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Show INLAND- - NORTHWEST BETTER Prrsiileiit Wilson baa nominated Alexander Swetk of Portland, Ore., to be repivUT of the land office at ihiit rfty. Measures regulating business methods and eliminating; possibility of exacting exorbitant profits will be Into law at this session of the Montunu assembly, It was declared. Competition among the counties promlxes spirited rivalry in the division of the Montana state fair to be held Sept. according to reports received at the office of Secretary Horace 8. Ensign. Japans first official copy of the Herman peace treaty left Seattle Tuesday for Tokio nhoard the Japanese liner Fushiml Mam, In care of a special courier, Lieut Cot. H. Ninonlya, an officer of the Japanese army. Due to the heavy rains all fires In Ute Montana national forests are reported safe and the only trouble the foresters are experiencing now Is with the biases in the Idaho reserves, which have not been visited by showers. No reports of new fires were received at the district headquarters. Fire last week destroyed the mill of the Bissell Lumber Company, Just south of Seattle city limits, and a lyrce stuck of lumber, the loss being estimated at 1300,000. Only a change In the wind, it was said, could save $.'1,000,000 worth of supplies awaiting shipment to Russian ports. Governor D. W. Davis of Idaho has asked D.strlct Forester L. F. Kneipp to take immediate steps to nid In caring for the great herds of elk in northeastern Idaho and Jackson hole. Because of the shortage of hay and the poor range this year, the Idaho executive says, it will be necessary to take steps now for the feeding of the elk. Orders for a supply of government foodstuff were wired to Sun Francisco army officials Tuesday' by Acting Mayor W. D. Lane of Seattle. The food, if sold to the city, will be retailed by the municipality to the public at local public markets. The order Included 40,000 pounds of bacon, 3UG0 cans of corned beef and 1000 cuses of tomatoes. William L. Wallen, champion swimmer of the Illinois Athletic Club, Chicago, successfully defended his title at Portland by winning first place In e swim the A. A. U. national In the Willlamette river. Ills time for the mile, over a course of 16 laps, was 24 minutes, 37 5 seconds. Second pluce went to Harold Kroger of the Oakland Athletic Club, and George Schroeth, also of Oaklund, captured third pluce from Mltrle Konowaloff of Seattle. al 3, six-pou- one-mil- 3-- Voicing their protests against prof- iteering in the necessities of life and asking that Deer Lodge county, Monwith tana, representatives other members of the state legislature In alleviating existing conditions members of Anaconda Mill and Union, No. 117, passed resolutions, forwarding copies to Senator J. B. Gnose and Representatives Chrystal, Johnson and Lemmon of Deer Lodge county, now attending the special session of the legislature. At the request of Secretary Lane, Senator Myers of Montana, Monday Introduced a bill providing an appropriation of $500,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of protecting timber on the public lands from forest flresr to be expended under the supervision of the secretary of the interior. Damage to crops has resulted in Elko county, Nevada, through ravages by ground squirrels, the loss being estimated at $30,000 in the Metropolis and Lamoille farming districts alone. Aa organization has been formed at Metropolis to provide funds with which to conduct a campaign of destruction against the rodents. Notice of advances ranging from 10 to 25 per cent in the rent of apartments at Spokane was served on tenants, and rents of business property and dwelling houses also were raised somewliat Landlords denied increases were the result of concerted action, but said they were demanded by the advances in cost of upkeep of their property. State and federal law Is to be la voked against criminal food profiteering in Montana. The county attorney of Silver Bow county at Butte is cooperating with the United States district attorney, who will be asked to secure indictments by a federal grand Jury against those persons who cannot be reached by state law. Notice has been served In the house of representatives of Montana that when the measure to enforce prohibition comes up, an amendment making It unlawful to possess liquor stored prior to July 1 would be offered This bus raised a question as to common law rights of citizens, which have been observed for centuries. The measure was unexpected, but prohibitionists exnect. it will be Dossed. Smel-temie- ns TO ALL WOMEN Relaying of Letter Over Phone Probably Cauaed III Feeling That Might Have Been Avoided. Don't ask some one to open your Philippines Must Wait a While for Independence a iliTisinn to WASHINGTON. Republican leaders in congress have reached m the independence of the question granting Philippines. The decision of Hie Republican leaders against consideration of The Filipinos plea for Independence followed the recent hearing accorded the Philippine commission at a Joint session of the house and senate committees on insular affairs. It transpired that few. If any, of the Republican or Democratic members of those committees had been sufficiently Impressed by the representations of the delegates to take a stand in favor of freeing the islands at this time. The general conclusion was that no step In this direction should be taken until more convincing proof has been offered of the ability of the Filipinos to stand alone and to continue to maintain the institutions of government and education established by the United States which have wrought such beneficent changes In the Islands In 20 years. Moreover, It was deemed inadvisable to take a step of such great moment to these wards of the American republic until the equilibrium of world conditions Is restored. It Is now taken for granted that the question of liberating the Philippines will not be considered seriously until the congressional committees shall have visited the Islunds and niude nn exhaustive Investigation and report to congress. The dispatch of the commission by the Philippine legislature was forced liy the minority purty in the island, which accused the majority party of lack of aggressiveness In seeking independence. Fifty-Fift- Pacific y Fleet Is New Naval Policy read something both you and they would rather not read. A Washington woinun end her husband recently went visiting out west, and while there paid a visit for several (lays to u brother of the Washington nmn. The latter then mine hack to Washington, and his wife remained in the wsetern city, but transferred her place of abode to another relative. Her husband did not know of this removal, however, so addressed liW first letter to his brother's home. The wife of his broiher thereupon picked up the telephone and told the Washington woman that she had a letter for her. Oh, Just rend it to me, said the Wuslilngtonlan. All went well until the following began to come over the wire: I think you had better go some place else to stay, Henry is so nervous, and those children will worry you, and jou aren't lmviiig a very good time, anyway. AMERICANS MAKING GOOD AT nn epoch in American nnval history. been divided with exactly half of Its power assigned to guard the western seaboard. For the first time also the strategic value of the canal is to be n fully tested when Admiral Hugh moves his armada through to Pacific wntt-ra-. And for the first time Americans of the far West are to see with their own eyes the full pomp and power of the navy that has been tlielr prde for years. The main base of the Pacific fleet will be In Puget sound, Washington. The composition of the Pacific fleet tells Its own story. The three must modern ships of the line In the navy, the New Mexico, Idaho and Mississippi, are headed west. Nut since President Roosevelt sent the Atlantic fleet to girdle the globe have Hie people of California, Oregon and Washington seen In their harbors a more lmwerful and modern fighting craft than the old hero Rhlp Oregon, long out of date and holding her place on the navy list only because of her valiant record. Beside Knew Her Brother. the 30,000 ton flagship of the Pacific fleet the Oregon will be a pigmy. Maudle was evidently feeling emriie sailing of the great fleet marks a complete change in naval policy. Not while the German fleet existed or while German eyes wire leveled cov- barrassed about something, and she etously nt the rich and undeveloped resources of South and Central America blushed prettily as she told the sister of her fiance that she would like to could American naval strength have been divided. buy a birthday present for lilm. You know him better than I do," Rich Gifts, But No Queen of she said, so I came to you to ask your Envoys Rod-ma- This Woman Recommend! Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Her Personal Experience. Neb." I want to recoin-- d Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable eLean. Compound to women who suffer all fran any fnnetional disturbance, as It his done me more good than all the doctors medicine, Since taking It 1 have fine healthy baby girl and hare gained in health and strength. My husband and I both praise yourmed-ldne to all suffering women." Mrs. John Kofteuunn, H. No. 1, McLean, Nebraska. This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. has been restoring women of America to health for more than forty years and it will well pay any woman who suffers from displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or "the blues" to give this successful remedy a trial. I of its long experience is at your service. SIXTY-FIV- E Don't worry about old ago. A sound man is good at any age. Keep your body in good condition and you can be as hale and hearty and able to do your bit as when you were a young fellow. Affections of the kidneys and bladder are among the leading causes of early or helpless age. Keep them clean and tha other organs in working condition, and you will nave nothing to fear. Drive the poisonous wastes from the system and avoid uric add accumulations. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsulee periodically and you will find that you are aa good as the next fellow. Tour spirits will be rejuvenated, your muscles strong and your mind keen enough for any task. GOLD MEDAL Ilaarlem Oil Capsulee will do the work. But bo sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL Ilaarlem Oil Capsules. They are reliable and should help you, or your For sale by money will be refunded. most druggists. In sealed packages three sizes. Adv, of the Pacific fleet marks THE departure the first time the naval force 1ms WHO ARE ILL let- ter and read it to you over the telephone. If you do you umy have them en-nci- argi-cultur- NOT HAVE READ IT STOPS LA MENESS from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Spline Curb, Side Bone, or similar troubles sad gets hone going sound. It acts mildly but auickly and good results are Does not blister hair and hone can or remove X' be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $2.50 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 R free. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, Enlarged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veins heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write. $1.2$ a bottle at dealers r ilclinrci. Ubnal trial koala In 10c maa, W.F.Y0UNQ, P. D. F..310Tsuilslt,lDilnaBaM. Mass. DAISY FLY KILLER"-- " AND KILLS ALL FIXES. 4aaa,emaaMataL aost and HAKOLO SOJUtftt, U0 even In cosmopolitan Washington, was the presentation the A other day to President Wilson of the special envoys of Abyssinia, congratulating him on the successful termination of the war und bearing gifts from their empress, Walzeru Zaudltu. The Dedjuzmatcli Nado was the orator. Ills fellow envoys were the Kan-tib- a Gabrou and the Ato Ilerouy. The Ato Slnkae was secretary and Interpreter. The envoys wore red velvet robes, heavy with gold and silver trimmings, and large silk turbans, embroidered with pearls. The address was In part: More than 5,000 years have elapsed since the establishment of the Ethiopian government. In the time of well known. The queen of Ethiopia, was this David and Solomon government She heard of King Solomon and time. at over Sheba ruled all that Macuda, came to listen to his wisdom and see the country, and as she returned to her own dominion she proclaimed the religion of the living God. From that time until Constantine the Great Ethiopia has believed In God according to the laws of the Old Testament. In the time of Constantine Ethiopia became Christian according to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and since that time has fought for her Christianity and Independence against the surrounding Mohammedans and heathens. All the people of Ethiopia, knowing that the United States of America, after securely establishing her own Independence, has taken upon herself the wonderful duty of assisting the allies la gaining equal liberty and Independence, rejoiced and praised the American people. The gifts included elephant tusks mounted In solid gold, native garment's embroidered In Jewels, and a gold box containing letters from the empress and her son, the heir apparent. National Guard Must Be Reorganized With Care of the plans of the war department for reorganization of the Guard as approved by Secretary Buker disclose that the states may organize up to their full limit if they desire, but in so far as federal aid Is concerned they may only recruit at present up to 200 men for each senator and representative. In emergency the maximum organization could be Increased to 800 men for each senator In a circular letand representative. ter Secretary Baker says: It Is the desire of the war dethe National partment to Guard on a firm and efficient basis and to obtain In the commissioned and en- listed grades a maximum of men with service In the United States army during the great war. To achieve that end it will be necessary Hint the regulations lie fully complied with, and the requirements for admission In the National Guard both for officers and enlisted men fully observed. The uppolntment of officers and enlistment of men who are not suitable for active field service, either for professional or personal reasons, or who would not be able to participate completely and fully In a federal coll, will serve only to lower the military efficiency of the National Guard ns a whole. The war department requests the earnest of the several states anil territories in making the National Guard an effective force during the period of Its reorganization. advice. Yes V said her future with Cuticura Sow. Ointamt, Talenai Be. SuiplMof OaUm.lMptS, AGENTS MAKING $200 WEEKLY Everyone want it. Formulas for IIS HOME MADE BEVERAGES. Book Form. Send tl for copy and territory propoaltlon. BUYERS EXPORT AGENCY, lac.. 44S Broome Kt., NEW YORK. ' fet Contents Aw, BmUn, N. X, Skin Troubles sister-in-la- Inquiringly. What," went on the blushing Maudle, would you advise me to get? Oh, I don't know," replied the other I could only advise girl carelessly. you In general terms. From what I know of him, I should say he would appreciate something that he could pawn easily 1" Jtalb Soldiers Soothe Sheba NOVELTY, I fl'1-'-!- Sir- - jW.V 15 Fluid Dxadm For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That 4 Genuine Castoria .ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CEBTi AYectabtelVcparatioatxAi1 1 similatingtheFood bjrBegul I tindthcStofflAchs andBw. iNFANTSZCHILDRiS Thereby Promoting Digest Cheerfulness MidRestCaBta DETAILS Am IfahyawAiar A helpful Remedy Constipation and Diarrhoe. FkeSimacSijnaWvrf jtaOWWraGoMMJ NEW YOnfe Exact Copy of Wrapper. 11 1111.! '."Hi1 yj1" Thirty Years |