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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER, UTAH PALMER ILL STARTS HOT COERCE PRES. WILSON DECLARES EXISTING LEGISLATION INADEQUATE NO SHORTAGE OF SUPPLIES. PUBLIC 8ENTIMENT IS TO BE DIRECTED AGAINST THOSE GUILTY OF EXPLOITING. Statement Isaued In National Capital. Address Congress on Prevailing Infla- Attorney General Palmer Wires Food Administrators to Probe Retailers and Publish Costs as Guide. Congress to Investigate. Wanlilngton. Leaden of the fifteen of railroad employee organization united Saturday in a definite asser. fion that they had no desire and have had none, to Impress upon the public by violence or by threat" theli proposal that the railroads be nationalized under tripartite control Declaring that the requests of the inen that living costs be reduced or their wages increased was aside from the question of the future disposition of the railroad problem, the labor leaders said that if President Wilson and congress could not meet this request the men would try to find another solution." Plans for the formation of a national conference for railroad control were discussed at a luncheon attended bj representatives of the bortlierhoodi and prominent persons from various parts of the country who were Invited by the brotherhoods to be members of the conference as representatives of the public. While the labor leaders did not mention the presidents address to congress it wus the general belief that llielr statement resulted from his warning to the labor world that strikes would only make present conditions worse and that those who sought to employ threats or coercion were only preparing their own destruction. Two distinctly separate considerations now confront the people, the wage requirements of the railroad employees, and the Sims bill (embodying tlie railway employees plan for reorganization of the railroads). In the matter of wages we have submitted an eminently just proposition. We have said that If we are to rontinue to live as Americans should live and are to care for our families as American families should be cared for, the profiteers must be restrained or our wages increased. Every fair minded man, and every intelligent housewife, will recognize the reasonableness of this request. If congress and the president cannot meet this request, it is still a living question and we shall have to try to find another solution. Washington Food administrators in every state in the union will begin Monday the formation of fair price commissions to answer questions directed to them by Attorney General Palmer. His telegram to the food administrations with this request mnrks another step In the governments fight against the high cost of living aud is in accordance with the desires expressed by the president In his message to congress. When fair prices are arrived at and posted by the food administrators, all of the strength of the department of justice will be used to maintain observance of these prices by wholesalers and retailers of foodstuffs. Any violations of the fair price lists will be reported immediately to the nearest district attorney and he will be vested with authority at once against the profiteer. Meantime investigators of the department of Justice have reported that large quantities of foodstuffs have-beestored hi various sections of the country aud United States authorities are investigating these vast accumulations of supplies to determine whether prosecution under the food act shall be begun under Attorney General Palmers instructions. The general instructions issued by the attorney general to the United States district attorneys aud the cooperating department agents akto cover the destruction of foodstuffs by holders who purpose by this method to hold up prices to the present high levels. Reports are being received that foodstuffs are thus being destroyed, and the full machinery of the law will be Invoked to reach the persons guilty. In this connection it has been proposed that congress enact legislation specially designed to cope with profiteers who go so far as to destroy foodstuffs, to maintain prices. HAVE NO INTENTION" TO IMPRESS PROPOSALS ON PUBLIC BY THREATS OR VIOLENCE." Appeal to "Common Sente of the American People Men Are Gradually Returning to Work. Ulster Unionists Are Again Active. Belfast. After an address in which Sir Edward Carson, leader of the Ulster Unionists, told the Ulster Unionist council that It was necessary for Ulster to be prepared to prevent any encroachments on Its llbetrles," It was decided to revive the Ulster political clnbr which have been abandoned during the war and celebrate Covenant day, September 28, with a speechmak. ing campaign led by Sir Edward Car-son- Rsach Discussion on Thracian Problem Paris. The peace conference readied a solution of the Thracian problem Friday, according to the Intranslgeant, by dividing Thrace Into a number of parts, some going to Greece and others being designated to form the future free state of Constantinople and a new free state under the league of nations. Hoover Starts on Tour of Inquiry. Paris. Herbert Hoover, chairman of the Interallied relief organisation left Friday night with Brigadier General Harry Bandholtx, for Vienna. He will be gone for about two weeks and during that time will visit virtually all the central European capitals, Investigating food and economic conditions. tion of Foodstuff Values. Suggests New Regulations-Specif- ic Proposals Before Congress. Washington. President Wilson laid several specific proposals before congress Friday for checking the high cost of living, bat at the same time declared permanent results could not be expected until peace time bases were fully restored. High prices, the president told congress, were not justified by shortage of supplies either present or prospective, bnt were created in many cases artificially sad deliberately," by vicious practices. Retailers, he said, AUTHORIZED were responsible in large part for extortionate prices. Strikes, tlie president warned the TO DEAL labor world, would only make matters worse and those who sought to employ threats or coercion were only preparing their own destruction. Leaders of organized labor, the Pres- WILSON 8AY8 MEN COMPLICATED MATTER8 REMEDIAL AGENT8 ident said, be was sure would presAT STANDSTILL. sober to second thought. ently yield were criminal and the Illegal words the President used In charac- 450,000 Employees to Ballot on Walkout. Freight Situation 8erioue. terizing the methods by which some present day prices have been brought Tieup Probable In Very Near about Future. Present laws, he said, would be energetically employed to the limit to Washington. President Wilson notforce out food hoards, and meet the ified Hines that he situation so far as possible, but to was Director General authorised to take up the demands statutes he the existing supplement of railroad shop employees for higher specifically urged the following: wages and decide them on their merits. enLicensing of all corporations The president said that the letter In commerce with interstate gaged him by Senator Cummins, chairsent specific regulations designed to se- man of the committee on Interstate cure competitive selling and prevent set me free to deal had commerce, unconscionable profits" in the method as I think best with the difficult quesof marketing. Extension of the control act to peace tion of the wages of certain classes of railroad employees, but added: times and the application of Its pro- the The chief obstacle to a decision visions against hoarding to fuel, clothbeen has created by tbe men theming and other necessities of life as well selves. They have gone out on a as food. strike and repudiated the authority of moment when DRAGNET 18 OUT FOR DESERTER8 their officers st the very action in regard to they Thousand Yanks Doughboys Absent tlieir interests The president's decision was anWithout Leave. from the White House In the nounced Paris More than a thousand Amer- form of a letter sent by him to Mr. ican doughboys still are absent withThe Hines. president said that until out leave In Paris and several hunreturn to work and the employees bedred more are scattered in France the authority of their again recognize old behind the tween Paris and Nancy whole matter must the organization, front, at attache of the provost mar- be at a standstill" shals office said. At the present rate of rounding up SCORE DIE AS SCHOONER 8INKS deserters or Awols, as they are called, it will be necessary, perhaps, to Gallia Goes Down In Collision With maintain the American military police British 8teamer War Witch bureau in France for another year, a N. S. Twenty persons are Halifax, the authorities are encountering the believed to have lost their lives when extremest difficulty In capturing the the schooner Gallia was sunk Thursmen. night in a collision with the BritMost deserters have regulation army day steamer ish War Witch. The schooner automatic pistols which they dont hes- is to have carried a crew of itate to use, so that the average French at reported and possibly a dozen least fifteen policeman doesn't dare to tackle them. passengers, and only seven survivors Instead, when the French authorities are named In wireless messages from discover an American Awol they simthe steamer. The collision occurred ply try to keep track of him and not- close to St Pierre and is supposed to ify the American provost marshal. have been caused by the heavy fog. The provost marshals department Captain W. B. Bennett, of the War has a number of crack operatives who Witch, reported by wireless that his jump into automobiles and go after vessel had collided with the d the deserters, not reporting back until The message Gallia. schooner men. fhw firfrh gave the names of seven persons as saved. These were presumably from DR. EDWARD 6ENES the schooner. The War Witch was bound from North Sydey from Wabana, N. ' F., while the Gallia was on her way to SL Pierre from France. News of the catastrophe reached hero in wireless messages to the agents of the War Witch. HINES 10 10 were-uvfk- three-maste- thr Alleged Forger is Held by Police. Des Moines, Iowa. A man claiming to be Raymond C. Hyde, son of a Wichita, Kan., millionaire, but whom police say is G. A. Barnett, noted forger, wanted b yauthoritles at Mitchell, S. D, and other western cities, Is lying heavily guarded, in a hospital here, where he was taken following injuries received when he tried to escape from The man fell down the the police. station steps in trying to espolice cape and claims the accident has made him speechless. He registered at a fashionable hotel with his bride, whom he married in Sioux City, following a r courtship filled with twenty storied of his alleged valorous deeds oversea Jl A check returned by a Mitch' Jl, S. D., bank led to his arrest. German War Brides Arrive From Brest New York. The first German war bride In come to the United States since 1017 arrived here Friday aboard the army transport Great Northern from Brest They were included among 249 young women of various nationalities who married American soldiers abroad. Steamer Aground, Passengers Moved Boston.1 The steamship North Star stuck on Green Island, nine miles south of Yarmouth, N. S., in a fog at 0:40 n. m. Friday. The removal of her passengers, 280 In all, and their transfer to Yarmouth was accomplished without accident New Record for Altitude Claimed. Paris. Maurice Wnibaug, flying an airplane with one passenger aboard, claimed to have established a world's record by reaching an altitude of 7800 meters (25,590 feet). g four-hou- In Traction Row. New York Public Service Commissioner Lewis Nlon announceid late Friday that Lindley K. Garrison, receiver of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit company, had accepted hi services as In the strike which for three mediator Dr. Edward Benes, member of the has days paralyzed traffic on the surpeace conference, la foreign minister face, subway and elevated lines. pf Nixon Is Mediator Czecho-Slovakl- a. PLUNDERING OE ROADS CHARGED SYSTEMATIZED EXPLOITATION OF LINES BY 'MORGAN AND ROCKEFELLER IS ALLEGED. Sensational Statements Mad Before House Committee by Attorney for Brotherhoods of the Railway Employees. Washington Leading directly from Wall street and from the banking houses controlled directly by the Morgan and Rockefeller groups, Information whach has come Into the possession of the railroad brotherhoods shows that there has preceded a systematized plundering of virtually all of the public transportation highways in tbe United States the house interstate commerce committee was told by Glen E. Plumb of Chicago. There was no connection between tbe presentation of the Plumb plan to congress and labor disturbances and demands for higher wages, Plumb said, replying to a question by Chairman Tbe 'fact tha't both broke together, Piumb added, was due to your invitation to appear at this time. Otherwise, our plan would have been presented In the fall Definite information on which his charges were based, Mr. Plumb said, would be turned over to the committee, upon which It may ask for a full congressional Investigation. We believe such an investigation, he continued, will reveal that there Is not one railroad system dominating any part of the 254,000 miles of rail roads In the United States but has suffered and Is suffering, in a degree if not todhe same extent, from carefully deliberated manipulations of the sort that have wrecked and ruined the railroads I have mentioned. It will reveal that these Interests are again gathering their forces of private and secret control, and seek, after having gained from congress a sanction to rehabilitate their railroad properties at public expense, to begin again and follow through Its corrupt and wicked cycle the systematized plundering and looting of the public and the public Interest in the nations highways. In view of the gravity of this situation, and in order that we may have the benefit of their counsel on behalf of the public in presenting our state- ment to congress and to the American people, the fourteen affiliated railway labor organizations are summoning to Washington a national conference on railroad control. PRINCE AAGE 8EVEN PERISH IN RESORT BLAZE Flames Sweep Amusement Park Near Montreal. Death List May Grow. Seven persona were Montreal burned Sunday night in a fire on a scenic railway at Dominion park, an amusement resort near this city. The bodies of three men, three women and a boy were recovered from the ruins shortly before midnight It is feared several more persons lost their lives and that the bodies will be recovered when search Is resumed. It has been impossible to identify the-dea- The cause of the fire which not only destroyed part of the scenic railway, but also the mystic mill nearby, is unknown, but It is believed R was started by a lighted cigarette or match. Mears to Direct Alaskan Railroad. Colonel Frederick Washington. Mears, who acted as general manager of the American railroad lines in France during the war, was appointed Saturday by President Wilson as chief engineer In charge of the construction of the government railroad In Alaska. Food Control Resumed. London. George IL Roberts, food controller, announced that the government had decided to resume control of the supply and distribution of Imports of bacon, ham and lard, and that the prices to be charged wonld also be under supervision. German Mark at New Lew Record. Berlin. German marks, the value of which has been steadily falling in neutral countries surronding Germany, reached their lowest point in history in Switzerland Saturday, being quoted at 83 centimes, instead of the peace price of 125 centimes. Alaskan Surveyor Drowns. Jnnean, Alaska. Charles E. Davidson, territorial surveyor general, wn drowned near here while on a fishing trip. As territorial surveyor Davidson acted as secretary of the territory. Quiet Restored in Saxon Town. Copenhagen. Comparative qnlet hn been restored at Chemnitz, Saxony, where fifty persons were killed Friday n during food riots inspired by Fpnr-taen- agitators. Sugar Ban Ordered. Buenos Aires. A decree prohibiting the exportation of sugar was promulgated Saturday by the Argent fne d. |