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Show THE HELPER TIMES, HELPER, UTAH. THE HELPER TIMES m I. A. LEE, Publisher lmliin:iit;m;iiiiiu:iiiiiiiT; Six Months in Advance 75e One Year in Advance (1.50 Entered at the post office at Helper, Utah, as second class matter. EVIL CONDITIONS JAPAN IN health of Woman Workers Shown to Have Reached Point Which Con-- j stitutes National Danger. i. Soroku Ebara, a member of thej Japanese house of peers, who has studied the condition of working women in Japan, says: Out of, every 1,000 in the spinning mills,' 2C6 are found to contract pneu-- j j monia. A physician who investigated' working conditions in Xagano prefecture reports: Most of the girls work from C a. m. to 7 p. m. Excess' of labor combined with absence of; nutritive food causes disorders oi the stomach and the intestines. At night they sleep together, face to face, two girls on each mat. If to strict examination, at least 40 per cent of the factory girls would be found to be victims of consumption. What is still more terrible is the fact that girls of twelve and thirteen who work in the filatures are infected with this disease in growing numbers. No wonder that out of the 200,000 girls recruited annually for the factories only 80,000 ever return to their homes. ()f the other 120,000 many drift into teahouses of bad character or follow the broad lane that leads to the! . sub-mitte- d M DELAYED WORLDS PROGRESS.' The idea of getting power from the explosion of carburettcd air is a very bid one. In 1678 the Abbe Hantefciiille and in 1GS0 Iluygheni worked on a motor using a mixture of air and gunpowder fur fuel. Sep temlier 28, 17UD, lhilip Lcbon, the discoverer of illuminating gas, got the first patent on a motor using a mixture of air and gas. Two years later lie built his first apparatus and it bore a striking resemblance to the motors of the future. Except for a d dagger thrust which struck down Lcbon one evening as he walked among the trees of the Champs Ely sees, the roads of the world might have been rutted by motorcars and the skies crossed by airplanes a century earlier. From Lectures Pour Tons, Paris. "Reform, Ilka charity, should begin at home," declares a 8t Louis clergy niau. How enn reform begin at home unless It will spend some time at hornet The trouble shout reform la, it grabs Its umbrella and aalllea forth while the dust of aln gathers on Its very family Blbie. oar round soft drink For business men, professional men, men of sports- - - $olf , bowling, tennis, shoot inf, riding . For everybody, everywhere, the year round- - Bevo is hale refreshment for wholesome thirst--- an invigorating soft drink.. Ideal for the athlete or the man in physical or ood to train and mental training gain on. Healthful and appetizing. ST.LOUIS tffio OIL FIELDS IN PERSIA. i 4366 Buy Your Notice For Publication COAL ENTRY (Sec. 2347. 11. S.) Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, July 25, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Walter M. Dake, of Denver, County of Denver, State of Colorado, has this day filed in this office Application to Purchase, Serial No. 024617, under the provisions of section 2347, U. S. Revised Statutes, the SEJ of SEJ of Section 1 and NEJ of NE( of Section 12, Township 13 South, Range 8 East, S. I Bread and Pastry Goods Fresh Every Day. L. M. LOUIS FOSSAT i i HELPER LUMBER & HARDWARE CO, Carries a full line of Lath, Cepient, Builder Hardware, Etc, A Square Peil and fair Trefitinept our Motto, Figure with us before gqing elsewhere. ElevethjFloor Deseret Bank Bldg. Salt Lake City, ytah. Silvagni Building, Price,' Utah. .v ; v. 'r-- v - - . ' in Castle HaH 4 Meets every Thursday night at Visiting mem- The CITY CAFE OPEN PAY AND NIGHT F. C. Bertolina, K. of. R. andr& PROMPT SERVICE. FREE AIR. North Main Street, Helper, Utah. r,. Everything First Class. Special Dining Rooms for Ladies. Barboglio Bldg, Helper, Utah HELPER LODGE NQ. 56 I. O. O. F Meets every Tuesday evening at Flaims Hall. Visiting broth as cordially invited to attend. v: fdSSZ Vt .V v ' ' 7 E. C. Burgar, N. G., James Pland, V. C. T. C. Smiley, Secretary. James Phelps, Trees. AMERICAN CANDY COMPANY TOM DEMIS, Proprietor . Utahna Rebekah Lodge No. 39 For these hot days, try our Ice Cold Sodas. All flavors. KELLYS ICE CREAM, of Salt Lake City. HELPER, UTAH Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday to the month at 7;80 p. m., at Ftoims .HaiL Margaret Leute, Nobis Grand. Maud Dysr, Vies Grsnf Irene L. Sinele, Secy. Francis Welch, Tress. wsi Visiting Brothers sad Btot Cool and Refreshing. Also a full line of Candy, Cigars and Cigarettes. P. O. Box 96. A . 'A . -- - . Hotel Helper, Helper, Utah Headquarters for Reservation Traveler, and tne Traveling Public in General Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water in Every Room. i VTAH Knights of Pythias. C. Saccomano: C. C. J. Ruggeroni, M. P, Guaranteed or Money Refunded. v HELPER, bers cordially invited. Gasoline, Oils and Grease. ,7'.;. Helper Lumber & Hardware Cp. ONWARD LODGE NO. 15 8 oclock. General Auto Repairing. SHOES Here and Get Your Discount. Any and all persons claiming adthe lands described, or desiring versely HELPING HUBBY. to object for any reason to the entry thereof by appfiRnts should file their We should go to Paris, John,1 affidavits of protest in this office during the thirty-da- y period of publication declared helpful Mrs. Senator Flubimmediately following the firat printed issue of this notice, otherwise the apdub. may be allowed, It is true that weighty matters plication GOULD 5. BLAKELY, Register. are now being decided there. First pub, Aug, 1, last Aug. 29, 1919. Yes, and while you are helping decide them I can look at hats.' STEWART, ALEXANDER Eouisville Courier-Journa- l. .& WADDOUPS Vulcanizing done by the Haywood System. Rim cuts or any kind of Repair Work done good as new. 7.r v 2-- L Distributors PRICE, UTAH. Irnk-Ajem- And Service Station - H i Henderson Repair Shop 4 -- Price Beverage Company, Attorneys at Law. Satisfaction aff-t-f ANHEUSER-BUSC- never-explaine- The famous oil wells of Baku have fin oriental rival. Western Persia, between the mountains of Kurdistan ami the Persian gulf, is now known to contain oil fields whose content apd value are .beyond estimate. In i, the district of full of beautiful and rare napics suggesting carpets, borings have yielded oil of exceptional quality, and disclosed a Yoshiwara. tract pf nearly 400 square miles. A of ltemsine and keroKing Alfonso of Spain Is going to high percentage visit South America to develop comm- sene is characteristic of the Pcrsiau on-ini possibilities with Spain. 11a oil. England lias the concession to Is the first to realise that under the work the fields, and soon the looms new order of thlnga klnga will haTf of Kermanshah and Ispahan will to work to earn tlielr aalarlee. Aa a give way to oil derricks.-Popul- ar press agent, for his country, he will Mechanics Magazine. be of far more practical value than as Its figurehead. 4 LTH EfBE-- Ernest Griffith PR. K. KAMITANI Dentist Teacher of Violin tUi.it. Enquire at the Y. M. C. A. 1 Helper, Utah. Dr. C. R. Snowden DENTlSTi and Offioe hoars: 9 1 North Main Street. Helper, Utah to 6 P M Helper, Utah. |