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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Page Four. has the required membership fee, COLUMN he ispaid a trade member of the associa- INFORMATION STATE POLITICAL WS WHO FORUM MEETINGS A LETTER THAT MADE THE tion, which status entitles him to such privileges as being listed on the association service sheet and on the labor rolls of the association, where he has IDEM OVER, TAKE YOU! CHOICE hjs turn in getting available work in his line. Alsa, many services and Candidates Present Their Personal Viewpoints and Pledges commodities are available to trade members on A" service, etc. After the trade member jus been Democratic Candidates Republican Candidates wit hthe association for an indefinite period to be determined in each indiU. S. SENATOR U. S. SENATOR vidual case by the board of trustees, if in the judgment of thetrustees he Reed Smoot Elbert D. Thomas has proved himself suitable, and of unulfith sorries to Utah, Beprasenting the Aetire, Progratoira Gills enshows a desire to go on in the asso- Thirty nui ot Utah's able Today and Tomorrow. bifsnt aatisul suet. of ciation, he is invited by the board trustees to become a qualified member. The qualified member has equal GOVERNOR GOVERNOR voting power with all other qualified members and participates equally with W. W. Seegmiller them in ownership of the accumulaHenry IL Blood tirolMS, fe&rUia worker for thi pooplt. Qualified tor the office by oxparianoo and an tions and assets of the corporation. li ANKER LAUGH. , Informed, re-qulrad, commanded and convened no til all I know is that I am supposed to provide an Inexhaustible supply of money, for every known and unknown need, desire or hope of the human race, and became I refused to donate to all and then go out to beg, borrow or'ateal money to give away, I am ousted, cussed, discussed, boycotted, talked to, talked about, lied to, lied about, held up, held down and robbed Highly instructive discussions are continued at the Forum meeting each The following letter, received from At the last meeting OcWednesday. a email debtor by a New York banker, tober 19, Jos. Horne presided. Joseph Ottenheimer outlined four is aald to have made him actually fundamental characteristics import- guffaw right out loud. And no wonder. ant to good salesmanship! namely, It is too good to let pass. Honesty, Loyalty, Dependability and Dear Sir: the Power to Learn. A good salesI wish to Inform the public and until I am Just about rained. man must believe in the article he has to sell before he can be honest in his you that the present shatered conThe only reason I am clinging to representations. Loyalty is the first dition of my bank account ms- t- it duty of every salesman or citizen, impossible for me to send you my life at all is to see what the hell la said Mr. Ottenheimer. Loyalty to the check in reepoose to your request coming next. owns it I am impacted, Inspected, institution of which he is m part and My financial condition la due to loyalty to his employer and associates Dependability is something every per- the effects of federal lawn, state lawn, son must be careful about. We must county lawn, corporation laws, byHOUETAIE OHXBT brother-bulaw- n, mother-in-law- s, keep our promises or our associates lawn, cannot depend on us Everyone needs and outlaws that have been foisted MINERAL WATER nviabln record ot achievement. to acquire more information about upon on unsuspecting public and me. Fully qualified for fovsraor. of the corporation. The corporation it lawn these make various I his to have in order Through THE WONDER OF THE AGE organization is not liable for the debts of its mem' Question: How does your associamore workable. Mr. Ottenheimer been held down, hold np, eat upon, SUPREME COURT tion obtain money to finance such SUPREME COURT her. astoundsaid most N. D. the is walked the A. on, and flattened, squeezed projects as your tannery, ojl refinery, ing idea that has come into Salt Lake, brake until I do not know what I am, Question: Ip what denominations saw mill, etc.? Moffat D. W. is comment than G. S. and more Barker where or why I am. creating Answer: We do not obtain money Judge Judge are you rbooks of scrip issued. Please Twtlrs ootiundinf years oa the district Erpcriauoa, naowladge of ana and attain Ita the coming election. He declared evlaws compel me to pay a These of few a outside such for issuprojects, detailed of a its give explanation Eminently qumlified for Supreme Ot. hia for the nprcac beach. ery problem can be solved but not by merchant tax, excess tax, capital tax, dollars for indispensable cash items, ance and use. one man. It needs the application of Incorporation tax, real estate tax, Answer: The scrip is in the form of amounting to less than 3 per cent of many minds to solve some of our property tax, auto tax, gas tax, light SECRETARY OF STATE SECRETARY OF STATE detachable coupons bound into books the total cost If we had the cash for so we difficult most must problems tax, water tax, cigar tax and school in denominations of $5, $10, $15, $20, a project, we would merely buy matesecure information from all tax. and $25. Each coupon in a book rials and labor with it. So we procure H. Milton A. E. Christensen Welling President B. B. Stringham stated Tha government haa so governed bears the same serial number as all the materials and labor instead of first His record deeerrei noocnltioni While Hta record of norrieo jnitittao hia redaction that questionnaires are being prepar- my buaineaa that I do not know who other coupons in that book, which going through th ewholly unnecessary to thta hi(h office. tote treiiurer'i of fid, sot a dollir lost I ed N. D. A. for each application for formality of getting money and iped membership which every N. D. A. dollar books, the changing it into materials and labor. worker should be able to answer; ATTORNEY GENERAL ATTORNEY GENERAL coupons range from 5c to 50c. In As a member has put it, We already questions which if every citizen could all other books, from 5c to $1, and hace what men go to bank to get HOSTESS SERVICE answer would free us of all criticism. Internal or External each denomination of coupon has its money to buy. P. Parker Chez George He said it has been asked of him, Joseph own distinctive color. The back ot TO BE USED FOB ot hinaTing kfml attain ot Utah. Lawyer and legislator, iplendidly fitted tor What is back of the N. D. A. couOapabla each coupon book has a different colService and What is the Natural Outstanding tor ability and tairnoaa. the office of attorney general. Complete Question: inRheumatism, been His reply has The Kidney or Bladpons? or for each denomination of book. Association? Entertainment in of ones the and the charge tegrity When a book of coupons is issued to Development der Prostate Glands, Troubles, Answer: The Natural Development services of people we are serving. STATE TREASURER STATE TREASURER for a person, he must sign a receipt for it, Association is a nonSore Throat, Tonsilitis, But we are operating without the which receipt bears the serial number sectarian cooperative association orPARTIES AND SHOWERS said if a million of He LUMP of the book received, lie must also gold." Swollen Joint, Stomach Ivor Ajax Charles A. Stain ganized for the purpose of providing dollars were placed in a bank then a sign his name in the preseucc of the or the needs of, and promoting the $5 to $25 A Credits triad and tran public offletal. A sM- - A bnalneu ana for ona ot Utah'a Boot imVaricose Ulcers, Ulcers, would the bank story circulated that issuing teller, on the front cover of economic security and general welfare eiant and bonaat administrator. portant buaineaa office!. break, everybody would cause a run MATERIALS CASH the book. The date of issue and name of its members. Etc. Fever, Hay on the bank" and the hank would of initials of issuing teller are on the To this end it aims, as far as posDntEOTIOHB VERY REAL ARTIFICIAL break. But a run" on N. D. A. would STATE AUDITOR back cover of the book. Detached STATE AUDITOR sible, and as fast as proves feasible, Taka Teaepeonfnl Thraa Timaa a day, double our business. KINDS ALL FLOWERS OF coupons are void unless stamped with to include in its range of operations M. Frank in water before manta. Openshaw He emphasized the importance of a properly authenticated O. K. on the and C. trade, qunlilad accountant with an ontxtandinf industry profession, Andersen Julius every those Natural Mineral Water back. Tradesmen receiving coupons applying for membership to first Leola Home Cummins rieord lor otfleionoy. He to capable : will cart taxpayer! money, read the books N. D. the in trade must bring them to headquar- service. explaining A. efficient W. WINBERG ft CO. lerrlee. has 106 it with its W. 1st North To proceed Siring honest, program, A. plan, and then to attend the meetters and receive in return books of been compelled the present finanISM South 111 Zato 9093-by WAS. SUPERINTENDENT ambiOF said the of He new coupons for their use. The old cial status to ings. heighth BALT LAKE OITT, UTAH a system of exoperate PUBLIC INSTRUCTION members N. D. A. tion of should all SUPERINTENDENT OF coupons are then destroyed. change without the use of money. For be to acquire more education. When PUBLIC INSTRUCTION of this exchange a scrip the purpose the department of labor is perfectly Question: What is meant by trade is issued in the form of books conN. C. Jensen IL Skidmore member" and "qualified member? systematized the world over, people redeemInterin detachable educational efficircle!. Tha Holde an enviable record la economical, Boapcetod coupons need only work one hour a day to Answer: After the applicant has taining cient school administration. able in goods or services of the asso net of ached children Ant in Bind. been approved for me mbership provide the physical necessities. Man's busiSEAGULL APARTMENTS. its or its or members, ciation, big problem will then be education ness allies. 215 North West Temple 1932 CONGRESSIONAL and supervised recreation. He thinks 1932 CONGRESSIONAL of Value Steam-HeateScrip TICKET in j HORSE SHOE advance we faster destined to are TICKET SHINE! d Front Apartments i This scrip is not transferable, and the next ten years than we have in the 50 West First South WELL FURNISHED First District if detached. valueless First are Diatrict the coupons past fifty. 13 SHINES FOR $1.15 ACCEPT N. D. A. COUPONS The person who accepts a detached The proportion of criticism we Shoe Shine 10c A Credits --$18,50 to does so at his own risk, hav0accordwill said coupon be B. Don Colton he, may expect," Abe Murdock We Dye Shoes He ing due notice, and accepts that which the A Ions enviable record In eo stressed our to 2 Hot Water end Utah Experienced and capabla, ho haown the prob- ing growth. Including ishas no value. Hence, this scrip, and Ita peopla an alwaye firet. lems of Utah and her people. importance of members completing Patronize An American Shop sued for the purpose of only one exthe settlement of their membership Second District Second District change of value, and representing only fee in order that they might avail does not one transaction, is not and themselves of. the privileges their medium. C. Loofbourow purport to be a circulating Fred. card entitles them to beWill Robinson membership J. BURTS BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP channel Since it operates in a trade Hia out! tending ability has gained the A trained, experienced advocate and champion sides relieving the strain1 on the diis it in which money refuses to flow, and admiration pf eongraaa. of Utah people and Utah indue tries. rectors in their efforts' to operate Has Been Selected not a competitor, but an auxiliary of without money. (Paid for by tha Bapublieaa State (Paid for by tha DmocratU State AS money; enlarging the volume of inOUR OFFICIAL N. D. A. Mr. was last the McAllister speaker Committee) Committee) dustrial activity, and thus aiding in evening. Wednesday in the Sugarhouse District Representative business. normal the restoration or When the association pays out its scrip for labor or commodities, the A Fearless 1063 East 21st South Street Progressive recipient satisfies his needs by purAttend Meetings chase with it, either at an association POPULAR PRICES store or from a trade member. If a store receives it, it is turned in at the It has been made a rule that all ofbusiness office and destroyed. If a My telephone and the ficers and employees must attend the trade member receives A. he N. D. it, brings help of the operator in gettit to the business office and exchanges departmental meetings and the SaturDONT THROW IT AWAY I it for new books or scrip, less the reday night meetings. This is well and ing a doctor, saved the life should be followed to the letter. We PARLOR SHOE SHINE for The overhead. Have it welded and spend the difference between this quired charge scrip influof my wife. She had would go a step further and ask that turned in by the trade member is deand a new one with the N. D. A. subscribers be 55 all and to BROADWAY should WEST and Buffered a relapse. enza they stroyed. ' readers of the Progressive IndependNo O. D. Stock Capital doctor stated that if I The ent. You cannot keep up with the The association has no capital stock. WELDING ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE do. N. D. A. unless had been unable to reach you The value back of the scrip lies in PROFESSIONAL SHOE No job too big or too small. All work guaranteed. the of organized capacity productive could not him so quickly, he General Repair and Contract Work --Will Call and Deliver- the association the present and abidSHINE have saved her. ing ability of the association of itself 61 West Stratford Ave. Announcing the Opening Hyland 4514-- J or through its trade members, to deof the 10c Cadi or 10c Scrip liver the service or commodity value represented on the face of the scrip. N. D. A. TAILOR SHOP So wrote one of our sub15c 10c and Cadi Scrip This ability is corollary to, and its Dye, permanence insured by the business scribers. A teleplume easts H. N. HANSEN, Mgr. GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING probity and ability of the association but a few cents a day, yet Modern Equipment 55 West Broadway, 2nd Floor management; the structural sound11 Shines 85c Scrip ness, efficiency and economy of operathe value of one such call Class 10347 A Materials, Cash WASATCH Labor, of tion its productive units; and the may be priceless. BATTERY CHARGING loyalty, energy, skill and dependabilior 15 Shines for 85c Cash ty of its members. All Kinds of Tailoring W. R. Nash, Prop. The association grows: first, by add414 individual 1369 So. State St. members wherever they Hyland . ing A-l Tailors Wanted Several may be found. Second, by organizing J3 tijv ,,n iFTr f Frank Wineriter in The Mountain States units communities where there are enough members; and there establishTelephone & Telegraph 'ILBJIMIWU ing stores, exchanges, etc., similar to those at the headquarters in Salt Lake Company. (Continued from page One) and such times as the needs of the members require, to be determined by the board of trustees. It is organized not for pecuniary profit, but for the five incorporators, must be members of the association, hold office for a period of two yeass, and are the governing body of the corporation, having sole control of the assets, and authority to buy, sell, mortgage, borrow, etc., for the best interests of the corporation. Officers may be required to give bonds. The board of trustees have power to fix membership fees, and determine the status, privileges, rights and obliga tions of members. The private property of the members is not liable for the obligations 1M . C $35.0- Price and Value! RUST - TCFgCTSFi City. a ii' T' im. WALL PAPER-(-B Credits) --PAINTS MODERN DECORATORS ASSOCIATED House Cleaners Remodeling in All its Branches and will go anywhere Estimate! and Consultatiqn Free WASATCH 10347 or 50 D STREET AFFILIATED WITH THE N. D. A. jle Lil .'UiteiEt lliwLcdC Uif.MfT, The headquarters, and each unit operate stores, exchanges, trading posts, etc., as deemed necessary to its program; together with suchs hops, factories, mills, mines, etc., as may prove feasible and desirable. Survey Men From the main headquarters, and from each unit as a local base, survey men are sent out over the surrounding territory to gather data covering the available commodities, including everything, new or used, that the residents wish to sell; also listing ail who want work, what sort and what they are skilled in. Those who want help are also listed, with all details as to the kind of help wanted, and what is BATTERIES CHARGED A CREDITS STARTERS, BATTERIES, GENERATORS and IGNITION WORK ON A CREDITS ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Cameron Battery & Ignition Co. 956 South State Street Hyland 3555 Warwick Lamoreaux Head of Educational Department N. D. A. Democratic Candidate for House of Representatives WAS,. 10347 (Paid Political Advt.) basis of an inventory covering the labor and commodity status in that territory. This inventory is the foundation on which the association program is built. Each unit, besides its local activities and development program, cooperates As this data is brought into the of- with headquarters and with all other fice, it is coordinated, and forms the units in inaugurating and facilitating the association program of production The Best Bargain in the world is and exchange. Surpluses of one loHealth, no matter what the cost cality are sent to localities that need them. The association thus acts as a DR. ALICE E. HOUGHTON clearing home for labor, implements, commodities, etc.; covering the whole Osteopathic Physician territory so far organized. 518-2- 0 McIntyre Building The mission of the association is 6$ So. Main St solely economic, and wholly construcWASATCH 4346 tive. In attempting to apply the proper remedy to the industrial malady, there is no intent of vxing the blame. It creates and revives; but does not HENRY OLSEN agitate, nor desires to expropriate nor overthrow. While others denounce, it GARAGE acts. It teaches a love for, and an abiding We Repair Bicycles, Phonographs, faith in the Constitution, and a united Baby Buggies, Electrical Fixtures. effort to safeguard its provisions and Expert Mechanic and Welder perpetuate them for coming generations. BODY AND FENDER WORK Character of Membership It requires of every member good Battery Charging and Repairing character and habits; and a solid, CAR STORAGE It regards the citizenship. lome and family circle as the founda1063J4 East 21st South tion on which a truly enlightened and Rea. Phone : Was. 2268-- R prosperous nation must be built. offered as pay. ON C Fraternal Order of Eagle's Prosperity Party Saturday Nite, November 12th. at 8:30 oclock DANCING AND OTHER FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT. REFRESHMENT. - No Cash Accepted N.D.A. Coupons ADMISSION 2 S CENTS EACH. EIGHT PIECE ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE. Eagles Club - 404 So. West Temple |