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Show Helper, is the Railroad and Coal Center of Eastern Utah, and the Busiest Little City in the State DKVOTKD TO THE INTERESTS Volume 9 TOWN DADS HOLD AND DEVELOPMENT OP ONE OP TIDE GARDEN SHITS OP THE WORLD, HELPER AND THE PRICE RIVER VaLLEV. Number 27 Helper, Carbon County, Utah, Friday, August 15 1919 Hole Taxing The Knot - SOMEWHERE IN UTAH . REGULAR MEETING IF YOU HAD INVESTED in War Savings Stamp YOUR MONEY instead of THAT SWELL ROD AND THIN&S.YOU Ml&HT HAVE HAD SOME FlSH AND MONEY IN FUTURE YEARS. In order to better protect the City of Helper from fire, the city council is contemplating the purchase of a combination chemical and hose epuipment A representative of the Republic Fire " ' Y. M. C. A. NOTES A man owned a good husky Reader, dd you miss the "Y tree which overlooked a baseball service last Sunday night? If so field. The man, says the Popular Science Monthly, ., brought out eight chairs and a ladder in time for every game. He fastened the chairs to the tree and charged for their use. He made fifty-cen- ts this way. one every game. The Bureau of Internal Revenue got hold of him and added a war tax to each seat. The tree now yields eight cents per game to the revenue missed a most delightful hour. Prof. Ernest Griffith played a violin solo that was divine. Miss Ruth Metz played a very fine solo. Ossie Fink and Miss Olive Reed sang a duet that was enjoyed by all. The speaker was Rev. A. ' W. Sidders who kept his audience on their toes. A le musical program is being prepared for this coming Sunday night service, 'Miss Dorthy Bur-ga-r. Rev. A. W. Sidders, Ossie Fink and Miss Smith will provide the special music. The average daily visits to :the building are 320. That means that the Helper Association is doing a great work. Are you taking advantage of the Helper Y? If not you are depriving yourself of a great privilege. you . company met With the council Monday night; but action was postponed until the next regular meeting, as the 'council would like the sentiment of the people before making the department purchase. The truck under And are they going to tax the will cost $6320 and is too? cracks and knot-hole- s, similar to the one at Price. The city has the money with which A. Schoenfeld of Pocatello, to make to purchase and we do'not was in Helper the first of the believe they could put it to betweek. ter use. The purchase of this truck will not only give us good Mr. and Mrs. Amos Young fire protection but will greatly have returned to Helper after J. G. Moore, Asso. Sec. reduce our insurance. several weeks visit at Salt Lake. iSfCAZ. The council authorized the purMiss Catherine Kavanaugh of The Helper Boy Scouts acres chase of three and 'one-hal- f The troop held its first meetDenver, is expected in Helper Flue clothe catch little fish uud huy few W. S. S. of ground from the Helper Real next Monday for a visit at the ing for the month last Friday. Estate and Investment company. Scouts E. Thele, Tony Barzn, home of her brother J. C. The ground purchase will be SHORT STORIES Episcopal Church Services and John Allisqn received gold used to enlarge the cemetery. Next Sunday, .the ninth after awards at a banquet Wednesday The price paid was $200 per acre. be will there WedTrinity, Hall next leaves baptismal food will be sold Henry Surplus army evening at the scout-masteA sidewalk will be built leadand communion services the at at cost price to nesday for a visit with relatives home. A delightful three course through Glen ing up to the school house and postoffices, and people lists The residence. at Decatur, 111. From there he luncheon was served by Mrs. J. Ballinger will price the council will designate the be sent to Rev. a Fr. Sidders, from will go to Detroit, Michigan, as G. Moore. All priest every postoffice in the present spent a district to be paved. United States. These price lists the diocese of Mimiesota will be a delegate to the convention of very enjoyable evening. On next celebrate? M'" Maintenance ofAVsys-.may be obtained shortly at any the Wednesday,- the scouts who have, There a number of are quite THIEVES RAID postoflice. earned silver medals will be children in town as yet unbapThe Executive Committee of guests at a banquet. The troop HELPER HOMES Wrestling fans are looking for- tised and Fr. Sidders expresses the American Legion desires to will drill Friday night ward with interest to the match his willingness to baptise any, organize posts in the following J. G. Moore, S. M. Geo. Nicholson and H. whether from his faith or any town in Carbon county: Helper, between A number of attempts were Castle Gate, Scofield, Sunnyside, C, Tanner at the Elpe Theatre other. Helper Union Sunday School made to rob Helper homes last has custom Posts been Wattis. the and of the It tomorrow night. Both men are Wellington The school was very much Saturday night. in the pink of condition and the church in this vicinity to wel- have already been organized at pleased to have so many visitors TheChas. Riiggeri.home was match promises to be a lively come all faiths to the Lords Price and Hiawatha. All those last Sunday morning. entered, but only a feW dollars and Services every Sunday morn-n- g interesting one from start to table provided those coming are who join posts prior to Novemwere missing. will considered be Christians. take ber 11th, Kindly finish. baptised at ten. R. R. chapel. EveryAs Gilbert Miller, an employee this announcement as an invita- charter members. Fifteen appli- body invited. Come and bring a of the Rio Grande, entered his America is to be the new tion for YOU to make you 'com- cants may organize a post and friend. room, an unknown man stepped name of one of the towns recent- munion next Sunday at the Bal- receive a charter. J. G. Moore, Supt. out from a dark corner and made 'wrecked home at 10:30 a. m. the earthquake linger ly by a lunge at Miller with a knife, at in the Mugello valley, Signed, Italy, the the same time demanding his Italian authorities in this ' Mrs. Glen Ballinger. way assassin money. The would-b- e paying their tribute to America tripped over something as he for the prompt assistance renThe Golden Rule has added a made the lunge and Miller only dered the earthquake victims 5c and 10c department to their received a slight wound in the the medium of the store. Some of the articles carback. He succeeded in driving through ried in this department will be American Red Cross. off the robber but it was too dark found in their ad on the last in the room for him to get a Men who got government in- page of this issue. good look at the fellows face. surance while in the military or The home , of John Buchanan naval services are reminded that The many Helper friends of was entered the same night and m July 1 the premium rates on Miss Carry Ashton will be sorry a watch and a few dollars taken. these policies were automatically to learn that she is quite sick in The Utah State Committee for raised to the rate for the next a hospital at Decatur, Illinois, the Roosevelt Memorial Associa- higher year of age. Thus a man where she recently underwent tion has been completed by W. who has been paying the premi- an operation. our member-- B. Thompson of New York City, um for the age of 25 years must rpHROUGH in headline 26. now for the We this the of read pay age president of the organization and ship in the Federal ReYou dont Chicago Tribune: E. C. Loose Col. besides includes, Residents down at Spring Glen pay more to cat; you only think serve System, we are enabled of Provo, chairman, W. H. Mchave given up the idea of incor- so. The purely psychological to have telegraphic transfers Cormick, treasurer; S. H. Love, and that place be bonding to another porating seeme stuff having E. C. Ashton, David Smith, of funds made to any part of water and for Instead lights. here. M,S. inning Chas. Nibley, Salt Lake; the country at lowest cost. they have' organized the Spring Browning, W. H. Wattis. A, P. Glen Water and Light company Biglow, Ogden; Henry Gardiner, Ike with James Miss Carrie Cotter, a former Davis, president; Spanish Fork, Harvey' Cluff, Rolando, vice here president and Helper girl passed through Provo. The campaign for Frank Dolinsky, secretary. The last night on her way east for a for the Roosevelt Meis capitalized for ten three months visit. She will morial Fund will begin October company thousand dollars. With about visit in Helper on her way back. 20th and close October 27th. The half of this money they propose purpose of the fund is to erect a buying water "Heres your 30 "cents worth rights from the monument to th memory of lady. Price to Colton pipeline and put of Thoedore Roosevelts One dollar, please. in a system for local users. For and to very light they propose get juke Bean soup is healthy Mrs. L. R. Metz spent from or can af Utah Helper Ppwer and appetising, provided you at Price, Light company, ford a whole bean. Apparatis con-templasi- on rs , - - - . . Telegraphic Transfers $10,-000,0- 00 . what-you-may-call-- it, A Helper State Bank |