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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER. UTAH friends Gave Her Up UTAH BUDGET UP TO BILL PUT SWEARING Youthful Court Witnesses Probably In order to rid the city of the Considered Him an Expert in element of vagrants and That Line. loafers. the public safety departMrs. Hoffmans Recovery ment of Ogden has announced that Four witnesses, little fellows under From Dropsy a Surprise. city prisoners will lie placed at work ten yeurs of age, testified in the 0 In the city cemetery. She Used Doairs. damage suit of their playmate, a deserter Thcron Leonard It Twlgg, on trial at Marion in "I wu m dreadful shape, says Mrs. from the United, States army, gave the circuit court. When they called W. B. Hoffman, 680 Oakley Ave., Hammond, 111. There was a sickening pain himself up ut the recruiting office in at the office of the county clerk fur across the small of my back and when Salt Lake last week anil was taken to their fees, they looked mighty big and I stooped over, knife-lik- e twinges near. Fort Douglas, where lie was turned prouil. Acting all the world like they drove me wild. had I ly over to the army authorities. large puffs under my hud been witnesses all their life, the eyes and my body bloatMorgan county is the first to file spokesman of the party, In the name ed badly all over. My its 1010 school census with the state of ail, asked for the fees. feet were swollen to twice their natural size board of education. The census figBut you innst swear to the correctand the akin looked allowness this were received ures of your claim," the county clerk week, shiny. When I pressed fc there in said. the that county it down, it left a dent ing there and I knew I was A puzzled look crossed the brow of were 8.14 pupils, of which 430 were bad off with dropsy. 395 girls. the anil kfawHeffau. spokesman. "Swear, swear? he hoys My friends didn't think I would live very long. 1 docThe Price Kiver irrigation plant, said, all right, and he turned toward tored with three different physicians was bought by the state under one of his companions. Bill, yon which and they didnt help me and I was foreclosure of mortgage for $05,000, swear. Bill swore and the money was discouraged. Nobody lrnowa the torture I went through, has been sold, according to It. E. Da- paid over. Indianapolis News. "I decided to try Doan't Kidney vis, president of the state land liourd, Not in the Running. Pfiu. I used three boxes and I was to the Curlmn Power, Land & W ulcr cured. I felt fine. As the swelling "How are you getting along with went down, my appetite picked ana Company. Miss Peaclier these days?" I was soon perfectly healthy. Myupcolor Every person in Morgan county beNot well, I'm afraid. She wants to came back and people said I looked aa tween 10 and 17 yeurs of age can put me back on a prewar basis. well aa ever. Doant Kidney Pillt saved my life. rend anil write. There Is no blind "What does site menu by that? Bworn to before me, "I dont know exactly, unless she person and but one who is deaf beMABEL T. BHERBY, tween the ages of 5 and 30, accord- discounts the eighteen months 1 spent Votary Public. In France." Birmingham ing to reports to the state suiierln-tenileDaaafa Get at Asr Stave, 60e a Ben of puhlic instruction. The United States Railroad AdminFOSTEUdLBURN CO. BUFFALO. N.Y. istration will be asked by the State If You Need a Medicine Public Utilities Commission to build You Should Have the Best a station at Sigurd on the Denver & Wasnt He a Dear? Rio G ramie, President Joshua Green"You nsed to any I was perfect wood of the commission has an-Have you ever stopped to ret eon why I was mistaken. nounced. it is that ao many products that art ex"You brote! The tax levy in Blnglinm will he tensively advertiaed, all at once drop ou1 "I mean, dearest that you couldn't 21 mills. Outside the incorporated of aight and are soon forgotten? Th have been, because since then you at fixed been bus nmount reason ia plain the article did not fulfil limits the bave Improved. Boston 13 steadily mills. The income from licenses the promises of the manufacturer. Tlii: Transcript. more particularly to a medicine and fines and forfeitures has been applies A medicinal preparation that haa real much reduced and expenses must be curative value almost sells itself, as like met by tnxation. The Income from an endless chain system the remedy is ON CROSS '"BAYER the 8 mills for town punioses will recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who an in need of it. amount to about $20,000. ! A prominent druggist says Tike for Conv Fork ASPIRIN The Spanish GENUINE Canning a Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rooexample puny liegan operations lust week on preparation I have sold for many yearr the seasons stringless beans. A force and never hesitate to recommend, for in of about seventy-fiv- e women, girls almost every case it shows excellent retestify. and men is employed ut the canning sults, aa many of my customers No other kidney remedy haa so large a is same force about while the plant, ale. employed In the fields. An excellent According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have yield is expected. Returned service men who have let used the preparation, the success of Dr. Swamp-Roia due to the feet, -war risk insurance lapse are Kilmers tlicir o many people claim, that it fulfills alBayer Tablets of Aspirin to be now permitted to renew It without most every wish in overcoming kidney, genuine must be marked with the the premium for the intervenliver and bladder ailments; corrects uripaying an safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy annary troubles and neutralizes the urie unbroken Bayer package which con- ing months, is the text of an which causes rheumatism. acid defromnouncement the treasury tains proper directions to safely rereceive You sample bottle of partment received, by the Salt Lake Swamp-Ro- may by Parcels Post. Address lieve Headache, Toothache, Earache. terms Dr. Kilmer Co., Binghamton, N. Y., Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin navy recruiting office. These months within to are and enclose ten cents; also mention this eighteen apply boxes of 12 tablets cost but s few per. Lane and medium size bottles cents at drug stores larger packages after discharge. ala at ail drug stores. Adr. The county farm bureau executive also. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetie committee lias just finished a survey a fellow's got to know a of the crop situation in Sanpete coun- lotNowadays addester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. to be able to hide his Ignorance. ty and makes the following report on acreage and crop percentages: IrriNot Money Everything. on a out to gated grains, 30, (XXL acres, 60 per everything figure Tryln dollar an' cents basis Is a dangerous cent; unirriguted grains, 15,000 acres, business, because theres thousands of 13 per cent; alfalfa, 23.000 acres, 37 per cent; wild hay, 16,800 acres, 50 things worth more'n money. per cent; sugar beets, 5200 acres, 77 per cent; potatoes, 700 acres, 56 per cent; peas, 500 acres, 50 per cent 8have With Cuticura 8oap Articles of incorporation for the Alas razor And double your efficiency well as promote akin parity, skin com- lendale Land company of Logan, Utah, fort and skin health. Ko mug, no were filed with the secretary of state. slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Former Congressman Joseph Howell Irritation even when shaved twice Is named as president of the corporadaily. One soap for all uses shaving, tion, Ilerschel Bullen as vice president, William M. Howell as secretary anil bathing and shampooing. Adv. IL E. Hatch as treasurer. The company is Incorporated with a capital Consolation for a Husband. stock of $00,000 and proposes to enDick Mrs. Henpeck If you marry to come to gage in a general land business. me you need never expect The Bingham school will begin work see yon. the into 2. The foreigners between that Just say September Daughter the ages of 16 and 45 will be compelled gramophone, won't you, please! to do a certain amount of work. It is Mrs. Henpeck What for? record the to want I give likely that this extra work will be Daughter to Dick as a wedding present. Lon- done by the regular teachers. As there are 1200 persons here between the ages don mentioned, the work Is sure to be COLD fceavy. A SUMMER Fire, believed to be of Incendiary orA cold in the summer time, as every- igin, destroyed part of the building a and damaged stock in a warehouse body knows, is the hardest kind of of the Ogden Furniture and Carpet and best quickThe of. rid cold to get street and est way is to go to bed and stay there company, West Twenty-firestimatwas avenue. Reeve The loss "Boechees of bottle a if yon can, with ed at $5000. a Insure good night's to Syrup bandy exJorgen C. Nielsen of Provo received rest, tree from coughing, with easy notice from Senator Reed Smoot that pectoration in the morning. But if you can't stay in bed yon must the federal pensions bureau had grantsudden ed him an allowance of $20 a month, keep out of draughts, avoid food to date from March 4, 1917, as pen' of simple changes, est sparingly Boschees of doses slon for services in the Utah Black occasional take end Ilawk Indian war. gyrup, which you can boy at any store The first swing at "unjust, unreaswhere medicine is sold, s safe and efficient remedy, made In America for more onable and discriminatory oil freight than fifty years. Keep it handy. Adv. rates In Utah, was taken In Salt Lake last week in the preparation of a deMeasure Human Vibrations. tailed complaint to be filed with the Utilizing a galvanometer, a French Interstate commerce commission. scientist has invented apparatus for Fire of unknown origin destroyed a measuring vibrations of human bones grain field belonging to Dr. E. W. and tissues, with which, among other Smedley of Farmington, last week. things, he reads a persou's pulse more The volunteer fire department responaccurately than by hand. ded to the alarm, but was able only to prevent ihe fire from reaching adSoothes. Bests. Refreshes, Heals Keep your Eyes jacent fields. A group of Salt Lake capitalists hare Strong ana Healthy. If t hey Tire.Sniart, Itch, or purchased 1120 arem of coal land In Burn, if Sore, Irritated, Carbon county anil promise to reduce Inflamed or Granulated, In Salt Infant or Adult the price of coni to $1 n ton tue Murine often. Safe for unLake. The is company operating Book. At aii Druggists. Write for Free Eye Coal name Mulunl of der (lie the MufMErcBenedjrCsuy.Chlccso.ll.S.A. $20,-00- nt Tender slices of chilled Libby's Corned Beef and teamed greens garnished with egg here is a dinner your family will ask for again and again I Ask your grocer for a package of Libbys famoua Corned Beef today. Libby, M'Neffl A Libby Chicago Age-Ileral- DOAN'S WAV t, Philosophic Loser, lie was a cheerful phlloaopher. He hail just lost a close game of golf, and his friends were sympathizing by with him. Dont sympathize with me, he said. I've had great fun. It was a tough Acid-Stoma- ch match ninl I should like to have won If people wbo in bilious era treated acIt, lint don't overlook the fact that I've get cording to local aympioma they oeldom obSave la a hud the joy of good game. eery much better. Whatever relief blUene-neTruce la tained uaually temporary. your sympathy for the poor devil who to lie aonree and remove Ibe canoe and cbencae ere that the patient will recan't get any pi ensure out of a spurr the main strong end healthy. unless he wins. Doctore cay that more than 70 diseases can be traced to an If that isn't philosophy we dont Biliousness Is one of them, know what it Is. heartburn, belching, sour stomach, ot Tit-Bit- t j. Caused ae non-orce- Arld-Stomn- rh. lndi-Ceetlo- n, of That man Is Idle who docs less than he can. ot - BILIOUSNESS FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved In water for douches steps pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflame nation. Recommended by Lydia E. bloat and gas are other signs EATONIC. ths marvelous mederm stomach remedy, brings quick relief from tbeea stomach miseries which lead to a lung train of sllmente that make life miserable If not corrected. KATON1C literally absorbs and carries away tbs excess acid. Makes tha otoniack Balpa digesstrong, cool and comfortable. yon then tion; Improves tbs appetite and Thousands food. from full your strength get aay that EATONIC Is the moat offoetlvo stomach remedy In the world. It la the help YOU nxd. Try It on our guarantee. At all druggists. Only SS cents for a big box. ATONIC ( FOR TOUR g) A heeling wonder for nasal catarrh, ore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Tex no Olio Oldest eotab. broken In Kort Worth. Kef. any bank here. Free Weekly Market letter published eaeb Saturday, (lives details all ell developments In Texso Oil Fields. Write for free copy to Ben X Smith A Son, SOS Club Bldg., Ft. Worth, Tea. Led. W. N. U., Pinkhawi Med. Cow for tea years. The FVvtf TisM Ccuipsev. Botos. Mss. Salt Lake City, No. s. st lVR I h. j.ET some todayl Youre going to call Lucky Strikes just right. Because Lucky Strike ciga- rettes give you the good, wholesome flavor of toasted Burley tobacco. Cff Ouyuwktdly TnArJrHAisYiecutA 33-1- 91. |