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Show INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ORGAN OF THE N. D. A. 55 WEST BROADWAY VOL. I, NO. 25. PRICE 5c. $2.00 A YEAR Interesting letter from Wilbur M. Wolfe of Aurora, Illinois: THE CHALLENGE iS y OF CHANGE? Can We Meet the Challenge or Change Good Thoughts Which Should Turn People To N. D. A. The following exceptionally good thoughts were offered by a great writer under the caption, The Old Savage In the New Civilization. They are worth reading and pondering by of member N. 1). and every A., by citizens generally: New Heavan and New Earth We knew of course that science, physics and chemistry had given us a new heaven and a new earth, but it scarcely occurred to us that the whole thing might get out of control. Is human society being gorged with innovations too great for its powers of assimilation? Are there limits to our ability to absorb alteration and change? It is not the FACT of change; it is the RATE of change that constitutes' the danger. The overrapid alteration of artificial environment may annihilate mankind no less certainly than the overrapid modification of natural environment wiped out saber-toothtiger and mastodon. The Triple Kings Physics, chemistry, and biology are the triple kings before whose thrones we worship, the three wise men out of the East whose gifts we eagerly accept. The social sciences, on the other hand, have advanced scarcely ABOVE MONEY N EDITED BY C. N. LUND. 206 Scott Bldg. DO YOU READ YOUR PAPER? Some Do Not Take Time. ON N.D.A. IDEA Oct. 24, 1932. Natural Development Assn, 55 West Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. I thank you very much for your letter of the 19th,' which came in this mornings mail, and for your promise to keep me in mind when your stock of printed matter has been replenished. I shall be glad to learn all I can of your movement. One criticism I have of so many organizations formed to deal with thr unemployment problem is that they look upon our distressed condition as one of the moment and that there is no need for a permanent organization. This is not the way with your organization as I understand it. It is wrong to think that there can be anything like a sudden return to prosperity but if there were to be such a thing and if we come out of it without some sort of a permanent organization to carry us on to a prosperity hitherto unknown to the average American family, then we shall have suffered the agonies of this depression all in vain. It seems almost incredible that in that more or less isolated section of the United States an organization like yours could do so well when we don't seem to even get a start out here. Over in southern Michigan and northern Indiana there are here and there some signs of life; and I should like to go over in there and see what I can do to crystalizc it. But first, I should like to journey to the Vatican of the N. D. A and see your plan in tactual operation. You spoke of needing organizers. What qualifications would you require? Maybe I could come out and work with you for a while and then be routed back East on an organizing tour? The use of scrip is an idea which has been in my mind for a good many Money was a tremendous years. weapon in the hands of the rising bourgeoise against the feudal system. Probably our coming struggle will not be so much of a struggle between classes as a lot of people think as it will be between money and scrip. As we extend the sphere of scrip we reduce the sphere of money. The Shyloclcs will dry up with their money. I notice in faraway Japan the farmers cooperatives are restorting to scrip. If it will pull us out of the depths of a depression where money has failed,' why isnt it a better system to hang on to?. Do you read your paper? Some members, even some leading members, do not read it as they should. This paper is different. You can't read it at one sitting. You must carry it with you or have it about your reading table for a week and read every time you get a chance. It is not filled with the news of the moment to be read and forgotIts material is food for ten. thought, worth remembering and worth referring to every now and WORTHWHILE Stringliam Proves Money Superfluous then. Observations on Work of Organization By WILL DOBSON The Progressive Independent is now .a national paper, reaching practically every state. It goes to the N. D. A units throughout Utah, in Idaho, Nevada, California, Arizona, Wyoming,' Canada and elsewhere. Every line is read and everywhere and it pains us to find a few at home who read only a synopsis of the headlines.'' The paper is a fountain of information, a means of inspiration, a for economic truth. missionary You cannot afford to be without it, and you are the loser if you fail to read it. re-re- Henry Ford says that the only way to help a man is to teach him to help himself. Benjamin Stringham has not been satisfied merely to say it. He is doing it. His organization, the Natural Development Association of Salt Lake City, Utah, has shown thousands how to go on producing, exchanging and consuming without the OF POVERTY IS A LIVE ISSUE THE GREAT QUESTION OF POVERTY Timely Thought On the Great Curse of The Race ' By Rev. Roland D. Sawyer Poverty is the great black blot that spreads itself over the face of civilization. Poverty causes at least of all the vice, crime, brutality and ignorance in human life, and, however we approach life, if we seriously desire human welfare, we must see that the thing to be dune is to get rid of poverty. The laws of Moses were largely directed toward the abolishment of poverty! his great followers, the Prophets, had the same vision, as did the Hebrew religious pouts; and Jesus gave His life to the two-thir- poor. use of money. SATURDAY NIGHT MEETING, OCT. 22 THE QUESTION President Stringham, in charge of the meeting Saturday, October 22, introduced Ephraim Jensen of Brigham City, who told of the operation of the United Order in Brigham City 61 years ago. He named a wide variety of industries carried on by the order under Lorenzo Snow and showed that it had been entirely successful until the Federal government won a suit against it, and that was followed by a fire that destroyed a great deal of its property. . Community singing was lead by Mr. Fb. Kirkham, accompanied by Mrs. Lcola Cummins; piano solos by Professor Minns, and a vocal solo by Margatct Bowen, were the musical features. After a reading by Mrs. Percy White, the main talk of the evening was given by Attorney Gaylen S. Youngs He presented to the meeting the vision of a nation-wid- e association, and explained the new national setup wherein an expansion department has been created to administer the present units and organize new ones, under the direct supervision of the board of directors, with headquarters in the Judge building. Myron Smith, the association toy manufacturer, told of the progress so far in securing necessary lumber for making toy furniture. Mr. Percy White told the meeting that the glove factory will be in operation as soon as leather is tanned in the tannery. Mr. Adair told the meeting the sum of $50 was needed to pay freight on the chemicals for the tannery. That was passed around and approximately $30 was contributed by members who reMr. Adair announced that sponded. he would place enough Dixie molasses on the market to be sold for 20c cash and the balance scrip to bring in the other $30 for chemicals. The meeting sang a number of community NATIONAL RECOGNITION FROM FARM LEADER Presidential Candidate Praises IV. D. A. Opportunities of N. D. A. Are Greater Than Washington When' such nationally known men of standing as John A. Simpson, president of' the National Farm Bureau, and Socialist candidate for president, Norman Thomas, investigate and endorse the N. D. A. idea, you may know there is something in it that is worth-whilAs they say so will all honest investigators say. John A. Simpson, of Oklahoma, president of the National Farmers Union, visited all departments of the N. D. A. After being told its aims and what it has accomplished, he had the following to say of it: I have been through the plant, heard the story of those in command, and I am highly pleased. The movement has my complete indorsement, and I hope it spreads to every state in the country. It has developed to where it includes every industry so that the people connected with it can have not only the necessities but comforts and songs. luxuries at their command." Mr. Berg Ellingson of the associaSpeaking to a young man who was tion furniture exchange sang a solo thinking of going to Washington, he which brought an enthusiastic en- said: You stay with the N. D. A core and many personal expressions will take you farther than you of appreciation. could ever go at Washington. Mr. Grant Bedford, manager of the This indorsement by the president Logan unit, and Mr. Parry, the Brig- of the National Farmers' Union is of ham City manager, made treat significance, for the Union has tranches in every agricultural state in the nation. Mr. Simpson has been in the limelight as a national radio on farm problems for a numNOT- speaker ber of years. A number of his radio addresses have been reprinted in e. What Poverty Is When the depression hit Mr. String-ham- N. D. A. LAUNCHED 1. What is Poverty? It is a lack real estate business in Shelley, the material necessities of life. And IN OAKLAND of Idaho, and left an energetic young what are they? Let Prof. Marshall, realtor with time on his hands, he a conventional political economist, devoted the time to writing a book. The second meeting of the Oakland speak. He says, The physical necesIn this book of only one hundred which is organizing a local unit sities of the laborer and his family are pages, he outlined a new economic group Natural Development Associa- a comfortable dwelling, sufficient system called Natural Government." of themet at the home of J. F. Holmes, clothing for warmth and respect, pure The first two chapters of his book tion, water, a sufficient allowance of wholehe devoted to a diagnosis of the eco- 464 30th Street, Monday evening. fund, some education, and some nomic malady. He showed that the They report 19 members so far, and some recreation for himself and family. products and services of the industrial much enthusiasm for the Salt Lake This is what a well paid professor alAn organizer system, which normally circulate on ?lan of cooperation. Salt Lake is expected shortly, lows as the dessert of a man who laa stream of money are now stranded and can no longer be exchanged be- when the unit will begin operations as bors, and is there anything unreasoncause financiers by means of stock clearing house of goods, labor and able in it? Of course not and yet dividends, interest on bonds and services, using scrip within the organ- more than 20 million people in the United States do not hare these mortgages, stock market manipula- ization instead of money. people are tions, etc., found it possible to draw This plan has been a great success things. in Twenty million poverty. Then there is anat all. the bulk of the money out of the in- in Utah, the N. D. A now reporting living million living to the limit dustrial system into their banks, a business of $4000 per day, only 2 other ten It is this gap between the brilliant of their wage, owning no homes, init be where lies and useless cannot of is cash. cent of scientific which development knowledge per secure in their jobs. It only waits the brought back into circulation. on the one hand and the almost staTemporary officers arc: H. W. little run of sickness or hard luck and of Tree as Model tionary position of our knowledge Savage, chairman; H. F. Greenfield, they join the poverty-stricke- n ranks. man on the other that constitutes the As a remedy for this condition, he 1614 Channing Way, Berkeley, secreAnd the cause of this poverty is have utilized We our growdanger. outlined a system of exchange with- tary, and A H. Spencer, treasurer. Cause of ing acquaintance with the laws of naout the use of money. He took the There are no dues, but the member- not personal, these Poverty people are willing transnew and harness forces to ture tree as his model because it has with- ship fee is $5, which gives all ac- FOUR form the physical world about us, but in itself an ideal system of exchange. cepted members the full privileges of to work, eager to work, in fact they the scientific study of the human beThis is automatically regulated so N. D. A membership. newspapers and magazines. do work. Millions of men, women ing, of the springs of his conduct,' that each tree cell receives exactly Public meetings will be held each and children toil long hard days and and of human relations has not been what it needs and no more. Neither and Satuiay nights at ofttimes nights, either to keep just pushed with anything like the same is any cell allowed to charge a profit Wednesday 52U5 Telegraph Ave.' Asocial on the verge Of poverty of to merely 7:30 of same the little and with NORMAN THOMAS eagerness or any interest on what it furnishes hour atwill follow the speaking, and all exist in it. Twenty millions of people technique. In spite of his new weapto the other cells. are invited. Oakland Herald. living miserably, they know not why; ENDORSES N.D.A. ons and of his increased powers, man Thus the tree maintains a permaDr. and Mrs. Gale and others have gnawed to the heart by bodily want, Saturday Night Meeting, himself remains as he was and always and nent of and hard but sore prodependable fystem working gaining out to assist them. has been irrational, impulsive, emoOctober 29, Was duction and exchange and attains to gone nothing. And these people are our t9 tional, inherently conservative una In a private interview with Norman useful balanced, ones most the are and, growth, people, they healthy tradiand customs bound change, by Very Interesting less parasites tap its food stream, enThomas, Socialist candidate for presidoing the hard, dirty, fundamental A. D. tions which he will not analyze, the N. Organized dent of the United States, Owen work of the race; and society rewards joys a long life. conventions and victim of age-ol- d Wilford O. Wood- Woodruff and Warwick them by depending upon their instinct Lamoreaux As Natural Government was only Pocatello At announcprejudices. made plain the theory and working of to keep them ruff opened the meeting by small book and the words simple a in of first order Natural and Social Sciences procedure order of N. D. A After 45 minutes from suicide and willing to exist on ing that and the thought' clea he had no trouwould be getting acquainted, and in- hearing on the subject, Norman Hyrum Kay, who from the begin- misery. This divergence between the natuble in selling it in Idaho and Utah. came Thomas said: All the Edmund who W. Gale, troduced taken a great interest in the ral sciences and the social sciences, What annoyed him was being told so ning has 20,000,000 Poor cooperative reSan from here months two writes from Pocatello and Jose, schemes for social reconstruction work, ago between machinery and control, behis often it would that millions take are the Now these twenty by buyers has been working as a have seen this is the one that is bestI tween the kingdom of this world and What Do You Want to years and years to put his proposed ports the organization there of a very toiling poor; in addition to them Calif., and unit of the N. D. A member of the association ever since. The comes the and planned. Mr. Thomas the kingdom of the spirit this is Know About the system into operation. A Utah uni- healthy great army of those who Mr. Woodruff announced that the co- organized N. D. A, he says, made its bow to have where the hazard lies. Science has uncaught the spirit of N. D. A and in who the ranks into the of the drifted syspraised versity professor at association in Oakland, the Dorian last night his night address before the League N. D. A.? tem as ideal in the abstract set the Pocatellans the public charges, operative had sent funds for the exposed the paleolithic savage, maspur- for Independent Political Action held room of the Hqtel Bannock. Samuel toiling poor, that is time at three hundred years. criminals. We have California, querading in modern dress, to a sudpaupers, tramps, Gale there to of chairDr. having go A Dunn, Tyhee farmer, acting in the First Congregational church in den shift of environment which as pose Question: Is your association incorOperations Begun first unit of the California announced the cause of the N. millions of public wards, nearly threatens to unbalance his brain. It porated? If so, when and where, and more unfortunate working peo- open the and that he, with two Salt Lake City publicly stated that he This criticism turned the young au- man, many D. and introduced the A was visiting ple temporarily helped one way and association, has given him power and weapons what are the main provisions of your thor's attention from selling his book impressed with the moveof our expansion depart- mentgreatly guests representing the mother or- another, and asked to be kept advised as which the- - utmost wisdom could articles of incorporation? and millions of criminals and members the to of a next project creating leave working would for Oakland Lake Salt at ganization to its progress. We are very pleased Gty, Utah, one-thiof the ment, scarcely be trusted to use aright HuAnswer: The association is incor- model of his new economic system. namely W. W. Wilkinson, week. He was invited to make any Heber tramps. At least man arrangements have suddenly people living in America confront comments, suggestions or criticisms of that this bold thinker should show economic mal- Bennion and the state the of under laws the Having diagnosed of porated Keathens J. f. such interest in N. D. A Ralph In the words ceased to be as a condition rather than a the association he and the articles of incorpora- ady, he decided to operate. He felt Logan. Thirty of but had no people attended, among poverty of Professor Schiller of Oxford, the tionUtah, And this figure is a conserva- criticism to make. desired, filed on the 27th day of Jan- that he must prove his idea correct them some theory. were also Gale Mrs. Powas citizens of prominent race stands dismayed at the prospect tive one, for some well informed stu1932. The incorporators were ' That was a year ago. Making Salt catello Henry W. Hendersen, J dents of the question put it as high introduced and gave a few words of of the old savage passions running uary, B. Wilford of Lake his Stringham, the field of center Benjamin Nash V. and Paul City Sessions, civiliappreciation of the cause, after which ATTENTION ALL Weilley f. amuck in the full panoply of Owen Woodruff, L. E. Elggren, Wil- operations, he gathered about him secretary of the Chamber of Com- as Mrs. Erickson, wife of Dr. Erickson 2. Cause sation. of This the Is What ford A dad and Hyrum Smith. It four other young men of like fibre. merce. Mr. Dunn directed the song N. D. A. UNITS of the faculty of the University of of in the constitution Is it Social Mechanism Cracking of was incorporated for the duration These five organized, started a news- numbers, opening with America'r; Poverty?that Utah, .sang (a) and (b) numbers. is there not is, enough Two Types of Mind With the allegiance of our age and 100 years under the laws of the state paper, and began in a small way to ex- Milton and Kenneth Dunn in cornet things; than of the peofor more Mr. George Startup, Provo manugeneration so completely committed relating to corporations notfor pecu- change potatoes for haircuts and paint duet; Glen Mathews in piano number. Have you established a branch ofevil? Or is a thus It face necessary niary profit The place of its princi- jobs for auto repairs without the use The speakers had their charts which ple?it an to the natural sciences, we must facturer, was introduced and an- fice of the Progressive Independent imcondition a evil, is Salt arbitrary but Lake City, of money. In January of this year, they used in their lectures. the fact that the social mechanism can ple office is to be nounced himself as a radical. There in of your posed upon us by a wrong social are two types of mind, he said, those unityour unit? Is the innews be kept from cracking under the branch places of business or units, they incorporated the Natural Develthe official being published order? estabbe in sciences each complete of the itself, map Association under the laws of believe a strain only as we develop the who opment because' N. D. thing the each issue. of A Are organ Are the poor in their condition beand those who believe in spite your local unit members and those inthat relate to man. Unless we can lished at other places within or with- Utah, a From Toledo cause of their own fault, or are they facts facts. We have a germ in terested in the project in marshal behind such studies as eco- out the state or the United States. the of cooperative association, with no capicomthus because of social organization. N. D. your The business or pursuit of the cor- tal stock. A that will grow if the inhere munity reading the Progressive nomics, political science, and sociolIndeTo ask the question is to answer it. ent cussedness be can October 15, 1932. oi men kept poration shall be to conduct a coopOn the 26, 27 and 28 of September issue? ogy the same enthusiasm, the same each How of pendent own many its ever from was No race the poor for same business of the erative community of this year, a national convention of Managing Editor, Progressive Inde- fault; no one chooses poverty; peo-- out Mr. Lloyd, head of the trans- your members are subscribers and approach, and something memof the treatand welfare meetsolebenefit pendent, 206 Scott Building, how many copies are you selling at portation department, told the technique that characterize our cooperatives was held in New York poor because they can not ing that the wheels are still turnSalt Lake Gty, Utah. ment ox physics and chemistry; upless bers of the corporation, and for that City. As president of the N. D. A Sle are your headquarters? Have you sent bear And facts it. the surely members be dothe from can is to apDear Editor: receive the results of this research Mr. Stringham, with purpose ing, and that the department list in to the paper for your exchange us out and real and personal Glad and other association officers, oldly of the corporation Through some source I have been ing ten times as much transportation publication? plied to human life as freely of Distribution Law for False bestow to sciences in consideration Proas any other retail store in the city. as we apply the natural attended the convention. Out of the receiving several copies of your property IF NOT, WHY NOT? Get started The cause of this poverty is A This one, OcThe N. D. A orchestra, under the today. modify our methods of living; unless mg on said members benefits and three days convention time, he was gressive Independent corDISTRIBUTION. in the OF LAW FALSE and of has an especially attractive direction of Edward Cox, gave two The Progressive Independent is anmembership we can free ourselves of prejudice privileges granted only three minutes in which tober 7, article under the caption of The Under man's ingenuity and enter- numbers. Mr. Dempke, expert refin- xious to stale custom and harness intelligence poration. Also to buy property and to tell of his association. have every unit of the N. natural members or our and resources, the from of either out and the Truth great isher of furniture in the N. D. A D. A. furnish news, to the task of straightening hire labor, Statesman," prise, of one pe Spirit In less than three-tentexchange lists and afeconomic side To of firms. the fellow or men other is his which a his worth furniture store, expressed production from any relations of man with persons years subscription apprefrom its trade members cent of the convention time, Mi advertising bas but the of care taken memberitself, fairs of I also the of and promoting an intercourse of har- engagein the production of any and that note to your paper. ciation your each issue. This material will be privilege captured 15 per cent of the as to how ship and said that the biggest thing mony md fairness unless we can all commodities, to borrow money and Stringham paper is for human welfare and man great problem confronts usdecent together in a space which grouped and in the N. D. A is the spirit of ser- will we shall bring to pass a make some appreciable progress to- execute promissory notes, bonds or news space devoted to the convention above money. be properly headed with the unit York Times. His speech, of the what distribution ward this goaf of social control, then mortgages on any property of the by the Newwon Yours vice. equitable truly, name and to the unit to fill a storm of applause world produces. No sane man can Mr. Dundas was called on to an- each issue. assigned DR. G T. BETTS, pessimism has the better of the ar- corporation, to loan money and ex- moreover, It is the desire of the and his delegation was then delugei -. conditions to are commodibelieve that and of and of our that nounce in present keepthe credit chances gument, require president of the N. D. A and the tend changes policy products questions and requests for litermg the train on the track are exceed- ties, or other property and exchange with Very good. But the proof was lack- continue, poverty can not long be part cash in many lines from all but Progressive Independent that each ature. must or inbetter, commodities In unit be members ingly slight. of the association. grow for wages was no There tolerated, card service ing. subscription personal Center of Activity represented and that as many hours of labor shorter, comforts of showing the need for cash to keep the of its members closed. Fundamental Groundwork other things of value, or vice versa. as possible subscribe to audiable convince his was He to abundant but this become 270 more life to said he trucks lack-mal carry association necessary going, own science g To property or buy the paper each issue, that they . "UJ ence with facts and figures that his today is still will not come unless we buckle down truckloads of furniture have be On in the fundamental groundwork out the purposes of the corporation, be always conversant with the model of the new economic to the serious business of the aboli- hauled into the furniture store and may of knowledge. It is still too and to lease or sell the same. To op- working latest happenings and plans of the oj that his as- Canada Wants to system really is working wareof tion based upon inspiration ratherlargely ' out sold poverty. than erate i manufacturing plants, sociation is already operating on a ganization. 3. The Cure for Poverty. The To Save Civilization . Join the N. D . A. upon facta. Consequently, social houses, power plants, irrigation sys- scale It is suggested that the manage'' enough to confound the for poverty lies in a sane and read extracts President remedy gropes in the dark where it tems and transportation systems of all doubts large Stringham of the most stubborn skeptic. of the pro- from Henry Ford, published in our each unit and state and county T society should walk with assurance. It is as kinds. To make binding contracts by regulation just select a competent me Osborn Wight, editor and half own- duction and distribution of the good The center of this new economic d last issue, which asserted that we are quarters, though engineers were at work with- with its members, providing for activity, 55 West Broadway, Salt Lake er of the Cardston News, writes for things of life. The ancient Hebrews alreaidy in the midst of a revolution. to assume the responsibility breach out an adequate development of physoi event in the damages took on new life in August when information, saying that he has heard enacted laws in behalf of the poor that He stressed the fact that we are or- lecting the news and writing it I ics, or as thought physicians were of such contracts. To create a re- Gty, the association moved in. In sharp something about N. D. A and would answered well the conditions of their keeping the exchange lists correct practicing in the absence of chemistry serve fund to stabilize the operation contrast to the general air of dejecganized not for profit but for human like to learn more. He says he is subscriptions and fraternal charity service. We have 75 per cent coop- and of soliciting time. and biology. So much of social sci- of the corporation, and to invest in tion that Jesus taught hangs over the business dis- thinking of organizing a unit there as which was the best that the common erators and 25 per cent kickers, but advertising for the paper in your com-ence, too, is what Professor Robinson any property the board of trustees trict at once. generally, there is always a brisk soon as he gets the necessary infor- people of His day could do; but be- in calls "an orderly presentation of the may deem desirable. To distribute to spite of the kickers we will go on. munity mation. We thought we were going Proper remuneration will be pud laws both the Hebrew We will prevent civilization from beconventional proprieties, a timid and the members money or other proper- stream of traffic flowing in and out these yond by the Progressive Independent for shop, beauty some when we had the right to an- prophets and Jesus had a larger viuncritical acceptance of beliefs and ty, as the board of trustees may deem of the offices ( barber wiped out. After the orchestra this work, which making the or- sion, a vision of justice, which Jesus ing may either be paid s. Mr. Stringham told of the ex- to the To parlor, gift shop, furniture store ana nounce that we werebut customs that have long since lost their advisable. To adopt played, individual or retained by your here, out of saw and taught could be realized only ganization national, value to mankind, if even they had prescribe the rules of membership and market. and rearranged departments panded as you may decide. A fleet of trucks carrying fruit and a clear sky, comes the request from in fraternal collectivism. made necessary by the growth of the unit, it, a rationalization of old prejudices to admit, regulate control and expel Have your representative write at from the outlying farms keep a foreign country to get in on the Philosophy national association and ancient mistakes and tribal taboos members. All property held by the produce Cooperative to proportions. once to Henri C. Flesher. The Proarea jammed, to the annoy ground floor. The information has philosophy is a Also repeated the four steps to memThe whose roots are buried deep in an- corporation shall be possessed for the the back 206 Scott Elite of neighboring business houses gone forward and before the next is- scientificcooperative of society; it sees bership, and told of the flood of re--( gressive analysis benefit of all members and shall be ance have tiquity. Salt LakeIndependent, heretofore monopolized the sue of the paper the first foreign unit that the cause of poverty is to be Gty, Utah, for instruction: distributed in such portions and kinds who (Continued on Page Six) on Continued Six) Page space. The offices alone . occupy a will be established. (Continued on Page Six) ed ft OBSERVATIONS 419 Morton Ave., Aurora, Illinois. I WELFARE-MA- Salt Lake City, Utah, Friday November 4th, 1932 ILLINOIS HEARS CALL OF N. D. A. CAN WE MEET FOR HUMAN s J PROGRESS ED AT MEETING N.D.A. INFORMA- Vice-Preside- nt TION COLUMN rd fool-proo- one-hal- two-thir- ds nt hs . r . re-fo- rm liqui-date- of4 - v ' . X V |