OCR Text |
Show J r diet of death by ealclda of at unknown IT man. The f. llow munt hav bad u onlimit-e-l auinnnt of imrve Bath? train w.m ov mal tha ? CmpitTBy Eaglt rintiLj r au bnr law that luoinl-iImt fiiihab fellow, hernlraliy itajed by Lis ' v.i .ivjvilln a purpose uinll all wa over. at il? ii I'uno i -- i iii Law it hb bwt Uartvrt that the a auMlar from Krt 11,371 who aa alaut on a furlmgh. HU ia-- ; SzUirirfa.ttr utx. wm f.iuul In Lia portal, and i n tha iwk wire the woriU; VVliUkry has tha t eat of in, (lx i fcye." Tl-- i v u wa discovered warn a la'y from a ivs rkrkar hid Mm dU!ntT V tln'k:U7 M.w-rti- j. S.-t- i L:iki at C. wait PjU mliefit tiw bar nr;-.a- y i, ix !P AGi.i 1,-- la isn h Lt s fm-bai- , fur t.ar. i,khowever, sal her waa iw :ci k hI if loarne-- a; K '.rru.ri'fu'i, l ai at Tlixna Phi Up buslm-- County S!i'wl i.h SViciumJav. a F'-H- liaiN fur cli'.'dn-- . CJ-ll- h.rfi lirvd of tha ii h r t unit ordeal ofe nj ufai f. and el q.ed a wobjiiii or the Id irk- at type, Lav-- I a t'i1 and dilrer at 'isr O 'i'iMl nr 'nii'ty seat a 1 i ni the Imvw near to meat thi' emit bo:m l fly, If to mUful un It 11. J. viit 15 1 S;iBIFIkl.U. Ji.hn It. n.iriif lt siiii't'tirf a iic . h:s wi'll ar. a n-- ar te-i'- Mi". I.nttm X. L. S,cM-:- t IT v w'rk Ti bi All rilk riVem yard. j ej;''a Bud 'i.- ll) UlUrh luud-u- d i:i.v u.i d FiriM'-JiO- 1 - rd hsc-tim- (lit .i .'Hid 11. Au I J. I i -- d a high haml IlMi'.josr Hill: v llllU t'-- - i:lj. l.is Ki: lay nijM m. to r t wi ll onr it .uphi Miil-Wlnt- i RUPTURE ILrlSR?: GREATLY I I'M! yrl I at iubti - REDUCED fn oe-- wtx'p h-- I OK THU o tlgures. lines will add usual Inca luainlmu junction un rickets and HO percent of double call in round trip lieki-ts- . ILK. ISkown, Agent. Alllirani-- tu out-wa- li-- For Hi of ex ui 'imi MIDWINTER FAIR Via the lines of the OR, TJ. IP. ROW SYSTEMS AXI) TIIE Fair the sala tickets to San PACIFIC Mid-W'lnt- gnlnand retiirning via Ogden and lie Sou thorn licif-- dmn route will et Wi.b'i. Hales going via the Shasta ruii- and I'orl land or will be - rei-one- hi - imr I li.in riirovt runt?. A I, uve goo. bo (lavs and no atop over priviJi egesiilinweri in either direction. 15.I-- I, F- - fr Report Tiiumasskx, Agent. (f the eonditioa of fw . wnd id a I'to CALirnnHia SOUTHERN SfflftY f FREE RATES i. Vi-- r iini'.ispUes .h.. ii! f.iii) ji. Fair computing M San rafvj tniiu Kuybrillc ntatu-Frrneiseii and return pid t liirty (1jr tin.- Itlu (Sriiiule Western wu.. use a rati T 6.J.j.(ii ( )gdeu to san Fra icin-uiib return and one fare for the rn'.'i.d irlplrom Kaysillle vuCigJcn and Tim rate fruiii lt:iyvl!u to adili-is iki ()"iii-t wl tut he l"i( from (Igilcii nukes tu; round trip rate Kayvllle to San FraiiciM-and return felViiu. As tlu-ssaiiio rates are m cUcct under this nulled at Uruud Junction a!l mam line htalluua will use same 1 h bill nuv ah'i"(;.i) itronj lii the eaiitlng etrrnmstanees. Onr presiding KUrr. oi tha President of tide riiiferunr give ua a visit lust week m,i he luted tout the lildeie under Ids rareers going on as sniunthly as any In the minstoD. Althnogh they nr ootmak Ing mrny eouverts they are doing tneir pari of the laher and tbut Is to ti acli the life nf Hie true (lu psl of Jesus Ckrsl. T.is people wl'l nut give us tlielr rhureh&k tcpre ucli in and we Hnd but few ili ei-- s where fh"y will oprn iu fhrir irh ml hmis;s to us, on accrual af ko much prejudice tilsnog among tbem ag (net the MuruiO'.ii. Tide is lisruuse lliey di nut LOdiMtind us :i. a p nplearid they wl,l cot listen to our m e of tl ury . 1 y are uud cr t: c Ilium') of th ii uuilster a id want lid Mya Is law to the piop'e. They (til's prtaflirsJ will out face us like t 11 the story to us. bat they .iien aniui'd .he bii-.- t.'idn it, (!lu rjulri-- i gr m Ppi-f!i:ng; rnvarid a while one to face us will gel i.p enough ms? Uiiii tiie re'imd time but wu in fur our Ih ctriiie j. too strong for iheu:, tin tu Tlwe 1st o uuc'i bihia hi it ; it .ind l!e is just like th propti-i- . Tiicv will not endure pr..i..-i(s mild doctrine but :ift r h drown lusts xVii thy lie.rii n themselvee teacher, i : .. esrs. .. .'ml '.hi u In uur ev.ry day Oder COMPANY. fuel IATI fl I i: ' V r - i Ab!..v 111 tt vi (veovT-f.-ii- : Oar Xartrfc aJJraju t.Al timber cir lAftll1 fliSUv..: " ' i ' 'r ' ' F.W,BmuJ'S4 ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS KAYSVILLE to SAN FRANCISCO r- rooi-.'ivo- : 11:-.- - -- i r tjfi'.vr 4 j:- -UjdttlKTLa) VUblw1ii. ma ;i.-- v .. f i Mb. AND UETVRK ' i.'iir, u ' th nhf' t and pirtatn BARNES BANKING CO., Hr or 'i end In; hi ns liy war.' ingtrxi aid AtKuysvhie, Utah, at th close of buslncut r m.i easily judge brought ta a haultat the City hall bj clOHl are Huy 4, IfrM. U town It the the ridvm why. author lea and ordered Including FIVE gate tlciits to the remain there during the eight, where A Son f Mr. 1' iy whollvea on th . tbe people would fold them. They were trave-FAIR. liKSOURCES. tuF.-mi- i wjdj'l i Iiii'i'jf Injured tins pleased to remnlii Ilk gentleman and . 701 64 cart Unnxsuil i a nut road th..- j r M'her does '.vii 9 ail, f fiuin.a tlir week iy It rrpure nj Our firui lr;n'.s: nre. oar eltizeni cent them nnt plenty to sernisufli.it wi 1 tickle their Itching llur Hllifll topple ! iM-rfmr- - toiler Buiiks, 1T,9U. EXCURSION .J.'"1 . I.IW.S4 aitlefy the Inner man and make all ears, they will tire him and get cue iixh uu U mu,uud s Si' ' "1 d s.auuo Ir:il Fltturci, John Uir'nii A t 1 e'Viiif .r.ttdr, Ain- ng tbs e ippUea Fmm ise hi IuiJ San i Franc txixur will. Ism that toother l points P.ip-hut uie a ronld be LmuJ ererythlng ceeeary friin a a liini'e Tula! ikjuUu in California will lie allowed purchasHasnol tb I !mr rum that Is spoken c. A;i froai to make a unjileto hi nek u.i IrmJ good egnsr meal for anyone. jfbythe holy pruplirs. limy have ers of Mid winter Pair tickets ut the LIA1UL1TIES. n you a ways i': wli r v m wain . A night th wealsra wore locked In .rsiisgrresed tb the law. cbsnsel rates. 'ortt rs.nnoiia follow iujj round-tri- p weriastiug PsnUsl IU.MJUlUU Four tr:i!n,' uii'im i.i t mi our ;m c:ty hall and guarda were placed oil t:ui'". lrckn 'lie Siir'ilus Kiuul, 1.50 miles from Tosiatious under (iluiii-ralw KSM7 covenmil. IXiv.tiils , f o!T iv this wri-tor a Jni-an 1 p s' to wit eh over them anises that it.sii.m The pfiiplf are hard at work tend- neiNMits (SavluiM). Ran Francisco, one and one , H5I.7K W 'imt t hi' in at I In eieul.tr tun I. ail went. ,ll. Tiny left ua on tbeir way ing their cr .ps They look very good (Suhiur'i 4.1.301 .03 way fare. 4.5UU.OO, (lertlllrutrs of Hr posit, min iL was u tfrea siiil ui v,a tem sou h jt alMUit 7 a, in. Fidsy. They this ye.ir cmisid ring tli back set they Uudivlilril 1niiUs XSie.60 10 OU . To stations l5u miles or more fiom UiPeln a triln bsfura they hd tn listof March. There came a Plvulsuds llniKild w.ll ill ill. . Total fr.is: hd! It killed all th corn and tajuia San Francisco, one and one-lui- rd linvy un un f.;r one Irfi ir lire Isiya Tirj way. 11. that was out of the ground TiHNiTOHroror tfrAK, jf , J. 3ieffi d, sh nvr e.'ilr I, fare. Uuuirrr un Oavw, a one where tims s'lnrl The Iw ago, had to wliiiii replanted. Ixi tike a III of li e I IH i.'i a v:iu of tlu-j- !oi liTi was kill 'd rv a 1, B. W. Ciehler of the above rmmty weather Is quite dry and lint and it niunpd bunk, do Itamn, For exact rates and full informa-o- n olemnly swear that (br above a ! tnniiiit t in l a 'i:v a if it, a snade and fellow a nuct the makes taieineni lu true tv tbe beat of my kuuwlodfe r If It the rvi mi hiy il.vy sl;r ius U mails id the ryhr t iu:1 of u.aerl 1 Inquire of tf, TliomaKsen, (J. F. and belief. I friend, remain a.- ,in. aseveryonr n n s ifut'siuua 1 E. if. B.irnra, STUSY kiy Le will t TtVktn. bi puili the elllfiS I) til iMill, Agpnhor It. fc. llrown, R. (. W. t). A. William, Cashier. llnSJlr fly (Vdt wltll. Or mgr Hill, AVashlngtcn Co KlorJa me tbiv 13, Aguit, Kaysville, Utah. sworn before ,a and Rulurrlbed Courscfl Complete A IniliiiL' frmn ir.i nl :. ij,i;-;- i riiii.'-- K UM. djyvf May. Or address the undersigned. hi Btadcat aad Taachtr. AU Imlruc. m , TnoMA8H.PiniJ.iPi. or .Vxvil will Mriui li tv a rump'-iMKEH XUfN OF DA VIS CO. TIlOl Um by MIL leal itaaip far Iticii'n Gray, Moiary Public. T. II. Goodmax nhlrpi. C UiUtah mu Itui (J.i'lt a nu !ih r of BOUND TO HAVK SILVEIt IX IT.' AeaHeio Traffic Gen. Man. Gun. Pass. A. OmipoiMn r. jireafnlutlves Ari'oidi'iif lo p:rliearie lelnt; IhimM in tojrii friun & Damvillc, New YCBK. Southern Iaciflc Company, TIMi ving tlie prescut an auspicious Go to IVilliouis for your mens boys e.l tin tdi dnj of thi C'Miuly Iiralf if i he ria,uird th. rinks. aomcthliissub.stan-- t and cliildre.-i'- s huts. San Francisco, Cal. met mi til- l.'tfli int a.d pn pirul h tiine'n n mu r of now nil hr lint. l.il pros-pril- y for sllvei, 1 restoring thereby t.r li ItMiiuon d bv a: ix.it u(l hv the fiil proraui It lyxeiiu was and contentment among the ill early part or June. Th-f- o Wanted, iinl isi rial army Katin. Iry. 'Hie n up Inwiue ('huts wriv ii'jii'f sent oil: people, ronfldenr In our ruler aun 10.000 ml of milk per day at the il eseiliil fur a elorl pmi Kiiysvi'lf. Ho litre vi IV, Tisl, Vw st nu institutions and conferring untold Crcitinvrv. Kayavllli! I Hie on tin reiM inn lii-t lii y SKn S y. tu li'iiini. fni. Win biesslngi nn the human rare, a li.irlnr was : oi-- tl oif. Tn-- y limit w jut lo we any is hereby called to aseeinble In iio I 'lii.i rnim ail I Alma llnlv mu-tiiiioii: niii'Ii i"i.ile here mu ei. I). C. on the 22 id day of Washington, m ,1 of ihu tm. Thor not There uy be Tha K.iysville brn-- a will po to a1 nu a f ill ropr will .t tail jirsont llio M iy, proximo, rompueeil of ri jiresf n alive from the United States South, O.'ileami ,M iy :iP, In imi I)y ami u'liiiuln nf a pner.iiu was doforrid. America and Old Mexico, and Hie Fur. ul ii; ton Uiys will l,iy here. It was u I'.iiiainusly tlceidri) lli.it sht ii'd Ih Mi- n- ly all the end a'l I lie nates thereof, to memorialAe iintiiT'i imi that id I I ne niihl c ee'.isiis nf P lsil a'liiti: wi'l riost) alioriljr dho'rsii rmifit, ehlimiaii the tnur ize t be eongrew of the United State to AT n rhe dia riet is eli irr. of fund. wa viry liiii'tnl for pro; a ration Jer restore eilver to its ancient right at a 14 to 1. exceed net to ratio "v WILLIAMS HALL .I'"''"'" hf sure and oolobrito Menmrl.l l..v ! At (lie hldding of a power that has rlo in fiiim Iksik) war 'idoctial for nt tnie il.i-e- . Tlie fir kill litio mo (Am In all ages, the WEDNESDAY KVE. MAY SO iWt llit? c iic-- rl iocs ihin wo will Imre (ho fun st t nu- we. hrinr.lips of Thi?ti odcls. and ilimiLriit vm It al1 f,,r F.vtrjlody Invited. rumlivd on th .td ir. U t ua d.ijust! have s'.rlckm down the '' gorrruu.eot T"nnU'" l'A " ! " hu.ior lii nobK win, fm:,l,t lM,,,,rsf oneiliaif of tbe metel money, And d IV above t fur in I tiled tu pt'nH hi ito uur ulorlmis ! in Hj-h'liised and partially demonetized the at. inn Mci'iniu hmiwFii'iV niRghll III rf' p nji if Mih It I ml. d.iv May JTiliaf. i o'ldni'K, p. m., m paper currency, comj elh- - tbe people rrribl'ii; iilrmally lo lb' t'X whi'.-l- i :ima LU KIWI pr iunmi; wUl le ar of the U. Stitt to pvy 1 wutf (!! pmmp m aaanu aail at the day. itn fi lib mu at Hi whn1 ii lb., iiu aa any r.v g.'la ; l a Imr i iis'n s .I'lpnJi-.- l tn. in th. past 25 jar4 ! 20. 000, 000. 000, in lii1--and The KtfenMnn of cur midi r. !s rail- which in iy hf l ioa'.ii IiH'i ip t'i- inei iuteresf, principil and ed to the Sprey 1 unip sil if Mr Sp.dri hy vicious laws have burdened the S55.S2 nf Nurt.li W itdhein. Maim;. Tin: last It is prcpie-filrd, ca'li Cliolr will nation with n real ctale morlgage lfglstuture ,rnviu's i hai ail frit! t rees pr'pare at leasl '!ir. c sell'-;- ' Isms, rl.lr r lbt of $.(1,010, 000, 000. and other mu-- t Im dchis aggregating as much mure. and s.irayeJ. Kv ry own r nf ii I'li Tiis, (Jua ti'tt. Huctt nr Trln .i iu mmli iim and flmiro: like admit I,!-to reduce tlie ci untry to a Hugh; fruit tree ii'i t iuii Spray l! t tl leinf I lt H'tmo in he given tu gihf basis, and bis i fTtr. A diuili!e expect the people to Purap fur .V) fen's, sh iiitd iv;t hl nvpfi lint iati-- til i'i the ill! II. i f ii'.sslld . It f ID, OoO, 000, 0i0 n( debt with (fiiXiO i heiki'il. The firm is ili.i h:. Imih1 Mi ll no rii iir n tl-.- CsMiuty 000. 000 In gold, to pay of .n the r iiiiug wi b tl In money; reducing the price r.i1 u ni.t wi'i The tnw artei-- in w, !I wl;h!r was tirif farm, products tb per cent, and re;:', n. ing sunk last work is im.v r mud Med i h r Ch Hr in ) fiom I lied blurs the ower to ACE1F. ROfiDSTFR n. '..iking AVabr was reached 4W f it imlnf ihc ll, .Mum Il.ifiy JVfiviary, ) l,n Mieir py i f j surface jsul with Ihe U Ivr ti (10 (iaarantrcd una u acaata a tys there are fdj, (MU' Tlie e'irht feet hs lnw 111 pipe liu t wl mu. ftK of properly in the United ' AC'IE R5AD RACER LKAGl-depth Is .VO feet. The sinkim: "f this Tt) ALL iiiC'riiLICAt stales. The gold oligarchy has depreu K WOODR well w is watched wii'u mm'ii li.iucvt C'llhS ANi ALL KMFDBLKANS, i at ed properly of tlie nation, 10,0X) its 11 iann the highest gr.imut ilia' crt)usiuni.L ParfrrtllnM pfHta!M..n ' ...Tfoef 11 for CUS In order that as many god Uepub umi ar a a aura. are Involuntarily Idle. tr (laaraulard anj (ij. hie-. ; :tci Uior Is a It lit; wan X wltli :ir far. lias Wrt:(an jnh.t lsrausiis 1 i the nt ilironi t TV.. h ny The i'uy. iiiiiii liii.'hly poi'lblmyatt property inn,-- - . empiejed. i rir U;-irnpfty if John and Win. lfl-- d and ' : Auun.ilPnavoiitiou if ;h Natirnsl ECU i. aiu.-: nut oil ii U im is rapidly being rih ' 1 r. Thitmas II. ThHlifs. u.'.. i lu '. :l amni.unj r Usoub ictsi Larae. at .1 i Helds factories, and mines are oruJfiita utM " ."ihtaa u.. .:.(. (n: i., June 2A livl: ? buy I'i. A. '.be H.a (yra.'jju Vve;ra !I .llwn erer industry is stricken ar llluimiai loA.p n f'.sl i A M MlNiPli Hp a with relined 'gi p.ajiie; st'oug men, Acme Cy A '4. irsn.Ajt MAN OF INFldNnilNi MhiVP s of tJl.ih) hii.e klngl for f. r tl women hshce are and iniin'-cn- t ELU11A l ;.i:.-ireturn. Tiek-- i i:lp) ;u Tniiig in a land of plenty: cur rulers SIF.5T3 A KOURIliT.KIiiiAl W. : ssiiJu!! Jiu I Ai'.ll loJ iiy f'oiinir in luxurious living and As fit eat b mid fiyir vsirlwl rd n ; i LV fr.nzi.d with tneir j.ur'.ali:i; r. He ecuree lst :! iw imrulau'; dp.fi.sl cenwlil t ,) prr.,1 ! J for the psst, tln-- are Inventing iiists.:c H . ; wla, o- lle'rate In tf.e r 'nrshm. siul and bn I ieefbe.1 a new eheniea ef robbery and plunder. w ei.le nf Ltjlon the mrnt- -r ill IVlien i.'r.- - re. Home, Egypt Bud the that a vuffh'.i'n nah.b r will on nek maw a sl.i):tdirtAinHu.., ; to jart'y nsin ni's.jh.p a Velhi-rljiidIV I pled a sj., ;i en" of fh- went ri.iwn l tboct 2 per ! ! ahsvl sa l wiiis: led ibc I'.s'iger 'a. uAiir-.pracMr.-Ilo 2 " th Are we noi frst l asli - Jn Zj Taegfiit!iu.m sieppel.'r-K- i tfe laiN j 'i. i.i ;rs.Dnr,lif me In . .f.wai:;'..i'-es.!i:lyi- o throw hiaiu-..Irt. t irf iVr win I!,, r.gtndiigtothrteaiiiceiidVistlieri'not Jn t i.i sf the i" it iron t lia w.,; that v. ;il p. pn,t .airmihm. leicli'n.l end wmiianl.or-jj ;fdv,l!i. l. fill lutu j i j .: !." viiHMh among tlie people to rail n ad the e S h'.S Keek lipill t lli 1 IkC-t t ..r. ;ve. Concise,' Modern, Practical. :1 I ; l'llr.king, pet hep. II itfV.W wlawoiM i.i r f h:s fu'ii tis Gi t. .i!y. r.i ff.ft ..lsf P.i:U.er.''i'.t'!er e me with s P.vy Ms iH.m.ii i- r hv f'u- - illl, I. i i w vi ; he Tfl?ei: ii.1 e.uirnl lil.i r.u ! -IMfii' oiv l.c.i I! sin vice ef 10. Go. a 1 th:.' oG ' ! .' " "i ssit: i,,ri'-vhteuJ, iu In Hi - r.i: ' U ? 4 i.n hiill Now rendy In two large octavo volume. rrsi.iel Ms b,Mjy s 'a,' niir 'in ms : X, ..fC..iw..sa. !!.:. wp uia v asu nali, - ef mul ul wrilii-rusO f h .id. rlw in a tanihliiig W0 t .v'nt L till fium J'.l I. r i) A.u sii 1 HI Ci:: ; ! "Vmi'uirieii mil tl;iM.i,f t: i !: aivl priv.Vo f - ley. V;;.e 'p. M t !' I.nell.ei inn! the fIhe is ten liiees rui-file ef r it V i lie O r V, j -should ho x usd! o d::,;ni! aT4T i ,4 r in ilup-in.are er.t.iasiatlic l:ts. It biv.mso jprlih- - sieptl vs tllf sbals r !n .fu;. hut f.rn N.i wrlt'en errd fiicli has lung uul deeply fell. Oiuxuk Him, K.,., ;. ,y Uj ,s,., .?: throw n it tn (hi,l"i,pgi;g ihr arm uti.iS nil! he r,il,l.--i i, ai d ;m en IT.rt. .Hjira, Kayiviil.i.P Fop nsents it Is a lionanza. y cempetj!!'. , tli i Oei'sn, vh-r- e iihV.-isiiru:Mj ip, fav.irr g'li-r " ami avgi-n- t tbe rN.ci.i-,ii.f.ir it. W have'a I iliL.NU U .S tfl! 'ials refuiei tn scivi.t It I'OfaahO i f n,f .ir ih.-- ul w!li wliieli insures ipiii-wmrk and Wg results. Flint ap---n n c. hj at 11 in.l dnisslmv Ji l wrot" yos I les'illd- Billfi'ie icd Jltvf W) ( leye, snuther has tsken ei'iere fer 2(hi set in 7 vK1. ,.m gsU-. Tba proper kiit'nT:' hs her spare a frw mjnisuU hi rnui'tv. twok for ten end (lea is the best seller I over .i a i t i v-a This re that the you know hnwili-KIsU- rs wm:l l int bsiry It f ir tli gnat sn.l p iirhdir task. If All tkriM IVP in QPSTQwllowill tbl w- - hut ra l iol'vi'pmy iiil t km it jii of nf si sk dtvipe .ihi and y. uiiiui e, nJLit 10 l pvi f itn terw md c ! s llftill tbe rnnntry art t!irvu. There nrl Tin rsi'wji p.inverM r ti; tore will IwcMwned will: atrr . Teachers and Sfndents who want prrf-f?.'- . to Farming! n 'ir wever and lie nowr twelr SlJere -- travl!Bg tn lni, ujeff..r!s la .X Up order uf the rxecutive ilionil write us. Fer full infermation anil terns, ad !r v owr was finally dp,iitd If a psuperV the South Alabama CuuVre see. . . and m' fan Divio couuty. 17v.. A. C. Fhk. j so Hut every thine Is In rood O. D. DEACH & CO., PUBU5KERC,-2Cu-.ronnl.i. SliefTieM w.ts In Julin M.iinl iy, S35.G5 Ii ni-imnls- - I . ':i : TRIPS ... - h-i-L- one-thir- '. d Cbm-kii- 1 .I, 1 r 1 1 1 '' 1 1 J - f'itr, .ill iotitotmiHfiimtfrft - 1 tViit-Tvil'- ti " e SPECIAL SALE NOW ON AT Hii-auna- 1 t will r-- lrl DANCING SCHOOL e liliittedo-itciviliuitio- - f n,v,w' c g s ridi-arsim n-'- rmvoi tun ri2SB.gJK unni-cearl!- - diw-oan- - ol s r tHvjmzz r 1 $55 1 a ; 2:i.W 'I nr..-:ii- ii tar-klf- Sv-rnti- i , f'-- r aik-n- l . Iri-a- i J:--- a-- e n t - ;- , - f :c e w.-a'l-h. go rl;i-.ni-ii- u v- bliat C -cs ii--- J- r9 i . ' , a r . - ' i t-- ia yr lit nn-tniii- i' . H Fusidiiit ; ie!iiTSw iv f. i T J r' j I J:A fv- - |