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Show PROGRESSIVE some paper over. Give us means with which to improve and to circulate the paper extensively in every one If N. D. A. member will stand of the many units. Nothing can postake the place of the paper, but faithfully and financially by their pa- sibly it have meant in order to carry per, The Progressive Independent, on must and put the truth before the they will see great results presently. Never was there such an opportunity for a newspaper, not only locally, but nationally. There is a hunger throughUnit out the country for the truth, which the paper is broadcasting and we must OF N. D. A. meet it. The saving economic truth of N. D. A. must go forth from the SERVICE LIST lops of the mountains. Good sup-o- rt A SERVICE now on the part of members will jring possibilities for good. The pa- Professional Service (See Coop. N.D.A.) per must go over nationally. If we Qrant Hotel. do not put it over, others will put Cameo Theatre. New Cafe, Marlon Roblnon James Lamcrary, Barber. James Kelly, Barber Basel Crookston, Barber. INTERMOUNTAIN Wm. Blanton, Barber. Charles Zaxter, Shoe Repairing. Fruit Produce N. D. A. Coop. Bldg. FUNERAL HOME Furniture Dept. N. D. A. Coop. Bldg. A" A B" SERVICE S. M. Taylor E. L. Egli Ellison Cleaning it Dyeing. Everett White. General Repairing. IT Over 25 years in Salt Lake Merchant tit. Saw Filing, Tool Sharpening, Stove Repairing. Licensed Embalmed Nelson Garage, Auto Repair. Harrington Garage, Auto Repair. Ford Auto Repair. B Credits Accepted Larson, Blacksmith Shop. Russel Bates, Blacksmith Shop. Frank Bennett, Merchant, Alpine. Rasmussen, Carpenter. Hyland. 1445 So. State St. h, Hyland. Beaatrand, Tailor. Coal, Wood, Cedarpost (apply N. D. A.) Papers Opportunity American Fork t Have it Done Right by i BERRY PRINTING CO. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS DANCE PROGRAMS 50 171 We Can Print Anything but a Newspaper THIRD EAST , XMAS CARDS 25 Scrip, 75 WAS, 4572 Cash CHIROPRACTOR arid MASSEUR W. S. LAMOREAUX, D. C. 2110 PANAMA STREET Page Five. Natural Dev. Assn. NATURAL DEVELOPMENTS EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT. The educational department has been doing some contact and survey work that has resulted in the extension of .the Opportunity School for boys, girls, men and women consenting to accept our coupons for courses in cabinet making, wood turning, mill work, saw filing, tool grinding, repairing, polishing and upholstering old furniture, lacquer painting with air pun, leather craft work, forging, welding and tempering pattern making and This is supplegeneral carpentry. mented with the study of the woods of the United States. In addition an extensive course in merit badge work for boy scouts is given. This course is prepared under the direction of the scout commission and the work is endorsed and approved by them. Gasses will be conducted in the afternoons, evenings, and on Saturdays. The courses are divided into quarters of nine weeks each. A monthly fee will be charged, depending upon the work taken. Our regular classes in Applied Art, English, Open Forum, Mechanical Drawing, Salesmanship and Psychology, are progressing nicely. We expect the membership to increase from month to month. Mr. Joseph L. Horne is the dean of the educational department. Mrs. Ruth Lohmolder has charge of the dramatic department and several plays are now being prepared for presentation to the public,' among them Zarahemla," which it is hoped can be presenetde at Words of Sympathy Wnt Farrrat HHIGHAM DAILY (TTY, UTAH The people of the Natural Developfolluwlmr la a Hat of servlets ll .A. tier Ip will buy. Why not ment Association wish to join with and list services and commodities, yuur the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. to us to exchange with other cities. Increase your coin me, and help bring Robert Marchant in expressing their For instance, Astoria, Ore., has asked back PRdtiPERITT. heartfelt sympathy to the Marchant to trade canned salmon fur beans. AMI NKMKYTN 1 wouldnt be without Kill! Bird Room. Blue family over the recent and sudden California has written to exchange A I TO KKPAIHM AhU PAHTM my telephone on the farm. Ford Garage, Hud Victor Motor Co. death of their little daughter, Goldie oranges for potatoes. HAHHKH eweli, aged 8 years, on October 24. What do you have tu barter? Its useful in so many ways City Rarher Shan. Rex Barber Shop. fr. Marchant and son, Bob, have been We shall have apples, prunes, pota- BICYCLE HKPAIKIYG wonderful in touch with keeping cooperators and loyal Axel Ol.iiii, 117 tio. Main tit. toes, onions, vegetables honey, beans, and dried fruits. Also grains and BRIGHAMCOC1T M1LL1&U AXU KLKVA-TO- H wurkera in the N. D. A. market price on poultry and meat. Phone Road, Canyon The hardest thing to meet in this keeping in dairy products Can maks whole wheat mush, cracked wheat mush, corn meal, will be the freight bill. Wc wonder children touch with my going SALE clean ssed and chopped grain. Wh. if the Interstate Commerce CommisGardner, president. and coming from school, sion could be induced to make a spe- BLACKSMITH Machine Singer Sewing Central Blacksmith Shop, West Forcial rate for this-o- n the rail tariffs, Electric summoning neighbors to socrest; Israel Glenn, Blacksmith. provided, all Northwest Chambers of CAKPKXTKKM A YD CAHISKT X.IK- 141W2 Model Dressmakers Special ial gatherings and club Commerce made a concerted appeal $32.50 Cash or Scrip No. Julin J. Johnson, Leo Yuunquiat. for the same as an emergency meas. Main tit.; Alfred JorariiM-nIth Bo. ure. J. S. YOUNG A Main St.: Oscar Forigren. 165 Canyon Road If you are interested in trading CARPET WKAVKH Mrs. Rosalia Knudson, SOI So. Jrd W., something with us, kindly write at This is a statement from (niskrs carpets and mas). your earliest opportunity, and great- CHIROPRACTOR farm a telephone user who ly oblige, Inquire of N. D. A., West Forrest. CARS Very truly yours, unco YE CASTLE telephone service to adInquire of N. D. A., West Forrest. (Signed) Thos. W. McDonough, DKVriL NKHY1CH Director U. S. Employment vantage. It can be equally Inquire nf N. D. A., West Forrest. Service FTHXITl'HE Service for Idaho. useful to you and in emergHesters, rocking chairs, straight Oil 10c Per Quart Cash, and chairs, pianos, tables, refrigerators, encies, sickness, fire or accisnow case, beds and electric washLIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT 15c SCRIP ing machine. one call may be worth dent, liKVKKU I'llV KTK I'CTION John J. Johnson, Alfred Jorgensen. By Middleton more can be measured in than HOKES (An Unsolicited Appreciation) home for sale or trade, with dollar value. The development and growth of the All Gas Cash 252 furniture. Owner, J .& Long, No.. 1st West. meat and livestock department of the N. D. A., which started July 19, 1932, IIOMK PHOJKCTM W. W. Whitney. Rldgedale, Grease Job 75c The Mountain States under the supervision of Parley A. Inquire Idaho, or Brigham City, Utah. 15c Cash; 60c Scrip Dansie, has been a great success. IMI'I.KHKYTN & Telegraph Telephone Hlds tracdelivery hay rake, garden Maybe you think this was a small un1760 SOUTH STATE ST. tor, wagons, beet rack, beet cultiCompany. dertaking. However, after reading vator, beet puller, spring tooth harrow aulky plows, small hay chopUDIHH this article you will appreciate the per, trailers, cream separator. obstaclcs that had to be overcome in LANDorder to purchase the livestock. 120 acres of dry land, tnaqiilre of Wells W. titrlngliain. Kldgedale, To buy livestock witli scrip, it was Idaho, or Brlgliam City, Utah. 4M0 READY-MAD- E necessary to supply transportation for SUITS acres. Inquire of LeRoy D. White, buyers, also gasoline, which involved Perry, Utah. 40 acres of orchard Sizes 36 to 44 land, owned by M. W. Peters. Perry, cash in order to get out to the rural null. districts. Then it was necessary to MVKKTOCK sell the N. D. A. idea lo the farmer. ALSO L. D. S. GARMENTS tiheep, pigs, horses, rabbits for breeding. and mill'll rows. Inquire nf X. As in most cases they were m it familA. on West Forrest tit. 1. C. G. iar with the organization. After this LAIIOII 215 North West Temple was accomplished the next step was Mrs. Rosalia K Hudson's son, 3IK 8. Sri West. CASH, BALANCE COUPONS to try and buy for scrip. In 75 per Wm. 227 E. 1st North. Johnson, cent of the cases the fanners would High-Grad- e Win. Surki'tt, (!i S. 3rd East. Suits J. R. Boothe and daughter, 7tli West say it was absolutely impossible, as and 3rd Bouth. this was his only means of raising Joseph L. Peterson, 55 ti. 2nd West... cash to pay his taxes ami interest on 222 X. 2nd East. ItiireiiH loans and mortgages. In some cases ItaiiHiiiiin Pulsipher. 1st No. & Hill East. M ate lj ze ay a LaVonzo Bowden, 217 West Forrest. u the farmer wanted to make a trade of A. Itiro. Olli Xu. & Main St. m Teacher of a cow or a sheep or whatever lie had .li'iisi'ii. Smith Mulu tit. Kiiilnlph Dan-sic for some particular livestock Mr. Ephraim Jensen. 23 S. 2nd East. PIANO ORGAN Ira Sehnw. 330 West Forrest. had previously traded for at Thernii nsoii. 55 X. 1st West. 174 Commonwealth Ave. Probably the livestock purHy. 3623-Hans Stratford. chased from him wasn't in proper conA CU EDITS Ciena Sheffield, 1st Komh ftr. !ilh East. Miles Xnrili. 12:t X. 2nd West. dition for slaughtering. That made it Voter llalnl. i:in S. (Ill East. necessary at times, to make two or John Abbott. iuumKaiuuiii!iiiaiii:iiiHiiiaiujiiiiiuiDiHiii:iiiiiGiiiiiiiii;i!n.iiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiii:iiiaii:iiU!!i!imiiimM!:iainiuiiiiifgiHiiimufsuiHiuiHtBRiini three purchases and trades in ordei F. J. Kan liner. 8.70 X. 1st East. Shinier Ihimxiin. liih No. & 2nd East. to obtain the right kind of meat. AfIKGM. assn ulna', li. Cartel- - Cnr-ntHIGHEST CASH PRICES ter buy ini' the next polilem was to )l Eleetrieai liou.--i have it killed. The .'in S. 2nd I (Hi OLD COLD knew nothing about se i;. This mndt-i- VII Ml I.KStKIYti lintel, piano Joseph K. Smith, necessary to buy e:..tp. h to allow . i:iuu lonene. Inner, vmii: iiainer. , him a portion for his ..illing and serAgnle Ciitc-ititi: vi, r.vrv-i-jewelry Roh iris',-;- Etc. S'.i. HU .lid Kant. Merlin Larsen. ioi i.avices. When the meal nndy 1 on Ji" SERVICE .leii-.-203 So. 2nd E.ist. market there were no u irigerators at It Jiniirahii VIIIO the X. I). A. and it was neccs-ar- y F. .1. Kiialliiiei. li.iii Xn. 1st I'.asi. With ELECTRIC to have out side butcher simps noons -t i. U. Spencer. Id North Eisl. cut and take care oi tin-- ' r.teal and NllOE IIEP WHIM. AO V. 1st SOUTH ST. could he Brown' Shoe .Hospital. keep in ccdd storage until Shoo Shop. put into the hands of the members. Til.lohiisoii itaiuDiHuiniiiniiiiiiKiiHaiuiiiiii'HauiiiuiiiiB.'itiiiiiiiiia::. (X'KJ X(i For this service the out side butcher Delhi. n Holme. (Ilea Sheffield, Manshop had to have a portion of meat, uel Jensen. (mcm1.1;'' wl j yir therefore only a little over half reach- TELEPHONE POLKS Cedar posts and unlive number. ed the members, ft is now- - possible "If It's Electrical, Leave it with Sburtliffs X. I ..V. me of 49 WEST 1st SOUTH to get 100 per cent of the meal bought TYPIST VIII HOOK KEEPING WAS. 10060 l'nhlie Typist mid Bookkeeper, H K CALL ANT) DFl.IVFR by the livestock department into til'd East. U. Johnson. 537 So. of the members without deductSHURTLIFF ELECTRIC CO. ing any part of it for services. This We Buy Old Gold has been systematically worked out Character ELECTRIC AND RADIO SUPPLIES Dansie. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Most of us are subject to finding Motors, Vacuum Cleaners, Electric Irons, Etc. By Ruth King Brown fault and kicking while standing in Wc are a Member of N.D.A. the meat line and smite times can't Fellow Murza Mann Lauder Testing Laboratories. get the exact piece of meat wc want. One of a inotliersg rcatest probThis is not a cooperative spirit. and Grumbling will not get you a bit more lems today is the development glltXKKXi6KlltllHtili3l63liiltil(ililKSgill3ltglltXSSSXSiT control of her children, that they may meat. be obedient, kind, truthful, men had to select Mr. Dansie first CEMENT, PLASTERING AND GRANITE WORK cheerful, poised, and ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK competent in livestock buying, and characof other the many possessed He of transportation. ways and means found been has teristics desired. It the to purchasdid not limit his duty after years of. experiment in ing of livestock. He assumed the re- child many If You Are Particular, Call the Concrete Specialist testing laboratories,, that all the livestock, sponsibility of securing be characteristics desirable these Satisfaction or no Pay may means and preparing, preparing waysfinished Made of Cement I Make pro- developed in play by the use of cerIf to nave it turned out a of duct and ready for the members. He tain selected and definite typ; each Cement Mixer Rented by the Day or Week which develops a certain desired trait. arranged for the slaughter house, Phone Hy. 5148-col433 Downington Ave. of this be will the It arpurpose a built and stockyard, leased up of the mothers to umn advantage give and cooler a for refrigeration ranged Each week will discoveries. for tlfe market and when ready to these and filled take up development of (me desired the secured permit city start of character, as well as, inexpenW. Faber, President the cooler with meat. Then he felt trait Willy P. Rcnkc-1-, Manager toys suitable to each age. that it was ready to be turned over sive send invited to All mothers arc to the other fellow. MODERN WOODWORKING in connecI am in favor of giving Mr. Dansie questions to be answered If child" problems. a great big hand and show that we tion with their is Manufacturers of desired, please ea personal reply BANK OFFICE STORE FIXTURES appreciate what he hasheaccomplished has made it close stamped, envelope. and feci grateful that Superior Cabinet Work possible for us to have meat. SUMMONS 668 So. State Street Salt Lake City, Utah. On the District Court of the Third PHONE WASATCH 8183 Judicial District, in and for Salt Owners , To Lake County, State of Utah. The whii-l- t Christmas. We have also been looking into the recreational possibilities of our association and have contacted dance halls and theatres which seem favorable toward accepting our coupons. In about two weeks, after Halloween and political propaganda begin to quiet down, w ehope to make arrangements for an N. D. A. dance every Friday night. We expect to develop the possibilities of gymnastic training for our to encourage, the care of the Eeople well as the mind. We also realize that .it will be one of the responsibilities of our department to help in effectively advertising the N. I). A. and to educate people in how best to spend the coupons. FINE STATIONERY 50 SCRIP CASH INDEPENDENT Usefulness N. 4S7-R- 1. FOR Station Prices from $25.00 to $35.00 TEERLINK ONE-THIR- D M--j 1. I . ji j and W HIE LARSEN ELECTRIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT All Kinds of Electric Work, Wiring, Repairing, The personnel of the S:ilt I.alw! City unit at tlic present time numbers Motor Work GIVE US A TRIAL 1932 LINCOLN STREET .' HYLAND 5109-- twenty-seve- R A virvinniViririjiruviriAfVAAnivij fMISS ANNETTE RUSTAD Ladies Tailoring , Dressmaking S I $ I 1 FUR WORK AND ALTERATIONS 605 Scott Bldg. Was. 1487 SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER YOU CAN NOW BUY BRUSHES WIRE-GRI- P with Your N.D.A. Scrip ON B CREDITS SEE THE UTAH BRUSH MAN At N, D. A. or at FULLY 601 East Third South GUARANTEED. Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute "1 Optometrist Visual Training and Muscle Exercises-Ey- e Examinations Glasses Made to Order, and Repairs- - DR. J. 55 W. Broadway 0. n. Its Credits .A Credits B Credits --A KING oflfce will shortly he removed to 55 West I!rn:nh ay, vi litre a graduate nurse will be in ulteuilanec. Mot the least of tlip benelils enjoyed by the membership of tile X. 1). A. is the opening wide of the doors to good health and lengthened life, anil so to service in the lainilv and community, through the removal cf heretofore existing financial barriers to necessary medical treatment. Highly skilled services in the medical, surgical and allied arts are now readily available to all trade members. In order that these services may be best rendered, they should be obtained, if possible, while the disease is in its incipient or early stages. Would the valley farmers avoid the tide of disastrous floods, tracks must be made high up in the hills, for take their rise above the asflood-wate- rs pens. Fatal diseases find their origins, too, in little things in signs and tokens that may be early read upon the human body by those who know. In the near future those who apply for membership in the N. D. A. will be required to pass a simple physical examination of the vital organs before acceptance. It is now incumbent upon those seeking full membership that they do so, to the end that they may live long, in useful service to their fellowmen and joy to themselves. labor Department FROM BOISE, IDAHO Phone Was. 9544 Progressive Independent: We have organized a Farmer-LabExchange to give the unemployed work, and help the farmer to dispose of his surplus crops. Scrip is issued to men working in the woods or the woodyard or in field or orchard for us. The farmer gets scrip for his produce with which to buy wood and hire labor. We shall have opportunity to secure farm products in excess of what we use locally. Requests have come or Are you in need of Repairs on Furniture of any kind? VISIT OUR BRMNCH at 72 South'West Temple N.D.A. Furniture Department AUTOMOBILE TOPS Seat Covers, Cushions, Floor Mats Upholstery New or Renewed" A & B SERVICE F.E. LAWRENCE Wasatch 2300 27 Walker Place Rear Newhouse Hotel REDEEM a. .11 i PAID I I I Vi-sl- t r i n, SllUHTLli Is rS ' j ro s Hor-leu- se Building in Play self-relia- KURT SCHMIDT Its It Home Real Estate , Apts. Grace W. Morse, plaintiff, vs. Lcland V. Morse, Defendant. Summons. homes, apartments one having Any A on rent sell or to estate real or The State of Utah to the Above and B credits, should report to the Named Defendant: N. D. A. at 55 West Broadway, or You arc hereby summoned to apcall Roydcn E. Weight at Was. 160. pear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend Wall the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will B Credits A be rendered against yon according, to House Painting, Sign Painting the demand of the complaint which All Kinds of Interior and has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to obExterior Decorating tain a decree of divorce dissolving the ALL LABOR A CREDITS marriage contract existing between ESTIMATES FREE the plaintiff and defendant and to oV an absolute divorce in the plain' HANKS & SONS tain tiff's favor against the defendant. 333 Roosevelt Ave. J. H. McKNFGHT, HYLAND 4539 Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated this 19th day of October, 1932, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Paper Furnished on and II. F. YOUR SCRIP Heres a chance to place your surplus scrip to real advantage. Seldom do you have an opportunity to participate with an organization that i depression proof. It has weathered last three years, and is making money. A limited amount of scrip will be accepted on a proposition that should net an exceptional return. For Details, See Mr. Belnap at the N. D. A. Office USED N. CARS D. A. WE BUY WE SELL H & H GARAGE 61 Exchange Place Half Block East of Port Office WAS. 4662 Cash or Scrip Scrip or Cash fr-- '! iXJ. .'!iV f ' WANTED WOOL AND PELTS Consign or sell your wool or pelts to the N. D. A. We can secure better prices for you since we prepare all wool and pelts properly before marketing. GIVE US A TRIAL N.D.A. 55 W. Broadway Salt Lake Gty 6142-R, Mur. 235 PHONES Was. 10347 , Hy. K KEEP CLOSE TO YOUR TAILOR IF YOU WISH TO GET ON To Be Dressed and Pressed Is Capital Stock , Assets WE MAKE SUITS TO ORDER MODERN, STYLISH AND PROPER FITTING We Steam Clean and Press Ladies and Mens cintMag At Very Reasonable Ibices B CREDITS SPECIAL Come In and Let Ua Put You Up-to-D- ate YOUR TAILOR 205 SO. - EMIL STATE STREET MARKT i jj |