give it to the now being given in the N. D. A. college, and their value to the members. Myron Smith, the toy maker, showed pictures of the toy shop and demonstrated the beauty and strength oi toy chairs made in the factory. Mr. Christensen, in whose shop the toy furniture is being made, added more on the subject. Mr. Porter announced that John F. Bennett has given the association a barrel of glue. Mr. Adair of the tannery said next week leather made there would he on exhibition, and would soon be it any-tone having windows sell them the OGDEN tannery. Mr. Page made a very interesting trip through the South Pacific of about 17.0U0 miles In February he was married to Virginia Holt of Preston, Idaho. He met her when he went into Preston to es25 Cleaner. Ogden Hotel, rm 415. tablish the first chain store in that PLUMBIN- G60 Mr. c. Hooper, 2117 Kleeel Avs city, and she accompanied him a few weeks ago, when he returned to esPRINTING 60 Neuteboom Printing Co., 2450 tablish an N. D. A. exchange. Washington. Four years ago he assisted his fathPRESSING AND CLEANING 60 Hr. Williams 2151 Klaaal Avs er and brother in organizing the firm PEHMAK ESIT0 of Kawson & Co., their principle busi60 Mltchell'e Shop. Eoclea Bldg. 50 Peggy'a Bhop, 2252 Washington ness being the selling and installing 10 Lorraine Barber Shop, 27IU of metal weather strips. They estiWaahlngtos mate they have installed strips in REPAIR SHOR SHOP about two, thousand homes in the 50 Mr. Murtlnann, 2147 Porter. 50 Croxford Repair Shop, 2211 territory. They are still Quincy. in this business, when they can spare RAWLEIGHT PRODUCTS a little time away from the N. D. A. 60 N. IX Jki 1420 Grand Avs John Mayor, 420 Alameda Avanus and are just completing a contract for stripping the new Federal bnilding in MM GRAND AVKKEI OUDRIT, UTAH The following Is n lint of sorvlcos which N. D. A. Scrip will buy. Why not Hat your services and commodities, and increase your volume and help brine back PROSPERITY. Clast A Service AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS A PARTS Bill Cobia, Rivardale. Henry Bond, raar. 2742 Adams. Budd Cliff, 1214 Waahinartoa. APARTMENTS D. W. Stephens, 1204 Lincoln Ave. told of the furniture need of paint, varnish and glue. Mr. Kershaw told of the proPhone 2S22-gress of the paint shop and of the WANTED: Responsible elderly couneed of the school chilJren of Carbon DELTA EXCHANGE LIST ple to cook for 1 boarders. Living quarters wll be provided free. county for clothing. BARBER W. W. Anderson, Star Barber Shop, Mr. Stringham told the meeting AUTO REPAIRING 220 20 Street. that $5 cash does $5U0 work in the Billy Van'a Garage. Fred Clift, Star Barber Shop, 120 2ith Flxlt Shop. Street association. N. D. A. R. H. Twitchell. Lorraine Bhop, 2710 BARBER BHOP KUpak's Mika's It was announced that the cafe will Washington. Organization Details 8. Harrop, Lorraine Bhop, 2710 Wash- BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Lohmolder told of the courses soon be open under the direction of Lucllle'a ington. CLEANING AND DYEING Mr. Livingston and with an excepA. cf Wallace. 2200 Washington. Delta Cleaners and Dyers tionally expert chef. The need is for BRICKLAYER Blmon Dowild, 1000 Jefferson. Phono CAFE wall paper or paint to finish the walls. Owl Cafs II02-1L SALT LAKE to v DANCING A trumpet solo by Mr. Hood, and CARPENTER Van'a Open Air. Wm. DeBloole, 2052 Liberty. Phono ELECTRICAL REPAIRS orchestra music ended the program. 2211-DENVER Flxlt 8hop. O. 4011. 420 Karl Adame, Ph. Elding, ICE W. O. Hartman, 2050 Washington. Skidmores CHIROPRACTOR MILLINERY Dr. Johnson, Kleeel Building. by TELEPHONE Franklin Millinery Co. DENTAL SERVICE store's MOTOR $1.80 D. M. KEMP $1.05' 920 n ( rates) Plus Federal Tax on amounts of 50c or over. Station-to-statio- Labor, East 27th South HY. 7573-- A Credit Parts, Cash Satisfaction Guaranteed TELEPHONE jjaaaaatnswswiswissfwsHwsniaMHi!wwwwswisisisissHiHSiiatisiiaiiji FOURTH AYE. SHOE SHOP H. H. ANDERSEN 376 4th Ave. Call Was. 10123 We Call for and Deliver N.D. A. "B" Credits ENSIGN SHOE SERVICE East 1st South Phone Was. 5719 Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN 577 HEALTH DEPARTMENT a B Credits accepted. Inclusive of all Medical, Surgical and Dental Requirements. 4 Optometry, Chiropractic, Drugless Treatment; Chiropody, Nursing, Prescriptions and Hospitalization. For Information At ply to Mi Wan. S79S Hy, 4B0S-ar Wu. loser A . 4 X-Ra- y, W THE HEPNER RABBITRY See Us Phone Mur. Murray CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Let Us Remodel' Your Home You do not need money, just products. Was. 7280 for Information ' WEISS 553 So. PLASTERING 3rd East COMPANY PLASTERING STUCCO EXTERIOR and INTERIOR Estimates Cheerfully Given Salt Lake City ARCH WORK . . Wasatch 8298-- He began contributing to his living expenses by working in grocery stores of that city. While with the firm of Thos. B. Evans, he learned many lessons in cleanliness and order in business that have remained with him. Though he was considered one of the hardest men to work under, he stands out as a fond memory in Mr. Raw-son- 's ry 2524-- PHYSICIAN OH 364-- J Karl Weiss A SURGEON Inquire of N. D. JL, 2420 Grand Avs PRODUCE N. D. A.. 2420 Grand Avs PAPER HANGING John Borgor, 410 Canyon Rd. Phono 2524-- DYEHIf-Banlta- R. ' M cloth painting, pillow painting, and oil paintings PIANO LESIONS Mrs. A. Norton, 1172 Jefferson. PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT $2.00 yearly. Paper Subscriptions2420 Grand Avs Inquire of N. D. A., PRESS 472 C. L. Ross Press Quality Washington Avs QUILT MAKING Mrs W. W. Anderson, 421 Adams Avs RUG WEAVING Isabel Oborn, 2411 Adams Avs Annie Hiatt 2942 Childs Avs SHOE SHINING PARLOR 24 th Street and Kleael Avs SHARPENING Maurloe Cols TT0 12th St (Knives scissors sairs. raiors sts) SHEET METAL WORKS Mr. J. C. Pace, 24S0 Kleael Avs THEATRES Inquire of N. D. A, 2420 Grand Avs TRUCK LINES Barlow Truck Unas A. E. Barlow, mgr., 220 24th St Phono II. VEGETABLES N. D. A 2420 Grand Avs WOOD R. L. Saunders Oil 10th St Levari Btakar, 1255 Pingroe Avs Spilt wood, (5 par cord; blocks par cord. WATKINS PRODUCTS Chris Purdy, 1162 Plngree Avs GARAGH Olsen Oarage, 2440 Grant Avs 5 Class B" Service REX HAT CLEANING SHOP APARTMENTS 50 J. E. Lichfield. 1211 Kleael and SHOE SHINE PARLOR ' BILL KICHAS, Prop We Clean and Block All Kinds of Lzdies and Gents Hats 50c to 65c All Work Guaranteed" B SERVICE 246 South Main Keith Emporium Arcade BUY SHINE TICKETS AND SAVE MONEY 13 SHINES SHINE 10c 6 SHINES 50c COOPERATION BUILT THE N. D. A. . Use Cooperative Dairy Products .Patronize Those Who Patronize You BUY YOUR MILK ON B SERVICE The Cooperative Milk Producer s, Inc. 1208 Cooperative Dairymen East 21st Sbuth Hyland 1055 71 Mrs N. B. (rear). Phone EVERNEW PRODUCT Flxlt Shop. Get the song, Covered Wagon Day Sweetheart, by Christie Luna, at N. BIOGRAPHY OF J. A. RAWSON James A..Rawson, who is now engaged in assisting to organize the expansion or wholesale department of the Natural Development Associa, tion, is the son of William J. Rawson of the building department. He was born in Kiblcy, Oregon. November 16, 1900. His father was at that time bishop of the Nibley ward and manager oftho Nibley Land company's farm. This farm was part of the community of Nibley, founded by the late President ('has. W. Nib-Ic- y and others. This colony began as a large coop cratire movement, wherein the farmers were to cooperate with the land The farmers were to purcompany. chase land for themselves and assist in developing the company farm as a community project. The trouble with this kind of cooperation was that the producers were to cooperate with the capitalists. The result was that one group cooperated and the other The N. 1). A. realizes capitalized. that cant be done. The Rawson family moved to Ogden in 1909, where "Jay received his schooling, mind. He joined the Skaggs Cash Stores at the age of 18. Was told by O. P. Skaggs that it was against the rule of the company to hire anyone under the age of 21, as they couldn't afford to hire men who would not make store managers within one year. This because, like the N. D. A., the growth of the organization depended on havmen. ing the right type of That they could not afford to entrust, a store to anyone under lagol age. They made an exception and he opened several stores before he was 19. In 1920 he answered a call to fill a mission for the I. D. S. church in The time there was New Zealand. divided in three general periods. The first as instructor in the Maori Agriculture College at Hastings. (This school was destroyed by. the Napier earthquake in 1931.) The second, in the city of Wellington, ther capital city, and the final period as president Goof the South Island conference. ing out through San Francisco, calling at Tahiti in the French Society islands and Rarotonga in the Cook islands, then returning in 1923 via Fiji and the Hawiian islands to Vancouver well-train- Avs Wallacs 057 7th 8t BAKEHY 60 Mr. P. E. Roberts 1151 Wash Ington Avs COAL N. D. A., 1420 Grand Avs 50 EXCELS! 0 GOODS 50 Mrs Orvn Linford, 110 Ith Bt 50 Mrs Ethel Skelton, 140 llth St, 2772-25 1.00 PRODUCTS Anna Burg, S51 22nd St Ph. 2042-Fancy Sewing. Bessie Dud man, 124 21at St Fancy Sowing. lira. Lorln Frew, Hooper, Utah. Plain sawing. Kathryn Dixon. 2022 Porter. Plain sewing. Wanna Fredericks, 2142 Porter. Plain aawlng. Mrs. Horace Taylor, 2440 Washington. Plain sowing Hrs. Lynch, All Kleael Are. Plain sawing. Berdatta Boles, 257 7th Bt Plain sawing. EDUCATION Smithsonian Business College. Inquire of N. D. A., 2420 Grand. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING Maurice Cola, 770 12th Street FRUITS Association, Natural Development 2420 Qrand Ave. FINGER WAVES AND MAHCELES Peggys Shop, 2252 Wahington. Mitchell's Bhop, Eoclea Building. Lorraine Barber Shop, 2720 Washington. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Robert Smith, 925 22rd Street HOKE Real Batata Company. (See Ogden Mr. Russell.) modern. Basement and garage, in good condif 20.00 per mo. tion; unfurnished, LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS A Laundry Dry Cleanera A Dyers 1S22 Washington. MECHANICAL NOVELTY WORK K. H. Hutchinson, 2SS0 Adams MEDICAL HEALTH Inquire of N. D. A., 2420 Grand Avs HULTIGRAFHING Emerson Stephana, Argyla Apts NURSING Mrs Horace Taylor, 2440 Washington; practical nurso. Mrs Senoer, nuns FAINTING A DECORATING John Borgor, 419 Canyon Rd. Phono PLANING MILL Ellli Mill, 2551 Wall Avs PAINTING Mrs O. K. Kartchner, 1524 Ogdon Av. First for Your Stock Needs Also Meat 547 W. 59th South Street Fine Stock at All Times Rosenbaum. RADIO REPAIRS B. 25 Years Experience After 8 JO P. M. Only KcCONNON A WATKINS Inquire of N. D. A., 2420 Grand. DRESSMAKING RECONDITIONING Page Three. N.D. A. DEPARTMENT NAT. DEV. ASSOCIATION EXCHANGE SERVICE o INDEPENDENT NEW GENERAL HOSPITAL 405 SO. 4th WEST Provo, Utah PHONE 1363 A CREDITS Salt Lake. He informs me that working in the N. D. AJ has brought him happiness, because it gives him a chance to work along the lines he has been thinking for several years. Since first discussing this plan with Mr. Stringham for an hour last spring, he has never been in doubt for one minute as to the outcome of this movement. CAN WE MEET CHANGE (Continued from page 1) Moreover, even when, after long experiment and patient research, the social sciences come to some conclusion that is capable of immediate realization in reshaping the practical relationships of men, this conclusion is not adopted or is most grudgingly adopted. Man is so lethargic, so suspicious of innovation in everything that relates to himself, that Only with difficulty can, he be persuaded to desert any fraetion of his inherited practices and routine. Our Willingness to Make Change It is here that we face the extraordinary contrast between our willingness to make any change whatever in our, physical environment that cong venience or may prescribe, and our obstinate determination to leave unaltered as far as we can our relations both to the world and to each other. We eagerly apply to our methods of living the conclusions of the natural sciences; we scorn the conclusions of the social sciences. For example, physics gives us the theory of the internal combustion engine, or sets before us the principles of communication by electricity. Willi what feverish activity do we seize upon these ideas! They are elaborated and refined, and with a thousand minds working upon them, they arc brought to such a state of completion that soon we soar through the skies in airplanes and talk to our friends a thousand miles away. Nobody stops to ask what Isaac Newton, two hundred years ago, would have thought of these innovations. Nobody questions their propriety because they do not happen to follow the theories of Michael Faraday. Nobody allows old ideas of gas engines or outworn conceptions of electricity to interfere with the application of these new principles. Nobody tries to impede their development by appeals to emotion, or by attacking the motives or character of the inventors. We arc thirsty for progress in all that relates to the material phases of our lives. Descartes these were the pioneers, the early saints of the Kingdom of Truth, by whose integrity we are free 300 Years War For three hundred years the battle was waged the Three Hundred Years War for intellectual freedom in relation to the natural sciences. We are governed by the traditions and impulses of a bygone world. Innovation in social institutions and economic ideas frightens us. We find comfort in the status quo. As for the prophets of new and critical ideas, particularly in the social and economic field, our inclination is to classify them among the enemies of society. They are radicals, they are Reds, they are dangerous men; they are tampering with the foundations of, order; they dare to subject to scrutiny and analysis the institutions and customs which we have received as a sacred trust from the past. The whole pressure of social opinion is exerted to make everybody conform to a given standard of ideas, to suppress innovations, to force the heretic to kneel before the scarlet-cla- d cardinals of the social order in pennanre for his sins. The Challenge of Change This is the challenge that wc face in our generation. It is a challenge the answer to which cannot be postponed. That answer calls for boldness, for a spirit of daring, for a certain scum of the past, for a fearless util- reconsideration of the . .worth and i ty of human institutions and prac- tices. One final conception that certainly should, conic in for rigid analysis is the validity and worth of our present economic order. Surely in this field, if in any, wc need detachment and an open mind. Fur industry lias upset the scale of human values. It has unbalanced men's dreams of a better world and their conception of the springs of action. It has become not one element in life, but the whole of life;, not the servant of social purpose, but its master. Under our present regime man seems scarcely more than a tool for producing goods. He seems to exist not ill order that he may be happy, but in order that machines may well-bein- RUG CLEANING HAT BLOCKING-PLEATI- NG We Call and Deliver Come Clean With Us and Well Dye for You 1130 WINDSOR ST. HY. Industry for Man Industry was made for man, not man for industry. Here is a chance for the social sciences to help readjust the balance, to work out the ba-i- s LEE Furnace Cleaning and Repairing and D. T. WORSENCROFT Mueller Gat and Coal Furnace Quaker and Clarks Furnace REPAIR WORK--A CREDITS NEW WORK B CREDITS Phone Hy. 7597 Salt Lake City, Utah ANY KIND With or Without Key SECURITY AUTO KEYS Keys Made Quickly for Any Lock GUN REPAIRING OTTO MOSS General Auto Repairing Labor, A Credits larts, Cash Member of the N. 1). A. 155 E. 27th SOUTH ST. GLENfS KEY and TENNIS SHOP 113 So. Main Was. 1585 Scrip Accepted aaaasaasaaaioeseooeoooeeee.ee..e.xxx.YVVYff(frt)wwuwww ZANOL QUALITY PRODUCTS Cosmetics, Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Paste and Household Necessities mr. McAllister 667 So. Cash 50 7th East Street Same A" Credit Shoe Repairing World an Economic Unit But let economics and political science develop the principle that the world we live in is an economic unit and that the process of integration and interrelationships has developed to a point where some international machinery like a league of nations is necessary to handle the common interests of mankind that overflow national boundaries what happens? We begin to ask what George Washington would have thought of it one hundred and twenty-fiv- e years ago. We quote the casual remarks of in their statesmen long graves. We summon the ghosts of, traditional and ancient custom to bear witness to the fact that the thing has never been done before. We criticize the mistakes and impugn the character of the chief inventor and his associates. We fight over the matter in political and campaigns in which prejudice passion take the place of intelligent analysis. For the detachment of the laboratory we substitute the emotion of the torchlight procession. Marshaled Against Change SIIURTLIFF fe m SHOE REPAIRING 49 West 1st South Phone Was. We Use the Best Material WE WISH YOU WOULD TRY US We Are a Member of N.D.A. IXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X I BARBER SHOPPE The forces of the established order are marshalled in full array against change. It makes no difference how necessary the change may be, how essential to the vitality and life of the social order; its, foes remain implacable. Whether it be in the field of eugenics in an attempt to breed a better race, or in economics in an to distribute more fairly the rewards of industry, or in law through the establishment of a new international court, the response is invariably the same. We raise our hands to invoke the sanctity of old customs and glorify the god of things as they arc. We condemn the man who dares to preach a new. life, a new method of salvation. He perverteth the peoor Crucify him!" ple, we cry. But it must not be forgotten, of course, that three hundred years ago this same Calvary awaited the prophets of the natural sciences. Galileo, Giordano Bruno, Francis Baron. ALL WORK FIRST CLASS PREMIER BAKERY WE ARE A MEMBER OF N. D. A. COMMUNITY MARKET Try Our N. D. A. Health Bread A Credits Fine Cakes and Pastries on B Credits Give Vs a Trial BUSINESS TRAINING IS THE GREAT HOPE OF TODAY ALL OTHER PROFESSIONS ARE OVERCROWDED Personal Instruction by Experts in Bookkeeping, Accounting, Stenography, Typing, Law, Office Machines, Civil Service N. D. A. Scrip is as Good as Gold to Vs Every Day Somewhere A Change Occurs Your Turn Will Come Will You Be Ready? Address A BUSINESS TRAINING Will I enclose - For which Signed- Prove Better, Than Gold to You f $- - I hereby contribute $- help send out extra copies N.forD. the A purpose of advertising the and acquainting people with the new idea. 10060 ri.lpry.i 'p Editor Progressive Independent, 206 Scott Bldg., City. Please send the paper to me for 646 WANTED OLD LOCKS be prolific. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK" DESERET CLEANERS and DYERS of a new perspective, to free ns from the shackles of a system that robs life of so much of its meaning, its dignity, and its possibility, of beauty. Every human idea and institution must be prepared to meet the challenge of facts, to face the measurement of truth and worth. Our views of property, our conceptions of government, our systems of education, onr churches, our laws, our philosophies, our notions of right and wrong, our conventional relationships with each other these are legitimate subjects of analysis, the laboratory materials of the new inquiry. No longer can the world build sanctuaries for the protection of ideas. Martyrs to Truth In the year 1600 Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome by the Inquisition. His crime was his endeavor to see the world as it really is, unclouded by the mists of authority and tradition. Nearly three hundred years later, in 1889, the City of Rome built a monument to his memory on the spot where his ashes rest. It stands in the Campo di Fiori where the peasants come to sell their flowcan ers, and, there the passers-b- y Raised to read this inscription: Giordano Bruno by the generation which he foresaw. Our business is not to look behind, but to look ahead along the road over which mankind is moving. The future has more significance than the past, in that it calls to action while the past ,, siIent. The past cannot be altered, the future is plastic. For the past we have no moral concern, for the future we are responsible. "We are still the heirs of all the ages that have gone, but we are no less truly the ancestors of all the ages that are to come. A SUGGESTION GET READY SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE 246 SOUTH MAIN STREET |