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Show Itulllliu huh. HANDWRITING EXPERTS. pointment? Who, ltcsides herself, was Oue of th-- i queerest denizens of i concerned with the fact that he had laiporelble fur Tva Iriws lu Writs the deep and pne which would very staid away? Similar I uough tu Karapa Detertloo. properly be rolled an ichthyological j He sent me word that he was dellegarding the methods made use wonder, i llni gouraiuis, the famous tained, she said, stilling her annoy- of to determine authorship specialg fish of tno Oriental ance. ists arc naturally reticent Some of seaa Thc-- e fish are very plentiful Nancy smiled, knowlugly. them hare admitted, however, the in the waters of Cochin China, Java, He was. Wheu we were taking the nature of the leading principles Sumatra and Borneo At tho breedsuburban theater train at the Northwhich guide them. The philosophy ing they pair off like birds and, seI A V!" western, he was seeing off a lady who of the mattur rests mainly on the a favorite spot in the grasses, Oh Mav!" as going on the Kt. ltoul flyer. I fact that it is very rare fur two per- lecting build large spherical nests of floating Mr. VUmarth knew he conld not have been out this sons to write hands similar weed and plaster them over with didn't call on yon distance and reached there by that to deceive a careful observer, enough unless mud. The broad, flat fins used in laxt evening!" hour. May, dear perhaps I ought not one is imitating the other. Fiats, thle last operation .are attached to Did Mr. call last to mention it but you really should like faces, have all some special the abdomen nnd arc wholly different know idiosyncrasy, and the imitator has from anything in the fin lino known evening? Go on," said May, In nn even voice. not merely to copy that of someone to naturalists. Tho n feMay Daria, colorWell, their parting was most af- else, but to disguise his own. male gourarals Is six feet long and ing hotly, looked lie'two as t kissed and said: He fectionate. her, up noisy By careful and frequent practice weighs llo pounds. The egg of this And he may succeed well enough to de- queer fish, which uro deposited in bctiunljrirls, their I shall write yon soon, dear. Absolutely shrill voices Huffi- she answered: I shall ceive the Do, KUwin. man, but is rarely the ucst, number from the be most anxious till 1 lu-a-r from you. successful ordinary ng1 through the in balling expert. 800 to 1,000 house, came rushing into the cozy One of our party happened to recog- Even the most skillful culprit caunot little studio where May painted nize the young Ills Dally lady, who was quite wholly hide his individuality, as he placquea and panels, and pastel por- pretty. He says she is a gay, wealthy is sure to relapso into his ordinary When the boarder came down to traits. young widow named Mrs. Yastine, and method occasionally. Then, again, breakfast be was us ugly as if he No," she replied quietly, Why?" that she lives in St. lauL I told yon great care lias to he used, and this had been hnving a Waulifiil time all Gertie Davis, and her particular all along, dear May, that I distrusted can be detected by tho traces of night, and he found fault with everyfriend, Katie Lyons, exchanged sol- Mr. Wilmarth. 1 feci so grieved for hesitancy, the substitution of curves thing, bat particularly the bread, inemnly significant glances. after all tlie attention he haa for angles, and vice versa, which lie scolded about thut to such an exyou, imWe knew, went on Gertie, last the at tent come that out writlandlady very plainly when the paid you. 1U pressively, that he had asked perOh, don't waste yonr sympathy! ing Is examined under the micromission to call on you last evening. said May, care to I don't hear anything looking straight into her scope, as it usually is by the expert , We know hedid not And we know," friend's A plan of detection which has more about that he said, with a serene smile. eyes to want I and dropping her voice till it sounded you been to success with it is drop There is no necessity whatever tor adopted great lie glowered at her. really sepulchral, why he broke his condolence, I assure you. And Ido cut out each letter in a doubtful It will knouk a hole in the floor appointment not wish to hurry you, dear, or to seam piece of writing, nnd past all the That 1 shall also know in good rnde, bnt this panel is an order, and I Ae, Be, &o., on separate sheets of if I do," he retorted, nnd she loft the time," said May, somewhat frostily. am rather rushed to get it finished by paper. The process is also gone table. I had a telegram from Mr. Wilmarth the date mentioned." Snmrthln Surprising. through with a genuine hit of calliROYAL BAKINO POWDER CO, ia6 WALL ST., NA last evening. Oh!" murmured taken graphy of the Imitator or the imiYes, I want a new play, Xaney, Manager She remembered, liovreqer, that the aback, if that is the be. as case the Comparitated, feel may way you but 1 want something norel, somedispatch had said simply: son almost invariably shows that the about my kindness startling, something never thing rardon my absence. Am unavoidAnd, in a very bad humor indeed, letters are less uniform if Imitation soon or heard of before." Th potato I said lo b deteriorating, but detained. Wnna n Who Wear Trousers . has been attempted, tho writer being ably she departed. Author I've got it; just the thing. It made many a mash In lu better days I think I'll go home," ventured woman wear some In into Canada 10,000 apperhapa The young artist went back to her occasionally betrayed The plot load up to a traiu robbery. Irouaer during tba winter of course with The small boy may fail la other things, but Katie, a little nervously. 'Terhaps hollyhocks. She thonght them proach to his ordinary caligraphy, Nothing now about that uglier or Ilia skirt. In till country Ihe popularity of you can upon It I be re ia one thing ha we would not of what rather hear into momentary forgetfulness May than ever. She deliberately lifted her Yes, thero la The passengers the masculine garment I growing with re- will always et lo a show la time. some In handwritnow the nr and trouser Th markable point special cirwith man a few one and rapidity. and smash the blender, rise a swift, a lamps lo Tha Road PubBend two bare been fur years In use for horseback ridMay, holding a palette and sheaf of cular strokes merged the varied, bril- ing he is simulating. robbers. ing. The fencing eualume, alao truuaai, lishing Co., Denver, Cola, nnd get n sample No point la too small to escape an brushes, deliberately turned around liant tints in one indistinguishable am worn witliou'. llie skirt, nnd In gymnasi- copy of The Rond and one of tiaeir grant Engmm to face the speaker. KIctrlrfttjr luougtvltj. um of the fashionable boarding aohnola fur lish Octopus map free. daub. All at once she laid aside expert's attention, says Chambers has who A physician Tell all you have come to announce. the just died si the sge of young ladle trouaera an worn exclusively brashes, rest stick, and, lean- Journal. The dotting of is, flourpalette, t There somelblug won than bad about before his 107 known mads death the nnd with excellent effect nod comfort. In of the curls and Katie, she advised, quietly. of hie longevity. All he did in order to reach Europe fur tha last two year Turkish trous- the man that aom woman doesnt lot. ing her head on her hands, hurst into crossingthe te, 23. the Davis liotween of was a intervals ishes, May pretty girl tears. that age wse to place Ids bed so that It aluud er are worn by fashionable women torellnib-In- g DKNYKH REkT I.AI'NDHT HOAP. Her face in repose had a gravity words, the thinness of the uMtroke north and couth, in the direction of the great the mountains. The lame are worn In Well-horPICoff, attracticomfortably thickness of the downstroke, magnetic current!. It haa been remarked lbs Hootch Highland by English women. Cnexcelled In quality. A HEAYTlKl'L the and which made her appear older than she ve, accomplished, she had had many are all nolod and carefully compared. that the flow of eleelrie currents le more in- Tba bathing dies show marked sign of TURE free upun receipt of 2S wrap; era. was, but when her seriousness broke admirers, tense in a northerly direction during the night but not one had touched her Where (isYssKiTi tkiar Co., Derrer. the general movement At the in smiles she looked bewitchingly gay only a signature haa been than the day. In eonilderlng the favorable following French resort llie meat fatblonnble ladle she met Edwin Wilmarth. heart until who The tracso means current of of the often exierluienled appear with the effecta geia Into clover think th g pig and youthful. Her wavy brown hair Her cheeks now burned with shame as forged, and that by bathing nulla from the original, the resem- on, It hat become evident that by turning with knee trousers, leaving the skirta off en- ward mightier ban lb pro she wore parted, and brushed simply she recollected she hud ings given him ber blance it often so exact as to deceive the head toward the north, or rather slightly tirely. llansoa's Mama L'ara Halva." back from a fair, smooth brow, ller love toward the east, you are under the beet conWarranted In .rare, or auicav rataatat- - Asa had not hia man- even the but unasked; in IS rout, but author, roardruMfMta-na sincere eyes were gray, shadowed by ner toward her been that of the most ditions for sound sleep. The Influence of supposed No language can express the feeling of a cases the microscope is gen- the magnetic current on the human body was deaf those long, dark lashes. a dark who on la lack The beat a mute English pound we know of le step In 17B5 a Dr. L'larlck at eager lover? effective Jn determining not proved long ago, and Well, began Miss Lyons, who was twenty shill. nga. to eure the toothache hy turn- room. used The afternoon light faded. She erally the Uottengen forgery but the method ing to tiie north the face of the person oa at the angular age of 14, you know heard the street door open. Her father merely and touching the that great brick bnilding, the Lang-ha- must have come home. She would by which it was accomplished. It is whom we wee operating that the cun- aching tooth with ihe south pole of a magapartment house, which is just hardly have time to dress for dinner. some comfort to knowovnrmatchod netic bar. If, In order to live to old age, It la of the forger is by sufficient across the street from our place?" to sleep from north to south, it Is She dropped her brushes into a ean of ning exskill of scientific the trained the on. went worth while to ehssge the position of one's May nodded, and Katie rose listlessly. There and de Mill, turpentine, bed. Journal Well, last evening, Gertie and I was a step in the hall without. A tall pert over was Gertie know Rasslaa you staying 1rlare. She , form darkened the door-way- . Woman' hand nay be pale and delicate, night with me were dressing for The title of prince in Kussia la so but sue eaa pick uy a hotter plate than Wilmarth. Edwin see to turned class social in our room, when we got common that it has little signifiif will I wonder me, yon forgive to talking about you and Mr. Wil- Mias he said, coming forward, cance. The bearers of the d is ti nomarth. Gertie was saying how much hat inDavis, more fur hand, yonr re- tion, says a foreign journal, are he seemed to think of you, and how treat. The servant invading of the me I should numerous than the wearer told often he came to see you, and and find of honor in a French cafe, or you here. I owe you an explana- legion All at once she w colonels in the Kouthern state of everything. failas an for aa tion well my apology dressed and leaning against the winTho truth of this stateure to keep my appointment last even- America. dow. waiting for me, she said: ment is illustrated in a report in the ing." of tho military gazette, Why, there he is! burst in GerShe did not answer him. In a kind last edition Kuski Invalid. It records the death tie, unwilling that her friend should of a dream for waited she the longer monopolize the relation of their tion. She wonderei faintly ifexplana- of thirteen officers of the militia, of people whom nine were And there sensation in a nutshell. In tho AW MMsKWrlt princea for order blank. iHI. Ih were to keep forever coming up those VKK TKNT A AWNING U.; nm, itok. says the journal above stairs to talk about a mere absurd ap- Caucasus, owner of a largo referred to, every pointment that had been broken. flock of sheep calls himself a prince $20 TEAM HARNESS One who Is very dear to me, went Wllh Hrerrhliig, All of these sheep princes are adon Wilmarth, whom I had not seen dressed as former prlra tu the samo as for set, with for yearn, owing to my long absence tho sons of highness, tho oldost princely famprivilege of examination hrfnrr payin Europe, chanced to be in the city ilies ing for aaiee.lf not yesterday. She was leaving for bar sat iafartniy mlare "When one of these sheep owners home last evening. I knew you would at my eapeiue. goes to foreign countries ho places . II. SILMIR, pardon me, if I took the liberty of the title of prince on his card, and lint Iiariinar ML, wiring yon my regrets. I went to the plays a certain part in uninitiated Iikmvkm, (ha Langham where she was staying circles. The same thing ia true of E. E. BURLINGAMES with a friend. Site so much wished to tho many representatives in Russia make yonr acquaintance. I'm afraid " of the Tartar families. princely with a boyish laugh, I had raved sf Many ancient fariillins, such as tho And Chemical labamtory, deal." a you good IKaTABuaaia MS. Narysehkin, Wajcwoloshki, etc., cn come bock to warmth the felt Jewelers sell J'li.idigrsphnr, read year May titlod to the prefix, princo, bofore wauls aaS weeps rontalaiaq gold aad allvar far ber heart with a rush. treatment. Prompt returns and highest cash their names.docline to uso it for foar Who who is she?" she asked, in a of for and direr bullion. Addraai gold paid price being confounded with these ap liW aud ltd Lawrence 8t. Dearer. Uutorad voice that to her sounded far away. of parent Representatives princea COSFIDEXTLT. MOST Did I not tell yon? IIow stupid of thorn families are content with tho I could see him quite plainly mel She is my only sister a widow. use of the a KlHBKK ightly lighted room of the Her name is Yastine Cynthia Yastine. DKNTAL HUP. a 1 were and And as Katie A MOTHERS OPINION. It will, perhapa. require a little stretch of oovary. I noneented to her udngit, and It She lives in St. laul. Why what is j.lawMa. 'tim " l'urUa, Dearer. the Imagination m the part of the reader to curtdbar. Khe baa had ao symptoms of eon-fo-r You have been crying. May? wrong, tlie put nix yearn People came into the room, exiption Mrs. L. A. Lyford, Proprietress of raeogutoe tha fact that the two portraits at He had just caught a glimpse of her r the head of this article era of tbs sams in- having this dieoaae can taka no batter BOILERS, HOISTERS claimed Katie, breathlessly. The 116 Turk now from Hollywood," turned dividual and are ENGINES till ; street, sketches truthful face, resolutely OAMOIJNK very sdy.' yettliey truly, KMUINIM, "he And," cried both together, San Francisco, says: "I am absolutely mads from pbofegrrphs, taken only a few , Him, Haitian, the light. riti-e- n months MurDliMiry. HCNUK1I much esteemed kissed her! sport, amazed the at great good Calderwood's a lUlI.i llOF irViLU A, l?lh a M um, Dearer. I spoiled my paneL It is absoof Dlmafif?jU. Ii. Barrie, whose at their Rheumatism Cure did my daughter They stared, round-eyeis Second Avenue, Bock lutely ruined. victim. Fannie. She was afflicted in her feet Island, BL " From the Buckeye State comes tbs follow- LANCSHANS AND MINORCAS prePawing extract from a letThat Is a pity. But, May ia tiiwitiUiiiil6iibiiA. ih piwuiiuu at ImI Is that all? queried May. I was pronounced to have consump mium and ankles with inflammatory rheu- ter written byTjr Harris explains the mar. ing : Yes." lAnvur dhow. Ok( lum; Him Uhl8 fowl, Hnd n seaudal-movekms dunce hg.i personal appraranew. He tion by two of our laast doctors I spent NUU All! repeated the uimICUU pur mil lug. Two wntlugn for HAD I told Cynthia my hopes. Slie is so matism and had to use crutches to get writes: Dr. ,'iens Golden Medical Dis- nearly 83U0, and was no bettor. I concluded J. tu Mi'lNiWKLU I'ruuldunf Amurl-n- a ud fikifJL gers. faintly. sake. What ean I about. My family physician treated covery eaved nv hfs and has made me a to try Ir. Fierce' lob ton Medical Discovery. Lang feudally I5ax 417, Uuavw, Calm Yes. Why shouldn't he kiss her? anxious lor my am I used Myhome;ifcTii-iabottles can for and I for several and I her weeks good but eight the myi bought girl grew write her? That yon care for me at Km Coin. years yet You will remember that I nfr my with truth that I feel just as well OHN HERR, He may be engaged to ber, for all we Pnnlty Asa's, all I love you so! Dear, will yon worse and so 1 sent 85 to the office of fortyjuat between life and death, and all of oral can do just ilid at twenty-five- , I a today know to the contrary. It seems to me LIGHT PLYMOUTH Calderwood's Rheumatism Cure, on my Ir lands wcre-iirBkAHMAS, it waa a earn of death, aa good s day1 work on the farm, although I trust your future in my hands? OCKS and Seabright Bantams. hv yon have been exciting yourselves the eorner of. Market and Fourth until I eomnien- - .1 taking a aerond bottle of had not duns any work fur nevaml years. She lifted to his a radiant face. won honors at Invery Wtrhila end other hlsheel Uoldfff- Mlt) Discovery, when I became Tlruly, your friend, needlessly. bow ho heller Murk In the WasL Write for Most confidently, she whispered. streets, San Francisco, and goon I the waa very much rough Dos Ml, Iirnnir, (Mia We we thought " stammered Gertbkfcqinl . botGertie Davis and Katie Lyons con- messenger came back with three better, blmling from my lungs tie. that he was engaged to you!" ctu. to W ct. cel bad taken nix buttles of fided to each other that May certainly tles of the remedy which she began tappet Msmu Dead Mr. Wilmarth has never honored tba Cy,ine to fend get, Discovery ' my cough Ur. Dulanoy'i address is Campbell, Ohio, M isa Luders using, and before the medicine waa not could hare any HI pride. mao femtik?, and for declared, ready me with a proposal, May she had thrown away her crutches had catarrh in the head tor years sad will buy lNrdur fur tarn I gone after disclaimed responsibility having And now, if A room. MurruaUlu T4atrtai name Art tha lNBvr tints. at toft trouble with atill in that level tone. my lung I novTSidtii't it lk a duty that I owe to You lHlft Milk Hhut, imiirur, Culo. warned May concerning bis treach- and is now sound and well. put no much faith in your ranradtos that C'w ra recommend to them the my fellow-meyou girls have nothing more important - erous conduct. But and I when or one bottle I to A concluded two, Financial Dweaaalon. they try Medics Golden of an HOMK THKATMRKT FOH LA-opbe Diarovery glsd to say to me, I shall derived murk benefit therefrom. I used up KH, I.AHUK HOOK learned that Mr. and Mrs. Wilmarth Can you lend to twenty Ufa wheu dorbrt and all Johnny FVwacail this finish puncl. to Catarrh Dr. of KKKK. AMi bottles three Remedy, l0MrLTATION Sage's portunity failed to do ma tie- gural. were about to pay a visit to the dollar for a few dayai L'AIiYArrKDAHrR. Medical DiscovUOr(lKAIIO VIAVI ( O, Golden the of five almahed, bottles and cheated your sand eiili to yon this letter two of my I Feeling Weary Friend Why don't you pawn your and in hair months I waa myself again. aLO.MM)NKK VIJHif Kl AHAPAIlOE, likKVKS. groom's sister the pretty Kt. Paul photographs; one nken S few works before I ery," JC KT A 1 1 E girls took themselves away. May rose, widow, Mrs. Yastine not one of the wsu-h- Bccbum II a could nut sleep on my toft skto, and now I I lAT waa in taken down and the other lied, from dear them, ohiiid door my keepsake W II O Ji K N A L K id fastened the can eiwp and eat heartily. Bo long ns I have was well. so! taken I was These I told two after I said: to mother and like three with phodont II you part hKITKH. I'rirg IM n no of used on hand bars medicines I e returned to her seat, and stared at your at tbs doctor ; I do not think OkU LarlmurSL Ikmwm My money k a keepsake from my dear tographs srs fsihfuUy d . my bourn in ordw frou. aTaU IiUk:KK k father, and I dont like to part with ll. bead of this srtfa-bhollyhocks on the Yours truly. Out of tho tvlm. without them. NEW AMI RKfVIMlH AND. M r. Harr in's ex Kvldently Goldin the use of either. tiiftiuye. 1L What ugly, sprawling things Write for what yuu aaut. Wa en Medical Dlanrtry" la not an exceptional Mr. De Style Why have you cut -- 1IIAXXAX. inti Ijiwrenre SL were! and only an hour ago she one. , Thousand of eminent people in all lltoW'k i but! of list from e Mra beau-shyour High up ORK RACKR, in juat ax empliatic lhc bad taste to consider them Wr offer One Hundred Dollar reward for parts of tbs work FI. AOM, nr ca-- e of Caiarrh I but cannot be cured hy language, to Us marvelous curative powers Baldwin Co., Ala. did not agaiu take up her acquaintances? Marlow, Fisher, IM4 hlaka. over sU chronic bronchial, throat and lung Mra De Stylo They have lost Ball Catarrh Cure. She only sat there, conscious ws would be If convincing, it nasal diaeama, chronio catarrh, asthma, and could At IlhltT, F. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, cuTumn of tide their monoy. DENVER BIRD STORE easily fill th stnpid way of being aghast at All We, Uie undersigned, bare knowu F. J. kindred diseased. Who says so?" cure of tba aev to letter tbs H-- I. i Bird Eminent Gulden and old Food. b;-( I. tmtifying kinds prwarrilo ofllinl. 1.1 emotion. llie last jyn year, and believe lilm Medical Djecovinir when diseases of the iroat, Immchia and hi nga, No one; but I've learned that she Cheney forhonorable of their dear 111 all liualne a any K lauglitrantuw A L W II (I L admittance? queried perfectly . Joklan Medical Discovery." I. u. GOODS Send for t'aialngae. is giving her daughters a thorough tii ma and fliiHiiclail.v aide lo carry out any ob- ones' lives ar I 'perilled by that dread ini e. To iMiild up iolidjlrik amf rirenpfA after tbs SPORTING Ml- m. Under such SL. Denver. tiilh litre made by their brut. llAtWAItli All. she shows that That in.. education. ligation! shoulders. larisian remedy would grip, pneumonia, (lung fever"), axbausing West dc Tuiii. Wholesale Druggists, Stoner only the wait s. wants them to be Jill A IN. WEI.L AMI be depended uik The following letter ia to fever, and other proalruting duremw, it baa Toledo, O.; Wauu.xu. Kixnax dc Manvix, DKN-l- i sparkling eyes of Nancy New York Woekly. no equal. It doe not innkcof like cod liver i th an euiinrnt an of It it point. plivsicUn Wholesale O. she Toledo, e when Hank Itldg. "sEWKft lllK l u.. ril Dmpgiola. oil aiui its nasty eomiamiKla, but solid, lA,wifrontcd May Hair Catarrh Cun- - la taken Internally, act- Htiimin, Lafay tr 19a, Ark. Ho mys: fifth. an at l- l- than Whol ale lrir door. Goifnunptiun' i hereditary in my wife' ing directly uihui llie blood ami nnicfam nil Ihmlilc ilaniee r flA ('alalimn A complete treatise on Throat, Bronchial, Teel Imonialu rent from family ; some hi re already died with the discried the visitor, fare of . iMficr! 1411 lAriimv s HIKU.KIt. Dmoom-alao ;'itil ; baa a rialcr, Mrs. K. A. and Lnng including Asthma, nr all Druggists Frh-76c. per i embraced her friend, ... token with ootuumidion. and Chronic Nasal Catarrh, and pointing out deary, i no nn Diaruv-rpria- e Khe treatment for three nn Medical of homo Guklen Vi Dr. mean used ancccaaful sumnext the lee to make one of iny on blggeat Probably thing vi of uULUnAUU CDrenl.ru.-i- l Marrh aumlier. XM loveliest theatl he mailed to any nddrea by th will to the mer will lie the price. because and, cry, friend, maladies, fVenin)r hoar, brud for sample eui. HoaML IWna niauy lat Wilmarth permit- - j . lie got well, of par y wife bos also bad bem-- s World's Dwrwniiarr Medical you h'Y Marred tiruwu of hi cents six sinter N. on orrhnroa mid nr Y her DAlirV'O known from rccoiid Bkecham's Fill Buffalo, iin;.ei. proverbially Ada llow are you going to keep ns Wurth Guinea layer DAILli O i'lvm-ia'l-A.i IIAtl.EY. 11thNoted ionUVuid, behold. Mr. Wil Golden Medical Din-- etompu, to pay pretagn. a box" but they are sold iitcd n her u A Mout Ma i,d min setter. 4. him? inurlh at 33 cents a box. fibulncd for Inventor. Hand hook CK a navrraleal Kit "hen Kitty -- I dont know; but Ive put W. N. I, Heaver. Vm. XI. No. SS7-- IS AGENTS MA Y and indignant, free. A. J. O HKIKN. anli- - itor U. lDvtnU?L J Florida water until I hear l' .risc-w,iim:ihiiI When wriilnv to adrerttrere Pto aV hal In An exchange speaks of n him V pie liilh A Lawrence, Denver, the .Yiidlureiitn , ititouMST Ml M 4 Na..u up UBOlplU fKNMAgU town. taking dwUwuwil trouble most the with . Jenlcr. Thu's pie. IKK A lUkiP, OfWU muU, ukl from lorn. Lito. put rm ours tiu ,. irobn ' pest-buildin- Wil-inar- th full-grow- mud-plaster- Pure other powders are cheaper made and ferior, and leave either acid or alkali in the food All hn-ml- a. do-g- set-re- n, elose-flttlii- m T. JACOBS OIL Med Can tf BURNS, BRUISES, SCALDS, CUTS AND WOUNDS. Denver Directory. ASSAY OFFICE m coat-of-arm- SSI ism-You- ig q4ry ad-dr- Ka.f d, - vm papeb a gSlikealir n 1 Al f half-painte- 1T. a ii phd-rian- a rirt-uin- - school-teacher- irAoto-smn- . eL.lh-nrer- e I '""trv jfrxai r h-- Anva-iatia- in-tl- i i d wide-awak- e 4 a U . t |