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Show nnrmnpiiineninry remarks ns to our added, and the only mvihlc avenue of esruie was over a liigh rail fence to the right. Again shouting, 'Follow nie'.M Grenfel led his horse at the fence, but it was too high to leap. Quick as a flash, und under a terrific tire, he flung himself from the saddle, tore down a panel, aud culled to us to go through. We were quick to olcy und make for our own lines. The colonel's horse wes killed, but when he joined us he wiped his Imld brow and said coolly: "Ah, my lads, that was a devilish iiawsty place!" unci-str- , ' LIBBY Cavalry amt Infantry. We were always more than glad PRISON. Ou thnujlil, lu memory' slorubouto lire today, To mark ui scene ul wr, when blue and Kray, Kach lel by men of yen us ui! runoara. I be nuu-terWbo strove to nail crown Their efforts aitli succc, and with that I tln tliuuiht. trace I be hardship borne by men wbo fuuhl To ouve Ibis But Ion ' lifts us loyal men, Ob tea, or laid Hut In tlm priwni pen. Within ol.l l.ililiy iiloo uv wall. tra falo Would wipe from blatury'n page I bat fonl dark kt tlo W Today thank find ubora tboao walla aria, la huuuty grandly poimiiu tu'ard Ibeaklea. Tbat aaiue obi bar. for wim-- with loyal pride. Tor fmirjuug year they auBered, hoped and no cruol guard I een within, t o raise a ooaarda hand ' alust dying men. Nor la iia dunguou dark. In bub aud prime. Ida men wbo loved tbat dear obi Oar a rrlme In eyea or thorn wbo boa- -t of birth and name, Whoa deeds but publiab to tba world llietr To-da- abailie. Bui yet wltbln old Llbby'a walla we view, Wlih mlinrled joy and iuulns. old and new, The troplibis. prleelesa In tue aigbt of tbtwe Around whose Uvea the past a halo, thrown: We pane, from room lu room, with nolaeleaa trend. Eaeb twitUbfluld like aoma dark phantom seem To fill Usiora our vision Ilka adnata, lievusliut lurma of eomradtsa, wboM laat . Went out Id war'n deep rrlmana tide of death coutraat bow, tba throagi wn iiuest Who erawd tba rooms and corridors, whoso How marked the (ret, life's wild storms to And others, wssry, tired, Backing rest Who pass from spot to spot, where on the floor, fs Burned the name of one, who years beiore Had alept aud dreamed of home and loved onus there. Who now return to mark fiat snot with cam to them In llfB'il"0 tiling year frank (iod A quiet peace undliumed by rare or tear Some Just beginning l, Awerloan Tribune. I'lnra." One peculiarity of all soldiers in that they think their own arm of the service the mint important, ami that it position in Imttle is more dttngor-du-h ami it effect on a contest more decisive than thorns of the other branches. The cavalry in both the Federal and Confederate armies did not noffer from home sickness because of any monotony of their lives. I belonged to John Morgan's command, writes T. II. Uumtell, in the New York Advertiser, and am willing to bear the charge of vanity it may bring on me by asserting that in no place and In no array were there soldiers who were kept more continually on the move or who did more promiscuous bustling than ourselves. In the spring of 1W.2 we were in Central Tennessee, doing our level best to keep the railroads, leading North, in need of repair, and making it unsafe if not impossible to navigate the Cumberland, when we were joined by Captain (ieorge St Iit'gcr Crcnfcl. Grenfel waa an Knglitthinun, who had read in his own country of Morgans exploits, and who determined to coiue out aud join fortunes with him. 1 was still in my teens, but never before or since have I met a more picturesque, during or ideal soldier of fortune than this same t ieorge St Leger Grenfel. lie lmd been in the English. Turkish and Chinese service, and a short time before joining us he had served lu South Africa iu the Capo Mounted Hides. lie was captured on our raid into Ohio, got mixed up in the Fort lhiuglus conspiracy at Chicago in ltMU, was tried and sentenced to the Hry Tortngas for life and was drowned while trying to c sea pc after the war. lining a trained soldier, in the prime of life, about 40, and fnll of dash and energy, Geueral Morgan then a colonel commanding a brigade was glad to meet him, and appointed liim With a full his adjutant general. brard, of medium height, gray-eyestrong as a bull aud alert as a tiger. Colonel Grenfel soon mode his presence felt in our brigade. His conspicuous courage and seeming indifference to dungermade him a favorite with the troopers. In August, September and Oetuier, IfiS?, we were back with llrngg in Kentucky, where we hoped we should remain, but found it too hot to do ms We Kentuckians were sent here, there and everywhere, so that some did not hare a chance to visit their wo were In early friend ordered North to threaten Covington and make things as unpleasant as possible for the Yankees along the Ohio. On the way we struck Cynthiana. between Lexington and Covington, anil here, to our surprise, we backed up against a lot of Union Kentuckians under the command of General Landrum, The rattle of musketry always transformed the iinNiKive colonel into a demon, and the roar of artillery intoxicated him, but he never lost his head. I was standing, bridle in blind, near the colouel. when tmr advance came clattering back, reporting Yankees On the in front till you cant rest!" instant. Colonel Grenfel leaped into the saddle and shunted: 'Mount men. ami follow nie!" 1 uiicyed him, supposing the hundreds of men about would follow our example, but a backward glnncc as we neared the enemys riltc pits showed there were less than fifty riders in the charge. We jumped the pits and broke up the men iu blue, but they quickly rallied and formed behind ns. We dashed un, hat it was to find a stronger line in reserve and artillery to the A ItevllUh Kawsty raw-bone- il, d, left. The enemy waa shouting fine-looki- Thu WcuniiMfh'a Lom At 7:30 the Teeumseli was well up with the fort having the Tennessee ou the port beam. The monitor's guns had been loaded with steel shot and sixty pounds of powder, which at that time was the heaviest that bail been Craven knew thut the attempted. eyea of all the fleet were upon him. It was Ilia great opportunity, and Ilia chivalrous nature yearned for a fair triul of strength with the formidable ram and her fuiuotis commander. The fire of the fort was scarcely noticed as the monitor steamed toward her adversary, drawing ahead of the Brooklyn, the other monitors following Craven closely. As they drew near the buoy Craven, fnun the pilot house, saw it bo close in line with tlm beach that lie suiil to his pilot: It is impossible that the admiral means for this vessel to go inside the buoy; I cannot turn my ship. At the same moment the Tennessee, which up to that time had luin to the eastward of the buoy, went ahead to the westward of it, and Craven, either fearing she would elude him or unable to restrain his eagerness to commence the combat, gave the order starboard, heading the straight for the ram. Kite had gone hut a few yards, with nil hands awaiting tlio onler to tire, wlicii one or more torpedoes exploded under her. She lurched from side to side, careened violently over, anil went down, bows first, her screw plainly visible in the air for a moment to all on the Tennessee, who awaited her onset, less than 00 yards off, on the other side of the fatal line. The monitor sank beneath the sit r race, carrying within her iron walls Craven and 120 men, helplessly imprisoned. Hud the course of the monitor been directed thirty feet more to the eastward, Hho would hHve escaped the danger. lilue and Gray. Wlg-Wng. In ISM, General Sherman, then retired, visited a military jKsit and was present while the class was at signal drill. The instrnetion was with the heliogruph un instrument invented since the civil war. The general seemed interested, but affected not to understand its use. nn.l wante 1 it explained, at the sain time he stool so us to carefully intercept with his per-so- n the suit's ruy from the mirror, so the signaliif- - censed, tin on tvitli your work, lsys! Sin't stop for I me. Im a Imck niiiiib.r!" culled the We cant, general. You gi'ueral. arc cutting off the light," replied the The general operutor at the screen. jumped lock qitieklr. alogixing us he did so: "Yes, yes, the world is marching on anil wo old men have ha I our duy and are struggling behind, j Why, in my time we did this sort of thing by shaking tings, and we culled Then he laughed and it j wulketl awuy across the green parade. surren- Argonaut. i . wig-wng- and but for her good sense many Oi : the children would havo died. Sha all tho scraps uf food regathered WORK ITS DESTRUCTIVE ON maining in the pails and apportioned THE WESTERN PLAINS it among the party, tho little ones receiving most. Fuel gangs were made up by the larger buys and the Trrrilil Suffering of Itmh Msi sheet-irostove was kept red hot. ' Snow llisi t lalmy HunThe children slept around the stove B Woiuaa's dred of tliilii-silLifo A llravo but tho teacher did not The second j day the littio ones grew weary and i hungry, but she sang songs, told The great revival of and had marching exercises. was stories In the West in the early The coal gave out and she had part losses some fearful accompanied by of the desks burned. When the by reason of storms. Many Kansas sled drew she aud Nebraska farmers purchased turned over her up to thealldoor Welcharges lurge flocks of sheep from New Mex- land fainted- .She wears a gold watch ico with no adoquate provision for this year the present from the tlioir comfort district The impression was that The West Is getting 1 letter pretbo animals would hustle" for for the severities of Korean pared themselves, and if they were given climate. The day when a man a shod 0Min on three because of limited means, ol capable, sidus to the wuather. It was considonly 100 sheep or twenty ered ample shelter. Many a flock handling head of cattle, undertook to manage had nothing but a wall of sod fence on his claim 1,000 is past The big six feet high on tho north side of the barns of are being 1onnsylvania corral to teuiier the wind The on the prairies, and alwell known tendency of sheep to pile duplicated has been at the cost of on top of one another to keep warm though it was rcMHnsible for some mounds of fearful Buffering and immense moneloss the lesson it pays to give frozen creatures that might almost tary animals good, care baa been brute rival the weird tains of Action. In learned There has by most farmers. 1K83 a flock of 10,u00, wintered on been loarned, too, the lesson of proalmost the Smoky Hill, entirely for winter feeding, and the in one ol the January bliz- vision man who contends that cattla or The poor creatures being tozard can forage on the dried up sheep on so the huddled , gether prairie, of the prairies has few folclose to one another that the ones in grasses The homes are being built lower tho under ranks were crushed by the There are comparatively bolter. weight ol those above. The upper ones were frozen, and the shepherd few families wbo now have to keep warm by liras of buffalo chips, as did found in the morning simply a pile au early pioneer. many of woolly carcasses, where there had The emigrant is the one who get boon tho night before a flock of the worst of it now, but few of these bleating eheepi are on the road in winter. Still, Heavy snows are necessarily fatal wagon to the flocks, as many an investor occasionally a plods through the storm and is buffound to hia sorrow, says a feted by blizzard blast correspondent. The gentle After everypiercing such storm comes teleunable to creatures, paw away the graphic reports of loss of life among snow to get the dead grass beneath, stand and starve and freeze with no these wandering familie chance of rescua Even in the A Wonderful KnglUh CnaaL yards such an event as a The citlea of Woraley and St heavy snowfall, of say eighteen inches, causes great loss. The more Helona. In North England, are sixr halted the place the loss drifted the teen miles apart, yet they are consnow, and the dazed sheep lose all nected by the most wonderful canal hope and desire for life apparently. in the world. A tunnel has been cut This is particularly true of the through the great voin of coal which underlies the whole ot Lancashire, morino and other families, and many a flock imported from and this, fillod with water from the Ohio and New York to the prairie drainage tranches of that great of mines, makes a remarkable sheep ranches was almost wiped out In a single storm. underground canal, in which the A diflaront form of danger attacks water is constantly five foot deep. the cattle herds of the more hilly This canal is provided with a regular It is that of drifting." system of canal boats, which are region When the storm comes up. unless in constantly moving thousands of tons a shattered location, large bodies of of the bituminous fuel between the cattlo will will drift with the wind. two cities. In a section where there are precipiFROM OVER THE WATER. tous bluffs, ravines and cliffs It will sometimes happen that a herd will Country roads in China are not drift toward tho edge of these, aud bounded by fence can bewildered the nothing prevent Ily a recent onler tbe minimum animals from tumbling over in sn abandonod heap to suffer and strug- standard of height for recruits to the foot guards has been fixed at gle and dla During some of the English great blizzards that have raged along five feet nine inche The original concession for the tho foothills of the liocklee the most railway was obtained by pitiful of sights havo met the of a native it was built by Jerusalem, when had the storm eye pasted by. Two hundred or 300 cafuo "pushed a French company, while the engines and carriages, manufactured in tbe off a steep cliff by the terrible, unmerciful north wind, frozen, maimed I nited States, run over rails made in and crushed, makes a picture not to Itelgium, and the most remunerative Ini forgotten. part of the passenger truflio is driiwn Tho settlers themselves are by no from liritish tourist One of the surgeons sent abroad by means coinfortablo when tho blizzard Even as firjjouth. the United States to inspect intending shows Its teeth. as the plains of Kansas the thin cabin emigrants at European ports says tbat walls are bat poor protection, and the knowledge of such inspection by tho long journeys necessary in order the United States made the steamship to procure supplies from tho settlecompanies extremely careful as to the ment storo oftentimes prove fatal sort of steerage passengers they acIt Is almost impossible to drive. The cepted. lie inspected 15,000 passenhorses rnuMt take tlioir own path gers and detained but two. aud small wonder is it If they go The most important railway now wrong. A liveryman of a Western being built in South America runs Knnsas county scat relates a striking from Carthagena, Colombia, to the incident of what a little presonce or town of Calemai:, on the Magdalena mind and seeming eruelty did in river, which is the main artery of commerce for that republic, a distance of saving a lifo. mile sixty-fiv- e 1 was called out lato one It is being connight to structed by American capitalist drive a woman and a baby just arrived on the evening train from the Kant to tho cabin of the husband and MONOLOGUE AND DIALOGUE. miles away. It father, twenty-fiv- e She I don't believe you ever fell in looked like a storm, but the woman insisted on going, and we started. love. He Probably not; but I've Before midnight the blizzard was tripped on it several time Did you advise Howler to cultivate uNn ua I could scarcely nee tho llraal-Drifti- t4 ng : n ! B( hhocit-raisin- g ') res-cure- rs - to see the cavalry around, and have them along, especially in the front and on the flanks, and on picket around our camp of nights, and 1 have seen the time, in a tight place, when 1 could have kissed the very skirts of their saddles; still, there never was that close, mutual intimacy existing between an infantry regiment and a cavalry regiment as between infantry regiments. The latter pulled along the line of innrcli on foot together, camped together and in battle fought shoulder to shoulder together, through all the battle shared a common danger and faced a common foe; while cavalry was transitory, passed us on the line of inarrli. splashed mud upon us, end galloped on. Also, the cavalry camp was always away off somewhere to itself, and in a battle they would get In tlielr work end light out to some other part of the line or the field end leave the infantry to settle it They could not stay with us. Then, again, we wore not well acquainted with cavalrymen; seldom knew who they were when we saw them, aud were often no wiser by asking them who they wore. 1 remember one day oa the march to the sea we were ordered to open ranks and let Kilpatrick's cavalry through to the front in a liurry. We obeyed orders, of course, aud strung along each side of the pike, giving them the center, and they went through 1 remember noticing one regiment in particular. From the men end beautiful bay horsea I took them to be Illinolsians. Anyhow, 1 felt proud of them, and was anxious to know who they were, to ventured I hence speak to a sergeant in one of the companies, inasmuch as we were of equal rank, I having the same nnmher of stripes on Sermy urin as he had, and said, geant, what regiment lathis?" lie replied, Company Q, Independent North Carolina Tali Heels." I felt that if my gun had lmen loaded I would ham damped liim right then anil there, as Tur Heels were among the game we were after flown there at that time. The boys all langhed at this and thought it was smart I cite this incident us one of many such to show how easy it was to find out wlmt regiment it was not National Tribune. 1 TIIE DREADED VAA'l J.D pop-jla- straw-covere- r d per-isho- d wtyito-covera- d A -- liud.ril Ilrar-r- . In the crusade luuzi.rud murlf Half a n u tUtJ SgO agfciUSl Ik lrufviuDl Quill SBC of ld er Mmiiuh Itii vi IumjI of mi'iiu-ius kiiii.tUiil b. an-r- . It vjrlnri' im-- di kn Mill'll ulli tune tlrl SMviljr I'Mird M 'Jil t ra6. that Hit- piH'bUu jiliikMpliy wuii-failin'. proicdiiauMi'-IiBliuii Baiii'lloiird t!ir if uiiU'Ul round: Minn the t'- -r miiiiiid none, wtiiih lM down -uualtrrable ran lluud Kilim:, tiulrui urKtiuu. the use of eiiulu'eaud the iLil'luruii'lil ol curm iu simple of ie and cumoliinr poi-oliter hd tua.arud tuRipjatul. awliihrt the Kuril of uupliilniM.plif. cunlrui va.ike ui Ihvlaa uf hr cienc and of ruiuuinu Hiliuueur, roiiMiIMlkiu and I'kiiUi mil frier. I uuw treated by tlw before they onatiii' pruniiiil yield uiediellluu. X do nsteljr readied old and kidney complaint til urely rou'iaeimbl by tki safe slid really pbllso.kic niiH'U;. iu mil tyeirt, Tk coal dealer sometimes, by mistake, tbe curt driver s weight. Tha lSuflt Han Wsutad. Yes, sir; we want tonic good men, men of flrsl-cjebsraetar and ability to represent Mr. Stephen Jtclnttre i u. Among our repreeniuilvM are many uf the aobltwi and bet awn in Aaierlua, and find d s plen-liparties of tbat ttunp can ala ays Tbat opportunity it our rstabUkknienL Is tbs nay Mr. A K. Juhnsoa, uf the firm of of B. V. Jobnrm d l'n, lilcbinond, V, slated As tbe ease In reference to their adverlltuuurat lu this paper. 0. L Hood Co., Lowell, Mss: Tbs ball sesMia In r i again, sal, sad to For three winters past I have suffered with sar, msuy a tuqu sho guos to a ball get cm a the grip, and It left me all out of fix. I had a bat, beiore It k over. pain la my left side and was troubled with my stomach fur about six launtlu. I had a nreq Tlio kvulatloB of feeling aud I nmld nut work, fur tlie muaelee 1 medicinal agents Is leg would rive out, and 1 woubl bare to alt gradually relegating my rmd nw l did rest. mid down nyguod. NuUiiug e vbc herbs, pills, draughts and vego-tb- l much about Huod's bnnuqmrUl that I deextract to tbs rear and bringing into so I noticed aftor three cided 1 would try a botti general use tha plnuanl aud effective liquid dooee that I was getting heller. I have bow To get tha true taken three bottles, and I laxative, Syrup id Fig remedy see lbl it Is tuanufaelured by the Feel Like a New Man. California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by I get up at t oclock, and eaa plow and walk all leading druggist. bout tha farm all day without Retting wry We saw a bald beaded man la the very last tired. I eaa truthfully say tbat Hoods Bars- but raw, it wu at church, not tbs open. The groom likely to bs s more stable chancier than his muter. partlla brought me out, and I feel like a spring Bhowks Bsoxcuixl Tsoeuss1 are ehleken. I have advised several of my frienda widely knows is as admirable remedy for to try Hoods garsaierilla, and several have hM done them good." ttrooehltle, liusrsenese. Coughs, sod Throat done so and say that ItWeston, Missouri. STsnutif Mcuraiaa, trouble bold imy in bum. Bvar curs Ills, eonitlpettoa, Hoods Fills Some people are so constituted that they biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion, would kick at s foot ball match. glTM m Like a New Man th Result Taking Hoods Sarsaparilla 1 HoodsCures 1 Globe-Domocr- at short-legge- d sye-te- m 9&t&DDDDDDtDiCD!tDD9 9 9 9 Your 9 9 9 9 9 Blood 9 Is the 9 part your the is to.which the 99 are in the 9 realize vital it Keep It Pure Hearts most important of complaints due to impurities is to how y; hia voice?" Ye" Oh. mercy! What A rain producing machine. for? At the Concert That sounds like Annie Laurie' she is singing." Well, How can yon be so rare? it isnt Hecanse it wouldn't sound like it if it were." organism. Three-fourtsystem subject You can therefore hs blood. For which nothing equals 8. S. 8. It effectually removes all impurities, cleanses the blood thoroughly and builds up the general health. ur S SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlaoti, 6a. 9 9 COLCHESTER SPADING BOOT. 1ST IN MARKKT. BEST IN KIT. BEST IN WKABCra QUALITY. The outer nr tan sola tli wliule length down to the lieel, pru tooling the bout In digging uitd in other hard 3 Je work. ASK YOUR DKALEB ir-l-i-s VUH THEM !pa and don't lie put off with Inferior foods. COLCHESTER KCBBKll CO. ' Ehfs Cream Balm WILL CUBE CATARRH Four Blocks from the Union Depot Clesuest, Xesluit. Most Ifoiqiivfshle and lluh-- l for the Muury. JRtttea to Hctiilmht of Cola. $2 a Dug. Uiiiin InlotNurtimMtTlI. ApHy ta.fWtUYA aMWimufUiX W. L. Frieiijf Regard is never entertained by the children for a med- that icine tastes bad. This explains - horses, and every minute expected thut tho wagon would be overturned. It grew bitter cold, and by morning the woman, who was not too thickly dressed, began to suffer. 1 saw that unless something heroic was done she might die or bo badly hurt Tho We wore baby was warm enough. making but slow progress and no house was in sight I pretended that something had broken and asked the woman to stop out on the ground. The minute sho alighted I grabbod the child, jumpea in and cried: Good-byoull not see this baby in a hurry!" How she y oiled! I started tho horso and she ran aftor me begging mo not to desert her. For a quarter of a mile she struggled on. Then 1 She was stopped and took her in. rosy with warmth and stood the remainder of the journey well Sho that the scorning acknowledged was desertion for her own 1 know her good, but though husband well and we arc good friends she has never liked me Some brave deeds have boon performed by tho teacher of prairie school, who have In their charge from twenty to City of tho settlers' children, ranging from A to lM years of age. When a blizzard comes down un the plain, as it often does, almost out of a clear sky, the school is often caught in session, ' The pupils fool tho building quiver, the air is whij with flying particles, of snow and ice. racing in level lines from north to south and they are prisoners. A Nebraska girl, a teacher in country school, was. with her pupils. Imprisoned (or twu days last year, of HAT, XlgrM Knur, Colo. TIIIS JS FOR YOU. Just whstemy lsdy hst wished for hnnilrrds of time Yoacin esru Uuw weekly doing fight workfor s. If you un spsrs lint two bounesi'bdsy. This offer 1 hons lid and will hesr fnwstigsilon. Aridn-MISS COOFEU, SU Bsrrlty Block, Colu. LADY, s the populalittle ones of rity among Scotts Emulsion, Old Lawyer It wont pay yon to try to collect that debt Young Law-le a preparation of cod-livyer But it is valid, and the debtor Old Lawyer. But the oil almost as pa atable as wealthy; creditor has nothing. milk. Many mothers have Your thermometer marks ten deateful knowledge of its grees colder than Smith's docs, jnst nefits to weak, sickly account Can street. across the yon for St?" Yen; my wife asked me if children. her new bonnet was becoming, and I told her no." W.LUOIT.LAHKlMfOIS equals cuhinm work, rnMing from why do yon Gladys," said Amy, tn $s beet value lur iht money CHNHlv $4 have all those paper snakes hanging in the wurld. Name and nruv I.vcnr white AffELT. a around the parlor?" Its a sttinped on the bottom. pair warranted. Take noulti-- i ribbon test, answered Gladys; "any local for See fill papers f .aklcsi,' description of our cnttiplcir young man who can act at home tine ladies and for LJiiiWotji gen. among all those snakes is pretty sure tlvmen or send fr WLDoimCqeirrrifffd C Qfahnt to be a temperance chap. i pivinc Miss Mugglcs 1 dont like Dr. Penstnirtiona how or- In Miss not? bit. Mugges Why ny save a mail. Pxfirf free. Yma can git the beat know he was irrhv Miss Mngglea-Yo-u aartraina of deelmi who pttah our ahoea. called in when I was sick and then he began to call regularly. After I refused hitn he itemized each of those Ths v sower h.ti no calls in his bill as professional visit' .. second pIihiu-o- . If "Y you would ui llrt sis .This purrot, ma'am," said the ' terd, bo sura mid sinrt with ' dealer, is one that I can recommend. of a tlio in was family clergyman It Well, gents, for many years." whatll yon have? Name your pizrn! I Vmrrr exclaimed the parrot, with startling Annul for euntMli the sum sml mlwtanro to was lie obliged part emphasis, tlio forming know. Ltd with it, however," continued the Kvery planter should It. bnvs Kent freo. dealer with an apologetic cough, and AM. Ferry AC. for tins lust year or two it has he.' Setrsit, Mick. longed to tlio alderman from our ward. er rg . in-- , FERRYS SEEDS. ! I I g un rS un VS te pS ue VS up VS Free seeds ...... WHAT VOO OF.T Sli packets Sweet Pess-Ad- nnl Pslslsd Lsdy. Blench Kerry. The Queen, Invincible Scariet, Ixkford's Mixed. Two parksts Nastunium Tall Mixed, Dwelt Mixed. One packet Marguerite Canutinn Best hal'an. Mixed Coke Oat each of S-- rel Alyuun, Puppy, Petunia, Phlox. m Morning Glory, Veiten Pansy. Candytuft. Calendula. Mig-t- e One packet each Cucuai-- V n iMinttle. bar. Letiue Hadish. Musknckm. Waienaelo Tuauto. HOW TO OET THEM Scad fifty CPU !l fur oae years sub-- S scilptloa la The Western dardrn, en Z lllinlrsied Monthly Magasine devoted to ft Amateur Flurictilture. end yoa will nceiva ? tha shoes turned cnl lection of seed free, ft postpaid. Send stamp fur aanpte cupy- - S I 9 Jun uo ra flji The Western Garden, Sixteenth Street, Denver, Colo. V A ftgggggggggygj The Housewifes BEST FRIEND. OIBSIKtfUCH CAN LABEL InIUIM t WASHING BMe REGE1PT la Very TatseMe, HUT IT BE SURPRISED! AND |